Pictures when she was still working for a cabaret club
Currently (27)
- 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:36:25.45 ID:e55Tn4PaO
- 別にキャバ嬢でもいいだろ
何がいかんの? - That's fine right? What's wrong about being a cabaret club hostess?
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:44:20.28 ID:cCoYLiJG0
- >>7
Well, they were almost like prostitues back in the day. Strictly speaking, they're still like prostitutes now.
- 424: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 20:10:28.77 ID:2dNgMgDl0
- >>7
But it's wrong for a hostess to be acting like an idol LOLOLOL
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:38:54.08 ID:JAGw8r8sO
- 枕中の写真はないのかよ
こんなのインパクト無いわ - Doesn't she have more scandalous photos like ones right in the middle of an affair?
- This has no impact whatsoever.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:40:07.83 ID:5AE9R2FXO
- 別に元キャバだから何?っう感じ
職業への偏見か? - I don't really care if she's a former hostess. Is it some sort of discrimation towards a type of job?
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:40:48.20 ID:Z+PnQsvk0
- 野呂の仕業だろw
- This must be Noro's doing LOL - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:40:51.58 ID:G/JleYqs0
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:48:45.61 ID:Wtfke7uf0
- >>46
この後、このお笑いの奴見なくなったな - I haven't seen this comedian ever since he did this
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:40:52.61 ID:+WNJLpzK0
- 今もキャバ嬢だろ
何言ってんだ - She's still a hostess now. What are you talking about?
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:43:21.02 ID:46h5REoN0
- >>47
間違えんな - She's a mistress now. Get your facts straight.
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:43:23.80 ID:1gEKBu15T
- 19歳の頃の篠田麻里子
- Mariko Shinoda, 19 y/o
- 238: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:21:59.40 ID:FYUBHftvP
- >>71
左上のともちんでいっつも噴き出す - I always LOL at Tomochin in the upper-left
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:44:50.64 ID:xm5r2nFMT
- 篠田麻里子の握手会
篠田 「しみず君か、しーちゃんって呼んでもいい?」
篠田 「ありがとう。千葉さんってイニシャルがCだね。しーちゃんって呼んでもいい?」
篠田 「これからもよろしくね。”たかはし”だから最後の”し”をとってしーちゃんって呼ぶね!」
篠田 「じゃあー”しのだ”の”し”をとってしーちゃんって呼んじゃおっかな?」
篠田 「しーちゃんだよね?」
篠田 「あ!しーちゃんまた来てくれたんだ。」
ファン3「た か は し です。僕のあだ名覚えてる?」
篠田 「し − ちゃ ん だよね?」
篠田 「しーちゃんのこと私が忘れると思う?」 - At Mariko Shinoda's handshake event
- Fan 1: "Hello, I'm Shimizu, nice to meet you"
- Shinoda: "Shimizu-kun, can I call you Shi-chan?"
- Fan 1: "Yes!"
- Fan 2: "My name is Chiba. I've always been your fan. Of course, even from now!"
- Shinoda: "Thank you. Chiba-san, your initial is C, right? Can I call you Shi-chan?"
- Fan 2: "Of course!"
- Fan 3: "I am Takahashi. I like you the most in AKB. I hope you can remember me"
- Shinoda: "I'll be counting on you! Your name is 'Takahashi' so can I just get the last part and call you "Shi-chan?"
- Fan 3: "Hooray!"
- Fan 4: "I'm Ueda. I'll do my best so you'll remember me! Shinoda-san, you're my one and only!"
- Shinoda: "Then I guess I can get 'Shi' from 'Shinoda' and call you Shi-chan!"
- Fan 4: "Really? Having a nickname for me after you, that's the best!"
- Fan 1: "This is my second time today. Do you remember me?"
- Shinoda: "You're Shi-chan, right?"
- Fan 2: "Who am I?"
- Shinoda: "Oh Shi-chan, you came back!"
- Fan 3: "I'm Takahashi, do you remember my nickname?"
- Shinoda: "It's Shi-chan, right?"
- Fan 4: "You gave my nickname earlier"
- Shinoda: "You think I'll forget about you, Shi-chan?"
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:46:36.03 ID:f3J7SO45O
- >>79
キャバ嬢時代に培ったテクニックだなw - LOL, that must be the technique she developed from being a hostess
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:46:38.87 ID:cCoYLiJG0
- >>79
ファン4はさすがに誰でもしーちゃんになるからダメだろw - LOL, Fan 4's no good. Anyone can just become Shi-chan
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:46:03.02 ID:nR7REGjqO
- そりゃキャバ嬢じゃなきゃやってやれんわ
- You won't be able to withstand that kind of work if you're not a hostess
- 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:47:28.57 ID:+5NudoRy0
- テレビで何度か見たことある程度だけど、雰囲気とかいかにもそれっぽいじゃんね
いかにもキャバとかでNo1してた子とかが言いそう - I've only seen her a number of times on TV, but her aura really seemed like a hostess.
- But I don't think that will be a negative thing with the way AKB is being promoted.
- Didn't she say something like "Surpass me if you want to become popular".
- That's totally like something a No.1 hostess would say
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:47:53.80 ID:8563YdYkO
- 一般人のプリクラ写真かと思えば田舎の芸能事務所所属タレントのの宣材写真みたいじゃん
- I thought the leaked pictures would be something like photo sticker booth ones but this looks like a talent profile picture from a countryside agency
- 251: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:25:52.50 ID:vmZzi/17T
- >>108
実際にこれは4年前くらいの事務所が撮った宣材写真だよ - This is actually a talent profile picture that her agency used 4 years ago
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:52:49.24 ID:HveGeIpI0
- 整形のビフォーアフターも出てるんだから
そっちも取り上げてやれよ - Her before and after pictures were also leaked so report that as well - 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:54:02.10 ID:pq7pYHVH0
- キャバやってたら
握手うまいだろうな - If she was a hostess, then I'd understand that she'd be good at handshakes
- 168: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 17:58:10.57 ID:xm5r2nFMT
- 完全にキャバ嬢
- She's totally a hostess
- 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:03:46.37 ID:7wJdQyC90
- SKEの名誉研究生も元キャバ嬢で、トークとかにその頃の経験が生きてると公言してるから
問題ないだろ。 - Even one of SKE's honorary interns said that she was a former hostess, and that she has been using her experience from that time during talk shows. There's no problem with that.
- 203: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:08:09.24 ID:CZluXp/lO
- キャバ時代に社長と知り合い
これ真実な話 - She met the president when she was still working as a hostess.
- She was persuaded to join AKB and eventually came to Tokyo (with housing and the living allowance as conditions).
- But she wasn't able to make it in time for the AKB auditions, so they let her work at a cafe first, then was suddenly included in the lineup, apparently "due to insistent fan demand".
- Ms. (Anonymous), one of the pioneer AKB members was so angry, she said "I don't understand! I won't accept this!" regarding Shinoda's joining without passing through auditions.
- And that's how Shinoda joined AKB through the back door as batch 1.5
- True story.
- 209: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:10:14.19 ID:N8ugaS/YT
- キャバクラ接待されるAKBオタクの方々
- The otakus being entertained by the AKB hostesses
- 368: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 19:28:18.81 ID:f22843iy0
- >>209
この一番下の男性が好み - The bottom-most man is my type
- 221: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:13:15.23 ID:QVmM/c7B0
- これはAKBに入ってからの写真だよ 初期は少し太ってたし顔が全然違う
- These are pictures after she joined AKB. She was a bit fat then, and her face was totally different
- 227: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:16:27.61 ID:9Hwu7ZVE0
- 篠田に処女性求めてるファンっているの?w
こんなん流出しても何のダメージもなさそうなんだがw - Are there fans who are still wishing that Shinoda is a virgin? LOL I don't think any sort of damage has been done with things like these leaking out
- 232: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:18:54.16 ID:9WIsQycuO
- いちばん篠田の変化を知ってるヤツは
(プロ野球選手)だろ - I guess the person who knows the most about how much Shinoda has changed has to be her highschool batchmate Shiranita (Pro baseball player) - 244: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:24:21.73 ID:JLz9dCz40
- AKBそのものが社会的体裁の良いキャバクラ
- Isn't AKB itself like a cabaret that just has a good social standing?
- 257: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:29:01.94 ID:7Q/Ch/t40
- 目いじってるのか、整形しなくてもいいのに
- So she had her eyes done. She actually didn't have to.
- 311: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 18:50:07.67 ID:CmiZm7xu0
- やはり歳はごまかせんなあw
確実に中年の顔になってるのが良くわかるわwww - She can't hide her age huh LOL
- I can easily tell that she's beginnning to look like a middle-aged person LOL
- 371: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 19:29:09.05 ID:jiHChUvI0
- 悪いが篠田にはまったくそそられない
- Sorry but I don't get aroused at all with Shinoda
- 373: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 19:31:15.20 ID:FqUb+goKO
- ダウトだな
が、篠田ってロングヘアーの方がかわいいんだが - Strikeout. Look at Shinoda's teeth right after her debut. She clearly had a double tooth. I don't know when she had it removed or fixed, but it was normal for her at that time. Which means these pictures were after her debut. But Shinoda looked much cuter with longer hair. - 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 19:32:35.12 ID:Df9waMC20
- これはちょっとかわいい高橋尚子って感じだな
- She looks like a cuter Naoko Takahashi
- 417: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/18(木) 20:07:57.43 ID:2ID0gM270
- 流出写真っていうからキャバで客と記念撮影かと思ったら
カメラマンがちゃんと撮った写真だし何が問題なのかわからない - I expected some sort of commemorative picture with club customers, but these are just solo pictures of her posing for the camera, so I really don't get what the problem here is.
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