14. A.B.C.-Z (34 votes)
13. Tackey and Tsubasa (98 votes)
12. Sexy Zone (148 votes)
11. V6 (160 votes)
10. NEWS (178 votes)
9. Shounentai (182 votes)
8. Hey! Say! JUMP (194 votes)
7. KAT-TUN (285 votes)
6. KinKi Kids (352 votes)
5. Kis-My-Ft2 (581 votes)
4. Kanjani8 (1230 votes)
3. SMAP (1242 votes)
2. TOKIO (1246 votes)
1. Arashi (4005 votes)
It's no surprise that Arashi has been selected as number one. Apart from touring the 5 major dome arenas in Japan, the members have been busy with movies, drama roles and TV appearances.
TOKIO comes in at 2nd place. "The! Tetsuwan! DASH!!" has been running for a good 15 years now, and as they continue to strive and work hard for the show, they must have become great examples for the other groups!
Source: http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130407202736.jpgIt's no surprise that Arashi has been selected as number one. Apart from touring the 5 major dome arenas in Japan, the members have been busy with movies, drama roles and TV appearances.
TOKIO comes in at 2nd place. "The! Tetsuwan! DASH!!" has been running for a good 15 years now, and as they continue to strive and work hard for the show, they must have become great examples for the other groups!
7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:07:02.65 ID:acnGzH990
- TOKIO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>その他なんだが
- Err, it's supposed to be TOKIO>>>>>>>>>>>others
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:09:23.90 ID:OY6rC4ky0
- >>7
だな。TOKIO一択だわ。このグループだけはメチャクチャ好きだ - Exactly, TOKIO's the only choice for me in this one. This is the only group I like
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:07:49.63 ID:sQDetTT40
- TOKIOはアイドルらしくないので好感もてる
- TOKIO don't seem like "Idols" and that's what I like about them
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:08:23.62 ID:1MMbOWwz0
- 男だけどジャニでTOKIOだけは素朴で好きだわ
- I'm a man, and TOKIO seems like the only ones from Johnny's who are natural, and that's why I like them
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:08:57.50 ID:TSA/S63f0
- どういう投票なんだよ
- What kind of poll is this?!
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:09:05.93 ID:HXCUSR5N0
- TOKIO以外は好きな男そんないないだろ
あと岡田君くらいか - I don't think there are a lot of other men there that I like other than TOKIO. Maybe Okada-kun, and that's it.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/pib1303290392/5628719.jpeg - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:09:08.68 ID:Teb6Gx2G0
- キスマイ...?
- Kis-My...?
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:09:31.96 ID:udfTMvHA0
- キスマイキスマイキスマイのCM全員気持ち悪い顔してるな
- Everyone's face gives me the creeps in this Kismykismykismykismy commercial
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:11:25.43 ID:DdBGnkR/0
- >>20
あのシワを寄せたテカテカ唇からなんか出てきそうでなw - Feels like something's gonna come out from those wrinkly but shiny lips LOL
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:10:01.51 ID:cnHCBhThO
- なのにCD売上が芳しくないTOKIO…
- But TOKIO's CD sales are still poor...
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:24:39.04 ID:dUCY9Lhc0
- >>22
バラエティタレントだから - Since they're talents who are more focused on Variety shows
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:10:26.52 ID:+mH6skHZ0
- ほんとに、ABCZなんて答える人いるの?
- Seriously? There are people voting for ABCZ?
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:10:33.89 ID:+3InSp/F0
- TOKIO人気あるんならなぜこんな異端な扱い…歌も売れないし
- If TOKIO is popular then why are they considered like outcasts... Their songs aren't selling well too
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:11:01.69 ID:ePdYZG4nO
- 何で男闘呼組が入って無いんだよ!
- Why the hell isn't "Otokogumi" included!
http://homepage2.nifty.com/riechanmo-chan/otokogumi.JPG -
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:20:05.16 ID:bbzrVG4MO
- >>26
もう、事務所にいるのは岡本健一だけなんだよ…(。´Д⊂) - Kenichi Okamoto is the only one left in that agency you know...(。´Д⊂)
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:11:20.15 ID:nj7/KraJ0
- あえて選ぶならの結果だな
「興味なし」って項目あったらほとんどが選択するだろ - It's the kind of result you'd expect if they had to choose just because they needed to.
- If there was "Not Interested" in the choices then I think most would have picked that.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:11:46.01 ID:eWwk1gwjP
- すでに書かれてるけどTOKIOぐらいだな。理由はジャニっぽくないから。
長瀬はジャニを辞めて本木みたいになればいいのに。 - Most have already said it, but it's only TOKIO that I like here. The reason is that they seem un-Johnny's. Nagase should just quit Johnny's and become like Motoki
http://www.jellyfishcafe.com/files/pp_okuribito.jpg - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:12:49.34 ID:T/b9s2Zn0
- キスマイのキスミントのCMが毎回見てると吐き気を催してくる
アレ考えた奴頭可笑しいだろ、女しかみないTVと違うんだぞ…マジで - Everytime I see Kis-My's Kiss Mint commercial I feel like throwing up. The one who thought about that must be crazy, TV isn't just watched by girls you know... seriously
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:14:13.42 ID:0pkj5Qvo0
- 嵐が1位は変だろ
何故TOKIOより上なんだ? - There's something odd with Arashi being 1st place.
- Why are they above TOKIO?
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:14:16.04 ID:wuz0jAsw0
- 男がキスマイ好きって嘘だろーw
- Men liking Kis-My, no effing way LOL
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:14:48.73 ID:bmM2Tajf0
- TOKIOは国分がいるから嫌だわ
- I don't like TOKIO because of Kokubun
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:15:12.45 ID:8d5RxZkW0
- バラエティに出てる面々は100歩譲るとして、
>Hey! Say! JUMP
>Sexy Zone
どうせなりすました女ヲタだろ。ネットアンケートだし - I'll give the guys appearing on variety shows the benefit of the doubt, but
- >Hey! Say! JUMP
>Sexy Zone
>A.B.C-Z - what kind of guys are supporting the above groups?
- These must be girl otakus pretending to be guys. It's just an internet poll right?
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:15:23.90 ID:8OAUa7Cp0
- キスマイってチョングループだと思ってた
- I thought Kis-My were Korean
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:16:02.73 ID:HokA1Wz30
- 嵐を好きになるきっかけがどこにあるんだ?
TOKIO一択だろ - What in the world would make guys like Arashi?
- TOKIO's the only choice here
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:16:33.76 ID:JfTOlmQr0
- 岡田准一好きだからV6かな?次いでTOKIOか
嵐は多分男受けしないだろう・・・テレビ露出は多くてスマップの次に売りたいのかもだけどね - I like Junichi Okada so it's V6 for me, I guess. Next would be TOKIO. I don't think Arashi is popular among men... The agency might be pushing for them to be the next SMAP by giving them tons of TV appearances
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:16:43.49 ID:bv2mHjwt0
- これってドコモのアンケートって書いてるけど投票者の性別特定できてるのか?
特定していないとすれば女がいっぱい混じってそうだが。 - It says that this is a survey done by DOCOMO, but can they really determine the gender of the voters? If they can't then I believe that there are tons of women mixed in.
- 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:17:23.33 ID:3rPXULHdP
- キスマイとか言うのも酷いけどABCとか言うのは
街の看板見て爆笑してしまった。寒流より酷いw - Kis-My is bad enough, but that ABC group just made me LOL when I saw their billboard in town. They're much worse than the K-groups
http://www.rocketworks.co.jp/pocketworks/files/2012/02/screenshot.1.png - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:18:17.90 ID:1zyfJVE50
- 嵐が好きな男とか見たことねーよw
嵐の番組見てる奴もなw - I don't know a single guy who likes Arashi LOL
- Not even a single person who watches their show LOL
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:19:44.68 ID:yQNTzUAP0
- そもそもジャニタレ好きな男ってホモ以外にいるのか
- But are there even non-gay men out there who like Johnny's Talents?
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:23:42.87 ID:+BaTCinr0
- >>53
背も低いし - I don't even think the gays like these type of guys.
- Even girls don't think of these guys as someone they'd like to marry. They're all short too
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:20:44.59 ID:+3InSp/F0
- キスマイ玉森は黄金伝説でイメージ上がった。
V6が低すぎだな、学校へ行こうは毎回笑い死んだのに。10代メインかな - Kis-My's Tamamori upped his image in "Ougon Densetsu".
- V6 is too low, I enjoyed watching "Gakkou he Ikou" and remeber almost dying watching every episode of that one. The ones who voted must be in their teens
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120608/08/tatetateyokoyokowatarusa/e1/61/j/o0480031612016433751.jpg - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:20:57.85 ID:u999xMkY0
- tokioはジャニーズでも好きだ、ダッシュ村とか
あんま女人気はなさそうだが - I like TOKIO despite being Johnny's talents, because of Dash Village and stuff.
- They don't seem to be too popular with the girls though
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:21:22.99 ID:3rPXULHdP
- TOKIOなんて、おまえ等の同級生の女がジャニーズに夢中になってた頃の親の歳だからな。
- TOKIO are probably the same age as the parents of your girl classmates when they were all addicted to Johnny's
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:23:01.14 ID:1MMbOWwz0
- 忍者は?
- What about Ninja?
http://blog-imgs-21.fc2.com/k/a/i/kaijigg/ninja-00.gif -
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:35:00.90 ID:bbzrVG4MO
- >>62
ジャニーズ事務所のスタッフになった人が何人かおり、遠藤さんが最近社長の運転手になった。 - Some of them became staff members in Johnny's, while Endou-san recently became the president's driver
- 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:23:52.02 ID:B5CFtOhr0
- gooランキングなんかの結果を記事にするなよw
- Don't make an article out of something like goo rankings! LOL
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:25:22.51 ID:9ieAI3Gt0
- アンケート欄から知ってるグループをテキトーにチェックしたっていうのが9割だろ
- I think 90% of the voters just checked group names randomly from the list
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:26:02.93 ID:UHjdQWif0
- 選択肢に「いない」があればブッチギリ1位だろ
- If there was "None" in the choices, it probably got 1st by a landslide
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:27:12.87 ID:HXCUSR5N0
- TOKIO 88%
キンキキッズ 3%
滝沢 2%
リアルにアンケート取ったらこんなもんだろ - TOKIO 88%
- SMAP 7%
- Kinki Kids 3%
- Takizawa 2%
- This is probably what the true results would show
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:27:40.36 ID:NqcShse10
- 嵐、関ジャニ、キスマイが上位にいるのは違和感あるな
男に受ける要素なんて全くないだろ - It certainly feels odd seeing Arashi, Kanjani and Kis-My up top. There are absolutely zero factors leading to men liking them, right?
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:33:19.08 ID:izS31s9jO
- キスマイwふざけた事言ってる暇あんならあのCMなんとかしろよw
- Kis-My LOL
- If you got time saying rubbish then do something about that commercial LOL
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:34:39.89 ID:HNCATZDl0
- 嵐ってデビューからしばらく全然人気なかったのに
不気味すぎる - Arashi wasn't popular at all when they debuted right? Then suddenly, the media started saying "This is gonna be Arashi's year!" a couple of years back, then everyone else started chanting Arashi left and right, and it gave me the creeps. Then before I knew it, they were suddenly being called "Japan's #1 Idol", and no one even doubts that and just goes with the flow. It's really eerie.
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:37:39.27 ID:u999xMkY0
- >>78
今では実際に人気はあるみたいだが - True dat, it just seemed that Arashi was being forced to become popular one day. It does seem though that they've become popular nowadays.
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:41:04.24 ID:+3InSp/F0
- >>78
あれにはテレビにあまり疑問持たなかったぼくでも初めてゴリ押しってものを感じた。 - Even I who almost never doubted TV felt that was kind of forced
- 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:45:32.00 ID:6dd6Zhvb0
- >>78
それを知らないジャニヲタがAKBの握手商法を批判してていつも笑えるwww - Because of poor ticket and CD sales due to their lack of popularity, they had to invite their seniors and other junior from Johnny's as guests in their concerts...
- They even had "handshake passes" (it was random, you wouldn't know who you'd be able to shake hands with) bundled together with the CDs they sold in arenas.
- They really had some troubled times behind them.
- And it really makes me LOL seeing the clueless Johnny Otakus bashing the AKB marketing strategy now
- 139: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 18:08:29.33 ID:cG8uqx0+0
- >>78
あと、ワンピースも元々人気はある部類だったが嵐と近い時期くらいに猛プッシュされ始めて違和感感じた記憶がある - Yeah, it did feel like Arashi were "forced" to become popular and become like national idols.
- It kinda felt like Onepiece, which was popular to begin with, but suddenly got forced into the limelight. It all felt awkward.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:35:50.38 ID:4vumEz9p0
- TOKIOはわかるけど嵐・・・?
から3位という順位はなんか納得。 - I'd understand TOKIO but Arashi...?
- SMAP is like everyone's enemy as they've been the faces of Johnny's for a long time now so I kinda understand why they're only 3rd.
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:37:24.97 ID:dOHYtyrSO
- 適当に選ぶのに、TOKIOに負けるSMAPのオワコンぶりは凄いな。
一番有名でみんな知ってるけど、好きじゃないというネガティブな方向に進んでる。 - Even if all this is just randomly chosen, I can't believe SMAP would lose to TOKIO, it really feels like an end of an era. They're the most popular group and everyone knows them, but it feels like they're heading the wrong direction wherein everyone starts hating them
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/04/07(日) 17:41:34.22 ID:oVs+C7J+O
- これgooランキングだろ
gooランキングは女でもこの手のランキング投票できるから意味ないぞ - This is goo rankings right?
- Even women can vote in these polls so this actually means nothing
2ch source
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