Is it true that the reason why Ryunosuke Kamiki doesn't appear on variety shows is because he's an anime otaku!!?
Kamiki only guests on variety and talk shows when he promotes his movies or dramas. Even when he does, he only makes simple comments. He doesn't even have a personal blog, leaving most of his private life shrouded in mystery. A showbiz insider makes a surprising revelation about this.
"Kamiki-kun's actually a 'hardcore otaku' who loves games and anime. Even when they're filming, all he ever talks about on set are things about anime. But apparently, his agency doesn't like the idea of pinning an 'otaku' image on Kamiki-kun. That's the reason why he doesn't have a blog, and why he isn't aggressively appearing on variety shows. During his rest days, he goes to his local video arcade. He was also addicted to the anime K-ON! a while back. According to his character description in the drama SPEC (TBS), his role Juichi Ninomae also likes K-ON! which reflects his personal taste."
He also voiced the main character in The Princess and the Pilot, which gives him a pretty impressive track record as a voice actor. If Kamiki really is a hardcore otaku, then he must've been really happy with these projects.
Kamiki previously appeared on BOOK's corner "My comic resume" in August of 2011, and he mentioned titles such as Kami nomizo shiru sekai and Baka to test to shoukanjuu which led to a few sectors actually doubting if Kamiki is indeed an otaku.
Kamiki has also lent his voice to several animation projects, starting off with Spirited Away in 2001. He proceeded to do various other animation films which include Howl's Moving Castle, and The Secret World of Arrietty from Studio Ghibli, and even voiced the lead character in 2009's Summer Wars directed by Mamoru Hosoda.
He also voiced the main character in The Princess and the Pilot, which gives him a pretty impressive track record as a voice actor. If Kamiki really is a hardcore otaku, then he must've been really happy with these projects.
- 2: ジャンピングDDT(愛知県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:44:04.04 ID:1i8NxR5y0
- ※ただしお前らと違ってイケメンなので女食いまくり* But he's different from you guys 'coz he's an ikemen and devours all the ladies he wants
- 4: キドクラッチ(鹿児島県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:44:39.12 ID:XimRmSlz0
- >>2むしろ城田に掘られてるActually, he's already been excavated by Shirota
- 46: バーニングハンマー(滋賀県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:04:43.83 ID:cFsgh94y0
- >>2女喰いまくりなのか?男が好きそうなイメージDoes he really devour a lot of girls?
I've always had the impression that he prefers boys.
- 75: ブラディサンデー(庭) 2013/10/16(水) 16:39:19.63 ID:/JnMd2nl0
- >>2桐島部活やめるってよの女の子走り見てホモだと思ったがI actually thought he was gay after seeing how he ran like a girl in Kirishima, Bukatsu yamerutteyo
- 5: チェーン攻撃(広島県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:44:53.70 ID:fxp9NIcm0
- それくらいでオタ扱いなのか。せちがらいな。He's already considered an otaku just because of that? That's so stingy.
- 7: 32文ロケット砲(チベット自治区) 2013/10/16(水) 15:45:09.60 ID:uTdHW4VO0
- ゲーセンってのがまだ救いだなAt least he's just going to video arcade joints
- 8: ウエスタンラリアット(愛知県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:45:35.48 ID:uFZ8u64y0
- 小さい頃はまじで女の子みたいだったのにHe seriously was like a girl when he was small - 9: ドラゴンスープレックス(茸) 2013/10/16(水) 15:46:01.31 ID:6q/kkc3Z0
- まぁ神木ってオタク顔だよなWell, Kamiki does have an otaku-looking face
- 13: グロリア(庭) 2013/10/16(水) 15:46:43.67 ID:nMPoTn7u0
- どこのゲーセンだ!神木きゅんとお話ししたいおWhere's that video arcade!
I want to talk to Kamiki-kyun! - 14: 超竜ボム(東日本) 2013/10/16(水) 15:48:02.15 ID:XPTVo3Gc0
- -
- 42: キングコングラリアット(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/16(水) 16:02:18.35 ID:6ozAkbpSi
- >>14ヤバいトキメキがおさまらないHoly crap.
I can't hold in this throbbing feeling.
- 73: フォーク攻撃(茸) 2013/10/16(水) 16:37:02.03 ID:ngEQgj3w0
- >>14国の宝と言わざるを得んなThere's no choice but to say that he's our national treasure
- 77: ときめきメモリアル(栃木県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:43:00.85 ID:3b5tJplH0
- >>14休日は二丁目の間違いだろThey must've meant "he spends his rest days in ni-chome*"
* (Shinjuku ni-chome; known for its numerous gay bars and clubs)
- 17: チキンウィングフェースロック(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/16(水) 15:49:48.22 ID:WVvbRlJGi
- 本物なら休日だけじゃなく平日もゲーセン行くだろ筐体でマック食ったりベンチで寝てこそオタIf that's true then he should also be going to the arcades even during regular weekdays.
You can only be called an otaku when you eat McBurgers while on the machines and when you sleep on the bench. - 19: ファイナルカット(庭) 2013/10/16(水) 15:49:54.16 ID:Ke6lmi4e0
- もう神木きゅんじゃない神木さんだ須賀健太きゅんもおっさんになったこの世に救いはないHe's not Kamiki-kyun anymore.
He's Kamiki-SAN.
Even Kenta Suga-kyun became an adult.
There's no more hope for this world. - 20: リバースネックブリーカー(関東地方) 2013/10/16(水) 15:51:43.00 ID:GpojCpanO
- 小学生から鉄オタで写真とか撮りまくってたじゃねえかHe's been a train-ota from gradeschool and he kept taking pictures of them, right?
- 26: ウエスタンラリアット(神奈川県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:54:10.74 ID:sMoayPS70
- 濱田龍臣くんもいつの間にかでかくなってきてる鈴木福くんがでかくなるのも時間の問題Even Tatsuomi Hamada-kun grew up all of a sudden.
It'll only be a matter of time before Fuku Suzuki-kun also grows up. - 31: マスク剥ぎ(東京都) 2013/10/16(水) 15:55:49.82 ID:yGpyolwO0
- 性格が穏やかそうだしアンチ書き込みが少ないし変質者からも昔から愛されているよねHe really seems mild-mannered, and he doesn't have a lot of haters on the net. He's also been loved by the perverts for a long time now.
- 33: ジャンピングDDT(愛知県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:57:11.36 ID:1i8NxR5y0
- お前ら劣化劣化言うけど桐島、部活辞めるってよ(2012年公開)の時の神木きゅんもおしゃぶりしてあげたいほどかわいかっただろ(´・ω・`)You guys say he's deteriorated, but Kamiki-kyun still looked so cute in Kirishima, Bukatsu yamerutteyo (2012), so much so that I would have even wanted to suck on his d!ck (´・ω・`) -
- 37: オリンピック予選スラム(dion軍) 2013/10/16(水) 15:59:31.08 ID:YV1WfuAF0
- >>33あの映画は時間を返せっていう思いのほうが強くて神木が嫌いになりそうだったわI actually wanted my precious time back after watching that movie, and almost hated Kamiki in the process
- 36: トペ スイシーダ(埼玉県) 2013/10/16(水) 15:59:30.35 ID:Ix+9YPeE0
- なんてこったショタはホモへ進化したのかWhat the heck.
So that little boy has evolved into a homo? - 39: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(沖縄県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:01:27.22 ID:tLrZXH/n0
- > 所属事務所としては神木くんに“オタク”として色がつくのを嫌がっている。むしろ高感度上がるんじゃない?>his agency doesn't like the idea of pinning an 'otaku' image on Kamiki-kun
Wouldn't that image actually make him more likable? - 41: フェイスロック(禿) 2013/10/16(水) 16:01:48.55 ID:auCUx0aQi
- 妖怪の映画の頃はかわいかったなHe was cute in the monster movie, though - 45: カーフブランディング(北海道) 2013/10/16(水) 16:03:47.93 ID:utFAUUf90
- 俳優としてより声優として生きた方がいいんじゃね。Maybe it's better if he focused more on voice acting
- 47: ツームストンパイルドライバー(埼玉県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:05:31.77 ID:gqPqseaZ0
- けいおんふぁんはむしろヌルオタだと思うK-ON fans are actually more like casual otas - 51: 不知火(庭) 2013/10/16(水) 16:07:03.38 ID:jGuHv2Ev0
- いやいや、性癖がバレて女のファンが離れていくからだろwNo, no, the real reason here is that his female fans might abandon him once they actually find out his sexual preference
- 54: 断崖式ニードロップ(東海地方) 2013/10/16(水) 16:10:01.77 ID:j7ikTgd6O
- 一緒に銭湯行きたいなI'd love to go to a public bathhouse together with him - 56: 中年'sリフト(神奈川県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:10:34.47 ID:c6utviDr0
- 一般人ってまだガチオタに引くの?そこらじゅうにいるだろAre the general public still disgusted at the hardcore otakus?
There's a lot of them around, right? -
- 61: マスク剥ぎ(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/16(水) 16:17:57.00 ID:nKoIb/LFi
- >>56多いか少ないかは関係ないだろキモいもんはキモいIt's not a matter of quantity.
What's gross is gross.
- 58: ときめきメモリアル(茸) 2013/10/16(水) 16:12:43.21 ID:gTJg5l5l0
- こないだ渋谷で神木きゅんにそっくりな人がお母さんぽい女性と買い物してるのを見たが本物だったのかな服装は小綺麗だけどダサかったI saw someone who looked exactly like Kamiki-kyun in Shibuya a while back who was shopping with a woman who looked like his mother, I wonder if that was really him. The clothes looked neat but were lame.
- 90: ファイナルカット(東京都) 2013/10/16(水) 17:10:18.56 ID:2H4IKxpj0
- >>58それ本物だろう5年ほど前に渋谷でお母さんと買い物してる神木を見たからなThat must've been him. I also saw him shopping with his mother in Shibuya 5 years ago.
- 62: マスク剥ぎ(東京都) 2013/10/16(水) 16:24:21.97 ID:yGpyolwO0
- 体格も可愛らしい印象だけど成人男性の役が次々こなせるのか心配だバラエティ向きでもなさそうだし今二十歳で25才以降も続いているかどうかHis figure also looks cute, but I'm worried if he can actually play adult male roles from now.
He doesn't seem like he's suited for variety shows as well.
He's 20 right now, and I wonder if he'll still be around by the time he's 25. - 63: ボ ラギノール(東京都) 2013/10/16(水) 16:26:27.97 ID:YvaOwpbp0
- >けいおん、バカテス、神のみあっ・・・(察し)> K-ON, Bakates, Kaminomi
Ah... (realizes something)
* I'm sorry... but can the straight people please go home! - 65: オリンピック予選スラム(dion軍) 2013/10/16(水) 16:28:18.42 ID:YV1WfuAF0
- 子役って18歳ぐらいで顔が崩れるんだけど結構保ってるほうだからまだ俳優としていけるだろチビノリダーも大人の役やってるし大丈夫じゃねChild actors' faces tend to get ruined once they turn 18, but I think he's maintained his looks well so he can still continue being an actor.
Even ChibiNorida is still doing adult roles so he'll be fine. - 67: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(大阪府) 2013/10/16(水) 16:33:04.80 ID:U4CEZ0Ty0
- ゲーセンってオタってよりはむしろDQNよりだろオタは部屋でエ口ゲとかするからBut arcades are more like for delinquents rather than otakus.
Otakus will just shell up in their rooms and play ero-games. - 69: ファルコンアロー(埼玉県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:34:09.35 ID:+78J7pjT0
- 子役の時大人が狂わせたって本当なの?Is it true that an adult made him lose his path when he was still playing child roles?
- 70: バーニングハンマー(滋賀県) 2013/10/16(水) 16:35:28.54 ID:cFsgh94y0
- 80~90年代前半のゲーセンはDQNのもの00年代のゲーセンはオタのもの最近は高齢者がだいぶ進出してるらしいArcades in the '80s~'90s are for delinquents.
Arcades in the 2000s are mostly occupied by otakus.
Recently, I heard that a lot of older people are going to video arcades. - 71: ショルダーアームブリーカー(dion軍) 2013/10/16(水) 16:35:46.95 ID:nHDKWEq30
- ヲタがゲーセンなんか行くかよwwwThere's no way an ota would go to an arcade www
- 78: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(関西地方) 2013/10/16(水) 16:49:52.74 ID:78GBp0wn0
- >>71ナムコとかだったらコラボするからなこの前はレールガンやアイマスとコラボしてたBut Namco would do collaborations and stuff. They collaborated with Railgun and Idol Master a while back.
- 81: 逆落とし(茸) 2013/10/16(水) 16:56:01.66 ID:0jJqIIcgP
- いつぞやの感謝祭の時の乙女っぷりがわすれられないこいつは間違いなくホモI will never forget his effeminate ways at this thanksgiving event they held some time ago.
He's undoubtedly gay. - 85: ファイナルカット(東京都) 2013/10/16(水) 16:59:50.82 ID:eow4owEk0
- 子供のころかわいすぎたから悪いおっさんに悪戯されてホモの世界に落ちたのかなMaybe it's because he was so cute when he was small, and a bad old man might have molested him which made him go over to the homo world.
- 86: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(神奈川県) 2013/10/16(水) 17:00:38.44 ID:1JIvIyi60
- ニワカヲタだと叩かれてガチヲタだと引かれるのかSo people who are casual otakus get bashed, while people are grossed out by hardcore otakus
- 87: イス攻撃(大阪府) 2013/10/16(水) 17:04:33.78 ID:DQ7kZZe+0
- オタの何がいけないというのかWhat's wrong about being an otaku
- 89: チキンウィングフェースロック(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/16(水) 17:09:00.12 ID:WUQXlx7Pi
- そのうち開き直ってオタクキャラでやるようになるってI'm telling you, he'll just come out one day with an otaku persona
- 94: TEKKAMAKI(庭) 2013/10/16(水) 17:17:12.73 ID:/W3Eug9X0
- 最初見たとき女の子にしか見えなかったHe just looked like a girl to me the first time I saw him
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