It's also a popular story that Koji Yamamoto, who starred alongside him in the NHK taiga drama Shinsengumi!, even had to sneak into his dressing room to "steal" his number since he didn't want to give it out.
He also revealed on the September 2 episode of SMAPxSMAP that he declined Shun Oguri's offer to have a drink while they were shooting "Odoru Daisousasen THE FINAL" (2012) and said, "I don't go to things like that so it'll be impossible".
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:32:38.91 ID:Jlt1DYPG
- こいつの性格はガチで悪いからなThis guy seriously has a bad personality
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:32:44.90 ID:Jnx26uH2
- ほげえええええええええええwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwHogeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee wwwwwwwwwwwwwww
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:32:53.46 ID:6y9qO51Y
- 私生活謎すぎHis private life is really shrouded in mystery
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:33:07.25 ID:KFFckFhY
- 草なぎが唯一無二の友達Kusanagi is his one and only friend - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:33:50.58 ID:AcY8cqpw
- やっぱホモなんかIs he really gay?
- 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:34:20.26 ID:EoRL4GFU
- 多分俳優業のせいでノイローゼになってるんやろなあHe's probably suffering from neurosis due to his acting projects
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:34:33.92 ID:q+7su8Mf
- なお新撰組の忘年会だけは極力参加する模様But I heard that he actually attended Shinsengumi's year-end party
- 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:34:46.12 ID:A0twjb8X
- ホモで有名やろHe's known for being gay, right?
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:36:46.29 ID:A7yjYdBc
- 明るそうに見せて、ものっすごい暗いもんなHe looks so preppy and cheerful on the outside, but he's actually very gloomy
- 21: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:37:20.52 ID:LErACJ/2
- 芸能界しか知らない実質小卒だし 外の世界とつながり持ちたいんだろHe's practically only graduated from grade school and only knows the showbiz world. He probably wants to have connections to the outside world. - 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:37:24.76 ID:eyqc1Rjj
- 昔のスマスマで小5でSMAPの連絡係をやらされてたのがトラウマだから電話番号教えないって言ってたなHe said on SMAPxSMAP before that he was in charge of communications during his 5th grade which was so traumatic for him, so he hasn't shared his phone number with anyone since.
- 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:45:57.13 ID:EoRL4GFU
- >>22あの裁判のやつはクソおもしろかったわThat courtroom thingy was so damn funny
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:40:50.44 ID:oOpOmIo9
- コミュ障の鑑He's a model for everyone who has communication disorder
- 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:42:13.96 ID:pO4JmPk6
- 小栗ってめっちゃコミュ力あるのになそれでも無理なんかBut that Oguri's so outgoing.
Even he wasn't able to persuade him? - 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:43:42.30 ID:e7/mxSMn
- 香取って女関係のスキャンダルあったっけ?Has Katori ever had scandals involving women?
- 283: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:41:18.27 ID:0gZHP51D
- >>32みずきありさAlisa Mizuki
- 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:43:51.33 ID:q+7su8Mf
- 仲の良い友達(芸能人)山本耕史草なぎ剛以上List of good friends (celebrities)
Koji Yamamoto
Tsuyoshi Kusanagi
/end of list - 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:43:53.06 ID:Q3UkbtsM
- 草なぎと仲ええんやないのなSo he isn't good friends with Kusanagi? -
- 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:48:17.69 ID:q+7su8Mf
- >>34昔は年末年始は必ず草なぎと過ごしていた最近草なぎが森田一義家の子供と化して年末年始は森田家に20泊くらいするようになってからいまいち疎遠らしいHe always used to spend the holidays around New Year together with Kusanagi in the past.
But Kusanagi's recently been spending time with Kazuyoshi Morita's family (Tamori) and seems to have become an adopted son of his. I heard he stays over for about 20 nights there around the New Year, so he and Shingo have apparently become estranged.
- 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:44:44.46 ID:xFY9ptDS
- スマップ内でも草なぎの連絡先しか知らないんやったっけ?He only knows Kusanagi's contact details within SMAP, right?
- 148: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:07:06.65 ID:u3z9jvXW
- >>38いや捕鯨がむしろ全員カバーしてるんじゃなかったか中居草なぎラインと木村稲垣ラインをつないでるとかNah, I think Hogei covers everyone in SMAP.
He's probably the bind between the Nakai-Kusanagi line and the Kimura-Inagaki line.
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:44:53.63 ID:B2foPWYj
- キャイ~ンも番号知ってるはずKyai~n also knows his number
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:46:59.28 ID:93rcxSsF
- 彼女とかどんな気持ちでほげえええええええを見ていたのかI wonder how his girlfriends felt as they watched Hogeeeeeeeeeeee. - 50: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:48:19.16 ID:g8M2dAVg
- 大昔に天声慎吾のロケにたまたま遭遇して声かけられたけどめっちゃ感じ良かったでThere was a time a long time ago when I happened to run into Tensei Shingo's on-location shoot and was spoken to by him, but he really seemed like a nice guy.
- 67: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:51:32.14 ID:Oue7xIxg
- >>50天声慎悟はガチで息抜きになってたらしいし気分も良かったんやろI heard that the show Tensei Shingo really was a sort of relaxation for him so he must have really felt good at that time
- 54: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:48:55.50 ID:roOeN/Jr
- 映画座頭市のとき、ZEEBRAとクラブで宣伝やってるのがテレビに映ってたけど酒入ってる捕鯨はいつもとキャラ違いすぎて気の毒になったAt the time of the movie Zatoichi, I saw him on TV promoting the movie with ZEEBRA in the clubs, but I felt so sorry for Hogei who seemed like he was a different person when he was drunk.
- 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:49:07.52 ID:trXCgONg
- 番組の最後で香取が番組が終わっても3人で一緒に遊びたいと言い、初めてキャイ~ンにプライベートの携帯電話の番号を教えた。これに対し天野はあまりの感動から本気泣きしそうになった。天声慎吾 wikipediaWhen his program ended, Katori said that he still wanted to go out to places with the other 2 so that was the first time he gave his private phone number to Kyai~n.
Amano was so touched by this, he seriously almost cried.
From Tensei Shingo's Wikipedia - 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:49:15.21 ID:ntjoDWhc
- 性格どうこうより変人なんやろなI don't think it's about his attitude, I think he's really a weird person.
- 62: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:50:45.92 ID:87XsW/Jj
- たまに気の抜けた喋り方するやんあれが本来の香取なんやろThere are times when he speaks like he's not into it.
I think that's how Katori really is. - 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:51:10.75 ID:C18mdN6x
- 香取慎吾さん「本当はこんな役やりたくない・・・」Shingo Katori-san: "I actually don't want to play this kind of role..."
- 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:52:17.90 ID:/JY9q90q
- これ見たらわかるやろ。香取慎吾の闇は深い。You'd understand how deep Shingo Katori's darkness is when you see this.
- 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:53:08.87 ID:roOeN/Jr
- >>72ヒエッ…Hye...
- 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:53:20.82 ID:qP84PiKn
- >>72境遇を考えると辛いIt's tough, especially when you think of his background
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:54:15.01 ID:q+7su8Mf
- >>72人間割り切らないといけないということを画面を通じて教えてくれる香取慎吾は社畜の鑑Shingo Katori is a model for all corporate slaves by showing on screen how people should adopt a clear-cut attitude when it comes to work.
- 109: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:59:01.26 ID:sSZzHsbL
- >>72仕事選べなかったんかなWasn't he able to choose his projects?
- 238: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:29:39.75 ID:Hm1vvoLn
- >>72プロ中のプロやなHe's a pro among all pros
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:52:50.63 ID:eyqc1Rjj
- 芸能人なんてみんなキャラを演じてるだけだからな素のままなのはキムタクとさんまぐらいやろ だからあの二人仲いいんやろなBut all these celebrities are just portraying a persona.
I think only KimuTaku and Sanma are the only ones who are staying true to themselves. And maybe that's why they're really close to each other. - 85: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:55:13.96 ID:OicJIIyC
- 山本がアドレス知ろうと携帯盗み見してるとこ発見してガチギレしたらしいなそのあと超仲良くなったらしいがどうして仲良くなったのか不明I heard Katori blew his top when he found Yamamoto trying to steal his phone number.
After that, they apparently became really good friends.
And it's unknown how they became so close to each other.
- 93: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:56:38.41 ID:q+7su8Mf
- >>85堺雅人曰く誰でも心を開けるくらい器のでかい人間だからとのことAccording to Masato Sakai, he's a very tolerant person whom anyone can open up to.
- 112: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:59:39.09 ID:FpNqIltP
- >>85あまりにしつこ過ぎるからもう仲良くなった方が得策と思ったんじゃね?wMaybe he thought that it would be better if they became friends because he was too persistent w
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:56:13.48 ID:oEeTm4EV
- キムタク以外のメンバーは心が荒んでる
All members other than KimuTaku have dissolute minds.
Especially Nakai. -
- 102: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:57:47.20 ID:zp/rDPsv
- >>91中居はあんな声になった経緯が不憫I feel sorry for Nakai and the reason why he has a voice like that
- 113: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:59:48.52 ID:4JjaDXJA
- >>91四人とも結婚出来なさそうI get the feeling that all 4 of them can't get married
- 97: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:57:23.64 ID:wyxXGUuQ
- なぜか憎めないI can't get myself to hate him for some reason - 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:57:58.37 ID:kwk6X2Sg
- こういう性格が悪いとは思わないI don't think that there's a problem with this kind of personality
- 110: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 10:59:10.50 ID:RPZo4Y0O
- そら小学生からスマップで中学もろくにいってないやろし私生活なんてろくなもんやないやろなあWell, he's been in SMAP since gradeschool and never really attended junior high. He probably never had a proper private life.
- 128: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:02:13.27 ID:sbeFDS28
- 一般人の友達とつるんでるんちゃう中居もそのイメージやMaybe he mostly hangs out with his friends who aren't from showbiz.
Even Nakai has that sort of image. -
- 134: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:03:56.78 ID:q+7su8Mf
- >>128RIP SLYMEのSUともあくまで昔からの友達であって芸能人として見てないっていうくらい地元意識強いな、中居はNakai has been friends with SU of RIP SLYME for such a long time, he doesn't even see him as a celebrity.
- 139: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:04:57.08 ID:JJjnVPKP
- >>128中居は地元のヤンキーと仲良いらしいなI heard that Nakai's good friends with the yankees in his home town
- 130: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:03:08.77 ID:PhTLbNeP
- 中居の友達は安住紳一郎だけらしいねI heard that Shinichiro Azumi is Nakai's only friend -
- 138: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:04:56.13 ID:Aq2FUksA
- >>130二人とも腹黒いもんな確かに合いそうだわwBoth of them do seem like they're hiding something very dark.
I think they're a good match w
- 302: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:45:37.73 ID:0gZHP51D
- >>130岡村も友達やろOkamura's his friend too, right?
- 141: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:06:06.51 ID:V09Hbi7W
- ドールマン慎吾ママ両さんハットリクンリーヤストレス感じててもおかしくないなDole Man
Shingo Mama
I won't be surprised if he's stressed after playing these roles. - 154: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:09:11.23 ID:RvfJyb55
- 157: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:10:05.42 ID:F3gui64p
- >>154ストロベリーパフェのくだりに草LOLing at the strawberry parfait part
- 160: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:12:32.25 ID:Aq2FUksA
- イメージ的には草薙、メンバー、香取あたりが仲いいイメージで中居、キムタクはそれぞれべっこな感じのイメージがあるけどそうでもないのかI always had this impression that Kusanagi, Inagaki, and Katori were close friends, whereas Nakai and KimuTaku were lone wolves. Isn't that the case?
- 175: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:16:38.58 ID:sl8xTNtq
- >>160草なぎ、香取は仲が良い木村と稲垣も地方行けば二人で飯食いにいったりとかするらしい中居は知らん。稲垣とプライベートで1回しかあったことないとかいってたし他もそうじゃねKusanagi and Katori are close.
I also heard that Kimura and Inagaki would eat meals together when they go out of town.
I don't know about Nakai. He said that he only met Inagaki once privately, and maybe that's also the case with the others.
- 161: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:12:46.94 ID:fONEiwwM
- 個人的に芸能人の友達をあんまり作らずプライベートは中学の同級生とか中心に遊んだり一人の時間に使う芸能人嫌いやないで捕鯨が本当にそうなのかは知らんけどI don't dislike these celebrities who don't make other celebrity friends and just hang out with their junior high buddies or spend time alone.
I'm not sure if Hogei is like that though. - 178: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:16:43.78 ID:ks7Xio2B
- そりゃ12歳から芸能人やったら、闇は深くなりますわOf course, when you've been a celebrity since you were 12 then the darkness within you would definitely be deep.
- 182: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:17:25.08 ID:B2foPWYj
- イノッチは親友やったけど喧嘩したらしいなI heard he was best friends with Inocchi but then they fought.
- 199: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:20:34.77 ID:i0JqfJk+
- スマップはみんな変人やけど良い人っぽいから好きスマスマも見とるEveryone in SMAP seem like weirdos, but they all seem nice and I like them.
I watch SMAP x SMAP. - 202: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:21:18.20 ID:sl8xTNtq
- 香取って後輩とか興味無さそうキンキキッズは気になるらしいけどI feel Katori isn't too interested in his kouhais.
But I heard that he's concerned about KinKi Kids. - 206: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:22:03.22 ID:ks7Xio2B
- SMAP自体闇が深いよな前科持ちも多いしSMAP itself seems to possess some sort of darkness.
There are even a lot who have past records. - 215: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:24:31.82 ID:sl8xTNtq
- あまりいい噂がプライベートで出ないジャニ中居、森田剛、赤西、錦戸There aren't too many good rumors about the private lives of these Johnny's.
Nakai, Morita, Akanishi, Nishikido. -
- 230: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:27:59.89 ID:oAehkdI6
- >>215被災地のガキにゲームだのオモチャ買ってったり自腹炊き出しやってたんやで中井ってBut didn't Nakai use his own money to buy games or toys for the kids in the disaster-stricken areas?
- 223: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:27:02.76 ID:j6XFgKAP
- これおかしいのは捕鯨より山本耕史やろKoji Yamamoto's the one with a problem here, not Hogei
- 234: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:28:51.36 ID:R+34Kexa
- 堂本剛と同じ部屋で二人きりにしたら面白そうIt'd probably be interesting to see him alone with Tsuyoshi Domoto in a room.
- 247: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:32:35.01 ID:tit0fDYI
- >>234香取は堂本剛は気に入ってるらしいよ。剛の曲きいたりするとかいってた気になる後輩らしいよジャニの中でも特にI heard that Katori likes Tsuyoshi Domoto.
He even said that he listens to Tsuyoshi's songs.
I heard that he's one kouhai he's concerned about, especially within Johnny's.
- 259: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:34:55.97 ID:4Y2PSlCQ
- 小栗が飯連れてってくださいとか言ってるのを拒否する話は草生えたI LOL'd when I heard that he refused Oguri who asked him if they could eat out
- 280: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:40:46.76 ID:OicJIIyC
- 新選組!のメンバーとは飲みに行くらしいけど山本以外とも仲良いんやろかそれとも山本がおるから行くだけなんやろかI heard that he drinks together with the members of Shinsengumi!, but I wonder if he's also friendly towards the members other than Yamamoto? Or does he only go because of Yamamoto?
- 319: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:51:39.16 ID:OicJIIyC
- しかしこんだけ闇が深そうなんやから無理に明るい役より暗い役でもやらせた方がハマりそうなもんだけどやっぱ事務所的にAUTOなんやろかBut if he really seems like this person who carries some sort of darkness with him, then it would probably suit him better if he were to play darker roles.
I guess the agency won't allow that. -
- 327: 風吹けば名無し 2013/09/17(火) 11:54:04.77 ID:q+7su8Mf
- >>319踊るで犯人役やってたしNGではないんだろHe did play a criminal in Odoru so it's not that his agency doesn't allow it.
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