These were apparently leaked by the former AV star Lisa Coda (27) whom Koki Tanaka once dated.
Continued in >>2
- 2: かばほ~るφ ★ 2013/10/10(木) 16:59:46.01 ID:???0
- Continued from >>1
And "running a bar without the consent of the agency in this popular restaurant building in Azabu probably was a problem as well".
Tanaka and his older brother started business at the beginning of the year. "The title was made under his older brother's name, but Koki spread word about this to his peers. He was also at the shop and sang, responding to what the fans wanted. He was pretty much running the place himself. But fans quickly knew about it, and it had to be closed down immediately."
According to a showbiz representative: "That was where the Ebizo case happened (November 2011). Johnny's as an agency particularly considered that a big deal and they prohibited their talents from partying at night in the Roppongi and Azabu areas. They weren't able to overlook that he opened his bar in a place like that".
Running the bar definitely worsened Tanaka's position. According to the same representative: "His tattoo and piercings which were originally ignored suddenly became a problem, and he was also punished for the club event he held privately.
Even the problem with women was also brought up. "Johnny's don't fire their talents just because of sideline jobs or trouble with women. Maybe there was also trouble with his personal connections."
The pictures of Koki Tanaka's private part in the issue of Jitsuwa Knuckles which was released on the 30th of September were in full color in the opening pages. A magazine staff reports: "These pictures were sent to Lisa Coda, a former AV actress".
"Coda herself exposed this as well, but the 2 of them have known each other for a long time. She was behind bars until March of last year for two accounts of drug abuse, but after being released, she started working again at a cabaret club in Roppongi. Tanaka came there and they hit it off again. After exchanging email addresses, Tanaka allegedly started bugging her with messages like, 'Let's have sƎx', with pictures of his lower body attached. Coda showed those pictures to her friends and the club customers, as well as spreading it on LINE. This picture has actually made its rounds already."
Tanaka apparently likes sending pictures of his lower body to his female friends, and even wrongly sent a picture to someone else when it was supposedly for this actress "Miss H", whom he was dating at that time.
"Tanaka has declared that he will go on as a talent, and KAT-TUN will remain as a 4-piece group without him. Most KAT-TUN songs have Tanaka's rapping parts, and I don't think that this can be replaced by the other members. Koki had a huge influence on the group music-wise. Koki's departure might totally change the color of the group." - (certain musical director)
KAT-TUN in itself hasn't been having a lot of projects recently. "There are executives within Johnny's who don't know which group to prioritize anymore due to the sheer number of them, and they might want to decrease the number moving forward". KAT-TUN have declared that they will still continue, but their future is totally opaque. - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:02:02.61 ID:de7oUCW80
- 解雇されたとたん攻撃はじまったなwwwwwwwwwwwwwwAaaand all the attacks have started as soon as he was dismissed wwwwwwwwwww
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:03:04.73 ID:zpasAtQo0
- 今回の一件で名前を「こうき」と読む事を知ったやついがちI'm sure that there are people who just found out that his name is read as "Koki" thanks to this case
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:10:15.21 ID:Kz5i+/9P0
- >>10ひじりだと思ってた(´・ω・`)I thought it was read as "Hijiri" (´・ω・`)
- 564: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:51:47.39 ID:yoDfMCXd0
- >>10し、し、知ってたよI, I, I know that
- 568: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:54:06.91 ID:69Z2+dJK0
- >>10知ったけど、多分3日後には忘れてると思う。I knew that but I think I'll forget about it in 3 days
- 809: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 22:26:01.07 ID:/HDi2RBG0
- >>10セイントだと思ってたI thought it was "Saint"
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:03:30.92 ID:NHZdgxmf0
- お塩臭がするHe reeks of the same smell as Oshio - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:03:59.75 ID:5SH2cey60
- ジャニーズで売れたら一生ジャニーズ元ジャニーズの肩書きなんて何の役にも立たないのが現実だからなIf you become popular as a Johnny's talent, you're a member of Johnny's for life.
Truth is, there's nothing good at all if you have the label "former Johnny's" attached to you. - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:04:50.02 ID:0DSh0rwG0
- AV嬢と付き合ってたコツすら知らなかったわぶっとび杉I didn't even know that he dated an AV actress.
Everything's just gone crazy. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:08:42.73 ID:As1wSmX50
- 5月頃、戸田恵梨香とバーで朝まで飲んでたってねI heard he drank at a bar with Erika Toda in May until the morning - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:13:30.73 ID:ECEpQSeZO
- 表向きの理由だろ解雇はもっと別の理由があるんじゃないかThese reasons are just superficial, the reason for termination must lie somewhere else.
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:15:27.12 ID:dEL4K/dg0
- もてるだろうにAV女優にご執心なんだI'm sure he can get any girl he wants due to his popularity with them, but he just wants AV girls, huh
- 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:17:33.75 ID:yuhEuhCDi
- AV女優好きだよねー、他にもいたじゃんHe really loves these AV girls, huh. There was someone else, right?
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:18:45.02 ID:2R/DewLnO
- >>58小澤マリアだっけ?Maria Ozawa, right?
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:20:17.06 ID:gSR6zfHJO
- 確かにジャニーズを解雇を決定づけたあの写真をマスコミに売ったAV女優はジャニオタに攻撃される可能性はあるなWWWThere is a possibility that the Jani-otas will now set their sights on this AV actress who sold those pictures to the press which ultimately led to his dismissal www
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:32:58.41 ID:x1TqYCtW0
- 24時間テレビに出た時、一緒にコーナーやった障害者と仲良くなって番組終ってもよく施設に遊びに行ってたんだよなこいつやってることはバカだけどそういうとこは評価できるBut when he was on 24-jikan terebi, he became close friends with the disabled person, and he even frequented the facility where that person was after the show. He does do stupid things, but he's really commendable in that respect.
- 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:47:04.67 ID:RZ4GiyfX0
- >>112あと3,11の災害のあとにジャニーズの中で誰よりもいち早く現地にいって個人的に炊き出しやったというはなし。And after the 3/11 disaster, I heard that he was the first guy to reach the disaster-stricken location from Johnny's, and he personally cooked for the people there
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:34:48.03 ID:HfGChlnT0
- 倖田梨沙本当なら激ヤバイだろ狙われるぞジャニヲタにまあ、バックに怖いの付けてんだろうけど狂ったヲタには関係ないからねえLisa Coda.
If this is true, then this is a huge problem.
She'll be targeted by the Jani-wotas.
Well, I bet she has some shady guys backing her up, but I don't think that matters to these insane wotas. -
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:37:04.90 ID:s5iL7apI0
- >>119ジャニオタvs関東連合とか胸熱すぎるなJani-wota vs. Kanto Rengo, damn that makes my heart race
- 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:37:56.75 ID:2OQGGe7/0
- 女優Hって広田レオナ?Actress H, is that Leona Hirota
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:40:43.57 ID:0mMKxG1V0
- 堀越の先輩の平山あやIt's Aya Hirayama, Horikoshi's senpai
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:42:56.00 ID:MUHbhL+N0
- まぁ、ジャニーズ事務所にとっては一番穏便な措置を取ったんだろうな。For Johnny's, this was probably the most amicable solution they could have done
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:45:14.48 ID:PqkwVAsW0
- 田中聖と言えば窃盗犯あびる優容疑者とも付き合ってたなあの盗人何気にサゲマンだなKoki Tanaka also dated that larcenist Yu Abiru.
That thief actually is bad luck for the guys. - 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 17:52:35.89 ID:qRo6MS4D0
- このグループのファンやったことのある人ならわかるけどすごく面倒臭い怖い人がいるんだよ、抜けたもん勝ちなとこはあるFans of this group probably know this...
But there's really a troublesome person here. I heard that the guys who get out of the group are the lucky ones. - 246: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:10:17.38 ID:ueaCoO0w0
- 麻薬やって逮捕された、AV女優とつきあってたんだろ。田中もグレーだろ。それが、発覚する前に切ったんだろ。ジャニは。He was with this AV actress who was arrested because of drug abuse, right?
Tanaka's gray here as well. Johnny's probably fired him after that came into the open, huh. - 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:10:53.60 ID:OycDpvXC0
- キムタクの真面目っぷりが泣けるI feel like crying when I think about how decent KimuTaku is
- 792: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 22:17:32.86 ID:ayOaVnpR0
- >>250スピード違反タトゥーはめられ婚シークレットブーツOverspeeding
Forced marriage
Secret boots
- 876: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 23:18:23.63 ID:YNkaCkqSO
- >>250観客役のエキストラにホッケーのバックぶつけて知らん顔、週刊誌にばれたらもみ消しシャブPと仲良し、足にタトゥー何もないのは香取?He hit an extra with a hockey puck on the face and acted innocent.
He covers up scoops made on him by tabloids.
Friends with ShabuP, tattoo on his foot.
Maybe Katori's the guy who's got no issues?
- 258: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:12:57.36 ID:6PRarQuU0
- 自画撮り&キメ顔で写った画像が流失したアホなジャニ面Stupid Johnny's members who had their selfies and dope faces leaked
嵐の相葉Arashi's Aiba
嵐の二宮Arashi's Ninomiya
嵐の大麻Arashi's Ohno
カツンの細目KAT-TUN's chinky eyes
キスマイ北山Kis-My Kitayama
平成の高木HeySay Takagi
平成の親の七光りHeySay 2nd generation -
- 270: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:16:44.56 ID:bJTMkOZU0
- >>258大麻君のラリ顔がやっぱ一番面白いwOhno's crack face really is the best w
- 285: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:21:38.97 ID:nfxUbqww0
- >>258北山って奴と写ってる女めっちゃ可愛いなおい!Hey, the girl with Kitayama's super cute!
- 521: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:25:54.79 ID:sty5ygDKO
- >>258嵐以外が健全に見えるEveryone other than Arashi just look like healthy relationships
- 566: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:53:40.47 ID:agbq3I4q0
- >>258大麻くん以外は普通の恋人じゃん。Everyone other than Ohno is just with his girlfriend
- 890: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 23:31:16.39 ID:rXOAYlv00
- >>258田口だけ生活感あってちょっと面白いTaguchi's the only one who has this sense of domestic life, it's kinda funny
- 294: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:25:14.06 ID:HxGx8vaJ0
- 24時間テレビのとき、障害のある子と一緒に風呂に入って「聖っち、ちんちん見せて」と言われてその子に見せてたなHe was together with a disabled kid on 24-jikan terebi in a hot bath and was told "Koki-cchi, show me your weewee". He probably showed it to that kid, huh.
- 314: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:32.35 ID:zBQlBjTF0
- カツンはこの先もうだめなのかなあ飛ぶ鳥落す勢いのデビューだったあの頃が懐かしいWill KAT-TUN just end like this now?
Those days when they debuted as if they were shooting down a bird feel so distant and nostalgic now. - 318: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:33:36.05 ID:5wGNeM6G0
- 滝沢秀明Hideaki Takizawa -
- 879: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 23:20:07.62 ID:W7qQiiel0
- >>318タッキー、ホモじゃなかったんだSo Tackey isn't homo, huh
- 355: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 18:43:39.84 ID:zdoGnTvm0
- 俺はジャニーズのDQN率が高いといったが、今まで一度もDQN行為をネットで聞いたことない人物がいる。Kinki Kidsの2人だ。この2人だけは今まで一度もDQN写真やDQN行為をネットで聞いた事ない。この2人だけだI once said that a high percentage of Johnny's talents are delinquents, but there are people about whom I have never read any rumors like that on the Internet.
The 2 guys from KinKi Kids.
It's only these 2 who have never had these sorts of delinquent photos or scandals on the Internet.
- 527: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:27:27.21 ID:hPeutaXsO
- >>355剛は精神的にムラはあるけどキンキの二人は品性があるから将来は幹部の可能性あるね。俺はマッチの下に光一がくると見てるけど。Tsuyoshi may have some spiritual instabilities, but both these guys have class, so I can actually see them becoming executives within Johnny's. I'm actually predicting Koichi to come right below Matchy.
- 550: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 19:42:53.24 ID:ZxExhGE70
- >>355堂本光一は全然禿げてないのに、自分の頭皮をネタにして本当に禿げてる人の心を傷つけまくってる極悪人だろBut Koichi's this extremely evil person who isn't even balding, yet he always jokes about his scalp and hurts the feelings of people who are
- 808: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 22:23:22.34 ID:fupey77z0
- >>355KinKiはヲタが腐ってる…のは置いといて、何かもう達観してるよな遊びもしないで家でゲームばっかしてるらしいし。多分若い時に相当管理されてたんじゃね?Let's ignore the fact that KinKi's wotas are rotten... and I think they're already getting philosophical.
They don't party outside, and just play games indoors. Maybe they were really closely monitored when they were kids.
Whatever people might say, I actually think that Johnny's is pretty strict when it comes to punishing their talents.SMAP's the only group who are protected.
It'll be impossible for KAT-TUN.
The 2 groups should just merge already
315+4 :名無し募集中。。。 [] :2013/10/09(水) 23:05:21.94 0 [PC]
- 642: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/10(木) 20:34:35.16 ID:7t6iBE7M0
- >>588今のnewsの顔手越、山P、錦戸が在籍してた頃は完全脇役だなTo think that Tegoshi, the current face of NEWS, used to just be YamaPi and Nishikido's support
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