8.8% 21:00-22:24 NTV Tokyo Bandwagon
October 13 (Sun)
19.2% 21:00-22:09 TBS Ando Lloyd ~A.I. knows LOVE?~
Tokyo Bandwagon ep.1
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:55:44.34 ID:P3X/j0/I0
- これはwwwThis is... www
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:19.03 ID:8lyN0ba/0
- 20行かないかキムタクもう駄目かSo it didn't even reach 20.
KimuTaku's no good anymore, huh. - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:35.58 ID:7iQ90oYU0
- まあ宣伝しまくったから初回はそこそこ視聴率とれるよね
Well, we did expect high ratings for the first episode after all the promotions they did.Episode 2 onwards will be when the real battle begins. - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:42.38 ID:BIxUeqit0
- 20%いけるドラマじゃないIt's not the sort of drama that can get 20%
- 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:44.42 ID:YmuHUGjT0
- 初回でこれだと15%切る可能性あるなIf this was how the first episode did, then there's a possibility that it would go below 15%
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:45.23 ID:3/VxgBoa0
- 長かったキムタクの時代も終わったかSo will the KimuTaku era that has lasted for so long finally come to an end?
http://tvcap.info/2013/10/13/131013-2154060037.jpghttp://tvcap.info/2013/10/13/131013-2154360763.jpghttp://www.fe-atelier.net/blog/pic/2010/05/rinkake.jpg - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:57:09.73 ID:70mRiyKC0
- ワロタw ワロタ…LOL w LOL...
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:57:21.74 ID:F7koVxmsi
- あんなに視聴者を限定する内容でこの数字はさすが。来週以降は厳しいか?These numbers are amazing for that kind of story which has a pretty limited core audience.
Will it struggle next week onwards? -
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:58:42.64 ID:NlD7lIdc0
- >>20来週は裏にさんまとフィギュアがある12くらいまで一気に落ちそうWe have Sanma's program and figure skating on the other channels next week.
I kinda feel that it will drop all the way down to 12%.
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:59:10.40 ID:YmuHUGjT0
- >>20初回だから見る人限定しているかどうかわからない次回以降に数字に出るだろうなIt was the first episode, so we don't know if the ones who watched were only the core audience, but we'll probably see its true ratings from next week onwards.
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:57:45.82 ID:AGCHqE4+0
- 製作費は半沢の10倍ぐらいありそうThe production cost must be 10x more than Hanzawa
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:57:48.77 ID:1oqwBgeZi
- 19で低い言われるキムタクさすがだなKimuTaku's amazing since people are saying that 19 is low
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:58:23.29 ID:YGd+Qe6e0
- 19で低いってハードル高すぎじゃね19 is low? Your standards are too high.
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:58:54.09 ID:jUXv8J7GO
- 予想通りだなほとんどのおっさんが避けたんだろAs expected.
Most old guys must have avoided watching it. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:59:19.85 ID:6y3LWb2iO
- おまえら思ったより低いと叩くのかSo do you guys just bash something since it's lower than what you anticipated?
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:59:23.69 ID:k+MDSMtL0
- 国民的ドラマの半沢直樹初回は19.4全然変わらないじゃんやっぱりキムタクはまだまだ数字持ってるなBut the national drama Hanzawa Naoki got 19.4% for its first episode as well.
There's no difference at all.
KimuTaku really still has it. -
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:01:57.71 ID:YmuHUGjT0
- >>53初回の時点での半沢直樹は国民的ドラマでは無かったBut Hanzawa Naoki still wasn't considered a national drama yet during its first episode
- 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 09:59:53.23 ID:O2EXSoRO0
- 正直面白かったwただ前半みたいな恋愛要素はいらないんだよなぁHonestly, it was good w
But I found the romance angle in the first half unnecessary. - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:00:32.90 ID:AGCHqE4+0
- 19で低いとか、お前らちょ待てよYou guys are saying 19 is low? Cho, mateyo.
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:00:53.51 ID:9gvY8AJ+0
- 半沢の最終回からは半減以下だけど、初回としては程々の数字かな日9 2013年*1-*3月期 とんび 17.0__16.1__16.0__12.0__12.8__12.6__12.9__12.6__18.3__20.3(終)._________15.06
*4-*6月期 空飛ぶ広報室.14.0__13.5__11.6__11.2__10.6__13.4__12.1__12.1__12.5__11.7__15.3(終)._12.55
*7-*9月期 半沢直樹 19.4__21.8__22.9__27.6__29.0__29.0__30.0__32.9__35.9__42.2(終)_________29.07
10-12月期 安堂ロイド..... 19.2
Jan-Mar Tonbi 17.0__16.1__16.0__12.0__12.8__12.6__12.9__12.6__18.3__20.3(F)._________15.06
Apr-Jun Soratobu Kouhoushitsu 14.0__13.5__11.6__11.2__10.6__13.4__12.1__12.1__12.5__11.7__15.3(F)._12.55
Jul-Sep Hanzawa Naoki 19.4__21.8__22.9__27.6__29.0__29.0__30.0__32.9__35.9__42.2(F)_________29.07
Oct-Dec Ando Lloyd..... 19.2 - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:00:55.41 ID:2ts+m4ye0
- 「安堂ロイド」19・2%で好発進!「半沢」「ミタ」と肩を並べる 裏番組は「相棒-」(デイリースポーツ) - Yahoo!ニュース13日にスタートした、SMAPの木村拓哉主演のTBS系ドラマ「安堂ロイド~A.I. knows LOVE?~」(日曜、午後9・00)の初回視聴率が関東地区で19・2%を記録したことが15日、分かった(数字はビデオリサーチ調べ)。同時間帯にテレビ朝日系が映画「相棒 劇場版2」を放送し13・2%の数字を獲得する中、注目の木村主演ドラマが、近年の大ヒット作であるTBS系「半沢直樹」の初回視聴率19・4%や、11年・日本テレビ系「家政婦のミタ」の同19・5%と同水準の好スタートを切った。また関西地区では16・9%をマークした。---(partial)
Aibou Movie 2 was shown at the same time on TV Asahi, and that got 13.2%. Ando Lloyd was able to match TBS' Hanzawa Naoki's 19.4% and NTV's Kaseifu no Mita's 19.5% ep. 1 ratings.
In Kansai, Ando Lloyd got 16.9%. -
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:05:26.42 ID:AGCHqE4+0
- >>76>関西地区では16・9%関西では半沢からの落差が強烈だな>In Kansai, Ando Lloyd got 16.9%.
The drop from Hanzawa's ratings is so drastic in Kansai, huh.
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:01:17.34 ID:tRAW/wsp0
- 時代は社会派ドラマだからキムタムも厳しいに変わりはないよねBut we are now in the times where social dramas are the ones that become hits.
There's still no changing the fact that KimuTaku will be struggling with this. - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:02:12.18 ID:nbIWUEhh0
- 結構楽しく見れたIt was actually enjoyable
http://tvcap.info/2013/10/13/131013-2157380206.jpg - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:02:19.10 ID:BOIF4am60
- まあ似たり寄ったりの当り障りのないドラマよりマシかな考えたら一応挑戦の姿勢は認めるWell, if you think about it, it may be better than all those other dramas which just seem to recycle their themes.
I at least approve of their stance for trying something new. - 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:02:38.96 ID:VqTbQ3OWO
- キムタクのドラマは毎回見てる家族が30分で脱落したと言ってたMy family who always watches KimuTaku's dramas said they dropped out after 30 minutes.
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:03:58.22 ID:lwou2/yN0
- みんな文句を言いつつも結局見てるんだなどんだけ暇人が多いんだよSo all you guys may be complaining about it, but you still watched the thing.
Just how many of you guys don't have anything else to do? -
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:06:43.60 ID:KO+jjgtf0
- >>115見てると言うか、どんなクソドラマでも初回は高いそれに今回は半沢の後番組これで初回低いなんてことはありえない「初回だけ」は高いけどこの後は「右肩下がり」というお決まりパターンが待っているwIt's not that everyone watched, but any drama, no matter how terrible it may be, will always get high ratings for the first episode.
And this one comes directly after Hanzawa.
There's no way that it'll get low ratings.
I'm sure the usual pattern of "high first episode ratings but has nowhere else to go but down" awaits this.
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:04:18.27 ID:tH1J69H00
- 次回以降、確実に下がるわ。話のネタに見たけど、かなり痛いわ。飛んでさ、天井突き破って来るってなんなの?机の引き出しって阿呆かと。柴咲コウだけはカワイイけどな。The ratings are guaranteed to drop for the next episode onwards.
I saw the episode and it was pretty sad.
People come flying, breaking the ceiling, wtf!?
And the drawer on the desk? Are they stupid?
Kou Shibasaki looked cute, though.
http://tvcap.info/2013/10/13/131013-2119410693.jpg - 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:04:30.20 ID:QeDbii9Wi
http://www.dotup.org/uploda/www.dotup.org4578930.gif↑ドラマ見ないでMr.サンデー見てたんだけど、このぶっ飛んでんのがキムタクなの!?キムタクってこんなキャラだっけ。I didn't watch the drama and just opted to watch Mr. Sunday, but is this KimuTaku who was sent flying!?
Was KimuTaku always like this? - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:06:11.18 ID:VeDXh48Wi
- うわあキムタク×日9
Beautiful Life . 31.8__28.4__28.6__30.6__31.6__31.0__32.1__29.7__32.5__32.9__41.3(終)...31.86
GOOD LUCK!! 31.6__27.5__28.6__27.6__30.9__28.2__28.9__29.7__33.5__37.6(終).._______30.41
華麗なる一族. 27.7__21.8__23.5__23.0__21.2__23.5__21.1__21.6__24.9__30.4(終)...._______23.87
南極大陸.... 22.2__19.0__16.9__15.8__13.2__19.1__13.4__15.0__16.7__22.0(終)...________17.33
安堂ロイド..... 19.2
KimuTaku @ Sunday-9
Beautiful Life . 31.8__28.4__28.6__30.6__31.6__31.0__32.1__29.7__32.5__32.9__41.3(F)...31.86
GOOD LUCK!! 31.6__27.5__28.6__27.6__30.9__28.2__28.9__29.7__33.5__37.6(F).._______30.41
Karei Naru Ichizoku. 27.7__21.8__23.5__23.0__21.2__23.5__21.1__21.6__24.9__30.4(F)...._______23.87
Nankyoku Tairiku.... 22.2__19.0__16.9__15.8__13.2__19.1__13.4__15.0__16.7__22.0(F)...________17.33
Ando Lloyd..... 19.2 -
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:08:09.85 ID:cXHOCgqT0
- >>146やっぱり20%割れは初なんだ。南極大陸みたいに右肩下がりか。So it's his first time to drop below 20% for the first episode, while Nankyoku Tairiku just kept dropping, huh.
- 193: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:09:40.16 ID:VhO0aUGX0
- >>146カレイなる一族、よくそんな数字とれたなwI'm amazed that Karei Naru Ichizoku got those ratings w
- 230: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:12:19.93 ID:iKruDD+G0
- >>146半沢の後の初回なのについに20割れか・・・とうとうキムも終わるのかIt's the first episode right after Hanzawa and he finally gets below 20%...
Could this really be the end of KimuTaku?
- 156: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:07:13.54 ID:Qzk9+kUh0
- 次回予告を見ても続きが気にならないのがやばいな上がるように思えないIt's a bad sign if I can't get myself excited for the next episode after seeing the preview.
I don't think it'll go up. - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:07:29.66 ID:OZOhlrY50
- 初回は興味本位で見るからな2回目以降が真っ当な数字さてどこまで下がるかPeople always watch the first episode out of curiosity,
The true ratings will show from the 2nd episode onwards.
I wonder how low it will go. - 180: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:08:53.38 ID:BufMtlZii
- 半沢も徐々に上がっていったし、これからだよ、これから(震え声)But Hanzawa gradually went up. This is just the beginning (trembling voice).
- 202: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:10:19.87 ID:TLgWavP90
- ターミネータ・ドラえもん・ガリレオ・・・その他諸々のパロディと思えば見られなくは無かった。Terminator, Doraemon, Galileo, etc.
If you think of it as a parody of these things then it's actually watchable. - 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:10:54.97 ID:T7r+LpK40
- 思ったより面白かったよ、むしろキムタコ好きな女にSFとかウケんの?リーガルは期待値が高かっただけに微妙だった今楽しみなのはクロコーチとごちそうさんかなIt was better than expected, but are the women who like KimuTako alright with SF stuff?
Legal was highly anticipated but it didn't quite live up to expectations.
I think the ones that have gotten me excited now are Kurokouchi and Gochisousan. - 244: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:13:19.88 ID:O2EXSoRO0
- 作っちゃったものはしょうがないんだからもう行くところまで行くしかないThey've already done it so it can't be helped, they'll just have to see through how far it will go
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:43:31.49 0 ID:
- ジャニドラマここんとこ惨敗続きだな
- Looks like Johnny's dramas have been losing a lot these days
- 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:46:45.86 0 ID:
- ジャニありきのドラマが今まで異常だっただけ
ようやく正常に戻れるかも - It's just that the dramas featuring Johnny's talents have been abnormal up to now.
- I think things are just going back to normal.
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:50:22.75 0 ID:
- 草なぎドラマ錦戸ドラマも一桁になりそうなんだがEven Kusanagi's drama and Nishikido's drama look like they're destined for single digits
- 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:53:29.37 0 ID:
- キムタクの名前で初回ぐらいは20%超えると思ってたけどこれはちょっとヤバイ予感I thought that KimuTaku's name value alone was enough to get over 20%, but this doesn't actually look too good
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:53:59.49 0 ID:
- 20%切ってるがキムタクはよく頑張ったと思う俺は18%と予想してた2話の予想は14%かなKimuTaku's drama may have gone below 20%, but I think it did well.
I actually predicted 18%.
My prediction for episode 2 is about 14% - 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:55:37.03 0 ID:
- 日本のドラマって汗や汚い匂いが感じられないジャニを使ってるかぎりリアル系のドラマはダメだと思うJapanese dramas lack that sense of sweat and stench.
I don't think you can expect too much realism from dramas that feature these Johnny's talents - 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:56:58.38 0 ID:
- 亀梨くんはほとんど喋らない妖怪役をずっとやってればいいと思うよKamenashi should just keep doing that monster that doesn't speak too much
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/20111013_youkainingen_02.jpg - 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 09:58:07.94 0 ID:
- ジャニも飽和状態やろ視聴者の大半はよく知らんグループのよく知らんメンバーに主演されても興味ないしEven Johnny's is too oversaturated.
Majority of the viewers won't even care about these shows that feature some unknown guy from a group that they don't even know. - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:00:41.44 0 ID:
- バンドワゴンとかいうヤツは駅張りのポスターだけ見たけど酷いな今さら家族で屋根登ってギターて敢えてだとしてもないわI saw a poster at a station for that Bandwagon drama, but it looked horrible. I don't think families nowadays would even think of hanging out on rooftops and singing along to the guitar.
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BVPFHyXCAAAYahm.jpg - 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:02:53.51 0 ID:
- タイトルだけ聞くとオダジョーで大コケしたフジの奴の人数増やした版みたいだなJust hearing the title made me remember Joe Odagiri's megaflop drama on Fuji, with a lot more members.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201205/31/78/a0133078_13473298.jpg - 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:06:00.04 0 ID:
- ジャニーズも90年代は勢いあったのになぁ・・・今じゃ鳴かず飛ばずだがJohnny's had momentum in the '90s...
But now they seem to be keeping a low profile. - 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:08:39.31 0 ID:
- 漢臭い俳優なんかのアンチテーゼとしてジャニのようなアイドルが存在してたが今じゃみんな同じようなやつばかりになり差別化が出来なくなってるんだろThese Johnny's idols exist as like the antithesis of those rugged and manly actors. But a lot of them have just become too alike, and I can't differentiate them anymore.
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:10:07.70 0 ID:
- 演技の勉強してないやつがドラマの主演やったりNGだらけで髪も切れないやつが出演してるのに面白いドラマになるわけないThey're making these guys who aren't even studying acting play the lead, and guys who can't even cut their hair always make mistakes in their scenes. There's no way these dramas will be good.
- 53: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:14:51.78 0 ID:
- 20年間日本テレビドラマ界のトップ張ったんだから大したもんだWell, he's still great for standing on top of the Japanese TV drama world for 20 years
- 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:15:52.84 0 ID:
- ジャニというかキムタクだけだろ数字持ってたのはJohnny's? It was just KimuTaku who was able to bring in the ratings.
- 55: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:16:23.10 0 ID:
- >>54草薙もだろKusanagi too
- 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:21:10.37 0 ID:
- キムタクってドラマと映画で結果残した草なぎの事を尊敬し始めたよね昔は見下してた気がするKimuTaku started showing more respect to Kusanagi who was able to do well in movies and dramas.
It seemed like he looked down on him before. - 61: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:24:16.12 0 ID:
- スマップが歳をとれなくて居座ってるせいで嵐はさらに歳をとれなくなって20歳台前半で止められてるだろ何年芸能界にいようと新人のような位置にいるBecause SMAP is still there who doesn't seem like they're getting older, Arashi also seems like they can't get old as well, as their clocks seem to have stopped at when they were in their early 20s. They still seem to be treated as newbies no matter how many years they've been in the industry.
- 104: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:13:02.26 0 ID:
- >>61TOKIOのリーダーはいい感じに歳とってるよなあBut TOKIO's leader seems to be aging well
- 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:35:04.43 0 ID:
- 相変わらず絶対大コケしない予防線張りまくって中途半端な数字出してくるなAs usual, they seem to have taken all these precautions so that nothing will be huge flops, but because of that, all they can come up with are these half-a$$ed ratings.
- 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 10:56:44.97 0 ID:
- 今のところ亀梨の代表作は妖怪人間になるんだろうかSo will Kamenashi's Yokai Ningen be his defining role?
- 99: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:05:58.52 0 ID:
- 亀梨って毎回のように低視聴率出してないか?よく主演途切れないなBut doesn't it seem like Kamenashi's constantly been having low ratings each and every time? I'm amazed that he still gets to play the lead.
- 101: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:06:42.66 0 ID:
- >>99むちゃくちゃ性格がいいらしい少なくともスタッフに対してはI heard that he's got a real good personality.
At least when it comes to treating the staff.
- 113: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:29:27.62 0 ID:
- 嵐もわかりやすく人気なくなってきたな所詮作られた人気だしなArashi obviously has lost popularity too, huh.
I think their popularity was just fabricated in the first place. - 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:31:51.25 0 ID:
- ジャニは置いといて20代~30代前半の若手男優で存在感あるのがいないBut putting Johnny's aside, there aren't any actors in their 20s to early 30s who have that enormous presence.
- 118: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:34:55.24 0 ID:
- 長瀬のドラマは微妙だったが剛力の失禁シーンが良かったから次回以降も同様シーンを期待して見るNagase's drama wasn't that good, but I liked the scene where Gouriki wet herself, so I'll be looking forward to a similar scene next time and watch it.
http://blog-imgs-58.fc2.com/g/e/i/geinoujinblogmatome/10s1414035.jpghttp://blog-imgs-58.fc2.com/g/e/i/geinoujinblogmatome/l37cMZb.jpg -
- 121: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:36:09.18 0 ID:
- >>118剛力失禁はみたいなーネットで見て面白ければ追いかけよっとI want to watch Gouriki peeing herself.
I'll watch it on the net and will follow it if it's interesting.
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 11:35:10.99 0 ID:
- 嵐はカツーンが出てきた頃既に陰りが見えたけどカツーン自爆で事務所とテレビ局が嵐押し一本に絞って生き延びた感じでもCDの売り上げはトップだからヲタの金払いがいいのは間違いないThere was already a cloud cast on Arashi when KAT-TUN emerged, but Arashi was able to survive due to KAT-TUN self destructing, as Arashi was the only group that got pushed. But their CD sales are still on top, there's no doubt that their wotas are good consumers.
- 170: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 12:27:19.06 0 ID:
- TBS的にはこの安堂ロイドが勝負ドラマだったんだろうなMaybe TBS thought that Ando Lloyd was going to be their go-to drama
- 172: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 12:33:31.16 0 ID:
- >>170そうだったんだろうけど思いがけず半沢がブームを巻き起こしてしまったんだよなwThat must have been the case, but they unexpectedly brought forth the Hanzawa boom
- 179: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 13:01:53.31 0 ID:
- キムタクが出演だし今年TBSが一番推してるドラマだからTBSとして19%で満足してるのかKimuTaku's the lead after all, and this is undoubtedly what TBS was planning to push for the most this year. I wonder if TBS is satisfied with 19%.
- 180: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 13:03:49.99 0 ID:
- 亀梨やばいなwKamenashi's in danger, huh w
- 185: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 13:40:33.28 0 ID:
- 亀梨はもう今後主演する事はないだろうなKamenashi probably won't be able to play the lead from now on, huh
- 188: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 13:56:36.68 0 ID:
- >>185長瀬がいまだに主役やれてるんだから大丈夫だろBut Nagase still can up to now so there's no problem here
- 187: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 13:44:13.81 0 ID:
- 亀梨だけじゃなく他のやつも失敗してるからなジャニドラマで成功といえるほうが少なくなってるIt's not just Kamenashi, but the others are failing as well.
There are actually less Johnny's dramas that you can consider a success. - 191: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 14:07:07.93 0 ID:
- バンドワゴンは多部ちゃんがから期待してたなんだけど悪くはないんだけど何つうか地味きわまりないI was looking forward to Bandwagon because of Tabe-chan.
It wasn't that bad, but it was just too plain.
http://tdoi.blog.ocn.ne.jp/photos/uncategorized/2013/09/18/a0j7ft5.jpg - 212: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 14:27:06.48 0 ID:
- 元々亀梨って視聴率取れない男で有名じゃなかったっけ杏や福君とやったドラマがヒットしたから忘れられてたがBut wasn't Kamenashi popular for being someone who can't get ratings?
- 216: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 14:32:25.11 0 ID:
- 野ブタは主題歌もヒットしたので亀は数字持ってるって事になったんじゃないのDidn't people consider Kamenashi as someone who can bring in the ratings thanks to Nobuta which had a hit main song as well
http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/h/haneka/20060227/20060227081228.jpg - 220: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 14:43:51.37 0 ID:
- 亀梨はもう野球やってりゃ良いと思うぜ野球やってるときが一番楽しそうだしカツンはもう原型ほぼ無いしニュースと共に解散で良いよKamenashi should just play baseball. He even looks happiest when he's doing that.
There's almost no more trace of what KAT-TUN used to be. I'm fine with them disbanding along with NEWS. - 264: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 16:49:24.15 0 ID:
- 亀梨で8パーとか高いな5パーくらいが亀の本領だろ8% for Kamenashi is pretty high.
His true worth is only about 5%, right? - 280: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/15(火) 18:39:51.32 0 ID:
- 初回亀梨ドラマ8.8、嵐にしやがれ7.5、土曜日9時10時でこの数字って日テレカワイソスしかもドラマはワンクール続くから悪夢だFirst episode of Kamenashi's drama at 8.8%, Arashi ni Shiyagare at 7.5%. All on a Saturday night, 9 and 10 pm. Poor NTV. And dramas run for one whole season so it's like a nightmare.
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