I'm quitting KAT-TUN
@TANAKAK0UKI 1hr ago
Pretending to be someone is the pits. That's what I think too. Those guys who create fake accounts of celebrities are the types who are bullied in school, I hope these scums will get arrested pronto.
RT: I'm looking forward to how long you'll be locked up for defamation. Just try to do your best until you manage to get out. I think the previous guy's sentence was 10 years.
@TANAKAK0UKI 1hr ago
Then please tell me the color of your v@g!na. And when your monthly period starts.
RT: I'm not your fan. I'm a fan of the real Koki Tanaka from Johnny's
@TANAKAK0UKI 1hr ago
You guys are my fans, right? Then to show your respect, reply to me with a picture of your v@g!nas uncensored.
@TANAKAK0UKI 1hr ago
Noriko Sakai told me, "I know things will be difficult for you from now on, but please hang in there ok?" while giving me white powdery stuff... so what is this?
@TANAKAK0UKI 2hr ago
Kazuya Kamenashi's phone number !(@$@#$&@&#
@TANAKAK0UKI 2hr ago
Momoiro Clover Z? I've done it with everyone except with purple.
@TANAKAK0UKI 2hr ago
I'm really grateful to all these replies that came. Respect! It looks like people don't want me to quit Twitter. But don't worry, I'll continue. Kay? This is fine, right?
- 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:25:19.15 ID:5xFnn65s
- 暴走しすぎやろwwwMust be on crack for going wild like that www
- 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:26:00.21 ID:kFlqufzp
- 草不可避Can't hold in my laughter
- 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:26:19.37 ID:ZaRHgAi4
- ちょっと無敵モード入ってんよ~Wait a sec, he's in god-mode right now
- 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:27:21.22 ID:jYMxQ9Bo
- これほっといたら事件起こすやろHe'll probably commit some sort of crime if people leave him like this.
Catch him~ - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:27:27.41 ID:dHUpsQ1p
Seriously now, stop doing these things while using Koki's name! RT
@TANAKAK0UKI 22hr ago
Ahh~ I wanna kill Akiko Wada
@kamelav_0223 19hr ago
Hey, can I kill you---? Don't look down on Kame! Don't look down on Koki! Don't look down on KAT-TUN! SCUM! RT
@TANAKAK0UKI 24hr ago
I'm selling pictures of Kazuya Kamenashi's d!ck for \3000
ジャニオタイライラでワロタLOL, the Jani-ota's irritated - 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:27:28.03 ID:JRKSijYW
- 偽物ってばれたからネタに走っただけだろPeople just found out he's fake so he just started trolling
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:27:58.14 ID:kCRwgJyJ
- ゴリマン面白いGoriman's funny
- 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:29:15.89 ID:IdkOuSoV
- つうか剛力彩芽の中の人と一緒やなIt's the same person who also made that fake Gouriki account, right?
- 58: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:29:47.55 ID:SSzL5Z2i
- >>48剛力と田中は同一人物だった・・・?So Gouriki and Tanaka are one and the same...?
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:29:46.85 ID:G+7Nc74d
- こいつThis guy
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/goriman-tanaka.jpg - 60: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:29:53.90 ID:OQks0hs8
- ゴリマンフォローしてる所で察しろPeople should've already noticed it seeing how this account is following Goriman
- 63: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:30:18.40 ID:PRQd8aui
- 剛力のやつだねOh, the same guy as Gouriki
- 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:30:26.29 ID:IdkOuSoV
- 田中聖 @TANAKAK0UKI 1分
I'm gay. I just can't take the pressure of hiding my sexual preference anymore, and I even thought of quitting. I've been in the tabloids numerous times before because of some alleged women problems, but that was all the work of my agency, and the picture now that came out in the tabloids was leaked by my former boyfriend. Everyday is a test for me. - 75: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:30:48.84 ID:obBe+8zx
- アカンこんなんで笑ってもうたwDamn, I can't believe I laughed at something like this w
- 81: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:05.82 ID:R9yIb2h0
- 亀梨の番号晒してるけどどういうことや…
- 84: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:18.84 ID:ZyCiS34u
- この電話番号でググったらI Googled this number, and Gouriki's fake account tweeted this number too
剛力の偽アカウントのときも同じ番号つぶやいてる -
- 96: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:57.44 ID:nLduNRCm
- >>84あっ・・(察し)Ah... (realizes something)
- 90: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:36.54 ID:hKKwZs+3
- 電話番号クソ笑ったLOLing at the phone number
- 93: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:31:49.71 ID:pECyhXYQ
- 返しがおもしろいHis replies are damn funny
- 103: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:32:15.40 ID:1k1qjpcX
- ゲイなのにももクロ食うとかこれもうわかんねーなHe's gay yet he devoured MomoClo!? I don't understand it anymore.
- 106: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:32:28.09 ID:dguLz+uG
- てか中身ゴリマンだったのかwwwwwwSo it's all Goriman's doing? wwwwww
This guy's sense for jokes is amazing. - 113: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:32:45.28 ID:VVG+Bhul
- 亀梨つながんねーぞ
- 115: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:32:52.31 ID:MA8rKnfy
- これ逮捕まであるやろwThis guy will probably be apprehended w
- 137: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:34:36.03 ID:ls9mHTxa
- 亀梨の番号かけて見たら変な奴が出てワロタ
- 142: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:34:43.19 ID:DHwy9Agc
- ゴリマンなんて初めて聞いたIt's my first time hearing of Goriman
- 152: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:35:10.08 ID:7sheB9fP
- >>142有名人のなりすまししまくってる奴やで剛力とか話題になったやろThe guy who keeps pretending he's a celebrity.
You know, the one who became popular thanks to the Gouriki incident.
- 143: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:34:46.19 ID:x3rPlxol
- 田中聖 @TANAKAK0UKI 1分お前ら俺のファンなんだろ?
You guys are my fans, right? Then to show your respect, reply to me with a picture of your v@g!nas unedited.
FUUUUU wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww -
- 182: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:37:34.14 ID:1iJB5o4J
- >>143一理ある気がしてきたIt kind of feels like he has a point
- 294: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:47:15.62 ID:oRHFAWjO
- >>143やだ、カッコイイOh my, how cool
- 381: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:56:30.81 ID:ZK8DZReO
- >>143これマジで2~3枚くらいは送られてきてそうI seriously think that about 2 or 3 pictures were sent his way
- 409: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:01:17.30 ID:jLEq1ZAh
- >>143こいつゲイじゃなかったんですか…?But isn't he gay...?
- 149: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:35:01.35 ID:ZyCiS34u
- ジャニーズ法務部との戦争不可避I don't think he can avoid a war with Johnny's legal department now
- 162: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:36:07.79 ID:IBgE0gao
- 田中聖でツイート検索したらジャニカス発狂しまくってるンゴWhen I tried searching for Koki Tanaka's tweets, all these Jani-kasus* are going crazy
* jani-kasu - derogatory term for jani-wota - 165: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:36:22.11 ID:J2/I8oSg
- こんな偽モンでもフォローワー2万越えってジャニすごいなやっぱSo even a fake account like this gets 20,000 followers, huh? Johnny's really is amazing.
- 185: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:38:03.74 ID:wCb1innM
- ★A***** @d***** 29秒@TANAKAK0UKI キモいんだよ 本物の田中聖じゃねーだろ★A***** @d***** 3分@TANAKAK0UKI お前なんかのファンじゃねーよ 本物のジャニーズ事務所田中聖のファンだよマ●コ激おこプンプン丸でワロタwwwww
@TANAKAK0UKI You're gross. You're not the real Koki Tanaka right?
★A***** @d*****
@TANAKAK0UKI RT: I'm not your fan. I'm a fan of the real Koki Tanaka from Johnny's.
LOLing at how they're so pissed -
- 204: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:39:35.37 ID:9HVb1lgM
- >>185本物ももうジャニーズ事務所の田中聖さんじゃないんだよなぁ…Real Koki Tanaka from Johnny's? He's not with Johnny's anymore...
- 372: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:55:34.03 ID:zZCt2COw
- >>185草不可避Can't stop laughing
- 189: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:38:17.53 ID:UnsPLffl
- こういうのは止めてやれよ・・・・・・ファンがかわいそうだろ。Stop these things...... I feel sorry for the fans.
- 193: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:38:24.53 ID:odn1eH71
- ジャニーズにケンカ売ったら本気で消されそうでこわいI'm actually scared for his existence if he seriously goes at it with Johnny's
- 419: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:02:46.81 ID:a4G6NTcX
- >>193もうジャニーズじゃないから大丈夫だって安心しろよBut Tanaka isn't from Johnny's anymore so it's alright. No need to worry.
- 208: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:39:48.90 ID:vVj5oLRy
- 剛力とジャニーズの差を見せつけられた感じIt feels that the difference between Gouriki and Johnny's became evident with this
- 211: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:40:08.58 ID:Yl0yqi2r
- 謎のHISASHIフォローHe's mysteriously following HISASHI.
It's a bother so just stop it. - 219: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:40:50.93 ID:1iJB5o4J
- @TANAKAK0UKI:なりすましは最低だよな。俺もそう思う、大体そうやって芸能人の偽アカ作る奴は学校でイジめられてるクズ早く逮捕されたらいい
RT @e***** あなたがこの名誉毀損誹謗中傷で懲役何年になるか見ものですね。出てこられるまでせいぜい頑張ってね。前の人確か10年だったような。こんなんに反応しちゃうあたりアホではあるな
Pretending to be someone is the pits. That's what I think too. Those guys who create fake accounts of celebrities are the types who are bullied in school, I hope these scums will get arrested pronto.
RT: I'm looking forward to how long you'll be locked up for defamation. Just try to do your best until you manage to get out. I think the previous guy's sentence was 10 years.
Reacting to something like this proves he's dumb. - 222: 忍法帖【Lv=12,xxxPT】(1+0:12) 2013/10/10(木) 18:41:05.75 ID:YpnA7ZMQ
- そりゃこんだけ好き勝手されたらファンも怒るよ
Of course the fans will get mad if he keeps doing what he wants like this. He just obviously wants to bash the Jani-otas. - 227: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:41:38.11 ID:VVG+Bhul
- 230: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:41:56.90 ID:EhHOKPH2
- なりすましで懲役10年wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww10 years for faking an account wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
That's exaggerating it. - 249: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:43:38.07 ID:erdYmvm2
- モモクロ紫ヲタが切れてるwwwwwwwwwMomoClo's purple wotas are pissed off wwwwwwwww
- 257: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:44:36.16 ID:gF7FlKl9
- >>249あぁもうめちゃくちゃだよAhhh, it's getting out of hand
- 274: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:45:33.88 ID:NYQHL4KR
- >>249そこは喜ぶとこじゃないのか(困惑)But aren't you supposed to be happy about that? (confused)
- 275: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:45:39.79 ID:V78k3sNV
- >>249むしろ喜ぶべきなんだよなぁWe're supposed to be happy about that
- 281: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:46:12.76 ID:HCnIeVUi
- 田中のことはどうでもいいだろうが、Never mind about Tanaka, but writing stuff about the current members might cause him some trouble with Johnny's
現メンバーのあることないこと書いたらジャニーズはヤバいやろな - 283: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:46:15.58 ID:xKtVALKF
- ★A*****;@*****16分@TANAKAK0UKI きもいお前死ねお前のせいだジャニーズから田中聖をいなくさせたのはファッ!?
FU!? -
- 291: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:46:53.91 ID:UnsPLffl
- >>283ヒェ~ッwwwwwwwwwwwwHyeee~~wwwwwwwwwwww
- 298: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:47:28.33 ID:ceAUA5jW
- >>283順番が違うんだよなあLooks like the order's mixed up
- 333: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 18:51:01.98 ID:+B6L7aJK
- ワロタLOL
- 347: イカ焼けばチンコ 2013/10/10(木) 18:52:21.54 ID:odn1eH71
- この電話番号の中の人は何者なんだろうI wonder who the owner of this phone number is.
If the owner is unrelated then he should really be sued for this. - 426: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:03:40.14 ID:r7cZlZ72
- くっそ面白いんやけどI actually found it goddamn funny.
If it was really him then I'd become his fan. - 428: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:03:56.54 ID:bN3rdpIK
- すぐ下ネタに走るあたり芸が無いなぁHe lacks skills for suddenly resorting to these dirty jokes
- 475: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:13:17.01 ID:VtOTnABz
- 剛力のときは
本田翼ちゃんとタバコなうってツイートはおもしろかったわI laughed when he was still using the Gouriki account and tweeted:"Tobacco NAU* with Tsubasa Honda-chan"
*comes from the English word "now", means that she is currently smoking tobacco with Tsubasa Honda. - 481: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/10(木) 19:13:49.39 ID:jezGcR+5
- Twitterとかいうなんでもありの無法地帯Twitter: The lawless grounds where anything goes
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