"We've been receiving a lot of eyewitness reports lately, all claiming that Becky has been going out on dates with EXILE's MAKIDAI (37). They were rumored to be an item for quite some time now, and Becky apparently wants everyone around her to find out about this and make it official. She doesn't make any more efforts to hide it." - (showbiz agency representative)
This is a rarity for Becky, as she has been a "scandal virgin", even if she's already been in the industry for 14 years. She has declared that her work is her lover and that she doesn't want to have a relationship because she doesn't want to disappoint her fans. So what made her change her perception? It was apparently the marriage of her best friend Aya Ueto to EXILE's leader HIRO.
"Becky was the one who acted like the cupid between Ueto and HIRO. And when she's with Ueto and her husband, MAKIDAI, who's very close to HIRO, would also be there. The two just got to spend more time together, which has apparently blossomed into a romantic relationship." - (showbiz agency representative)
- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2013/10/21(月) 07:15:45.21 ID:???P
- (Continuation from >>1)MAKIDAI's real name is Daisuke Maki. He's been in EXILE from the beginning, and also acts, models, and hosts.
"He is one of the most popular members of EXILE and is widely active across various fields, as he's even the image model for Armani. He's also an elite member in society, being the son of a major electronics company executive who was even a director of its subsidiary. MAKIDAI himself is actually pretty reliable. MAKIDAI only had romantic reports with Jun Hasegawa in the past and might actually be a good match for Becky, who has done so well to protect her image for so long." - (a different showbiz agency representative)
And Becky was seen next to Ueto beside the stage at EXILE's concert at the end of September.
"Becky even said on one program recently that 'Everyone around me sees me as a woman with nothing of that sort (romance), but I'm already 29 so of course I have one (a boyfriend)'. The staff were surprised at the declaration this scandal virgin just made. It's the same as announcing to the world that she's in a relationship and telling the gossip magazines to 'take a picture of me'. Could it be that she's already thinking of marriage?" - (TV station insider) - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:18:32.37 ID:EAYshW+PO
- 上戸彩~Aya Ueto~
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/20111218_hiro_46.jpg - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:18:43.01 ID:orZPl0ccO
- 親友の旦那に使われてる彼氏…なんかややこしそうだなHer boyfriend is being bossed around by her best friend's husband... that can get kinda complicated
http://x66img.peps.jp/uimg/e/exilemkhmuatas/57/conbdish3jA.jpg - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:22:45.24 ID:7AnHwUCB0
- ベッキーって異常なほど自己愛が強いだろうけど浮気許せるのかねI'm sure Becky is very narcissistic, will she be able to forgive affairs and such?
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:29:23.01 ID:F8DGz+V30
- 上戸ルートでつながったんだなSo they got together via the Ueto route, huh
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/20120903_uetoaya_281.jpg - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:30:09.76 ID:g5jV4r5Fi
- ベッキーもそろそろ結婚かな?So will Becky get married soon?
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:34:06.08 ID:eJnVn3Kn0
- ベッキー近影Becky recently
http://www.onitsuka-chihiro.jp/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/chihiro_band_2_WEB_TOP.jpg -
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:46:40.10 ID:eOjCtWrP0
- >>32この汚れた世界に墜ちてきた天使さんじゃないですかそれ鬼束ちひろWow, that's like an angel who has fallen into this contaminated world.
Chihiro Onitsuka.
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:36:59.36 ID:ktnNQihx0
- ベッキー噛みつかれんのかSo will Becky get bitten?
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:38:37.66 ID:1RLONYqB0
- >>37俺もそれ思ったセ●クス中、盛り上がってくると乳首噛むんじゃなかったっけあとDVと酒かつ結婚はHIRO以前はありえなかったし、人気的にメンバーの結婚は今でも基本NGだとかI thought about that too.
There was a report that he bites his partner's nipples once he gets excited during the act, right?
There's also DV* and wine.
They weren't allowed to get married before HIRO, and the popular members still aren't allowed to get married now, right?
* Domestic Violence
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:39:36.36 ID:0e/J8ad5O
- 文春さんに、噛み癖暴露された人かOh, the guy whom Bunshun exposed to have a biting habit
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:42:46.53 ID:PcQM9M6c0
- 早く結婚して浮気されまくってほしいwI hope they get married soon and he cheats a lot on her w
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:43:04.47 ID:5m2DDInY0
- こいつハーフフェチなんだよマジでえThis guy's seriously got a thing for halfies, eh
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 07:53:51.09 ID:F7Wn+VbH0
- このままでも仕事はあり続けたろうが、タレントしては完全に頭打ちだったし結婚のいい時期なんじゃないキャラが年齢的に厳しくなってたShe probably would have still kept on receiving projects, but I think she's already hit the ceiling as a talent, so this is probably the perfect time for her to get married. It's also getting pretty tough on her to keep putting on that kind of persona at this age.
- 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:01:41.17 ID:Y4jMjzLv0
- マキダイは赤西仁並の外国人好きで有名MAKIDAI's on the same level as Jin Akanishi as someone who's pretty notorious for liking foreigners
- 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:05:28.01 ID:XDXlklM/O
- 長谷川潤、ベッキーか・・・マキダイの好みがはっきりと分かるなWWJun Hasegawa and Becky, huh...
You can totally tell what MAKIDAI's types are ww
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201305/23/85/d0218585_12345972.jpg - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:12:30.50 ID:6tulnMM50
- そろそろ仕事を減らしたいと言ってたな一行ブログになってるしもう一生分稼いだし結婚したいんだろうShe said that she wants to decrease her jobs, right?
Even her blog entries right now are just single sentences.
She must have already earned enough to last her a lifetime, so she probably wants to get married already. - 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:15:22.08 ID:HAtapZ3P0
- 親友の上戸がEXILEメンバーと結婚だから普通にメンバーとの交際はありうるわなHer best friend Ueto married an EXILE member so you could really see something like this coming
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:19:11.13 ID:lWoLZHuXO
- >>101このまま結婚すりゃ旦那が上司部下の関係だから親友の上戸とも上下関係になるな。But if she gets married, her partner is still like the subordinate of HIRO.
Maybe that'll also happen to her relationship with Ueto, where there will be a hierarchy.
- 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:21:47.68 ID:KqdxA87A0
- なんかイメージが合わない気もするベッキーは器用でマキダイ棒だしな・・I feel that their images don't match...
Becky's pretty skillful while MAKIDAI's like a stick.. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:24:14.35 ID:PtzhlfOR0
- ベッキーってなんとなくレズなのかと思ってたFor some reason, I thought that Becky was a lesbian
http://image.news.livedoor.com/newsimage/8/1/810c9a3f48d2e44a1b43d488ea17cf36.jpg - 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:43:11.32 ID:abbumItnO
- やっぱモテるのはザイラータイプなんだなぁ...orzSo the "EXILE-type" of men are really the ones who are popular with the girls huh... orz
http://bella163.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_6ab/bella163/EXILE.jpg - 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:43:17.72 ID:s1lDDx3W0
- これは無いだろ親友の上戸の旦那の子分と結婚するわけが無いI don't think so.
There's no way she'll marry the underling of Ueto's husband. - 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:50:54.00 ID:xXgjJ+ja0
- お前らとは違い世間は歓迎ムード一色になるだろうねAnd unlike you guys, the general public will definitely be celebrating this
- 156: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:51:04.87 ID:j8IsTVP90
- 何の根拠もないがこの組み合わせ上手く行く気がしないみんなが結婚まで行く前提で話しているのに驚くI don't have any grounds for saying this, but I don't think this pair will work out.
I'm quite surprised that everyone's already talking as if they're going to get married. -
- 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 08:52:37.25 ID:MD4ox7/L0
- >>156ヒロ上戸と家族ぐるみ有り得るだろIt's possible as they'll be one big happy family with HIRO and Ueto
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:00:00.60 ID:orXs9SsEi
- 妹が別の事務所に所属したとかいう時に貧乳姉妹で有名ですとか言ってたな。When her younger sister joined a different agency, she said that they were well-known for having small racks.
http://matomeyakata.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/0e320503.jpg - 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:12:07.42 ID:tK1AMNOt0
- 同性愛者かと思ってたわ雰囲気的にI thought she was a lesbian, you know, based on the air around her and stuff
- 214: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:26:20.59 ID:cGoAfUOV0
- 万人に好かれたいキャラに限界を感じたのかShe must have already felt the limitations of having this persona of trying to appeal to everyone
- 226: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:31:42.98 ID:qg2fmRfHP
- なんでエグザイル?って思ったけど友達の上戸彩の紹介かI initially thought "Why with someone from EXILE?"
So it was through her friend Aya Ueto, huh. - 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:36:17.09 ID:6cmY+4Bt0
- >EXILEのMAKIDAIと言われても、あのチンピラダンサーズの誰が誰とかわかる奴どれだけいるんだよw>EXILE's MAKIDAI
But seriously, how many people can recognize those chinpira* dancers from one another? w
*(Chinpira means punk, or hooligan) -
- 240: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:38:55.30 ID:mXt3KTOp0
- >>237深夜ドラマで6%の高視聴率を叩きだした名俳優He's this great actor who was able to get a super high ratings of 6% for his late night drama
- 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 09:53:02.16 ID:OVv9+uAZ0
- こいつと結婚したら間違いなく30代でシングルマザーになるだろなwwI can undoubtedly see her becoming a single mother in her 30s when she does decide on marrying this guy ww
- 276: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 10:01:08.90 ID:MyKnH4aL0
- 男でベッキーのファンってあまり聞いたことないから別にいいんじゃね結婚引退しても別に影響ないでしょI actually haven't heard of a lot of Becky fans among men so isn't this fine?
I don't think there will be any impact even if she gets married and decides to retire. - 288: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 10:16:33.14 ID:t18aJASk0
- マキダイとアキラはいつのまにか出世したな最初はファン以外には知名度なかったMAKIDAI and AKIRA seem to have made strides all of a sudden.
Previously, only their fans knew who they were.
http://e-fccj.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/EXILE-AKIRA.jpg - 310: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 10:41:06.74 ID:g+58pfXU0
- 平愛梨が上戸にEXILEに好きな人いたら紹介するよって言われたとか言ってたなEXILEファンは余計なことすんなって思ってるだろうけどwAya Ueto once told Airi Taira that she'd introduce her to an EXILE member that she likes.
I bet EXILE fans must be thinking, "Don't do unnecessary things like that" w
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/step_you_and_me/imgs/3/9/39e90cee.jpg?79cb8be7 - 317: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 10:47:57.96 ID:pxHIsvOW0
- 前から目撃談が出てただろエグザイル風の刺青チャラ男とベッキービキニがプールに来てたってThere were already reports that they were spotted together before, right?
That an EXILE-like flashy dude and a bikini-clad Becky were in a pool. - 338: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 11:08:21.48 ID:ucPxXlWkO
- ハーフ好きだなHe really likes halfies, huh
- 345: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 11:17:01.88 ID:0yfXHIppO
- 長谷川純とかと付き合いしてたから、めっちゃ面食いと思ってたのにHe dated Jun Hasegawa before so I always thought that he's after the looks
- 348: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 11:18:36.10 ID:RsfdPChb0
- 上戸が斡旋してるんだろ平愛梨も上戸からEXILE紹介された!っておしゃれイズムで暴露してたじゃんwUeto's the mediator here, right?
Airi Taira said on Oshareism that Ueto introduced her to an EXILE member, right? w - 373: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 11:46:58.84 ID:BgEDoY6+O
- ベッキーは中居を尊敬してるが惚れてると思ってたまあ中居が相手にしてないからなBecky respects Nakai, but I thought he was her type.
Well, I don't think Nakai puts up with her, though.
(Somewhat related post about Becky and Nakai HERE) - 375: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 11:47:22.49 ID:a6rhUa8f0
- おしゃべりクソ野郎(品川)よく見りゃブス(ベッキー)有吉がつけたあだ名のトップ2だろ
Oshaberi kuso yarou* (Shinagawa)
Yoku mirya busu* (Becky)
She's in the top 2 among the people whom Ariyoshi gave nicknames to
* (Oshaberi kuso yarou = blabbermouth shi+head
Yoku mirya busu = Ugly when looked at closely)
http://blog-imgs-60.fc2.com/t/a/m/tamuditakko/18sennitinoyakusoku.jpg - 396: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 12:08:37.77 ID:L+8oEVZF0
- よく見なくてもブスだろ性格よさそうだけどShe's ugly even if you don't look at her that closely.
But she does seem like she's got a good personality. - 429: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 12:34:20.58 ID:5xI31q1q0
- EXILEはもてまくりだなジャニーズより人気あるじゃんめちゃくちゃ羨ましいなEXILE's so popular with the ladies, huh.
It even seems like they're more popular than Johnny's.
I'm so envious of them. -
- 439: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 12:42:26.83 ID:I3jtQHN80
- >>429まぁこれからは、AKBに限らず、女性アイドルや若手の女優はエグザイルに食われまくるんだろうなE-Girlsに至っては、すでにほとんどが食われてるんだろうけどWell, I think that these EXILE members will just help themselves to all these idols and young actresses, not just AKB, from now on.
I even think that most of the E-Girls have already been devoured by them.
- 440: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/21(月) 12:43:03.34 ID:MYnwHLIQ0
- ベッキーが何もつぶやかないってことは本当なんだな。。。And Becky isn't tweeting anything, so it must be true...
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