- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:14:49.15 ID:BOIF4am60
- 意外と取ってるThat's surprisingly high
- 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:16:08.22 ID:m5HjKNJW0
- めごっちがいい味だしてるわwMegocchi actually gave a nice touch to the drama w - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:17:56.32 ID:MHvb9a0O0
- <<参考>>長瀬の最近の数字
2007 歌姫 8.0%
2009 華麗なるスパイ 11.1%
2010 うぬぼれ刑事 8.2%
2013 泣くな、はらちゃん 10.2%
Nagase's latest numbers.
2007 Utahime 8.0%
2009 Karei Naru Spy 11.1%
2010 Unubore Deka 8.2%
2013 Nakuna, Harachan 10.2% -
- 231: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:37:57.08 ID:gkztRfuI0
- >>18歌姫と、はらちゃんは神ドラマだったぞただ今回の長瀬の発声は理解に苦しむ普通で良かったと思うんだけど…Utahime and Harachan were godly dramas.
But I'm having a hard time understanding Nagase when he speaks in this drama. He should just talk normally.
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:43:25.03 ID:TPcF4leQ0
- >>18長瀬ドラマは数字は低いが固定客ががっちり喰い付くからなぁ。Nagase's dramas usually have low ratings, but he always has a solid fanbase who'll follow him
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:18:56.66 ID:jTQFDD0pO
- おもしろかった!剛力も頑張ってた!It was good! Even Gouriki did a good job! - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:19:34.26 ID:MHvb9a0O0
- <<参考>>
金10 直近2年LADY.
私はシャドウ .
12.9__10.4__*8.8__*9.4__10.4__*9.9__*9.8__*9.8__*9.2__*8.0(終) ________*9.86
Fridays at 10 (last 2 years)
Binan desu ne
Watashi wa shadow
Renai NEET.....
Mou ichido kimi ni....
Kuro no Onna Kyoushi
12.9__10.4__*8.8__*9.4__10.4__*9.9__*9.8__*9.8__*9.2__*8.0(F) ________*9.86
Ooku Tanjou
Yakou Kanransha..
Naruyou ni naru
12.0 -
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:20:16.89 ID:CKwMv1MO0
- >>23ゴミドラマしかやってない枠かクロコーチは面白くなりそうSo it's the timeslot where they only have trashy dramas. Kurokouchi looks like it'll be good.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:20:40.86 ID:Ke5fZgpk0
- 3億円事件とか未解決モノは男は大好物なんだが、女は興味薄いから数字厳しいんだな。俺は今期一番好きだなGuys love stuff like \300 million cases and unsolved crimes, but not so much for girls, so I think that it will struggle to get good ratings.
This is my favorite for this season. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:21:53.04 ID:TZrnk+2G0
- 録画はしたけど面白かった?I recorded it, but was it good?
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:22:49.68 ID:CjpDsSXZ0
- >>34長瀬の大衆演劇みたいな演技に耐えられるなら面白い剛力はけっこう上手いIf you can get over Nagase's Taishuu Engeki*-like acting then it's pretty good. Gouriki's actually really good here.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:23:36.83 ID:fKWb13C20
- 思ったより取ってたwIt did better than expected w
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:23:38.59 ID:oehM/kJ/0
- マンガが原作なのか。どーりでリアリティのない強引なストーリー展開なんだな。でも、悪くはない。これからよくなる事期待しようSo it's originally from a manga, huh? That's why the story kinda felt too forced, without too much realism.But it wasn't bad. Here's to hoping that it'll improve.
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:10:57.09 ID:hkiu/jTH0
- >>41漫画の原作者は、かの浦沢直樹センセといつもストーリー練ってる人よま、この漫画が完結してないから、結末がしょぼいというのはまだわからないけどThe manga writer is the same guy who always works on stories together with Naoki Urasawa-sensei.
This manga isn't completed yet so we won't know if it will end badly.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:25:59.84 ID:ubEGOyUs0
- かなり面白かったでも序盤がイマイチだったからチャンネル変えた人もいるだろうしその人たちの影響で次回下がるんだろうなIt was really good. But the first half wasn't really that captivating, so I'm sure there were also some people who changed channels there. I think the next episode will go down because of that.
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:27:25.58 ID:ix0/0DQ90
- いきなりおっぱいが出てきたんでよかった次もおっぱいを出せIt was good because of the boobies at the beginning.They should also use boobies in the next episode.
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:28:31.46 ID:2sK+P7Dc0
- うわーやっぱ低いなw おもしろかったのにSo it's pretty low as expected, huh w
But it was good. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:29:36.67 ID:ChYlzWhx0
- 今のところ今季はこれが1番面白いかなSo far, I think this is the best one this season
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:30:38.16 ID:UHuUghoZ0
- おもしろかったけどな今までにいなかったタイプの主人公でYeah, it really was good.The lead character is a type that hasn't been seen before.
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:33:38.65 ID:RN3BjgGA0
- 強力がいなければ見るのにwああいうごり押しまじ嫌いなんでwTo think that I would have watched it if it wasn't for Gouriki w
I seriously hate people who are overhyped like that w - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:35:45.34 ID:W0LkJnBX0
- まぁ結構面白かった安堂ロイドよりは次見たいWell, it was good.
I'd watch the next episode over Ando Lloyd. -
- 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:40:37.78 ID:CKwMv1MO0
- >>79安堂酷かったよな二話からは無理だわAndo Lloyd was horrible.
I won't be able to stand episode 2 onwards.
- 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:39:06.63 ID:aucsh8ChO
- 黒河内・内野聖陽清家・石原さとみこれだったら視聴率が稼げたかもな。長瀬のクロコーチが好きだから文句ないんだけど。Kurokouchi - Seiyo Uchino
Seike - Satomi Ishihara
They probably would have been able to get ratings with this.
Well, I don't really have any complaints since I like Nagase as Kurokouchi. -
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:49:10.22 ID:qBiccaaMi
- >>83そっちの方がいいな見た目は漫画のクロコーチの画像みたら長瀬の方が近いけど低い声や演技力なら内野だわ剛力は演技力とか以前に見た目が苦手。お色気シーンも期待できない6That would be better. Based on the looks, Nagase probably looks closer to the original, but Uchino's better with the lower voice and acting.
As for Gouriki, I just don't really like her acting, let alone her looks. We can't even expect any sexy scenes from her.
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:43:51.79 ID:BIxUeqit0
- まぁまぁ面白かった父親が剛力を見ながら、なんかおかしい言ってたwIt was pretty good.
My dad said, "Something's not right", while watching Gouriki, though w - 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:50:41.51 ID:/5H0mwG6O
- 長瀬の演技がもう少し抑えめだといいな。ストーリーは面白そう。It would be better if Nagase suppresses his acting a bit.
The story seems interesting though. - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:52:33.11 ID:b2x+EkV60
- 最近の長瀬にしては頑張った方だな2007 歌姫 TBS金22 平均視聴率 7.95%
2009 華麗なるスパイ NTV土21 平均視聴率 11.12%
2010 うぬぼれ刑事 TBS金22 平均視聴率 8.15%
2013 泣くな、はらちゃん NTV土21 平均視聴率 10.24%
2007 UTAHIME *TBS Friday 10pm Ave. 7.95%
2009 KAREI NARU SPY *NTV Saturday 9pm Ave. 11.12%
2010 UNUBORE DEKA *TBS Friday 10pm Ave. 8.15%
2013 NAKUNA, HARACHAN *NTV Saturday 9pm Ave. 10.24% -
- 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:54:05.41 ID:O2EXSoRO0
- >>115マイボスだけ確変だったんだな他のも面白いと思うんだけどなMy Boss was just an irregular evolution, huh.
But actually, those other ones are pretty good too.
- 141: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:01:05.87 ID:DAfK7n0gO
- >>115長瀬って低視聴率ばっかなのに何で主演出来るの?Nagase always gets low ratings, but why is he always playing the lead?
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:05:10.11 ID:8pplokvU0
- >>115歌姫って愛撫先とのやつ…?あれって、そんなに低かったの…Utahime's the one with Saki Aibu right...?
So that one was that low, huh...
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:54:37.56 ID:Q6dhL1gl0
- ちょっと勘違いしてた、一話完結で毎回未解決事件やってくのかと思ったら三億円事件だけを追うドラマだったのな、そのせいかテンポ悪く感じてしまったわI misunderstood something, I thought they'd settle unsolved crimes every episode, but they're just going to chase after the 300 million case, huh? And maybe that's why I felt the pacing was bad.
- 137: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:59:44.53 ID:JsslKADZ0
- >>120でも別の事件を解決して最後に3億円だから一話完結のような感じのようなBut I think they'll still solve other cases along the way per episode, which will eventually lead to the 300 million case in the end.
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:55:45.78 ID:giCZMTrp0
- 評判いいから気になる長瀬のドラマは意外と面白いの多い印象IWGPとタイガー&ドラゴンしか見てないけど・・I'm getting pretty curious because of all the positive reviews it's getting. There's always been this image that a lot of Nagase's dramas are good. But I only got to watch IWGP and Tiger & Dragon though...
- 136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 10:59:31.05 ID:WPDzhAcA0
- すげー面白いんだけど剛力で敬遠してる人も多そうIt was amazingly good, but I feel that there are a lot of people avoiding it because of Gouriki -
- 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:05:02.93 ID:YpMo/c420
- >>136まさに剛力で脱落したわw顔見てるといらついてしょうがないいっそ女芸人とかにしてくれたほうがよかったAnd I'm one of those who dropped out because of Gouriki w
I can't help it, I just get irritated when I see her face. I would have preferred it if they just used a female comedian instead.
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:02:55.67 ID:Z5ag1PcR0
- アンドロイドより断然面白かったのに負けたのか・・・・To think that it was soooooo much better than Ando Lloyd, it lost in the ratings, huh....
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:04:53.69 ID:Up40ZnE50
- ゴーリキがビブリアの演技とまったく一緒で面白かったいや僕はゴーリキちゃん好きなんですけどねI found it good since Gouriki's acting was exactly like how it was in Biblia.FYI, I like Gouriki-chan.
- 174: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:11:49.89 ID:dRTW2JLy0
- ごーりきは確かに不要だが、長瀬ドラマなだけあって、やっぱおもしろかったなTrue, Gouriki's unnecessary here. But as expected of a Nagase drama, it was really good.
- 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:14:12.09 ID:36c5z4kH0
- 「剛力ガー、剛力ガー」って言ってる奴が一番暑苦しい
The most irritating ones are these people who complain about Gouriki each and every single time -
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:20:14.19 ID:rl6jIrVri
- >>179まあそう熱くなるなよDon't get too fired up now
- 191: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:19:47.71 ID:Z9PcaMvp0
- 案外このドラマ良かったてかいまのところ今クール一番面白いThis was unexpectedly good.
Actually, this is by far the best one this season. - 209: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:28:27.82 ID:5C/LD7X30
- まあまあ面白かった原作が面白いんだろうけど長瀬がまあまあハマってるタイガー&ドラゴンでもそうだったが、チンピラ役好きなんだろうなwIt was pretty good.
I bet that's because the original is good too.
Nagase fit his role well.
This was also true with Tiger & Dragon, but he must really like these thug-like roles. - 221: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:32:19.82 ID:YJ00H31R0
- 長瀬不細工なおっさんになってたwストーリーはまあまあなのにしゃべり方とごり押しちゃんの演技がなんだかなNagase just became an ugly old man w
The story wasn't bad, but it felt off as a whole because of the way he speaks and Gori-oshi-chan's acting. - 235: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:38:59.50 ID:Y/VFF9fR0
- 原作は読んでないけど、あの口調は松田優作をやっぱり意識してるのかなもっと面白く出来そうな筋だと思うだけど、あちこちがいろいろと残念で損してると思ったI didn't read the manga, but I think he had Yusaku Matsuda as his peg with the way he was speaking.
I feel that it has the potential to be better, but I felt that there were some disappointing parts here and there which hurt the episode as a whole. - 239: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:41:27.81 ID:AGCHqE4+0
- 剛力がいなかったら1ケタだったIt would've only gotten single digits if it wasn't for Gouriki. - 264: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 11:54:02.01 ID:/16F37EeP
- 面白かったよこの先、どうなるか気になる作品It was good.
It's a series that has actually tickled my curiosity as to how things will unfold. - 289: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/15(火) 12:08:05.01 ID:ywyLKTGQ0
- 期待せずに見たら以外に面白かった
I watched it without any high hopes but it was surprisingly good.
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