In the book, she opens up about her inferiority complex of having a Filipina mother and a Japanese father, saying: "I may be a halfie, but it's different from being half-American or half-British. It was really hard to say that I'm half-Filipino".
"I kept thinking 'What am I?' for 7 and a half years while I was spending time together with all these other idols like Mayuyu and Yuko. But I am able to stay active and have work because of my shoulder width that's bigger than anyone else's in AKB, and my muscles. I cherished these traits as these define who I really am." "Now I am proud when I say that I'm half-Filipino, and I hope that I can give give a helping hand to everyone else who are half-bred and is in the same situation as I was, and people who have no confidence".
And with her graduation from AKB48 last August, she is now freed from the "no-relationships" rule. She was asked at the event if she has "found love", to which she replied, "Nothing has changed at all." "Maybe, if I meet someone nice". About her type of man, she said: "I'm a really troublesome girl, so I'd like someone who can accept that, and people like those persistent goats".
"I may look like a herbivore, but I actually like carnivorous men who are like meat rolled in cabbage leaves. Like the ones whom you send 1 text message to but reply with 5." She smiles and follows this up with: "I'm the type who totally gets absorbed in a relationship. If I fall too much in love with a person, I might not be able to work anymore".
Akimoto has also declared that she will try her best as an actress. "It's true that Yuko has stimulated that feeling in me. We've spent our youth together each and every single day in AKB, so I think that both of us have something to offer as actresses".
- 8: TEKKAMAKI(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/28(月) 23:25:23.66 ID:GaRCBPvL0
- AKB混血リストAKB mixed-breed list
大島優子 アメリカ(クォーター)Yuko Oshima - America (quarter)秋元才加 フィリピンSayaka Akimoto - Philippines平田梨奈 アメリカRina Hirata - Americaサイード横田絵玲奈 パキスタンErena Saeed-Yokota - Pakistan奥真奈美 イタリアManami Oku - Italy長谷川晴奈 フィリピンHaruna Hasegawa - Philippines木下有希子 スペインYukiko Kinoshita - Spain山下ゆかり フィリピンYukari Yamashita - Philippines斉藤真木子 フィリピンMakiko Saito - Philippines與儀ケイラ ブラジル(クォーター)Kayla Yogi - Brazil (quarter)谷口愛理 フィリピンAiri Taniguchi - Philippines村重杏奈 ロシアAnna Murashige - Russia齋藤飛鳥 ミャンマーAsuka Saito - Myanmar宮澤成良 フランス(クォーター)Seira Miyazawa - France (quarter) -
- 15: キャプチュード(庭) 2013/10/28(月) 23:27:42.46 ID:gNoDdbMG0
- >>8イタリアがずば抜けてるな完勝でお見事だわItaly's standing out from the rest.
It's such a comprehensive victory, outstanding.
- 18: ツームストンパイルドライバー(愛知県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:28:06.95 ID:uJWc2blM0
- >>8フィリピン大杉ワロタLOL, there really are a lot of Filipinas, huh
- 82: ときめきメモリアル(滋賀県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:43:09.07 ID:4OeYt1Nw0
- >>8AKBってこんな混血多いのか しらんかったI didn't know that AKB had this many mix-breeds
- 111: スリーパーホールド(愛知県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:56:41.72 ID:dJcYUdyt0
- >>8MNL(マニラ)48でも良いかも知れんなThey could've even called this MNL(Manila)48
- 145: ローリングソバット(dion軍) 2013/10/29(火) 00:16:36.23 ID:8ixcVJr+0
- >>8イタリアの血が最強すぎるwItalian blood is the mightiest w
- 206: 足4の字固め(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 01:08:36.03 ID:KPnoJTM10
- >>8ミャンマー優勝Champion: Myanmar
- 259: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(東京都) 2013/10/29(火) 02:14:12.26 ID:vijL7vc+0
- >>8小島ってクォーターだと聞いたがI heard that Kojima's a quarter
- 9: テキサスクローバーホールド(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/28(月) 23:25:25.20 ID:h5XVzLlt0
- 顔が濃いと思ってたけどハーフだったのか初めて知ったI always thought she had deep facial features, so she was a halfie?
This is my first time knowing it. - 11: キャプチュード(庭) 2013/10/28(月) 23:25:54.33 ID:gNoDdbMG0
- どうせフィリピンパブで孕ましたんだろうなと思ってしまうThe first impression you get is that her dad just probably knocked up some girl in a Philippine pub
- 14: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/28(月) 23:27:17.14 ID:EXzKXEHN0
- 差別されていると思う自分の弱さを他人のせいにするなDon't blame your own weakness on others if you think you're being discriminated
- 20: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(福島県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:28:53.98 ID:7jWEfNPv0
- 差別されてるけど人気アイドルグループの中心メンバーになれちゃうんか そうかSo she's being discriminated but she still gets to become one of the main members of a popular idol group. I see.
- 21: 男色ドライバー(神奈川県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:28:59.93 ID:ZJLQ6sMm0
- 美人のフィリピンハーフとブサイクの純日本人どっちが差別受けるかA beautiful half-Filipina, or an ugly pure Japanese.
Which would be the one who'd be discriminated? - 30: ビッグブーツ(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/28(月) 23:31:22.76 ID:8RggG8pMO
- このコは別に悪くないけど、関東だと蒲田、川崎あたりでサエないオッサンとフィリピン人のカップルはよく見る。日本の女性に相手にされなくて、フィリピンパブでいれあげちゃったんだろうなぁと想像し正直、侮蔑の眼差しで見てしまう。There's nothing wrong with her, but in Kamata and Kawasaki of the Kanto region, you see a lot of couples like an old Japanese man together with a Filipina.
If you imagine that a Japanese woman didn't give a damn about the man and he was accepted by someone from a Philippine pub then honestly, you'd look down on them. -
- 122: ファイナルカット(大阪府) 2013/10/29(火) 00:04:05.22 ID:X3YSM2Jg0
- >>30それを知ってるから肩身が狭いんだろなAnd she knows that, and is precisely why she feels inferior
- 56: ナガタロックII(埼玉県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:36:44.37 ID:gEynS2830
- 秋元才加の腹筋Sayaka Akimoto's abs - 62: マシンガンチョップ(京都府) 2013/10/28(月) 23:37:12.22 ID:SuFdvUBH0
- 白人コンプをこじらせてる辺り、君は立派な日本人だよYou're a Japanese person because of that Caucasian complex that you have
- 66: ランサルセ(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/28(月) 23:39:01.75 ID:DYFbn1tj0
- 白人コンプの日本だからしょうがないJapanese people have a complex for white people, it can't be helped
- 80: ネックハンギングツリー(茸) 2013/10/28(月) 23:42:30.59 ID:lolWVJN80
- 美人だからいいじゃんShe's beautiful, who cares
- 95: ダイビングヘッドバット(dion軍) 2013/10/28(月) 23:48:05.88 ID:K7obDtdB0
- まあピーナといえば女に一切モテないオッサン専用嫁というのが定番だしそれが真実だからな東南アジアの中では結構可愛い人多い方だとは思うけどそんな理由でピーナは避けるでしょ、普通の人はWell, it can't be denied that everyone's already got this image that Filipinas are wives of these old guys who aren't popular with women. And that's actually true.
I think that they're a race with a lot of cute girls even in Southeast Asia, but people normally avoid them for the reason said above. - 108: マシンガンチョップ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/28(月) 23:55:17.55 ID:GZZao7qx0
- エキゾチックな容姿で良いと思うぞ。どちらかといえば国際的なモデル顔だろ。自信もって頑張れば良し!I think she's nice and that she looks exotic.
She actually looks like an international model.
She should be more confident and work hard! - 113: ハイキック(群馬県) 2013/10/28(月) 23:57:31.22 ID:ueczltjv0
- だってフィリピンて聞くだけで日本人からまったくモテな父ちゃんがフィリピンパブで引っ掛けて残留目当てで結婚したって丸出しじゃん?ちがうん?But when you hear Philippines, all you imagine are the girls working in Philippine pubs who marry these ugly old Japanese guys so they can stay in Japan.
Am I wrong? -
- 125: ハイキック(茸) 2013/10/29(火) 00:04:33.38 ID:hDxG5vU4P
- >>113少なく見て八割はそれだろうなAt the very least, 80% of people think that way
- 120: ランサルセ(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:03:13.77 ID:OniSfRKA0
- フィリピン人って可愛いだろ元先進国さんやで?80年ぐらい前はBut Filipinas are cute.
They used to be an advanced nation, you know?
80 years ago. - 126: ストマッククロー(東京都) 2013/10/29(火) 00:04:42.87 ID:59ZZh/5J0
- フィリピンが先進国だったことなんてねえからThere's no way the Philippines was an industrially advanced nation.
- 129: ランサルセ(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:08:42.57 ID:KxtBV0Sd0
- >>126なうでヤングな国だったんだぞただちょっとばかし占領されてただけでIt used to be a modern and young country.
But when it got occupied...
- 139: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(関西・北陸) 2013/10/29(火) 00:13:59.49 ID:+rqkt1slO
- 俺は自分の遺伝子とちょっとでも違う民族と混じりあった方が遺伝子的に優秀・強くなるって話聞いてハーフ大歓迎。逆に近親相姦とかの、全く同じ遺伝子で交じり合えば合うほど奇形、貧弱化するらしいな。After hearing that mixing your own genes with entirely different genes from a different race will give birth to stronger and excellent DNAs so I actually welcome the idea of half-breds.
On the other hand, if you mix your genes with a similar gene, like in the case of incest, then I heard that it would be more prone to irregularities and weaknesses. - 146: スパイダージャーマン(宮崎県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:16:51.81 ID:jZh5LXBH0
- 最近の芸能界のハーフ押しがすげぇ気持ち悪い、一時の韓流ゴリ押しと一緒I'm actually disgusted at how the showbiz world is pushing all these half-bred talents forward, it feels like the time when they pushed for all those Korean talents at one point.
- 148: 足4の字固め(西日本) 2013/10/29(火) 00:18:27.23 ID:IXsTPMnu0
- >>146わかる、国粋主義者じゃないけど、うざくなってきたI understand what you mean. I'm not exactly an ultranationalist, but it is getting annoying.
- 152: アンクルホールド(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:22:05.32 ID:iiLsqm8+0
- >>146最近はモデル上がりだけじゃなくてお笑い芸人のハーフが増えてきたなThere also seems to be an increase in halfie comedians, not just the models
- 153: スターダストプレス(岐阜県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:22:18.78 ID:e12HSycr0
- >>146ハーフがコメントするだけで「おい、ホルホルしていいぞ」みたいな雰囲気が嫌I hate it how some of these halfies are emitting this aura that seems to say "Go ahead and praise me" whenever they just say something
- 157: アイアンクロー(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/29(火) 00:23:37.48 ID:NwDygdPci
- イメージ悪いからな不法就労やら売春やらまあ、フィリピンのイメージが向上するように頑張れThat's because the Philippines has a relatively bad image,
what with the illegal labor cases and prostitution.
I hope she works hard to lift the image of the Philippines up. -
- 162: フロントネックロック(関西・東海) 2013/10/29(火) 00:26:29.46 ID:i+rYs/FaO
- >>157同意。悪いイメージはたしかにあるけれど、自分の評価は自分で変えられるから問題なし。
It's true that there's a bad image pinned to the Philippines in general. But you yourself have the ability to change how people see you, so there's no problem at all.
- 183: ハイキック(アイルランド) 2013/10/29(火) 00:44:00.74 ID:CqmqiWr6P
- フィリピン人との結婚って聞いたら、どうせ金とか国籍が目的なんだろうなって思うのは確かその間に生まれた子供が色眼鏡で見られるのも仕方ないよねIt's true that people will think that the Filipino partner is only after the money or the nationality when they get married. It can't be helped that those children will be looked at with a bias.
- 184: ダイビングフットスタンプ(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 00:44:52.26 ID:5dej4K5E0
- これを見ても秋元才加がブスと言えるの?Can you still call Sayaka Akimoto ugly after seeing these pictures? -
- 202: タイガースープレックス(福岡県) 2013/10/29(火) 01:01:32.83 ID:IzVh50HK0
- >>184画像1番下はTOKIOの長瀬だろ。The bottom-most picture, that's TOKIO's Nagase, right?
- 197: フェイスクラッシャー(WiMAX) 2013/10/29(火) 00:57:40.79 ID:MNyqKLFe0
- 日本人がフィリピン人を叩く理由なんて何も無いだろThere's no reason whatsoever for the Japanese to hate on and bash Filipinos
- 199: イス攻撃(大阪府) 2013/10/29(火) 01:00:31.05 ID:T97jzwIw0
- 顔はいまいちだけど体はエ口いから嫌いじゃないよHer face is a bit off but she's got a hot body so I don't dislike her
- 231: ファイナルカット(千葉県) 2013/10/29(火) 01:34:03.22 ID:EvYGB0Ra0
- そういう差別があるね特に芸能界で欧米系のハーフと違って隠すからね(事務所の方針で隠させられるのだろう)よくないよThat kind of discrimination really exists, especially in the showbiz industry.
Some talents have to hide it, unlike the half-Europeans or Americans (must be their agency's policy).
That isn't good. - 232: フロントネックロック(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/29(火) 01:35:24.89 ID:HtLspaPn0
- 一般的なフィリピン美女Regular Filipina beauties -
- 261: アンクルホールド(チベット自治区) 2013/10/29(火) 02:16:57.12 ID:8Nv/Iy3m0
- >>232ちょっとフィリピンに行ってくるI'm off to the Philippines for a while
- 237: サソリ固め(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/29(火) 01:42:04.16 ID:VScDTV2I0
- フィリピンつってもスペイン系は美男美女だよEven if you say Philippines, they're mostly the beautiful descendants of the Spanish
- 294: バーニングハンマー(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/29(火) 03:50:19.24 ID:e29flX/D0
- フィリピン人って元はスペイン人だろ?人種的には完全に日本人より格上なのになんで見下してんのBut aren't Filipinos mostly of Spanish descent? Then as a race, they're entirely higher than Japan. Why do people look down on them?
- 304: アンクルホールド(埼玉県) 2013/10/29(火) 04:08:41.97 ID:nZo/chUX0
- >>294売春のイメージあるからじゃないの?別に見下してる記事じゃないけど、本人が恥ずかしいなら仕方ないMaybe because of the image of prostitution attached.
The article in itself isn't looking down on them, but it can't be helped if she herself is ashamed of that.
- 305: デンジャラスバックドロップ(家) 2013/10/29(火) 04:09:19.63 ID:5DgoM0X50
- 母親はスペイン系フィリピン人なHer mother's a Hispanic Filipina, got it?
- 187: 目潰し(dion軍) 2013/10/29(火) 00:47:46.87 ID:mtZm6sZy0
- 海外出張でフィリピンに2年滞在してたけどフィリピン人て結構人懐っこくて明るいから好き。男も女も。I stayed in the Philippines for 2 years because of work, but the people there are really friendly and cheerful, I like them all. Both men and women.
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