We were invited(?) to see the movie R100 which Hitoshi Matsumoto-san directed.
It was a movie which only Matsumoto-san could express! I would never have imagined that anyone would come up with something like this! I watched it with feelings of surprise and nervousness of what's about to come next...
↓ instantly deletes and revises entry
Fuko Yagura - 21:58
This movie R100 which Hitoshi Matsumoto-san directed.
I would never have imagined that anyone would come up with something like this! I watched it with feelings of surprise and nervousness of what's about to come next.
Everything was truly shocking!!
It was a world unknown to me!!
Is there anyone else who has already seen it?
And by the way, I helped myself to 2 servings of popcorn! LOL
Salted and Caramel! LOL
Which do you guys prefer?
Continued in >>2
- 2: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:48:10.55 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- ▼Commentary:Hitoshi Matsumoto's R100's box office sales have been relatively poor, as he apparently made NMB48 (Yoshimoto Kogyo subsidiary) watch the movie for stealth marketing purposes.
But one member mistakenly wrote "invited?" on her post, which meant she had to see it as part of her job. She immediately deleted this entry on Google+, but the tweet remains in the cache. Here below are more stealth marketing entries which Yoshimoto Kogyo had them post...
Please note that not a single one said that the movie was good ^^;
How honest...
NMB members above 15 years old went to watch director Hitoshi Matsumoto's R100!
I got really curious after seeing the trailer, and I was really happy when I was told that I'll get to watch it!
We all really feel happy once we get to see a movie that we're curious about, right? - 3: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:49:13.98 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- Natsumi Yamagishi -21:30Members above 15 years old went to watch Director Hitoshi Matsumoto's R100! (。・ω・)ノ゙The movie had a S&M theme...
But we're from team M!( ゚∀゚) LOL
Mao Mita -21:06NMB members above 15 years old went to watch director Hitoshi Matsumoto's R100!!It was a unique and mysterious movie!
Hitoshi Matsumoto-san really is an amazing person! - 6: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:49:58.19 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- Hiromi Nakagawa -21:03
I saw R100~!
It was a bit too difficult for me (><)
I want to watch it again when I become an adult!
Ah, I felt a bit excited the moment the bike appeared!
Sae Murase -21:02
Hitoshi Matsumoto-san's view of the world was amazing!! - 7: ときめきメモリアル(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 22:49:59.63 ID:v3BHFjSQ0
- 観客数が48人も増えたのか!So that means his movie attendance record increased by a whopping 48 people!
- 10: フルネルソンスープレックス(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 22:50:43.84 ID:Arob1m8w0
- でもこんなに一斉に投稿されたら招待だってバレバレだけどねIt's so obvious that they were invited when all of them posted their comments at once like this
- 11: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:50:50.54 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- Narumi Koga -20:48
It really made me shout "Ohh----♪" (。-∀-)
Everyone, which are you? S or M?
I, Narumi, am... Eh... LOL - 15: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:51:36.78 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- Yuka Kato -20:53
It was a bit difficult and scary...
But it was really powerful, and it made me nervous!
I highly recommend it to people who want to watch some suspense (^^)
Movie directors sure are amazing ☆
Members above highschool went to watch Hitoshi Matsumoto-san's R100!
My heart is still pounding~ - 4: シューティングスタープレス(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 22:49:32.25 ID:EAU26O9l0
- 知ってたI knew about this
- 5: シャイニングウィザード(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 22:49:54.21 ID:vd+yfczv0
- どんだけ困ってるんだよ松本もう必死やんwJust how troubled is Matsumoto?
He's already so desperate w - 12: 河津落とし(庭) 2013/10/10(木) 22:50:52.48 ID:iwC/RC060
- 本当に見たのかな?どうでもいい映画見せられたら寝ちゃいそうDid they really watch the movie?
Won't you fall asleep when you're made to watch a movie you don't really care about? - 13: 膝靭帯固め(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 22:51:18.38 ID:oxRkpOtP0
- 興行収入3億いかなかったやばいもんなそりゃ吉本総出で水増しするよIt'll be tough if it won't even earn 300 million in the box office.
It's just natural that Yoshimoto will go full force to increase the sales. - 14: 張り手(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 22:51:27.06 ID:Gblgh1lg0
- 私生活でも仲の良いグループなんだねこれでいいか?"So this group really must be good friends even outside of work."
Is this what you want us to say?
http://stat001.ameba.jp/user_images/20130116/23/nmb48/46/ff/j/o0640048012380143114.jpg - 16: 超竜ボム(青森県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:51:38.64 ID:Usd8E1P10
- SMも随分と軽い物になったなS&M really must have become so cheap nowadays
http://tower.jp/~/media/Images/Article/News/2013/Other/TV_Movie/R100/R100_%E7%BE%8E%E5%A5%B3_A.jpg - 18: フライングニールキック(埼玉県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:52:00.57 ID:nWdjTm+h0
- こんなことして松本は喜ぶのか?Will Matsumoto rejoice even if they did something like this?
- 20: ネックハンギングツリー(茸) 2013/10/10(木) 22:52:30.47 ID:B87WXH3i0
- なんか、速攻で打ち切られそうだなI kinda get the feeling that it will be cancelled immediately
- 22: シャイニングウィザード(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 22:52:38.84 ID:vd+yfczv0
- もうなんか必死でしょ~He seems so desperate
- 23: エルボードロップ(神奈川県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:53:01.57 ID:hAMzQFV70
- 読書感想文の宿題みたいにとりあえず褒めておこうって感じのコメントだらけで笑えるwI'm LOLing at all their comments. These feel like those book report assignments where you just have to praise it before anything else.
- 25: ラダームーンサルト(空) 2013/10/10(木) 22:53:45.33 ID:lKulth99i
- (*´∀`*)
- 30: リキラリアット(神奈川県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:56:49.79 ID:T3pQjV8lP
- 見たの多分短いダイジェスト映像だな会議室のモニタで菓子食いながら見たんだろうと予測Maybe they just saw a short digest of the movie.
I feel they saw it on a monitor in their meeting room while eating snacks. - 32: キャプチュード(庭) 2013/10/10(木) 22:57:03.73 ID:okf+JpWJ0
- ポップコーン二個も食う暇あるくらいつまらなかったのWas it so boring that she had the time to finish 2 popcorns?
- 99: エメラルドフロウジョン(岩手県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:50:42.96 ID:kv7SGk/q0
- >>321個、途中で食い切ったから中座して2個目買いに行ったなShe probably finished 1 midway, stepped out, and bought the 2nd one
- 33: リバースパワースラム(関東・東海) 2013/10/10(木) 22:57:07.61 ID:Yi4XZheI0
- 松本元信者の俺でも見に行く気がしない映画Even a former Matsumoto believer like me doesn't feel like watching this movie
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20130914/14/bb/0d/j/o03200320index.iapp.jpg - 35: ローリングソバット(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 22:58:09.11 ID:DBBg8Vht0
- なんか情けない...This is kinda miserable...
- 36: レインメーカー(大阪府) 2013/10/10(木) 22:58:27.79 ID:bGxIExue0
- NMBって未成年だろ?SMクラブが舞台の映画を見せるって論理的などうなの?NMB girls are minors, right?
Really now, is it logical to make them watch a movie that's set in an S&M club? - 38: 不知火(神奈川県) 2013/10/10(木) 22:58:51.17 ID:90JDnekb0
- こんな惨めな事までやらなきゃいけないほど追い込まれてるのかもう映画作るの止めればいいのにIs he really driven to a corner so much that he even has to resort to something as sad as this?
Why can't he just stop making movies altogether? - 41: シャイニングウィザード(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 23:00:06.84 ID:vd+yfczv0
- 親会社の命令で泣く泣く糞つまらない映画を見させられたjcがかわいそすjcにSM映画みせるなよI really feel sorry for these junior highschoolers who where made to watch such a boring movie.
Don't make these middle-school girls watch an S&M movie! - 42: 膝靭帯固め(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:00:09.91 ID:ywwybmh40
- 和田アキ子も執拗に宣伝してたなコレそんな必死にならないと売れない内容なのかEven Akiko Wada obstinately promoted this.
Is the movie that bad that they even need to be this desperate? - 45: オリンピック予選スラム(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 23:00:21.52 ID:KzDhrOIF0
- ワロスw途中寝てたろLOL w
I bet they fell asleep midway. - 47: ドラゴンスリーパー(チベット自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 23:01:08.72 ID:gok2WbqX0
- 吉本が勝手にやってる事で松本は多分知らないだろうもし知ったらとても惨めな気分になるだろ流石の松本でも…I think Yoshimoto just did this on their own while Matsumoto isn't aware of it.
Even Matsumoto would probably feel miserable if he knew about this. - 50: イス攻撃(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 23:02:25.24 ID:9TMkHZMd0
- ポップコーンが美味しかった!ってことでwSo she wanted to say that the popcorn tasted good, huh w
- 56: オリンピック予選スラム(dion軍) 2013/10/10(木) 23:03:47.26 ID:HCKzPa890
- 15歳前後の子が興味を持つような内容の映画じゃないだろwwwIt's not a movie that a 15 y/o would be curious about www
http://antenna.jp/image/KKD3Em9i3PKQBMasDiRj07iXJ7eekOMn - 60: 不知火(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 23:06:34.95 ID:0xdt7vn/0
- 松本は会社の金使って好き放題やってんな自腹でやってみたらどうだね さだまさしみたいにMatsumoto seems like he's doing what he wants with his company's money.
How about using his own funds to create movies, like Masashi Sada? - 61: リバースパワースラム(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:06:49.61 ID:QlBAXual0
- 松本はもう3本目か4本目だろ監督するのは。そろそろメッキで誤魔化すような方向性はもう通用しないだろうさ。世間はそんなにアホじゃないから。It's already Matsumoto's 3rd or 4th movie, right?
There's no way he can still cover up for things with just the outer gloss anyore.
The general public isn't that stupid. - 64: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:08:31.64 ID:vN6gWT3l0
- ▼松本人志監督作品 初動第1作:大日本人 2億2691万円第2作:しんぼる 1億330万円第3作:さや侍 1億2387万円第4作:R100 5282万円
1 - Dai Nipponjin 226.9 million
2 - Symbol - 133 million
3 - Saya Zamurai - 123.9 million
4 - R100 - 52.8 million
▼動員ランキング(興行通信社:10月5日~10月6日)*1位 → *2週目 そして父になる*2位 → *2週目 謝罪の王様*3位 → *3週目 怪盗グルーのミニオン危機一発*4位 → *4週目 ATARU THE FIRST LOVE&THE LAST KILL*5位 → 12週目 風立ちぬ*6位 → *3週目 エリジウム*7位 新 *1週目 R100*8位 → *4週目 ウルヴァリン:SAMURAI*9位 → *6週目 あの日見た花の名前を僕達はまだ知らない。10位 → *4週目 許されざる者
1 - (2nd week) Soshite Chichi ni naru
2 - (2nd week) Shazai no ousama
3 - (3rd week) Despicable Me 2
5 - (12th week) Kaze Tachinu
6 - (3rd week) Elysium
7 - (1st week) R100
8 - (4th week) Wolverine: SAMURAI
9 - (6th week) Ano hi mita hana no namae wo bokutachi wa mada shiranai
10 - (4th week) Yurusarezaru mono - 65: ランサルセ(dion軍) 2013/10/10(木) 23:08:47.32 ID:5cWfBgUu0
- 「15歳以上のメンバーで」これは必ず書けって言われてんだろうな個性的~とか世界観が~とかキーワードも貰ってるとThey were probably told to write "Members 15 y/o and above", huh.
Maybe they were even asked to include key words such as "unique" and "perception of the world". -
- 73: 不知火(神奈川県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:16:54.77 ID:90JDnekb0
- >>65R100は15歳未満は鑑賞禁止の年齢制限ついてるからそういう部分で突っ込まれないためにあえて書かせてるんだろうなR100 has age restrictions so they were made to write that in so no one would point that out to them
- 70: ハイキック(福岡県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:14:16.62 ID:WcH8f6S80
- これが芸術のやり方かSo this is how art is done, huh
http://tower.jp/~/media/Images/Article/News/2013/Other/TV_Movie/R100/R100_%E3%83%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3_A.jpg - 72: 河津落とし(庭) 2013/10/10(木) 23:16:49.69 ID:51FQx5q50
- これはさすがに松本も頼まないだろNMB共も可哀想だし、いい加減吉本は諦めろMatsumoto himself won't ask others to do this.
Even I feel sorry for the NMB members, Yoshimoto should just cut it out. - 78: 逆落とし(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/10(木) 23:23:20.39 ID:MiXuc6kV0
- ここで一人でも「つまらなかった」「何でこんな映画作ったんだろう」とでも言えばそいつのファンになるのにTo think that I would have become a fan of NMB if someone said, "it was boring", or "I wonder why he made this movie", things like that.
- 109: パイルドライバー(東日本) 2013/10/10(木) 23:55:18.39 ID:CaZEghcq0
- >>78それいれればまだリアル感でるのにねIt would have been more realistic if someone said that
- 80: ニールキック(家) 2013/10/10(木) 23:27:57.78 ID:v9PgR0gU0
- あからさま過ぎてステルスになってないなThis is so blatant, you can't even call it "stealth"
- 83: ダブルニードロップ(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 23:29:43.12 ID:6whHtkIyP
- 普段は個々の私生活の話を書いてるのに今回はみんな一斉に同じ映画を見にいってんだなそれは仕事だろThey normally write private stuff, but now all of them wrote about watching the movie, huh.
Must be a job they were asked to do. - 89: メンマ(埼玉県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:43:21.74 ID:0XDqGDhL0
- 見たくなるような感想が一個もない件Note, no one made comments that would really make people want to watch the movie.
- 90: リキラリアット(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/10(木) 23:44:54.92 ID:Agl/OKJCP
- 興行収入5000万円という事は単純計算で3万人以上は動員している計算になるまっつんすげえなwwwと思ったが実は半分近くが招待?なのかもしれないね大ヒット!With some simple computation, a box office income of 50 million means that about 30,000 people watched the movie.
Mattsun's so amazing! www
...or so I thought. But could it be that around half of these were invited guests? Maybe so.
A huge hit!
http://www.cinemacafe.net/imgs/zoom/84683.jpg -
- 95: ダブルニードロップ(芋) 2013/10/10(木) 23:47:42.57 ID:R63yyqBe0
- >>90公開スクリーン数がかなり多くて220ちょいだからねそれで三万人、7位There were a lot of movie houses which showed this, over 220 I think.
30,000 people. 7th.
- 96: ショルダーアームブリーカー(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/10(木) 23:48:21.42 ID:CWj0GOLP0
- 最近笑いのセンスも衰えてるしもう駄目そろそろ文化人気取りたいんだろうけど無理だよ、こいつ教養ないもん筋トレだけやってろよHe even seems to have lost some of his comedic touch, he's no good anymore.
He probably wanted to grab some popularity with cultural stuff but it's impossible, this guy's not cultured himself.
Why don't you just focus on body building?
http://matsumotohitosi.up.seesaa.net/image/c7d667de.jpg - 97: リバースパワースラム(静岡県) 2013/10/10(木) 23:49:30.16 ID:CZMRvlc10
- >予告編から「どんな映画なのだろう」と気になっていたので見させていただけると聞いたときは凄く嬉しかったです!ここでも自分の意思じゃないってゲロってるじゃないのw> "I got really curious after seeing the trailer, and I was really happy when I was told that I'll get to watch it!"
She also said here that she didn't watch the movie on her own accord. -
- 112: パイルドライバー(東日本) 2013/10/10(木) 23:56:46.94 ID:CaZEghcq0
- >>97これはいい失言Now that's a good slip of the tongue
- 101: タイガースープレックス(東京都) 2013/10/10(木) 23:52:18.43 ID:idIFgEd10
- >凄く個性的で不思議な作品でした!これってよく食レポでも言ってるな不味くて何とも表現し難い時とかに>It was a unique and mysterious movie!
These are also mentioned a lot in food reports.
Especially when the food is so bad and it's so hard to describe. - 115: マシンガンチョップ(京都府) 2013/10/10(木) 23:58:01.29 ID:yANwDQ9t0
- びっくりするぐらい中身の感想がないなAnd it's pretty surprising that no one has really commented on what the movie was really about
- 120: タイガードライバー(東京都) 2013/10/11(金) 00:01:00.37 ID:Tr4iDeds0
- マネ「15歳以上のメンバーちょっと来て。これチケット。時間空けといたから見に行ってきて」Manager: "Members above 15 y/o, come her for a sec. Here's your tickets. I opened up your schedules so go watch it".
- 124: 魔神風車固め(空) 2013/10/11(金) 00:02:59.56 ID:mZgoZq4f0
- 事務所に集めてDVDで即席で上映した感じだなwww5倍速でwwThey probably gathered everyone in the agency, used a DVD, and showed it right there to them www at 5x the normal speed www
- 129: ジャンピングカラテキック(東京都) 2013/10/11(金) 00:08:29.80 ID:qawouTI60
- ステマって言わないだろこれYou can't call this stealth marketing anymore
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