OMG@ the CD ranking
1. Sayonara Crawl / AKB48
2. Koi suru Fortune Cookie / AKB48
3. So long! / AKB48
4. EXILE PRIDE ~Konna Sekai wo Ai suru tame~ / EXILE
5. Calling / Arashi
6. Choco no dorei / SKE48
7. Utsukushii Inazuma / SKE48
8. Endless Game / Arashi
9. Bokura no yuriika / NMB48
10. Girls Rule / Nogizaka 46
- "And once again, AKB, Arashi, and EXILE are ruling the CD annual charts. If the music industry still does not understand why CDs aren't selling at all with this data, then CD sales (excluding a portion) will just continue to plummet"
- "I've already gotten used to seeing AKB and Johnny's occupying these annual CD rankings."
- "It's not that there's anything bad about these top 10 charts being occupied by AKB groups, Arashi and EXILE, but this makes me sad. (T ^ T) And there's only 1 song I know out of this Σ(゚д゚lll)"
- 2: エルボードロップ(庭) 2013/10/20(日) 11:28:39.79 ID:KonBGRfq0
- いつものことじゃんAs usual
- 4: ドラゴンスクリュー(中国地方) 2013/10/20(日) 11:29:11.87 ID:rq5pgq9l0
- ゴミすぎワロタ最近は70年代の洋楽しか聴いてないよおLOL, that's so crappy.
I've only been listening to '70s Western music lately. - 6: ブラディサンデー(茸) 2013/10/20(日) 11:29:40.54 ID:TjF3P9n40
- ここ五年くらいずっとだろThis has been the case for about 5 years now, right?
- 7: ボマイェ(東京都) 2013/10/20(日) 11:29:48.64 ID:zJBC1gqA0
- これだけネット配信広まってるのにCDのみの売上発表になんの意味があるのかIs there really any point in revealing these "CD sales" charts, especially now that music is being distributed on the Internet?
I think the sales will be astronomical if they form a group called EXILE48
I haven't heard the songs of Arashi and these male idols, but AKB songs are actually surprisingly good.I bet that most people are just bashing the songs based on the image they have without even giving a good listen to them.
- 214: ナガタロックII(茸) 2013/10/20(日) 12:24:56.08 ID:/OuSnY750
- >>12去年までならまだしも今年に関しては駄作ばかり。Last year maybe, but all their songs have been pretty dull this year
[Counterargument Template]
"You're just selling your CDs with added extras."
→Even Mr. Children makes their fans buy multiple albums by including advance lottery stubs for their live concert.
"You're selling multiple variants by just changing the pattern."
→Amuro was the first one who did that, and many others like B'z have done the same thing.
"Added extra when you buy everything? That's the worst."
→Even B'z gave away a present of a previously unreleased song once you buy all variations of their album cover.
- 18: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(神奈川県) 2013/10/20(日) 11:32:23.70 ID:2uw3pYMW0
- >>13AKBヲタ乙Hello AKB-wota
- 40: かかと落とし(WiMAX) 2013/10/20(日) 11:36:00.27 ID:cFaN2TNz0
- >>13複数パターン売り元祖は少年隊だろ。Shonentai were the pioneers of selling multiple patterns
EXILE's the only ones there who can be considered artists, huh- 82: パイルドライバー(神奈川県) 2013/10/20(日) 11:46:55.68 ID:5LzH3vX00
- >>15アーティストwwwwwArtist wwwwww
- 109: ドラゴンスープレックス(チベット自治区) 2013/10/20(日) 11:53:19.67 ID:GBQkSCCO0
- >>15またまたご冗談をOh my, stop pulling my leg
It's just that there seems to be a quota for each idol wota to purchase 100 copies.These CDs are actually only being sold to a small number of consumers.
Because the labels have been blinded by the total CD sales in front of them, and because they didn't pay special attention to the handshake method, AKB just suddenly started occupying the top spot of the sales.And because of this, all these music programs and rankings keep featuring AKB, which eventually led to the decrease of airtime and exposure for the regular artists.
And this led to the general public losing interest in music.
I wonder which is more difficult. Selling 1 copy each to 1 million people, or selling 100 copies each to 10,000 people.- 47: シャイニングウィザード(東日本) 2013/10/20(日) 11:38:46.61 ID:ysVOf82+0
- >>28小室ミリオン連発の頃は前者、AKB握手選挙は後者次のビジネスモデルは何だろうねKomuro's consecutive millions was the former, while AKB's handshake/elections method is the latter.
I wonder what the next business model will be.
I actually like "Koi suru Fortune Cookie", but there's this prejudice that you lose once you buy it so I haven't bought it.
I wonder when this sort of situation will stop... Everything that's left is despair.
This is the sort of ranking liked by the people who would buy CDs that are already past their time
The world has become a place where you can't sell anything without these bonus items (handshake passes)
There seems to be a lot of cover CDs now.It's like the cassette tapes a while ago.
But AKB's online sales are also pretty high, so you can't really just say that they're merely selling with their handshake passes
AKB's so persistent.I thought that this kind of business method wouldn't last at all, but it's not showing any signs of slowdown.
That's actually quite an achievement.
ジャニーズ、エグザイル、AKB にぼやいているが、こいつらが居なかったら、二、三年前は韓国歌手がチャートを占める所だったんだぞ。
People are complaining about Johnny's, EXILE, and AKB but if it weren't for them, then our music charts would have been dominated by Korean singers 2 or 3 years ago.You don't need to thank them. You can just let it pass and say, "I guess it can't be helped".
This really makes you realize that the saying "People buy what's good" is a misconception
The song "Tomodachi yori daiji na hito" was born this year.That in itself is enough.
But only the otakus buy physical copies of CDs nowadays
There's no reason in shelling out \1,000 for something of the same quality that you can have for a mere \100 by downloading or renting it.
And it looks like there's already a fixed lineup of artists who constantly appear on all these music programs
Why can't people just humbly admit that AKB's songs are quality?- 124: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(神奈川県) 2013/10/20(日) 11:57:49.96 ID:2uw3pYMW0
- >>105メロディラインはともかく歌唱力は学生の合唱に毛が生えた程度じゃんあんなに売れてヨイショされるほどのレベルじゃないと思うThe melody lines may not be bad, but the singing itself is like a slightly better version of those school choirs.
I don't think it's on a level to sell that much and receive heaps of praise.
People are always talking about the otas buying multiple copies, but I think the case here, especially once you look at this amount, is that the sponsors and their own agencies are buying back most of these CDs.
The music CDs have totally become like Bikkuriman chocolates.After AKB ruins it for everyone, what's left will be something like a bargain sale for the CD industry.
- 144: ナガタロックII(茸) 2013/10/20(日) 12:04:21.32 ID:k4CnKzni0
- >>122一行めの意味をもう少し説明してくれないかCan you please elaborate on your first sentence
- 233: ナガタロックII(茸) 2013/10/20 (日) 12:31:51.47 ID:/OuSnY750
- >>144その昔おまけのシール目当てでお菓子が捨てられるという社会現象があってだな。There used to be a social phenomenon back in the day when people would buy these for the stickers and just throw away the candy itself.
Back in th '80s, there were a lot of kids who just kept buying Bikkuriman chocolates just to collect the stickers.The kids won't touch the chocolates and just throw them away.
But whenever I watch Niconico live streams, most of the younger generation now play vocaloid songs.The ones playing AKB and Johnny's music are a minority.
Well, vocaloid songs can easily be obtained through YouTube and Nico-Nama so it's not easily reflected on the CD sales, but I think that's where the demand lies in nowadays.
- 143: マシンガンチョップ(埼玉県) 2013/10/20(日) 12:03:50.69 ID:hPOEqZ0Z0
- >>126>ニコ生視聴してると>今の若い世代はボカロ曲流している場合が多いそれは「若い世代」が好きなんじゃない。東京ゲームショーに来てる人に「ゲームは好きですか?」ってアンケートとったり、コミックマーケットに来てる人に「アニメは好きですか?」ってアンケートとるのと同じ。ボーカロイドが好きな人がニコニコ動画に集まってる。>But whenever I watch Niconico live streams, most of the younger generation now play vocaloid songs.
It's not that the "younger generation" likes that. It's the same as asking people who go to Tokyo Game Show if they like games, or asking people who go to the Comic Market if they like anime.
It's just that people who like vocaloids all come together on Niconico video.
I'm confident that I won't feel troubled even if J-POP gets eliminated from this world, right here, right now
Terrible? That's all within the expectations, it doesn't even surprise me anymore.
LOL, I haven't even heard a single phrase from any of the songs from 1~10 aside from Fortune Cookie.
I've never heard anything in there.It seems that this industry won't last if it doesn't have all these believers anymore.
Even the people who said that their dream is to become musicians in the future must be extinct now
You don't need any kind of singing talent in Japan.That's always been true, even with the idol singers era in the past.
This isn't just happening now.
Will there really be someone else who'll sell a few 100,000 copies other than the ones mentioned here?
This seriously makes me sad.The pop music in this country is even lower than puke. All the originality and quality that was there up to the '80s has disappeared.
- 198: ダイビングエルボードロップ(福岡県) 2013/10/20(日) 12:20:07.18 ID:dMeXDqKt0
- >>190独創性なんて無い80年代までは平気で洋楽のパクリが横行してた時代だぞThere's no such thing as originality.
The '80s were the times where people rampantly plagiarized Western music.
- 205: フェイスクラッシャー(神奈川県) 2013/10/20(日) 12:22:25.10 ID:SkOCOaWC0
- >>19080年代まではあった独創性もクオリティとかいうけどいわゆるランク上位になる曲にそんなもんはないYou're talking about originality and quality of the songs in the '80s, but there's nothing of that sort in the songs that you can find at the top of the rankings
When's the peak?Not in terms of sales, but the lineup of musical artists.
- 270: キン肉バスター(愛知県) 2013/10/20(日) 12:43:13.16 ID:aDCNLmimI
- >>19198、99あたりだと思う浜崎、宇多田が出てきた頃I think in '98 or '99, when Hamasaki and Utada just came out
I'm now at an age where I feel embarrassed when I buy a CD. Rather, I haven't been listening to any music at home anymore. I just play the Western music I bought a long time ago in the car.
Akiba ranking wwwStop that already w
The times when you evaluate music in terms of sales is long behind us already
Never mind the rankings, I don't think AKB has something to do with why artists aren't selling. It's all because these other artists lack strength.
1位 ダンシング・オールナイト もんた&ブラザーズ 156.3万
2位 異邦人 久保田早紀 140.4万
3位 大都会 クリスタルキング 118.1万
4位 ランナウェイ シャネルズ 97.5万
5位 順子 長渕剛 94.0万
6位 贈る言葉 海援隊 93.3万
7位 おまえとふたり 五木ひろし 84.7万
8位 別れても好きな人 ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア 76.9万
9位 さよなら オフコース 71.7万
10位 哀愁でいと 田原俊彦 70.0万
1位 ダンシング・オールナイト もんた&ブラザーズ 156.3万
2位 異邦人 久保田早紀 140.4万
3位 大都会 クリスタルキング 118.1万
4位 ランナウェイ シャネルズ 97.5万
5位 順子 長渕剛 94.0万
6位 贈る言葉 海援隊 93.3万
7位 おまえとふたり 五木ひろし 84.7万
8位 別れても好きな人 ロス・インディオス&シルヴィア 76.9万
9位 さよなら オフコース 71.7万
10位 哀愁でいと 田原俊彦 70.0万
1位 おどるポンポコリン B.B.クィーンズ 130.8万
2位 浪漫飛行 米米CLUB 61.9万
3位 今すぐKiss Me LINDBERG 61.0万
4位 さよなら人類 たま 57.7万
5位 OH YEAH! プリンセス・プリンセス 56.8万
6位 Dear Friend 中森明菜 54.8万
7位 情熱の薔薇 THE BLUE HEARTS 51.1万
8位 くちびるから媚薬 工藤静香 48.9万
9位 真夏の果実 サザンオールスターズ 47.4万
10位 イフ・ウイ・ホールド・オン・トゥゲザー ダイアナ・ロス 46.2万
1位 おどるポンポコリン B.B.クィーンズ 130.8万
2位 浪漫飛行 米米CLUB 61.9万
3位 今すぐKiss Me LINDBERG 61.0万
4位 さよなら人類 たま 57.7万
5位 OH YEAH! プリンセス・プリンセス 56.8万
6位 Dear Friend 中森明菜 54.8万
7位 情熱の薔薇 THE BLUE HEARTS 51.1万
8位 くちびるから媚薬 工藤静香 48.9万
9位 真夏の果実 サザンオールスターズ 47.4万
10位 イフ・ウイ・ホールド・オン・トゥゲザー ダイアナ・ロス 46.2万
Start of the '80s
1 Dancing All Night / Monta & Brothers - 1.56M
2 Ihoujin / Saki Kubota - 1.4M
3 Daitokai / Crystal King - 1.18M
4 Runaway / Shanels - 975K
5 Junko / Tsuyoshi Nagabuchi - 940K
6 Okuru Kotoba / Kaientai - 933K
7 Omae to futari / Hiroshi Itsuki - 847K
8 Wakaretemo suki na hito / Los Indios and Sylvia - 769K
9 Sayonara / Ofr course - 717K
10 Aishu deito / Toshihiko Tahara - 700K
Start of the '90s
1 Odoru ponpokorin / B.B. Queens - 1.31M
2 Roman Hikou / Kome Kome Club - 619K
3 Ima sugu kiss me / LINDBERG - 610K
4 Sayonara jinrui / Tama - 577K
5 OH YEAH! / Princess Princess - 568K
6 Dear Friend / Akina Nakamori - 548K
7 Jounetsu no bara / THE BLUE HEARTS - 511K
8 Kuchibiru kara biyaku - Shizuka Kudo - 489K
9 Manatsu no kajitsu / S.A.S. - 474K
10 If we hold on together / Diana Ross - 462K
- 321: エルボーバット(dion軍) 2013/10/20(日) 13:04:06.12 ID:DxFHknTO0
- >>248いやいやいやこのランキングの方が圧倒的に認知度もあるし面白いやんNo, no, no.
This ranking is overwhelmingly more interesting as all the songs there were truly popular.
Even when I go to karaoke, I only sing songs from 10 years ago, or earlier
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