FRIDAY caught the couple on a date at the end of September this year, 3 years after their breakup. The two were very intimate throughout the date, as they finally disappeared into Kitano's apartment at the end.
FRIDAY also ran a scoop in July of 2010 with the photo of a wet-haired Kitano and Sano coming out of Shibuya's City Hotel, as well as a photo of the two sharing a hug and a kiss. Kitano's clothes in the article perfectly matched her outfit which she posted on her blog on the alleged day of the date, which led to Kitano apologizing to her fans: "I am truly sorry for hurting everyone with my thoughtless actions, as well as my imprudence without considering the position that I have been put into". "I will settle these matters and prioritize my work". The two were reported to have split up afterwards.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:21:37.80 ID:L6WDLeHI0
- これだけ無防備に何度も取られてるくせに、いつまで清純派を気取るんだろうねI wonder until when she'll keep putting on this pure and clean image despite being caught off guard numerous times like this.
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:22:03.53 ID:p1aEy1YK0
- 別にもうアイドルでもないし地元でブイブイ言わせてた元ヤンキーなんだから男くらいいてもいいじゃん。She's not an idol anymore, and she used to be a former yankee in her local area, so I don't see anything wrong with her having a boyfriend.
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:22:36.10 ID:kp55nmWZ0
- でもさーこいつは一途なんじゃないの?なにが便器なの?But at least she's stayed true to one person.
Why are people calling her ben-Kie*?
*( Benki=pun for toilet/urinal. The nickname she was given was "Nikubenki", or something like "meat/flesh urinal". In other words, a whore) -
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:25:10.90 ID:GlhtMzR80
- >>38たしかに。You're right
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:22:36.37 ID:GSJIBbsi0
- 清純派・・・Pure and clean... - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:23:38.02 ID:H8BeXiuT0
- いいね~ まさに爽やかカップル誕生って感じNice~ It really feels like the birth of a pleasant-looking couple
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:23:56.40 ID:yNfH/3HK0
- ビ●チじゃなくてむしろ一途な子なんじゃないの枕でへんな親父と撮られるよりよっぽどいいと思うShe's not even a bi+ch, she's stayed loyal to her man.
This is much, much better than having her photograph taken with some strange old man whom she's doing sexual favors for. - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:24:54.35 ID:S6+6xe6s0
- 復縁つーか水面下で続いてたんでしょむしろ一途で結構な事じゃないかあーいう場合、普通切れるけどGot back together? I bet they continued it secretly.
Rather, having just one man all along is a nice thing.
You'd normally get mad at the other party after such an incident back then. - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:25:24.17 ID:ohMxlNqb0
- 体の相性が良いんだよwwwそっとしといてやれIt just means that their bodies are compatible with one another wwwww
Just let them be w - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:26:12.68 ID:pteMH/eB0
- おっさんと撮られてるAKBよりずっといいじゃないかIt's much better than AKB who are photographed with old men - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:26:12.90 ID:3LJ77NaA0
- 福田沙紀にイジめてもらえGo make Saki Fukuda bully you! - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:26:39.25 ID:IcAQfMJnP
- 今はもう清純派()って売り方でもないんだからいいんじゃないのもうShe's not even selling a pure and clean image anymore.
Isn't it alright already? - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:26:46.69 ID:k5mtny9S0
- 復縁ならきぃちゃん悪くもないわなIf they did get back together then there's nothing wrong here with Kie-chan.
- 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:29:10.36 ID:chqRBTex0
- もともと別れる理由なんてないしな好きにしたらいいわAnd they really didn't have a reason to split up back then.
She should just do what she wants. - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:29:12.42 ID:uDIxVCcg0
- ずっと続いてたんだろビ●チどころかむしろ一途They were probably keeping at it all this time.
She ain't a bi+ch, she's actually pretty loyal. - 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:31:07.19 ID:E3nCX6IH0
- ファンはもうこれぐらいじゃビクともしないよFans won't budge at something like this anymore
- 113: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:31:25.95 ID:G7dasf5O0
- 酒で声をやられてるよね酒豪なんかなHer voice sounds horrible though due to sake.
She must be a heavy drinker. -
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:32:13.94 ID:/nsrCyqf0
- >>113なんかくまぇりみたいになってきてるな。She seems to be turning into someone like KumaEri
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:31:59.03 ID:vwQs0aXN0
- ヲタにとっては絶望も感激もなさそうだな。無表情でこの報道を受け入れそうwI don't think the wotas feel despair nor happiness with this. I think they'll just accept this report with a blank look on their faces.
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:32:34.45 ID:6jHs+pB20
- >>119そもそも北乃きいのヲタなんて居るのかねBut does Kitano even have any wotas in the first place?
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:32:37.43 ID:KOlNg4r/0
- それだけ佐野が好きということ自然なことやんもうイメージ的に結婚した方が良くねIt just means that she likes Sano that much.
This is a natural thing.
Won't it be better for their image if they just get married already? - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:33:43.70 ID:yNfH/3HK0
- 画像今回Pictures
This time前回Previously -
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:34:41.15 ID:BM5QPtna0
- >>140あら素敵なんでラブホいっちゃったのかしらOh, that's wonderful.
I wonder why they went to a motel.
- 180: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:36:43.02 ID:/NNFU7GV0
- >>140マスクが目立つなThe mask really stands out
- 237: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:43:44.80 ID:J/c7UDPui
- >>140肉●器とか言うけど処女を捧げた相手に一筋にって感じ。便器便器騒いでたお前らは謝罪しろ。器の大きなきいちゃんは許してくれるだろう。People say she's a flesh ben-Kie but it seems like she's loyal to the guy she gave her virginity to. You guys who kept calling her Ben-Kie should apologize. This tolerant Kie-chan will forgive you.
- 472: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 15:14:36.05 ID:qSQKyoEC0
- >>140何度見ても「周囲確認」が笑えるwwでも一途でいい子じゃんI always LOL no matter how many times I see that sign "Shuui Kakunin"* ww
But she's a nice girl for staying loyal.
* (The kiss picture, the sign at the back says "shuuikakunin" = check your surroundings)
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:34:31.57 ID:d6k9YDVD0
- ここまで来たら事務所ももう結婚させてやれそのほうが一途に見えてイメージアップThe agency should let them marry now that it's come to this.
That will make her look more loyal and improve her image. - 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:35:02.51 ID:yNfH/3HK0
- 矢口さんより全然ビ●チじゃなかったSo she wasn't a bigger bi+ch than Yaguchi after all - 165: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:35:36.91 ID:9HqgwUvT0
- 無理やり別れさせられた相手だっけ?いいじゃないかIt's the guy she was forced to split up with, right? Then it's fine.
- 169: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:35:52.20 ID:tMfIW1Qt0
- 佐野和真は昼ドラで中学くらいの役でレギュラーだった事もあるけどブレイクしかけの頃は出世して特別出演みたいな出方だったのにあれを撮られてからどんどん役も小さくなってすっかり昼ドラ常連になってったそんで「ライフ」で壮絶なイジメをする役だった人が今の昼ドラできいちゃんって呼ばれて壮絶なイジメに遭う役をやってるKazuma Sano used to be a regular as a highschooler in these noontime soaps, but when he was about to make his big break, he made a lot of special appearances. But after that scandal, his roles got smaller, and he just became a mainstay on these noontime soaps.
And this girl who bullied Kie in the drama LIFE is now being bullied in the current noontime soap, with her character being called "Kie-chan" - 175: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:36:10.64 ID:veUBsWh/0
- もういいじゃん付き合っててもどっちも、熱愛発覚してファン離れるって感じじゃないでしょIt's alright for them to be dating.
Both aren't the types who'd lose fans even if there are romantic scandals involved, right? -
- 182: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:36:56.41 ID:9HqgwUvT0
- >>175もう面倒なファンは離れただろうしな公認にしてやればいいThe troublesome fans have already left them.
They should just go official with it already.
- 178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:36:31.04 ID:niV6wYfO0
- 画像6枚くらいのってたけど、堂々と歩いてるわかーくんは全く変装もしてないThere were about 6 pictures, but they seemed like they were walking boldly in public.
Ka-kun didn't even put any disguise on. - 196: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:38:09.67 ID:DeiTYjM/0
- よほど相性が良いってことじゃないの 結婚しろMaybe it just means that they're really compatible. Get married already.
- 233: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:43:26.25 ID:vP/H+uy10
- 元カレじゃなくて切れてなかっただけだろI don't think he's an "ex-boyfriend", they probably never even split up
- 244: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:44:34.08 ID:rfQO66i1O
- 男とっかえひっかえする女優よりはマシだなThis is much better than women who change men like how they change toothbrushes.
- 250: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:45:25.21 ID:GBqrbd7T0
- 別にいいじゃんこんなん普通だろThere's no problem with this.
Something like this is normal. - 284: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:48:27.69 ID:fHyCEkL4O
- あんな写真を撮られたのに事務所が諦め切れずに、爽やかで元気な女の子路線で売り続けたのが間違い。路上で歌わせたり迷走もさせたよね。But I think the agency made a mistake in continuing to market her as this pleasant and energetic young girl despite having a scandal like that. They even made her sing on the streets and lose her path. - 289: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:49:05.71 ID:B5jRfgtj0
- 一途でええやんw橋本愛なんて速攻で別の男と写真撮られたとったで。けどこれでそこそこ売れとる北乃はともかく佐野はますます仕事無くなるやろなあ・・At least she's loyal w
Ai Hashimoto even got photographed immediately with another man, right?
But never mind Kitano who's modestly doing well, I think the guy will lose projects further ... - 298: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:50:48.88 ID:nJc5IR3Q0
- 蒼井優なんかに比べるとよっぽど一途なのになんで蒼井じゃなくてこいつが肉●器なんだ?She's more loyal to a man compared to someone like Yu Aoi, but why is this girl the one being called "Nikubenki" and not Aoi? -
- 310: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:52:03.73 ID:6sIUld2T0
- >>298やっぱりあだ名つけられたらキャラ立ちするんよYou'd establish a character if you get a nickname stuck onto you
- 319: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:53:14.05 ID:y0suDmNWi
- >>298蒼井は顔がブスだから、みんなどうでもいいと思ってる北野は今はともかく、当時はかわいいとされていたしなにより10代だったから反動がでかかったんだろうAoi's ugly so no one really cares about her.
Kitano's cute, more so at that time. And she was still in her teens back then so the backlash was huge.
- 305: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:51:27.68 ID:DNOviXF00
- しかし一応有名芸能人なんだから外でイチャイチャするのは自制出来ないもんなの二十歳過ぎてんだしBut they're still celebrities, can't they even control this flirting they're doing outside? They're both over 20 as well.
- 324: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:53:51.82 ID:VE1M9d1A0
- このまま結婚したら逆に応援するかもI might even root for them if they get married.
- 333: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:54:43.17 ID:f8WSKlueO
- んで今度はどんな対応するんだまた別れるふりするのか開き直るのかSo what are they going to do about it this time?
Will they pretend to have a breakup? Or are they just going to take a defiant attitude about this? - 362: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:57:05.21 ID:DnaYZ1EvO
- あのスキャンダル後は干されるどころか推されまくったなInstead of being frozen out with that scandal, she was actually pushed forward further. - 390: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 14:59:40.41 ID:5lz450BBP
- こんな事なら3年前も無理に別れさせず入籍させれば良かったのにIf this was the case then they shouldn't have split up 3 eyars ago and just got married.
- 484: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/11(金) 15:17:19.37 ID:+q6e6YC3O
- きいちゃん一途なんだなSo Kie-chan's loyal, huh
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