NHK is not very particular when it comes to ratings, but despite the enthusiasm showed by the staff members at first, they are apparently disappointed at the outcome, as comments like, "We didn't imagine that Atsuko Maeda couldn't bring in the ratings...", "This is what we get for using her just because of the label 'former AKB center'", "4.0% would be considered for cancellation if this was on commercial TV", were heard within the station.
Maeda also received some positive comments about her acting such as having good expressions and that she's showing some improvement every episode. However, there are also some reviews saying that she acts like a vegetable and that her lines are hard to pick up. Some people have even gone to the extent of saying that "We should've just cast Yuko Oshima instead".
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:30:36.88 ID:+AONNgqI0
- むしろ前田が視聴率取ったことあるのかと主演のイケパラも大爆死なのにBut the question here is if Maeda has already gotten good ratings before.
Even IkePara where she starred in was a huge bomb. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:33:29.56 ID:25bE1/zD0
- アホバカNHKは、大急ぎで主役を能年玲奈に代えろ!Stupid and foolish NHK should quickly change the lead into Rena Nounen!
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:33:29.76 ID:x9/rsK+eP
- 前田のあのキャラじゃこの役は無理でしょ。Maeda won't be able to portray this kind of role properly with that character of hers
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:33:49.22 ID:5FP65tJS0
- うちのカーチャンが見るに堪えないと嘆いていたMy mom complained that this was pretty unbearable to watch
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:33:58.39 ID:wirr81hb0
- あまりにも演技がへたくそでテレビを壊したくなったI felt like destroying the TV due to how horrible the acting was
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:34:25.28 ID:avKpRUnc0
- 前田大島は声がダメなんだよねMaeda and Oshima have really bad voices
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:34:43.84 ID:YJeU/h9Q0
- 相手役の男も前田以上に酷くてワロタBut I LOL'd at how the male partner is actually worse than Maeda
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:35:51.40 ID:1bvQq6ij0
- 前田=ダウンタウンハマタてイメージついてるからな>ドラマBecause when it comes to dramas, there's already this image that Maeda=Downtown Hamada that's stuck to our minds - 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:35:55.47 ID:Lrmtvrsa0
- 今迄に何度か糞演技披露してんのにリサーチしないのか?Didn't they even do some research that she's been acting badly up to now?
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:36:40.73 ID:7rkYrEUC0
- あっちゃんカツラかぶるとブスになるから時代劇はやめたほうがwAcchan becomes ugly once she wears a wig so I think she should stop doing period dramas - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:37:25.05 ID:jdFz87C0I
- 色黒寄り目顎しゃくれこれでお七やるってもうねーイメージって大事よBlack eyes and a protruding chin.
And she's playing the part of Oshichi with this!?
One's image is definitely important. -
- 171: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:55:54.65 ID:O0+aR+aB0
- >>53このドラマ見たこと無いがどうみても時代劇のカツラ似合わんなI've never seen this drama, but these wigs used for period dramas don't suit her at all
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:37:48.93 ID:9RYTl+6+0
- あんなの演技じゃないだろう女優で食っていくのは無理だと思うThat's not acting at all.
It's impossible for her to try and earn a living through acting. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:38:33.42 ID:Brzg2fjzO
- 映画好きで映画のDVD1000本持ってて演技の参考にしてても全く役に立ってないですねShe loves movies, she's got 1,000 DVDs and uses them as reference for her acting, but it's not doing her any good at all, huh
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:38:58.25 ID:I1co34KO0
- 宮崎あおい方式で映画だけにしてればいいんじゃないの?クロユリ団地はそこそこだったんでしょ?ただ、宮崎は篤姫で結果出した上で、その数字を壊さないように戦略的に映画に絞ってたんだろ?テレビで結果出さない状態で映画に絞っても説得力は無いけども。Why doesn't she follow the Aoi Miyazaki formula and just focus on movies?
Kuroyuri Danchi did pretty well, right? (Related post HERE)
But Miyazaki on the other hand showed she was capable of bringing in the ratings with Atsuhime, and then just focused on doing movies so that she won't tarnish that record, right?
So I don't think she'll have any sort of believability if she focused on movies unless she proves she can be successful on TV. - 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:39:23.39 ID:DmZQ3CxX0
- そろそろ「元AKBの前田敦子」は免罪符になんねぇんだがな顔はともかくあの演技じゃ見る方が悪いわwIt looks like the label "Former AKB Atsuko Maeda" is starting to lose its validity as an excuse, huh.
Never mind her face, but the people watching that kind of acting are the ones who are seemingly in the wrong. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:40:56.74 ID:UcB7h1pj0
- アイドルのデコ出しは松田聖子の野菊の墓から笑われるだけSeiko Matsuda already proved in Nogiku no Haka that idols who show off their foreheads will just get laughed at - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:41:36.97 ID:EZSa5r6I0
- 画像みたら、本当にセンターに寄ってるなwWhen I looked at the picture, it really looks like her facial parts all gravitate towards the center LOL
- 82: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:42:20.62 ID:5ysgz//o0
- アイドル上がりを簡単に主演させる日本の芸能界の悪習だね役者なんて本来は専門職だし、それなりに下積みを積まないとダメだよLetting these former idols play the lead role this easily is a bad habit of Japan's showbiz industry.
Character acting has always been a specialized profession, and they're required to at least have the fundamentals down. - 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:43:31.83 ID:Tbk7UsFi0
- 大根なのは、男の方だろ!でも、面白いぞThe ham actor here is the boy!
But it's pretty interesting. - 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:45:17.53 ID:jw1wdWe8O
- 演技力無いなら脱げよShe should take her clothes off if she doesn't have any kind of acting ability
- 109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:47:17.70 ID:c2wE6iOP0
- >>96見たくもないですI don't even want to see that
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:46:09.37 ID:yUBqcoME0
- NHKとAKBはベッタリすぎるだろ受信料の不正使用といっても過言じゃないNHK and AKB are so close to each other.
I'm not even exaggerating when I say that it's a misuse of resources. -
- 189: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:58:42.79 ID:dv62I8Rw0
- >>104NHKと電通のつながりはダイヤモンドより硬いからな 電通が仕掛けたAKBもそりゃNHKでプッシュされる。韓流ブームだって電通主導でNHKで散々韓流ドラマ流して認知度広げようと必死だったし。NHK's connection with Dentsu is even more solid than a diamond. There's no way that NHK won't push for AKB who's backed by Dentsu. Even NHK played a part in the Hallyu boom which Dentsu handled when they were so desperately trying to increase its popularity by showing all those Korean dramas.
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:47:17.70 ID:UgjckKL5O
- 髪をアップにすると大して可愛くないのがバレちゃうねPeople will find out that she's not really that cute once her hair is all bunched up like that - 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:47:51.76 ID:wBHEKrsF0
- この枠自体が数字取れてないんだろ。猿飛三世の視聴率見たら5.1%~2.5%だったBut this time slot itself doesn't get high ratings.
I took a quick look at Sarutobi Sansei's ratings and it was just at 5.1%~2.5%. -
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:48:44.25 ID:FGiO9tAJ0
- >>115いやそれはBSでもやったからだろ。Nah, because that was also done on BS
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:49:07.77 ID:c9T1XCbj0
- >>115BS再放送なこれ新作That was the BS reruns.
This is a new drama.
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:49:33.74 ID:vc6ZCPeQ0
- 狭いグループのなかでの相対的な人気が高いことにいままで価値があったんだから、ひとりになって実力だけが見られるようになったらそりゃ厳しくなるだろUp to now, her value only lied in the fact that she was just relatively popular within a small group.
It'll definitely be more difficult for her now that she's alone and people will start judging her for her true abilities. - 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:50:38.52 ID:CqcaQ/WR0
- 声音や発声が致命的なんだよね役者は向いてないThe volume and tone of her voice are fatal flaws.
She's not suited to become an actress. - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:52:26.59 ID:KSQYiNJT0
- 1話見たが大根すぎて見られたもんじゃない学芸会レベルだしI saw episode 1, but I couldn't bear watching it due to how terrible her acting was.
It was like on the level of a school play. - 149: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:53:12.63 ID:I1co34KO0
- 視聴率に握手券は付けられないからなあ。Because you can't include handshake passes in the ratings
- 166: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:55:16.85 ID:pgMVQ+T00
- ヲタが超複数枚買いからするからヲタ人数がいるように見えるが実際のヲタ人数(動員力)からすると違うもんなPeople think that they have a ton of wotas because of their habit of buying multiple copies themselves. But that's different from the actual number of wotas themselves, huh.
- 176: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:56:57.51 ID:TBDEOAJ30
- アイドルのやつらって満島に憧れ持ってるんだろ満島はアイドルやりながらずっと芝居の下積みしてたから前田が女優として成功することはない。今更手遅れなんだよI think these idols are looking up to Mitsushima.
Mitsushima kept laying down the foundations of her acting while being an idol, so there's no way that Maeda will be successful as an idol.
It's already too late for her now. - 188: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:58:33.63 ID:1XR78nM40
- いやいやあの、まるで周知の事実のような記事だけどさ前提からしておかしいこのドラマ自体知られてないだろ街頭でアンケート取ってみ?NHKのドラマ?朝ドラですか?←これが一般的な回答だからThe article seems to have been written with the premise that this is common knowledge, but I think that's already strange in itself. I don't think people are even aware of this drama's existence. Why not take a survey in town?
An NHK drama? Is it a morning drama? ←This will be how the general public will respond. -
- 207: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:00:10.62 ID:8CzGogC10
- >>188NHKでめちゃくちゃCMやってたじゃんBut they did all those commercials on NHK, right?
- 194: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:58:59.37 ID:OYxvsXyn0
- AKB関係の人気が急激に落ちてるのほんと最近実感するわI can seriously feel the sudden drop in the popularity of things that are AKB-related these days
- 202: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 09:59:49.31 ID:KSQYiNJT0
- とりあえず発音が悪いのは何とかならないのか指導とかしないのか聞き取りにくいんだよFirstly, can't she do anything about her bad pronunciation?
Isn't she getting any sort of coaching or something?
It's so hard to pick up! - 208: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:00:16.45 ID:1oO5PiGkP
- こんなに人気ないのにドヤ顔でレッドカーペットとか歩いてる姿を海外ニュースで見ると「……」っていう気持ちになるな日本人の女優のレベルは低いという認識を持たれそうだI'm always at a loss for words whenever I see these unpopular personalities walking down the red carpet with a cocky look on their faces, especially in foreign news articles. I feel that they will start having this perception that our Japanese actresses are all low-class. - 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:01:44.06 ID:TBDEOAJ30
- 堀北真希Maki Horikita
前田Maeda - 218: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:02:42.26 ID:xBq2N7Zi0
- 前田はホラー映画しか無理だってばホラー向きの顔をしているIt'll be impossible for Maeda to do anything other than horror.
Her face is suited for horror. -
- 268: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:12:31.03 ID:pDFh5wa80
- >>218まぁホラー向きと言うよりか何かで使わないといけないのなら数ある役柄を消去法してそれならまだマシという感じではあるけどなIt's not like she's suited for horror, but if you eliminate the various types of roles that she could play then you'd just come to the conclusion that this sort of role suits her best.
- 228: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:04:04.05 ID:Wb3ZDQSC0
- どうしても女優を続けたいなら脇から地道に修行したり貫地谷みたいに演劇研究所で勉強したらどうだろうIf she really wants to keep on being an actress, she has to train herself first in supporting roles, or study acting in a stage play workshop like Kanjiya -
- 242: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:07:40.46 ID:KSQYiNJT0
- >>228地道にやればまだマシなのにね主演じゃ演技力もないのばれるし声が悪いからドラマがボロボロだよせめて発声練習でもすればよかっただろうにPeople will find out that she's got no acting skills and that she's got a bad voice when she's the lead, so her dramas will just be a mess. Things would have been better if she at least did some vocal lessons.
- 245: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:08:11.62 ID:O0+aR+aB0
- 元AKBで数字とったことないのに毎回毎回よく起用するわと思うShe's never even gotten ratings with the "Former AKB" label, but I'm amazed how they keep on using her
- 252: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/08(火) 10:08:50.51 ID:W9ejYN/I0
- そんなドラマ放送してることを初めて知ったwThis is actually the first time I heard that they were doing this kind of drama LOL
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