Yeah he's good-looking, but is he an ikemen?
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:43:46.66 ID:5fPXDDoa
- 一重界の希望He's the hope of people with single-eyelids
http://star09113.cocolog-nifty.com/photos/uncategorized/2007/09/11/photo.jpg - 3: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:44:54.45 ID:VeQ1VxuB
- 性格含めてイケメンって感じHe's an ikemen but with his personality taken into account
- 5: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:45:34.66 ID:L3bz1ROg
- イケメンどころかハンサムやわNot just an ikemen, he's handsome
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/_/37982223/image004.jpg - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:45:35.31 ID:dJAieNzT
- ワイは一度だけ瑛太に似てるって言われた事あるンゴThere was this one time when someone said I looked like Eita.
It seems that's actually the biggest compliment a person with single eyelids can get.
http://magabon.yomiuri.co.jp/special/voice/common/images/photo211_01.jpg - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:46:09.07 ID:B8gVnrqS
- 意外とあのスラッとした体格の俳優っていないしねSurprisingly, there aren't that many actors with a body as slender as his
http://img.barks.jp/image/review/1000059352/1.jpg - 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:46:35.83 ID:Q+jOB5j7
- 神戸君また見たいI want to see Kanbe-kun* again (*Aibou)
http://tower.jp/images/41/26741.jpg - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:54.60 ID:VeQ1VxuB
今でも水谷豊とメールしてるらしい- 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:26.83 ID:2EpXKqZ6
- ぐうかっこいいわDamn, he's so cool
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/yositaka5886/imgs/e/7/e7bc59af-s.png - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:46.32 ID:TpXNG3gv
- イケメン界ではそんなにやろうけど好きやでHe's not that high up within the ikemen world, but I like him.
- 12: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:50.53 ID:mFw5K+za
- 個性的な顔だと思うI think he's got a unique face.
And if he had double eyelids, I think he'll lose the sharpness of his eyes and would actually look awkward. - 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:55.97 ID:Q/DTJVOs
- あんなに自然にナルシストが出来る人いないねThere aren't that many people who can act like a narcissist so naturally.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/bluesuki/23033580.jpeg - 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:47:58.01 ID:JhOD94eI
- 演技がちょっと?な時もあるけど、かっこいいし、好きThere are times when his acting makes me go, "Hm?". But he's cool, I like him.
- 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:48:08.61 ID:siBb9UlC
- 全体的な雰囲気がスマートだからじゃねMaybe because his overall aura looks smart
- 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:48:25.91 ID:6DP+vzWO
- 共演者には好かれてそうI feel he's liked by all his co-stars
- 24: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:49:14.55 ID:d52bxo6z
- >>18水谷豊に嫌われたんちゃうんか?Didn't Yutaka Mizutani hate him?
- 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:56:03.32 ID:DUScYbbC
- >>24ミッチーとは普通に仲ええんちゃう?Aren't they good friends?
It also seems like he'll be in another Aibou movie too.
But I think it's true that something bad happened between him and Kameyama. - 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:48:36.62 ID:17L3dJS/
- わりとすきI actually like him
http://img.barks.jp/image/review/1000087374/1.jpg - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:49:14.33 ID:NEjB36/t
- なんかあのキャラすきやねんI like his persona
- 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:49:14.86 ID:j+PeCUQw
- あのセリフどうなん?How about the way he recites his dialogues?
It's ham, but it isn't... It just seems so unnatural. - 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:49:48.19 ID:LUxind+y
- 年齢考えたらすごいHe's amazing when you consider his age.
And I thought he'd turn into this eccentric artist before, but he's great.
- 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:50:19.02 ID:Jx3hzxK/
- 桂小五郎良かったHe's good as Kogorou Katsura (Yae no Sakura)
http://blog-imgs-37.fc2.com/y/o/n/yonipo/20130224220214de2.jpg - 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:50:48.17 ID:3zLsm9Qc
- 昔はカマホモみたいなキャラクターしてたと思ったがI thought he used to have a gay persona before.
Must've been my imagination. - 30: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:50:48.97 ID:OkDKwiUA
- 一目みたら忘れられない顔てYou won't forget his face once you see it, that's really important for character actors.
役者にとってめっちゃ重要だからな - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:51:00.73 ID:7V/rWpM2
- 明治とか大正時代が似合うHe suits roles in the Meiji and Taishou periods
- 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:51:32.38 ID:YeWH94Ye
- 演技上手いけど滑舌悪いHe's a good actor but has bad diction.
- 34: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:51:37.69 ID:Igj4CdKl
- 学生時代は男に嫌われて女に好かれまくったらしいなI heard that guys hated him while girls liked him when he was still a student.
I kinda get that. -
- 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:58:00.88 ID:2zFj/tLf
- >>34ええな羨ましいWow, I'm jelly
- 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:52:12.27 ID:QSxXl7+D
- イケメンやろHe's an ikemen
http://www.sankeibiz.jp/images/news/130519/bsj1305191141001-p2.jpg - 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:54:16.77 ID:+0nda9m+
- 身長含めてだよなこいつの場合His height is taken into consideration when you talk about his image
- 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:54:39.94 ID:XtWkXRIa
- なんかキラキラしたオーラが出てるHe looks like he has this sparkling aura around him
- 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:55:06.29 ID:0OuMsciI
- ハンサムやろHe's handsome
- 41: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:55:16.85 ID:yghY7RwI
- むしろ正統派のイケメンだろHe's actually a mainstream, orthodox-type ikemen
http://www.nexus-web.net/column/info/files/2011/11/om_1.jpg - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:55:26.51 ID:S/jcFiqk
- 半沢のとまり役はデキル男って感じがしていいI liked his character Tomari in Hanzawa, he seemed like a real capable man.
http://blog-imgs-57.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130829151707.jpg - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:55:25.08 ID:CMWGntEX
- ウッ♪Uh♪
- 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:56:50.36 ID:wFHhhJoJ
- プレイボーイのインタビューでイケメンだから疎まれるってハッキリ言っててワロタI LOL'd when he said in an interview for Playboy that, "People hate me because I'm an ikemen".
Though I'm getting confused since he played Okubo in Ryomaden 3 years ago, but he's Kido in this year's Yae. -
- 53: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 10:02:01.55 ID:5JdofQp9
- >>47わかるI know
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 09:59:58.45 ID:yAgxIcCs
- 男は中性的な男は嫌いだから評価割れるやろうなMen hate androgynous looking faces, so people will have mixed opinions of him.
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/08/31(土) 10:05:31.37 ID:wOuXBQep
- 一回目の前で見たことあるけど格好良かったでThere was a time when I saw him up close in person and he was so cool.
But that was a long time ago.
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