Because their fans are elitists
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:49:38.76 0 ID:
- いつ失速したん?Uhh, when did they lose steam?
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:50:06.44 0 ID:
- アンチのせいIt's the haters' fault
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:50:41.05 0 ID:
- アンチが増えたから人気が出たってモノノフは喜んでたじゃねーかBut these mononofus* are happy that they became popular due to the increasing number of their haters.
(* hardcore Momoclo fans) - 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:52:23.77 0 ID:
- 「全力」という言葉にかまけて一向に向上しないパフォーマンスBecause they're so caught up by the word "Zenryoku"* yet their performances haven't been improving
* (full throttle; everything we've got)
- 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:53:42.38 0 ID:
- 普通に飽きたI just grew tired of them
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:54:19.82 0 ID:
- >>9それだThat's it
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:55:23.39 O ID:
- ただ全力と言ってりゃそれでいいという安易さBecause of their easygoing ways of thinking that they can get by just by giving everything they've got
- 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:57:49.99 0 ID:
- 前山田がいなくなると、あれ?ただの汗だくのブスじゃね?ってなったからBecause without Maeyamada, I just realized that they were just a bunch of sweaty, ugly girls - 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:57:58.07 0 ID:
- 赤もよく見りゃ微妙だし歌が絶望的に下手ジャイアンレベルWhen you take a close look at Red, she isn't really that cute.
And their singing is just hopelessly bad, on the same level as Gian*.
*(character in Doraemon) - 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:58:16.71 0 ID:
- 乙女戦争以降の糞曲の量産Because of the the bad string of songs they came out with after "Otome Sensou"
- 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:58:51.08 0 ID:
- 子ども人気に繋がらなかったからじゃないかなMaybe they didn't become too popular with the kids
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 14:59:25.52 0 ID:
- TV出演で滑りまくり音楽の日の中居で止めさされたなBecause of the way they've been choking on their TV appearances.
And Nakai just finished them off during Ongaku no Hi.
- 24: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:00:10.11 0 ID:
- 全然失速してないな動員着実に積み上げてるNo, they haven't slowed down at all.
In fact, their ticket sales have definitely been going up. - 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:03:59.21 0 ID:
- 動員も売上も上がってるから失速はしてないけど去年感じた国民的アイドルになれる予感みたいなのは無くなりつつあるよねTheir concert attendance and CD sales are going up, so they haven't lost steam yet.
But the feeling I had last year that they will become national idols is slowly fading away. - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:08:41.87 0 ID:
- 時速三百から百八十に失速なのに誰も後ろから差を詰めてきませんIt just feels like they slowed down from 300 kph to 180 kph.
But still, it doesn't seem like anyone is catching up to them. - 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:10:24.82 0 ID:
- 次のシングルは間違いなく前作割れだろうなThe sales of their next single will undoubtedly be lower than the previous one
- 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:13:20.98 0 ID:
- アンチが頑張っている限り加速中だなアンチの多さは人気の裏返しAs long as the haters keep hating, then they'll just continue accelerating.
The number of haters is indicative of one's popularity after all. - 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:16:36.46 0 ID:
- 案外これからが面白いかもしらん他ヲタにとってはwActually, things might become more interesting from here.
Especially for the wotas of other groups w - 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:16:57.69 i ID:
- 国民的キャラクターになるかと思ったけどPerfume路線?にのった感じだねI thought they'd become our national idols, but it feels like they're heading down the same path as Perfume - 51: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:20:48.33 0 ID:
- 新しいことをやってるはずなのにまたこれか感They're supposed to be doing fresh new things, yet everything feels like you've already seen it somewhere
- 59: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:24:12.76 0 ID:
- 芸能人のステマが酷かったなThe way other celebrities have been doing stealth marketing favors for them has been horrible
- 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:25:21.85 0 ID:
- さんまの番組でしか見たこと無いけどももクロは飽きる。これは断言できる。I've only seen them on Sanma's program, but MomoClo can get very tiring.
This I can declare. - 67: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:26:21.71 0 ID:
- 将来が見えないI can't see what the future has in store for them
- 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:27:10.80 0 ID:
- 年末の紅白に向けて加速中They're accelerating towards the Kouhaku festival at the end of the year - 73: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:31:48.06 0 ID:
- 日産で息切れして秋のどさ回りは八千とか一万のホールが精一杯これは明らかに失速They ran out of breath at the Nissan Stadium and will only be able to fill 8,000-10,000 capacity halls in their autumn tour.
This is definitely what you call a loss of traction. - 75: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:32:17.60 0 ID:
- 2011.12 SSA 1万2012.4 横アリ2日 2.6万2012.8 西武 3.7万2012.12 SSA2日 3.4万2013.4 西武2日 6万2013.8 日産 6万失速しているように見えない2011.12 SSA 10K
2012.4 Yokohama Arena 2days 26K
2012.8 Seibu 37K
2012.12 SSA 2days 34K
2013.4 Seibu 2days 60K
2013.8 Nissan 60K
Deosn't look like they're slowing down to me. -
- 79: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:33:49.82 0 ID:
- >>75実は勢い増してるんだなThey're actually gaining momentum
- 81: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:34:23.59 0 ID:
- 衣装パクリから本格的にミソが着いたThey genuinely started failing since their ripped off costume fracas (Related post HERE) - 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:36:54.90 0 ID:
- 創価でないことが発覚したこれも失速And it's been found out that they're not from Soka Gakkai.
This is also a reason for their slowdown. -
- 88: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:39:30.33 0 ID:
- >>84何だそれwDa heck is that? LOL
- 85: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:37:24.35 0 ID:
- ライブに活路を見出したももクロ人気は根強いMomoClo has deep roots since they seem to have found their path through concerts - 86: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:38:13.02 0 ID:
- ももクロ2013・キモイ変な痛い衣装をパクる。待望の2ndアルバムもこれじゃない感満載で盛大に滑る・秋桜枯れ果てる。ピンクジャイアンのあまりの酷さにさだまさしも苦笑い・日半スタジアムで美しい芝を観賞してサカヲタのご機嫌を伺う・全力で韓国の言い分を聞こうとして右翼のファンを困惑させるMomoClo in 2013
- They rip off this gross, weird, and pathetic costume. Their 2nd album feels off in all aspects and fails.
- Their Cosmos wilts. Because of Pink Gian, even Masashi Sada snickers. (Related post HERE)
- They stare at the beautiful grass at Nissan Stadium and grab the hearts of soccer fans.
- They do their best to try and listen to what Korea has to say and troubles their rightist fans. - 90: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:40:31.28 0 ID:
- 失速を盛り返そうとしてテレビやフェスにごり押し逆に失速が明らかにThey're being forced into TV and various festivals on order to try and make up for this slowdown, but it actually makes it even more evident
- 92: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:41:03.39 0 ID:
- 韓国の言い分も聞こうよ!の時はネトウヨファンが混乱しててワロタI LOL'd at how their rightist fans got confused when they said "Let's hear Korea's excuses too!" - 100: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:44:00.68 0 ID:
- 失速じゃないだろ 単にキャンペーン期間が終了しただけNo, they haven't lost steam. It's just that their campaigning period is over.
- 109: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:48:18.64 0 ID:
- 新曲プロモでまた出てくるよ今は誰も知らんようなくっそ田舎をツアー中ちなみにどこも本確あるのに売り切れ早くアンチさんの言うように失速しねーかなThey'll come out again to promote their new song.
Right now, they're just touring these remote areas that no one really knows.
And they sell places out everywhere they go.
Yeah, right. I sure wish they lose traction just like what the haters are saying. Uh-huh. - 113: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:49:51.22 0 ID:
- 和歌山や四国なんかのホールツアーやっているのは失速したからThe reason they're only doing hall tours in Wakayama and Shikoku is precisely because they've lost steam
- 114: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:51:33.75 P ID:
- >>113違うね。芸能人がめったに来ない地域を重点的にやっている。田中角栄の選挙戦術みたいなもんだよ。Wrong. They're focusing their activities in these areas that other celebrities rarely visit.
It's similar to Kakuei Tanaka's electoral campaign strategy.
- 119: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:53:47.18 0 ID:
- ドサ周りだろwThey're just touring other regions now
- 126: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:56:47.73 0 ID:
- まさか大分が人気スポットになるとはな・・・大分でも2万は入る箱じゃないとチケット入手は無理Who would've thought that even Oita would become a popular spot.
Well, you can't gather 20,000 people in Oita, but still, it's impossible to get a ticket to their shows over there. - 133: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 15:58:39.03 0 ID:
- みんな詳しいなYou guys are well-informed, huh
- 141: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:00:58.35 0 ID:
- 夏だって本当に勢いがあればプロ野球押し退けてドームツアーやれたはずIf they really had momentum, then they could've shoved aside pro baseball and have a dome tour during summer.
- 169: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:16:45.34 0 ID:
- サラバぐらいから曲がつまらなくなったTheir songs started to become boring from "Saraba"
- 174: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:19:36.63 0 ID:
- AKBは今年5曲シングル出してるももクロは今年1曲しかシングル出してないこの差が出ただけ年間1曲じゃそりゃ忘れさられるAKB had 5 singles this year.
MomoClo only had 1 song this year.
With this difference, of course people will forget you if you had only 1 song. - 176: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:20:45.54 0 ID:
- 5曲も出したの?クッキーしか思い出せないThey already have 5 songs? Cookie's the only one I remember.
- 183: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:24:29.17 0 ID:
- >>176今まだ3曲だけど今年あと2曲出すThey have 3 songs to this point, and will still come out with 2 more by the end of the year
- 179: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:21:08.12 0 ID:
- Mステとか出てたけどあんな衣装でファン増えるわけないだろThere's no way they'd increase the number of their fans with those costumes when they were on Music Station
- 186: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:27:34.10 0 ID:
- モノノフの選民思想ってこういうことだろ?The Mononofu's sense of elitism refers to this, right? They're already superhumans for having that much stamina to dance like that.
AKB already belongs to a lower class than them.
MomoClo also has more core fans thanks to their overwhelming performance.)そりゃオタは嫌われるわオタ内でも色で固まってたりして内紛は酷そうだしIf so, then I'm not surprised the other otas would hate them.
Even the otakus of each member are fighting among themselves, and it's getting ugly. - 191: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:30:18.72 0 ID:
- モノノフって阪神ファンに近いウザさがあるももクロ好きなのはお前らの勝手だし俺だってももクロの存在知らないわけじゃないんだからMononofus are similarly annoying as those Hanshin Tigers fans.
Yeah, it's your choice that you like MomoClo, and it's not like I don't know them. - 192: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:31:10.93 0 ID:
- いつからこんな客層になったんだろうWhen did their fanbase become like this? -
- 194: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:33:51.90 0 ID:
- >>192これ去年な今はもっとすごいThis one is last year. It's more amazing now.
- 195: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:34:40.82 0 ID:
- LVに行くたびに客層が若くなるTheir fanbase keeps getting younger and younger every time I go to their live performances
- 197: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 16:39:36.47 0 ID:
- 紅白で成り上がりストーリーが完結したからもう追いかける理由がないのに業界へ媚売ってる糞事務所そりゃ追いかける理由無くしたあげくもうこっち向いてなかったらファンは離れていきますわTheir success story was completed at the Kouhaku, and they don't have anything to chase after anymore. But their damned agency still sucks up to the showbiz world. If they don't even look back this way after they're done chasing their dream then I won't be surprised if they fall out of favor with some of their fans.
- 216: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:03:19.59 0 ID:
- >>197離れるまで言わないが落ち着くまで距離を置き始めているファンは多いその間に他に流れていくのかもしれないがI won't say as far as falling out, but I think there are a lot of fans who are distancing themselves from the group until things settle down. But of course there's a possibility that those fans will move on to other things.
- 222: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:13:11.69 0 ID:
- 失速?次のシングルが初動次第8万越えれば右肩上がり越えなければ失速って言っても間違いないなLosing traction?
It will depend on the initial sales of their next single. If it exceeds 80,000 then they're succeeding. If it doesn't, then you can say the've lost steam. -
- 224: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:15:50.18 0 ID:
- >>2228万じゃ停滞だよ紅白までの勢いが凄すぎたんだから勢いが落ちるのはしょうがないBut 80,000 means they've stagnated. Their momentum was so strong up until the Kouhaku, so there's no helping it even if they've slowed down a bit.
- 227: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:18:46.16 0 ID:
- 芝生をフィーチャーした日産ライブってなんだったの?いやマジでなんだったの?正直あの勢いだったら普通に席用意してもいいしさ・・・What was their featuring of the grass in their Nissan concert all about?
No seriously, what was it about? If they had that much momentum then they could've at least prepared seats.
- 228: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:21:41.86 0 ID:
- >>227動画のほうがわかりやすいよIt's easier to understand on video
- 231: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/10/02(水) 17:25:07.10 0 ID:
- 最近のアイドルの売り方で惑わされがちだけど握手なしならシングルは伸びにくいだろうなむしろ落ちるかも純粋に曲の良し悪しが問われるIt's easy to get misled by how idols are promoting themselves these days, but it'll be hard to increase their sales if they don't have any handshake passes. It might even drop down.
It'll purely come down to how good or bad the song is. - 234: 名無し募集中 2013/10/02(水) 17:29:59.67 0 ID:
- 勢いってもうももクロは今の動員をどれだけ減らさず安定させるかって時期じゃないの?Momentum? I think MomoClo now is at a point where they have to think about how they can maintain their attendance without letting it decrease.
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