September 28 tweet
I heard through someone that this guy who told me "We're best buds" has been saying mean things behind my back. It is disappointing, but my thoughts are unwavering, and I have this overwhelming confidence and pride that I will never falter no matter how other people come at me. I actually feel sorry for this person who seems like he can only use up his calories in looking down on others... This is what it means to be strong.
Oh, ok
"All my followers, please console me"
Why do people need to report each and every little thing like this on Twitter?
Won't he be able to settle down unless he tells things like this to other people?
>>I have this overwhelming confidence and pride that I will never falter no matter how other people come at me
↓ Result
Complains on Twitter wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww He's too inconsistent wwwwwwwwwww
Must be Fukuyama
Ogi mama?
Must be Nana Mizuki
So is this little old guy mad?
He seemed to be so close with Kiyoharu, Fukyama, and Haruhiko Kato but do they still get along these days?
B'z Inaba, TOKIO Nagase, Train-ota hanzubon-shi...
and TMR Nishikawa.
I can't forgive the guy who looks down on one of the Japan's 4 great hot pants emperors.
Kiyoharu came to mind though
He must be totally retarded.
I wonder why he's still using Twitter.
Well, it is a common story that the middle-man will try to get between friends and destroy their relationship
Looks like he's totally concerned about it wwwwwwwwwwwwww
Must be Nanase Aikawa
That's how humans are.
Or is he saying that he has he never spoken ill of someone behind their backs?
He said he's unwavering, but isn't he completely shaken by this?
Must be Kiyoharu or L'Arc's Tetsu
- 385: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/03(木) 16:03:41.45 ID:5afu3+q/0
- UVERのタクヤがライブで「フェスは嫌いだわーもう出ねぇ」と発言(西川主催のフェスに参加した後に)これがツイッターと本スレでちょっと話題になったあとに>>1のつぶやきしたからそういうことだと思うUVER's Takuya said in a concert though that "Damn, I hate festivals. We won't participate in these anymore" (right after UVER was in a festival organized by Nishikawa).
Afterwards, this somewhat became a trending topic on Twitter and UVER's thread on 2chan, then >>1 tweeted this so I think this is what Nishikawa was referring to. - 675: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/03(木) 22:30:04.29 ID:JIl/njkk0
- これはUVERworldのボーカル。西川が主催しているロックフェスのトリを任されたが、その後に野外フェスなんかもうやらねーよ!歌える曲数も少ねーし、ノリも悪いし!みたいな事を自分のライヴで喋ったらUVERworldのファンがTwitterで喋り、それがドンドン拡散し西川の耳にも入った。This must be UVERworld's vocalist.
They were billed to perform last at Nishikawa's festival.
But then, he said at their own concert that:
"We won't be doing these outdoor festivals anymore!
We only get to sing a few songs, and the excitement level was so low" or something like that.
UVERworld's fans then talked about this on Twitter, and it probably reached Nishikawa in one way or another. - 676: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/03(木) 22:45:32.42 ID:tfKq4i5m0
- ツイッターで知ったことを人づてで知ったってw確かに間違ってないけどおかしいSo by "hearing through someone", he meant "finding out about it on Twitter", huh.
Well, it technically isn't wrong, but it feels weird. - 697: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:00:19.36 ID:WPMzcflO0
- 陰口叩かれるようなことした西川も悪いんじゃないの散々浅倉のおかげでやってきたのに浅倉の曲は好きじゃないとか文句言って突き放したくせにまた擦り寄ってくるとかブレすぎだし、自信と誇りあるなら自分で自分のやりたい曲作ってやれよIsn't Nishikawa the same for speaking ill behind the backs of others as well?
He became popular thanks to Asakura, then he complains that he doesn't like Asakura's songs and distanced himself.
And now he comes back to Asakura... That's so inconsistent of him. If he's got confidence and pride then he should compose the songs that he himself likes. -
- 702: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:11:35.97 ID:jU1iB9eU0
- >>697初めて知ったけど結構嫌な奴だな恩を仇で返すタイプ?This is my first time hearing about this, but he seems pretty mean.
Is he the type who returns favors with grudges?
- 703: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:12:07.12 ID:5ClHJoDF0
- これ発言のタイミングからしてUVERworldじゃんw>>697浅倉曲飽きたからabs作ったんじゃないの?TMは浅倉にとって良い収入源だから手放さないだろBased on the timing, this has to be UVERworld LOL
Didn't he make ABS because he grew tired of Asakura's songs?
But TM is a good source of income for Asakura so he won't give it up.
- 753: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 05:07:59.04 ID:lqb8tidjO
- >>697浅倉の曲好きじゃないって言ったの?浅倉の曲で売れたのに?Did he say that he doesn't like Asakura's songs?
Even though he became popular through his compositions?
- 698: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:02:32.46 ID:QqZkySng0
- 真っ先にラルクの小川さんを思い出してしまった濡れ衣だったらごめん小川L'Arc's Ogawa was the first one who came to mind.
Sorry if it was a false accusation, Ogawa. - 701: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:06:43.76 ID:q0mWqoT80
- 陰口くらいで豆腐メンタルすぎw俺なんかワザと聞こえる様に陰口言われるのにも部屋に入った途端シーンとするのにも慣れたしHis mental toughness is like tofu if he reacts to something like this LOL
In my case, people are talking behind my back and they purposely talk loudly so I can hear it. And when I step into the room, everything becomes silent. I'm used to that already. - 706: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 01:14:54.12 ID:PQmMwH4K0
- ちゃんと本人に聞いた方がいいんじゃね伝聞ってのは本当に捻じ曲げられる場合が多いからHe should talk directly to the person and ask about it.
There are a lot of times when hearsay becomes quite twisted. - 724: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 02:34:39.37 ID:EOcbdI14O
- 親友レベルの友達にここまでキレていいのは犯罪的な裏切りされた時だけだろw陰口言われたかも知れない、って程度でこんな反応するなんて器が小さいとしか言いようがないYou should only get mad at a best friend like this if he did something on a similar level as a crime.
All I can say is that he's so petty for reacting like this even if he hasn't even verified if the rumor was true. - 740: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 04:55:46.71 ID:fFmbDxaN0
- 親友は信じられないけど人づてに聞いたことは信じるのかSo he can't believe his best friend but believes something he just heard from a different person?
- 768: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 06:37:20.78 ID:cZ9sYlEe0
- 気軽に毒舌はけるのが本当の親友なんだよお前のそういうところ嫌いなんだよ 直せよw とかさA true best friend is a person who can say harsh things like that lightheartedly.
Something like, "I don't like that about you, fix it". - 774: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 07:04:39.14 ID:y5OVgv1F0
- ちっちぇえなあ西川(´・ω・`)Nishikawa's so petty (´・ω・`)
- 822: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 13:07:19.39 ID:2/t9l5Q40
- UVERのTAKUYAも元ヤンくせぇよな西川っていつもそんなのとつるんでね?UVER's Takuya also looks like a former yankee.
Isn't Nishikawa always hanging out with people like this? - 823: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 13:54:09.18 ID:uIOHWj+y0
- ホントの親友に、「『俺ら親友や』なんて言わないよYou don't say "We're best buds" to someone who really is your best friend
- 827: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 13:59:39.65 ID:QfmNzIZDI
- 確かめもせずにバカッターで切れたのか自分も友人も、はめられてるかもしれないのにHe didn't even confirm anything, yet he vents his anger on Bakatter.
There's also a possibility that he and his friend were trapped here. - 837: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 14:16:40.74 ID:66FdPdGRO
- 人づてに聞いたことを信じれる程度なのね、その親友との関係は…てか、親友に直接聞いてからブチ切れなさいよ(´・ω・`)もうオッサンなのに子供か!That just means his relationship with that person wasn't that strong to begin with if he can believe what others are saying. He should only get mad when he hears what his best friend has to say (´・ω・`)
He's already so old, but he acts like a child. - 867: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 16:24:45.77 ID:WeGwC/Me0
- 西川はアホだけど悪い人ではないんだよただガチでアホなだけ思った事感情に任せてツイートしちゃうのやめた方がいいNishikawa's stupid, but he isn't a bad person.
He's just seriously stupid.
He should stop letting his emotions take the better of him and just tweet whatever's on his mind. - 885: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 18:43:58.94 ID:3ZubiaQA0
- というか伝えた人は悪口として西川に伝えたんだろうか西川解釈の可能性は…どうなんだろうねThere's also a possibility that the person who relayed this to Nishikawa said it in a mean way, so it could just be Nishikawa's misunderstanding... I wonder though.
- 924: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 02:04:18.05 ID:LnBZAQ0B0
- >>885ありそうだなぁ、それ現時点で濃厚なのはuverのボーカルなんだっけ?That seems like a possibility...
Anyway, the top candidate now is UVER's vocalist, right?
- 890: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 19:12:39.09 ID:lvdlOUsUO
- 大人になっちゃうと、仲の良い友達ってなかなかできないよねIt's pretty hard to make a real close friend once you become an adult
- 896: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/04(金) 20:34:44.06 ID:uNuSrTC+0
- 芸能界の人間関係って死ぬほど面倒くさそうだよなThese celebrity relationships really seem so troublesome
- 932: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 03:34:17.50 ID:ofkBVkUT0
- このツイート前に西川のフォロー数が一人減ってて、そのフォローをやめた相手のことじゃないかって話だが…There's also this theory that it's this one person who unfollowed Nishikawa right before he made his tweet...
- 961: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 10:28:08.86 ID:9bgpJJBL0
- 改めてTwitterはバカ発見器とはよく言ったもんだOnce again I realize that Twitter really is a baka finder
- 965: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 11:00:30.70 ID:ic725F3l0
- 親友だったら許してやれよwForgive him if he's your best friend w
- 985: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 12:46:24.49 ID:x1RoVFIH0
- ジャニの堂本剛やエイベのmisonoや小室に喧嘩売れるわけないから同じレーベルのタクヤだろうな!ヘタレのくせに自分を強く見せよう大きく見せようって気持ちが強すぎて引くわThere's no way he can pick a fight with Tsuyoshi Domoto of Johnny's, misono of AVEX, as well as Komuro, so it's probably Takuya who's on the same level as him.
It really feels like he's trying to make himself look so huge and strong despite being a wimp, it's such a turn off. - 989: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/05(土) 13:19:29.43 ID:mvW8NJoEi
- ウーバーって友達がカラオケでよく歌ってるけど、親友と殴りあって一緒に笑ったとか俺がNo1!ラカラカラ!っていうぶっ飛んだ歌詞が多いイメージポジティブな歌詞の割に結構陰湿なのなMy friend sings UVER a lot on karaoke, but my impression is that their lyrics are pretty crazy, like having a fistfight with his best friend and laughing afterwards, or bragging about how he's no. 1, things like that.
They lyrics are pretty positive, but he seems really underhanded.
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