--There seems to be a lot of bands who are doing well in both their concert ticket and merchandise sales.
Yes, merchandise and concert ticket sales are doing well. Most especially for touring bands, merchandise sales really is their life line. People will keep attending concerts as long as these bands stay cool. Why? Because you may be able to create copies of CDs and books, but you can never copy experience.
And that is why these bands can still earn a living through their concert sales even if their CDs don't sell well. But whatever the case, these bands will still need a manager, for example, a person who could negotiate with the concert venues how much they will be able to earn per concert.
But just doing concerts aimlessly won't bring in the profits. These bands should look at things on a long-term perspective, make use of various connections, and only then will they be able to earn a living from touring. But it has become increasingly difficult to achieve such dreams of being a musician, and to once again achieve the glory that the Hi-Standard achieved back in the '90s. This is truly mortifying as a musician, and I also feel a bit sorry for the bands now since we were able to have a taste of the good life when the times were still in the music industry's favor.
--You feel sorry?
There are times that I feel bad when I see stuff like Yamaguchi-kun of Sakanaction's tweets. I'm sure that this band could have sold a million records, or 2 even, if they were just around 10 years earlier. I also feel this way for the CD shops that are so desperate now. I'm sure that there were a lot of shops back in the late '90s which earned money when they sold our CDs, and other artists' CDs. This is also true for the other retail stores. I feel bad, since they're all going up against this goliath called Amazon... How are you planning on going up against that?
Entire interview here:
Ken Yokoyama
Ichiro Yamaguchi
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:44:43.48 ID:DCFc2FjX0
- ハイスタの奴かクレイジーケンバンドの横山剣かと思ってびっくりしたわOh, the one in Hi-Standard.
I thought it was Ken Yokoyama of the Crazy Ken Band.
http://musicshelf.jp/html/special53/images/top_title.jpg -
- 444: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:02:36.44 ID:7JWBzMUz0
- >>31違うのかIt isn't him?
- 507: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:16:07.36 ID:Qy25/kzh0
- >>31剣じゃなかったのかわかりにくいSo it isn't that Ken?
This is so confusing.
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:52:45.39 ID:jXkY57x/0
- >>31読むまで、クレイジーケンバンドの方だと思ってた。ハイスタンダードって何百万枚も売れた曲あんの?CDが凄く売れた時期でも、オリコンに乗った事ないだろ。I also thought it was the guy from Crazy Ken Band until I read >>31.
Does Hi-Standard have a song that was able to sell over a million copies?
They weren't even on the Oricon charts when CDs were still selling like crazy, right?
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/cd/1a/kawasemisubuta/folder/415722/img_415722_4732564_0 -
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:55:37.64 ID:ss0eSxS70
- >>62MAKING THE ROADが売れただけIt's just that "MAKING THE ROAD" sold a lot
- 74: 名無しさん 2013/10/17(木) 14:55:49.59 ID:ly1jS65J0
- >>62ラブ・イズ・ア・バトルフィールドは普通にHEYHEYのTOPランキング入ってきてたが。当時は自社レーベルですげぇと思ったわ。"Love is a Battlefield" actually entered HEYHEY's top ranking. I actually thought they were amazing since they had an independent label at that time.
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:55:56.42 ID:0Dc/fMf60
- >>62最後のアルバムが確か二位だったよ。一位ラルクで。百万枚近くは売れていたはず。Their last album was 2nd if I remember correctly.
1st was L'Arc.
I think it almost reached a million copies sold.
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:01:09.22 ID:4kgQBJcA0
- >>62ハイスタはmaking the roadが国内外合わせてミリオン行ってたはずしかも自主レーベルだから相当儲けたバンドHi-Sta's "Making the road" should have surpassed the million mark if you combine its local and international sales. And they were independent back then so this band really earned a ton.
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:34:53.25 ID:qJkxLae50
- いや200万は無理だろNah, 2 million would've been impossible
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:37:33.49 ID:oHeFDPbW0
- 100万も微妙だろThey probably won't even be able to sell a million back then
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:40:12.69 ID:ZQRCutiU0
- サカナクションはツイッターでどんな悲しいことを呟いてんだよおかずが一品増えたとかかHow sad were Sakanaction's tweets?
Like "Today, I got to eat a spoonful more than what I ate yesterday" ?
http://mantan-web.jp/gallery/2012/09/01/20120901dog00m200024000c/image/003.jpg -
- 43: 名無しさん 2013/10/17(木) 14:49:21.47 ID:ly1jS65J0
- >>24逆に、おかずいよいよ無くなったんじゃねOr maybe he actually doesn't have anything to eat anymore?
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:42:36.73 ID:7vFR5aWh0
- 10年早かったらあんな音楽やってないでしょしたがって売れてないBut they probably wouldn't be doing that kind of music 10 years ago.
Therefore, they couldn't have sold a lot.
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:46:46.35 ID:X2dIQzKf0
- おじいちゃんにお薬出しておいてCan someone please give this old guy his medicine?
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:48:45.84 ID:iQqoxj8D0
- 200万ってスピッツクラスでも無理なのに2 million? Even someone on the level of SPITZ wasn't able to achieve that.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg57eYJEbzFt511yt1jwKqYIJoho3fE4yhFw3OTo-NvNQ2gJg4nxZyu2UxPxEYr7-SXPs45GY_at4vHdXBJ6rENvp10uH1_gmWTwHcfosOd3wdxhyphenhyphenj5-E1JRPmBGm4KVC2U7ilJ1OI9R3U/s1600/spitz_photo.jpg - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:49:38.23 ID:03k97Abg0
- そりゃ糞みたいな一発屋が売れてた時代もあるんだから売れてたかもはしれんがなWell, a lot of one-hit-wonders did sell well back in those days.
True, they could've produced mega sellers back then. - 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:50:04.81 ID:ewJyj2WL0
- 宇多田光が最後で最高の勝ち逃げ組。Hikaru Utada was the last, and the best to come from that era.
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/02/oB1XlvVr66CJZ5E_nPJVC_38.jpeg - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:52:14.67 ID:JS5/Ifkz0
- CDが売れなくなったのはアマゾンが、ネットが、より前だよねCD sales started dropping before people can even complain about Amazon and the Internet, right?
- 67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:54:25.53 ID:bvRtWLRsi
- 10年前に似たような音楽をやってたスーパーカーはもっと売れてなかったじゃないかwBut what about Supercar who played the same kind of music 10 years ago? They were even less popular, right?
http://blog-imgs-19.fc2.com/c/o/s/cosmicairplaneayako/20080221230451.jpg - 86: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:58:19.52 ID:pkNuJND70
- 篠原ともえが全盛のときyoutubeとかあったら世界的バカ売れしてたかもなって思うことはある。There are times when I would think that Tomoe Shinohara could have sold an insane amount of records internationally if YouTube already existed during her peak.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/uwasainfo/imgs/8/0/8010f64f.jpg - 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:59:40.34 ID:Yx6a/ZLe0
- 文句はyoutubeに言えDirect your complaints at YouTube
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 14:59:55.92 ID:dLyF/zkyi
- ムーンチャイルドみたいな一発屋にはなれたかもなこの手のバンドは90年代も腐る程あったしThey probably could have become a one-hit-wonder like MOON CHILD back then.
These kinds of bands were rampant back in the '90s anyway. - 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:00:54.60 ID:FLgIi/j50
- バブル時代なら自分も大手企業に就職できたと思い込んでるゆとりと同じ思考だろThat's the same way of thinking as these people from the yutori generation, saying that even they could have joined a major company if they lived in the bubble era
- 112: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:02:15.92 ID:/wGb+sqQO
- そもそも過去が異様だったんだよ今が並だろ歌歌ってるだけで生きていけるだけでもありがたく思えやカスIt's just that the past was abnormal.
These times right now are normal.
This dirtbag should be grateful that he's earning a living just by singing songs. - 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:02:49.44 ID:rFJVV3dQ0
- 200万とかwww100も無理だろ2 million? www
Even a million would have been impossible. - 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:03:48.29 ID:2CUGuNz70
- 逆に90年代だったらこういうバンドって埋れてもっと売れなかったんじゃねwActually, I think this sort of band wouldn't have stood out if they were in the '90s and would've probably sold less than they do now.
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:04:02.48 ID:O1XItcTx0
- > サカナクションの山口くんのツイートとか、見てて辛くなる時があるもん。ごく普通のツイートだと思うがどの辺が辛いんだろうか 食生活?山口 一郎 @SAKANAICHIRO 9月16日制作の隙間、暗い部屋で一人レトルトの麻婆丼を食べていたら、不意に強烈な虚しさに襲われた。毎日同じ景色、同じ悩み、同じ行動。ちょっと疲れてきたかも。山口 一郎 @SAKANAICHIRO 8月25日今日のレコーディングは、うねってた。最終的に前へ進めて安心したから、コンビニ弁当プラス納豆で晩御飯。ただいま
I think these are pretty normal tweets. What's so painful about this? His food?
Ichiro Yamaguchi SAKANAICHIRO Sept. 16
As I was taking a break from production eating this processed Mapo tofu-don alone in a dark room, I was suddenly attacked by a strong feeling of emptiness. It's the same sights, same problems and same actions each and every single day. I think I'm getting a bit tired.
Ichiro Yamaguchi SAKANAICHIRO Aug. 25
We were able to make a surge with today's recording. I feel relieved since we were eventually able to advance so I'm helping myself to a convenience store obento plus natto beans. I'm home. -
- 253: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:25:50.09 ID:K8hYzyOV0
- >>122コイツは、飯に興味ないっていうか、釣りと音楽があれば満足できるヤツだろThis is the type of guy who isn't particular with his food, but is happy as long as he can fish and play his music, right?
- 258: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:26:33.79 ID:9muvvQsr0
- >>122これはわびしいなあw確かに。Wow, that's actually pretty miserable w
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:05:33.78 ID:OwqzxS6Qi
- 初期の作品とかいい曲あるし、間違ってはいないと思う90年代よりレベル高いよThey did have good songs at the beginning so I think Ken here is correct.
Their level is much higher than those in the '90s.
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:07:03.54 ID:34Y7pwKv0
- 昔は一発当てれば旧作も売れてすぐ何十万と行ったんだけどねだからレコード会社も長い目で面倒見てたBut back in the day, once you register a hit, it will also help boost the sales of your older albums and would eventually boost the sales by a few hundred thousand. And that's why even the record companies were patient with these bands.
- 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:08:43.18 ID:BJxE/HwA0
- サカナクションって、なんかYMOから進歩してない感じ。あまり音楽の歴史上、意味が無いというか。I don't think that Sakanaction has made any progress from YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra).
In a sense, it doesn't hold any meaning in musical history.
http://560b.sakura.ne.jp/sblo_files/kichi-project/image/ymo.jpg - 157: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:10:07.19 ID:eCc6VBd50
- バンプが10年、いや5年早ければミスチルクラスだっただろうけどなBump would have probably reached Mr. Children's level if they came out 10, no, 5 years earlier.
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:20:12.38 ID:Q+74kHgM0
- >>157バンプは編曲と作曲が微妙だからそれはないBut Bump's arrangements and compositions are a bit off so I don't think that's the case
- 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:11:31.87 ID:uTm0YNgO0
- でもチャンスは増えたんじゃないYouTubeで歌あげて上手ければプロになれるじゃん海外とかだとBut people are given more opportunities now.
They get their song on YouTube, and if they're good, they can become pros.
Like, internationally. - 179: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:15:07.66 ID:AnXpyq7g0
- 昔はショボい音楽でもミリオン達成してたからなサカナクションはもっと早く出てきたらトップになれたわEven those lame-a$$ songs sold millions back in the day.
Sakanaction could have reached the top if they just came out a bit earlier. - 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:20:19.50 ID:IC5AbSan0
- 10年前って2003年だろうもうそんなにバカ売れする時代じゃなくねまあ95~97年あたりにいたら可能性はあったかもしれんが10 years ago... that was 2003.
But that wasn't a time when CDs were flying off shelves anymore.
It would have probably been possible if it was from 1995~1997. -
- 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:22:48.80 ID:eCPWl52N0
- >>213あのころでもオレンジレンジのアルバムとか200万枚ぐらい売れてなかったっけ?なんであんなに人気あったんだろうしかもあっというまに消えたしBut didn't Orange Range's album sell about 2 million copies back then?
I really wonder why they were so popular then.
And they also disappeared so soon.
- 219: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:21:44.37 ID:bBXR7DcyO
- このバンド1度も聴いたことは無いがおそらく言ってる事は正しいユニコーンや、BUCK-TICKだって売れたんだからそれに倣えばミリオン出しても不思議は無いI have never heard this band even once, but I think what's said about them was true.
If you think that even bands like Unicorn and BUCK-TICK did well, then it won't be a surprise if they sold over a million. - 235: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:23:59.08 ID:lNRT1fH10
- むしろなぜ10年前は阿呆みたいなのでも100万、200万枚も売れてたのかActually, the question here is why even some of those stupid ones were able to sell millions 10 years ago.
- 255: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:26:23.75 ID:RaV/FxIn0
- 10年前で一番売れたのは世界に一つだけの花の200万枚かサカナクションはそんな売れる訳がないわなアンセム系の曲出してるバンドじゃないのにThe song that sold the most 10 years ago was Sekai ni hitotsu dake no hana's 2 million.
There's no way Sakanaction would sell that much. It's not like they're a band who releases anthemic songs.
- 266: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:27:32.39 ID:eCc6VBd50
- サカナは正直どうかなと思うけどワンオクはポルノくらいは売れてただろI honestly wonder about how Sakana would have done, but ONE OK would have probably sold as much as Porno Graffitti
- 292: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:31:47.76 ID:9muvvQsr0
- 海外では今はどうなの?海外もあんまり売れなくなったの?音楽。Then what about overseas? Isn't music selling that much overseas as well?
- 307: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:34:07.13 ID:SpapClHc0
- >>292DLとアナログ回帰CDはほとんど需要がなくなったDownload, and return to analog.
There's not that much demand for CDs anymore.
- 293: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:32:00.03 ID:mavWrT5Ui
- せいぜい10万だろThey'd probably only sell 100,000
- 349: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:41:04.40 ID:Er2twAd80
- ねーよwいきものがかりとかはそうかもしれんけどNo way w
But that might be the case with Ikimonogakari.
- 358: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:42:32.90 ID:2jZcFof10
- 90年代の売れ方がオカシイだけで今のような売れ方が本来のCDの売れ方。It's just that CD sales were crazy in the '90s.
The sales these days are much more normal. - 414: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:54:22.90 ID:mX/FKcKJ0
- それじゃあサカナクションの良曲を聴きましょうWell then, let's listen to a good song from Sakanaction
- 423: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:59:03.81 ID:4CaUtPgQ0
- >>414悪くないけど、やっぱりエレクトロニカなのに気持ちよくない。It isn't bad, but it doesn't feel too good even if it's electronica
- 442: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:02:14.50 ID:H2R0ZL0+0
- >>414いくつか聞いてみたけど裏声を混ぜ込むタイプなのか、すげー苦手だわ・・・曲自体はくるり後期を真似たバンドっぽいんだなI listened to a few of their songs. So he throws in falsettos in his songs, huh? I'm not too fond of that...
But the songs sound like Quruli's latter stages.
- 925: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 18:16:11.94 ID:RCAMlVkH0
- >>414こんなの200万なんて、どの時代でも売れないだろコアなファンとかつくかもしれないけどさThere won't be a single era where these guys could have sold 2 million.
But they will have some core fans, though.
- 431: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:00:23.73 ID:6hKMnxrB0
- こんな奴が200万なら電気グループは300万売れただろIf these guys can sell 2 million, then Denki Groove would sell 3 million
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41C9Oy1cNjL._SL500_AA300_.jpg - 437: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:01:19.08 ID:tDIipvpv0
- サカナクションは売れても30万ぐらいだろうBut Sakanaction would only sell about 300,000 even if they do manage to make it big
- 463: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 16:06:38.40 ID:mWpVMw750
- まあ冷静に考えて今時バンドサウンドなんて流行らないよな売れようなんて思って始めないだろ?いいじゃん好きでやってるならWell, if you think about it calmly, the "band sound" won't be a hit these days. They themselves probably don't think that they're going to sell bucketloads when they decided to pursue this. Just let them do what they want.
- 376: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/17(木) 15:47:02.21 ID:rhSHe2As0
- おまえらよりは、横山健の言ってることのの方が信頼できるわBut I'd rather believe what Ken Yokoyama says than what you guys would
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