Tomoya Nagase and Ayame Gouriki were at the production press conference within the metropolis for their new drama Kurokouchi which will start airing on Friday, October 11th on TBS.
Ayame Gouriki was asked how she felt about ratings as her agency senpais Aya Ueto (Hanzawa Naoki) and Ryoko Yonekura (Doctor X) are in dramas with high ratings. To this, she bluntly answered, "I'm not really concerned about it".
This will be an unorthodox detective drama with the premise that the culprit of the unsolved \300 million case back in the Showa era is still alive. Gouriki, who plays the role of a new detective who will be working with the evil detective Kurokouchi (Nagase), comments: "I hope I can act in a way that can honestly pierce the hearts of the viewers concerning what's good and what's not in this 300 million case. " About filming the scenes: "There are a lot of heavy scenes, but it's always fun and tense at the same time on the set".
Other cast members who attended the presscon were Atsuro Watabe, Mikihisa Azuma, and Ken Kaneko
- 2: ハイキック(関西地方) 2013/10/03(木) 21:55:51.39 ID:NtALi9Fj0
- てか気にしろよErr, you should be concerned about it
- 4: サソリ固め(茸) 2013/10/03(木) 21:56:13.38 ID:JZlOKK9C0
- スポンサーに言ったげて(>_<)Say that to the sponsors (>_<)
- 5: タイガースープレックス(富山県) 2013/10/03(木) 21:56:22.85 ID:mlEW3kSs0
- スポンサーは、気にしてるwThe sponsors are concerned about it though LOL
- 8: フルネルソンスープレックス(茸) 2013/10/03(木) 21:57:11.40 ID:OiT9uI3p0
- 視聴率関係なく出れるんだから気にするほうがおかしいBut she still gets to be in the drama no matter how the ratings will look, so it'll actually be weirder if she's concerned about it
- 11: ツームストンパイルドライバー(チベット自治区) 2013/10/03(木) 21:58:23.97 ID:hVNvEh+20
- メゴッチはお前らみたいな腐れネガティプと違って
Megocchi's a positive girl unlike you damn rotten negative people - 16: ファイナルカット(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/03(木) 22:00:06.42 ID:BpQiL4BG0
- 低視聴率でもゴリ押しで使ってくれるし、気にする必要もないわなProducers are still overhyping her despite all these low ratings, so of course she doesn't need to concern herself about that
- 17: キン肉バスター(チベット自治区) 2013/10/03(木) 22:00:17.78 ID:rGHP/f7s0
- 18: ウエスタンラリアット(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/03(木) 22:00:19.44 ID:hvNrk1Mm0
- ゴリ押しつけられる側の気持ちにもなってみてくださいWhy don't you guys also try putting yourselves in the shoes of the one who's being pushed forward so much
- 23: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(WiMAX) 2013/10/03(木) 22:02:16.59 ID:yPOpovQs0
- こういう系のドラマ結構好きだがゴーリキー出るなら見るのやめようかなA actually like these sorts of dramas, but maybe I won't watch it because of Gouriki - 27: ジャストフェイスロック(東京都) 2013/10/03(木) 22:05:34.18 ID:S7UmnuGC0
- 芸能人が数字気にしない訳ないよ視聴率気にしてるなんて言えるわけもないだろうしThere's no way these celebrities aren't concerned about the ratings.
And there's no way they can say that they are. - 29: フェイスクラッシャー(公衆) 2013/10/03(木) 22:07:07.82 ID:BLK8jamr0
- 「気にしない」と言っておけば、仮に低視聴率でもいいし、高視聴率だったら、「謙虚なこと言ってたが、さすがに人気がある」とかまたステマでヨイショできるからな。Because if you say that you're not concerned about it, then that means that there's no problem if you get low ratings. And if they get high ratings then they can say, "Oh, we said something so modest but it's actually pretty popular," and just celebrate it further.
- 40: ラダームーンサルト(北陸地方) 2013/10/03(木) 22:16:33.84 ID:mz6vSduVO
- 親が芸能界の大物かなにかなの?Could she have parents who are industry bigwigs?
- 42: 栓抜き攻撃(WiMAX) 2013/10/03(木) 22:18:58.13 ID:v4WOGuwAP
Taniguchi from Nippon Ham is cuter - 43: ムーンサルトプレス(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/03(木) 22:20:32.49 ID:T9lw2aMI0
- 二時間単発かと思ったら、連続モノか今更3億円事件なんか扱っても若いやつはわからないし、年よりもそんなこと興味ないし視聴率一桁確定かI thought it would just be a 2-hour special drama, but it's a serial drama, huh. I don't think the younger people right now even know about the 300 million case, and the elderly probably aren't interested in it either.
So it's guaranteed to get single digits, huh. - 49: ジャンピングDDT(静岡県) 2013/10/03(木) 22:27:08.84 ID:7mdjTAb40
- 視聴率気にしないとかスポンサーも舐められてんな。Not concerned about the ratings? She's looking down on the sponsors, huh.
- 52: ストレッチプラム(神奈川県) 2013/10/03(木) 22:32:25.55 ID:AtOX+S8w0
- 髪伸ばした方がいいShe should grow her hair longer - 71: エクスプロイダー(東日本) 2013/10/03(木) 23:31:38.35 ID:RLPJR/7mO
- 普段、事務所から言われてる事がポロッと出てしまったIt seems that she just said what her agency has always been saying to her
- 74: ドラゴンスクリュー(北陸地方) 2013/10/03(木) 23:41:20.20 ID:Tv9Rf3WU0
- 相方の武井も月9に出るよwHer partner Takei will be in a Monday-9 drama w - 85: クロイツラス(東京都) 2013/10/04(金) 00:44:41.29 ID:6hwXf/gC0
- 面白そうでみたいのに剛力のせいで見れないIt looks so interesting and I want to watch it, but I can't because of Gouriki
- 88: TEKKAMAKI(東日本) 2013/10/04(金) 00:53:15.31 ID:adsjILOSO
- 主演俳優は皆、視聴率に超ナーバスになるのにトンデモない事言う女だなThe nerve of this woman to say such a thing. I'm sure all the other actors are very nervous about this matter.
- 95: チェーン攻撃(神奈川県) 2013/10/04(金) 01:36:26.80 ID:wk7votzk0
- 視聴率とるのが仕事なのに低視聴率気にしないって社会人としてどうなの?Her job is to get high ratings, yet she says that she's not concerned about low ratings. Then how's that for a professional?
- 97: ランサルセ(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/04(金) 01:40:46.35 ID:fwZi7UeEO
- ゴーリキがここまで強気なのは何かあるとしか思えないんだよな実は政治家の隠し子とかテレビ界の実力者のキンタマを握ってゴリ押しを約束させてるとかThere really must be something about Gouriki for her to be this strong-willed.
Maybe she's an illegitimate child of a politician.
Or she's blackmailing an industry executive, promising to make her appear all over. -
- 99: シューティングスタープレス(空) 2013/10/04(金) 01:54:16.29 ID:FsheTEGP0
- >>97うちくる見たんだがどうみても裕福そうな家には見えんかったしそんな有力者と繋がりあるとは思えん。そん時思ったのは芸歴長いんだー苦労してんのかなーってのが感想I saw Uchikuru, but no matter how you looked at it, it didn't look like she had a rich family, and it doesn't seem like she's got connections with the powerful people in the industry. What I thought when watching that was how much she was probably having a tough time, and how she's been in the industry for a long time now.
- 115: シューティングスタープレス(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/04(金) 03:13:57.82 ID:KiVAm546P
- タレントとか俳優は視聴率は気にした方がいいと思うI think these talents and actors should be more concerned about the ratings
- 124: キン肉バスター(大阪府) 2013/10/04(金) 07:04:19.56 ID:OJ6qenB/0
- いや、気にしろよwテレビ番組の存在意義はそこなんだからwwwNo, you should be more concerned about it LOL
That's the reason why these TV programs exist after all. - 134: ストマッククロー(山形県) 2013/10/04(金) 07:35:07.82 ID:nnXIydBX0
- メンタルは大物Her mentality is that of a great person
- 136: タイガースープレックス(大阪府) 2013/10/04(金) 07:36:53.64 ID:ooH8W4/c0
- 以前に剛力似のブスと付き合ってたんで赤の他人のような気がしないんだよなだから頑張ってくれI actually dated an ugly girl who looks like Gouriki, so I can't see her as a stranger.
That's why I want her to do best. - 153: アキレス腱固め(東京都) 2013/10/04(金) 08:54:10.12 ID:qay4/X2X0
- 建前としては仕事の成果なんだから気にしろよRatings are like the result of your work, so she should worry about it.
- 168: フロントネックロック(北海道) 2013/10/04(金) 10:50:13.98 ID:yf0kVzrB0
- プロなんだから気にしようよYou're a pro so you have to be concerned about it
- 170: アイアンクロー(兵庫県) 2013/10/04(金) 10:58:11.71 ID:ipU8Si750
- 強がりだとは思うが、気にしてたらすでに潰れてるレベルかI think she's just acting tough. But if she concerned herself too much about it then she probably should have been crushed by now.
- 172: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/04(金) 11:09:31.53 ID:MMiQERtpi
- (震え声)(trembling voice)
- 183: ジャーマンスープレックス(茸) 2013/10/04(金) 12:16:51.30 ID:oZbyGMXB0
- 君はもう友達じゃない♪CD買ったおI bought the CD of Kimi wa mou tomodachi janai~♪
*(you're not my friend anymore, lyrics to the song Tomodachi yori daiji na hito) -
- 184: サッカーボールキック(神奈川県) 2013/10/04(金) 12:17:16.62 ID:go66gXz60
- >>183もう、お前なんか友達じゃないYou're not my friend anymore
- 187: ラダームーンサルト(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/04(金) 12:23:33.63 ID:+FK9WJ0mO
- ハートが強くなきゃ「原作レ●プの女王」とか叩かれながら女優ごっこなんて続けられないだろShe won't be able to keep on becoming an actress if her heart isn't strong enough amidst all these criticisms of being the "original story rapist queen". - 190: 栓抜き攻撃(新潟県) 2013/10/04(金) 14:10:46.79 ID:szZRO2VY0
- でも2chは気にしますBut 2ch is concerned about it
- 194: シューティングスタープレス(茸) 2013/10/04(金) 14:39:35.09 ID:1gLA0QqnP
- 視聴率を気にしなくても仕事が途切れないってわかってるもんなWell, she knows that her projects won't stop even if she isn't concerned about it
- 202: ニールキック(大阪府) 2013/10/04(金) 15:40:20.11 ID:j687ltaf0
- まあ剛力さんは受けた仕事をやるしかないわなーWell, Gouriki-san just has to do whatever job is given to her
- 211: 膝靭帯固め(滋賀県) 2013/10/04(金) 16:53:18.72 ID:sgSB66S20
- 剛力「私は気にしないです」テレビ局「…」Gouriki: "I'm not concerned about it"
TV Station: "..." - 213: チキンウィングフェースロック(空) 2013/10/04(金) 17:10:11.43 ID:dqwPq0/Vi
- 反省の色なさすぎワロタwShe absolutely has no intentions of remorse
- 217: ミドルキック(茸) 2013/10/04(金) 19:32:47.24 ID:26Z8c2/Z0
- TV局「お願いだから気にして。」TV station: "I beg you please to be more concerned about it."
- 220: トペ スイシーダ(dion軍) 2013/10/04(金) 22:15:47.79 ID:S6lwB7xL0
- 長瀬くんが可哀そうだよ。Poor Nagase-kun. - 225: ツームストンパイルドライバー(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/05(土) 01:35:18.82 ID:WtMrEniLO
- このメンタルDat mentality
- 228: グロリア(東京都) 2013/10/05(土) 07:16:13.61 ID:s5mlkHUT0
- 頑張れ剛力俺は応援するぜDo your best Gouriki.
I'm rooting for you.
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