Waratte Iitomo conducted an experiment where the regular hosts gave a live lesson to 100 gradeschoolers. Rino Sashihara's class was titled "How to become a member of AKB" for the children who wanted to become idols. She said that there are 3 points to keep in mind if they wanted to join AKB. The first one is "There's no need to practice singing and dancing". Sashihara was originally an idol-otaku, but she bluntly says:
The studio though, raised their doubts. (partial translation)
(Continued in >>2)
"Girls who can't dance are cuter. They make you want to root for them".
"Most idol fans these days are old men, right? These old men actually find the girls who can't do anything cuter, and they're happier when they tell a girl that 'You're totally no good!'. I think people are more attracted to idols who are giving it their all despite being really bad at it".
The studio though, raised their doubts. (partial translation)
(Continued in >>2)
- 2: トペ スイシーダ(埼玉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:09:56.39 ID:rIaKmHQGP
- (Continued from >>1)
And because of this, idol fans are split between their opinions. According to a woman in her 20s who used to be an AKB fan but is now a Momoiro Clover Z fan: "There may be truth in that, but I don't think an idol herself should be saying that. It's kinda irritating since it feels like she's taking advantage of the weakness of her fans".A man in his 20s who hates AKB and is a Hello!Pro fan comments: "I actually understand that kind of feeling where you want to support a girl who can't really do anything properly".Erina Ikuta of Morning Musume apparently said something similar to what Sashihara just said, but her fans feel that it's a part of her character. "If a girl who obviously isn't putting any effort says this, then you'd feel that she's just trying put herself in the right. But I think that's fine as long as you can see her efforts".On the Internet:"Japan's top idol said such a thing? wwww""That's an insult to Johnny's, Hello!Pro, and all the other idols.""I can't believe Japan's #1 group has this sort of a tepid opinion. I hope you're all finsihed!""It's definitely wrong if there are members who think that they can win as long as they persevere, especially since that group consists of 100s of members.""Those who look for singing and dancing talent will just go look for singers and dancers. Idols just need to be moderately good. That's not what their fans are after anyway."After Sashihara's class came Shingo Katori's class on "How to become a member of SMAP". He said, "Practice singing and dancing as if your life depended on it!", which drew laughter from the studio. - 6: バズソーキック(岐阜県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:12:02.27 ID:VsXpUGP10
- これ、ジャニさんもほとんど同じことを言ってて、ロクに練習させなかったんだよな変わったのはSMAPからじゃねえかなJohnny-san said almost the same thing and didn't make them practice that much, right?
I think things changed from SMAP onwards. -
- 20: 急所攻撃(庭) 2013/10/17(木) 01:18:20.09 ID:o8UisFvX0
- >>6少年隊は……ヒガシだけだったなShounentai... was all about Higashi
- 10: リキラリアット(東京都) 2013/10/17(木) 01:14:35.91 ID:t/crBnJi0
- 歌やダンスが出来なくてもいいけどブスなのはだめだよIt's alright if you can't sing or dance, but ugly girls are a no-no.
- 16: ローリングソバット(千葉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:17:11.54 ID:NNwzGiUf0
- 言ってる事は正しい口にだすのは馬鹿What she's saying is correct.
But someone who says that out loud is a moron. -
- 86: ジャンピングパワーボム(埼玉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:40:38.32 ID:ycUalYxO0
- >>16同意それを言っちゃおしまいI agree.
There's no more helping you if you say such a thing.
- 129: ニーリフト(東京都) 2013/10/17(木) 02:07:54.14 ID:UZ5lI4rv0
- >>16で終わってた真実を言うと怒られる茶番社会なんだから、本音は匿名掲示板で言えと。End of discussion at >>16.
We live in a farce society where people get mad at you for telling the truth, so just say what you really think on these anonymous boards.
- 356: 膝靭帯固め(千葉県) 2013/10/17(木) 09:17:42.66 ID:bjmyDdj90
- >>16わかってていってんだと思う話題になりゃいいみたいなノリで売って来たからなI think she made that statement despite being aware of that fact.
She's always been someone who just wanted to create buzz no matter what it is.
- 21: ラダームーンサルト(やわらか銀行) 2013/10/17(木) 01:18:28.88 ID:rJfZ/vTh0
- そうなの?おっさんどもHey all you oldies, is this true?
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20121104/18/chobits1901/ff/49/j/o0450028212270260478.jpg -
- 30: バズソーキック(岐阜県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:21:27.35 ID:VsXpUGP10
- >>2180年代アイドルって、みんなそんな感じだったと思うよそれが21世紀の今日でも通用するかどうかは知らんが、指原がAKBのセンターやっててそれなりに売れてんだから、そういうことなんだろうなI think almost all the idols back in the '80s were like that.
I don't know if that will still work now in this day and age, but Sashihara right there is the proof since she has become popular while becoming AKB's center in the process.
- 24: かかと落とし(東京都) 2013/10/17(木) 01:19:41.77 ID:VSDQ6Pd10
- 歌はともかくダンスは全く意味がないと思うSinging, maybe, but I think that dancing is actually pointless
- 29: フランケンシュタイナー(兵庫県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:21:24.71 ID:bF6SMxCc0
- 正論すぎるShe actually said the right thing here
- 40: 腕ひしぎ十字固め(家) 2013/10/17(木) 01:23:51.45 ID:b/fp5A8i0
- そうなのかもしれないがコイツが言うとなんか腹立つIt might be true, but I feel irritated when she's the one who says this
- 41: ナガタロックII(埼玉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:24:17.17 ID:rRSop6Ha0
- 指原の生歌はアイドルトップクラスに上手いぞSashihara's live singing is so good, she's top class among idols
- 92: キドクラッチ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/17(木) 01:45:37.19 ID:3F8sdVXm0
- >>41酷いなHorrible
- 48: セントーン(埼玉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:25:20.76 ID:MpDx1wbN0
- トップアイドルである中居くんの歌を聞けばわかるだろYou'll understand the answer once you hear the singing of Nakai-kun, a top idol
- 54: 膝靭帯固め(福島県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:27:39.80 ID:oh9ethJN0
- ダンスの練習は必要だろ特に腰使いは練習しとかなきゃNo, you need to practice dancing.
Especially your hip movements. - 60: バックドロップ(関西・東海) 2013/10/17(木) 01:30:43.61 ID:ur6GGWzhO
- 実際1位になったから説得力はあると思うBut she actually became #1 so her words are convincing.
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/145/2013/7/c/7cb528254564a417b00a594b6dd10be2ad64c4dd1378787613.jpg - 66: ストレッチプラム(群馬県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:32:56.72 ID:DOXqRSp60
- 枕営業が全てこうですか?わかりますん"It's all about sexual favors"
Is this what you mean? I don't get it. - 70: ダイビングエルボードロップ(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2013/10/17(木) 01:34:39.01 ID:BoJ9afMu0
- 国生さゆりが言いそうなセリフ指原が言うには10年早いわSounds like something Sayuri Kokusho would say.
It's 10 years too soon for Sashihara to be saying something like this.
http://img.chu.jp/AC-62/Nov17604.JPG - 84: セントーン(埼玉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:39:55.85 ID:aXcoZO440
- 正論を言うと叩かれるAnd you get bashed once you say the correct thing
- 88: ネックハンギングツリー(大阪府) 2013/10/17(木) 01:42:17.48 ID:SHm/LHDk0
- ブスが成功するにはそれしかないだろうなThat's the only way an ugly girl can succeed
- 89: キャプチュード(dion軍) 2013/10/17(木) 01:43:45.17 ID:VjKTOfbq0
- 腹立たしいことだがこれってアイドルの世界に限った話じゃないような気がするIt is irritating, but I don't think what she said is only limited to the idol world.
- 94: ドラゴンスクリュー(家) 2013/10/17(木) 01:45:59.35 ID:Jc0cbu830
- まぁ、こいつらがどんだけ努力しても安室奈美恵にはなれないしなBut no matter how much effort they make, they won't be able to become like Namie Amuro
http://okinawa777.net/img/16665114.jpg - 100: バックドロップ(チベット自治区) 2013/10/17(木) 01:51:52.89 ID:ExmmLcJc0
- まあ社会の掟ですわな努力より金とコネと才能That's the rule of society.
Money, connections, and talent > effort - 106: エメラルドフロウジョン(家) 2013/10/17(木) 01:54:27.88 ID:NO9eAEJaI
- これが一位だもんなあ昔なら芸能界追放レベルの発言だwAnd she's the girl who placed first.
If she'd said this before, it would have been on a level that could've banished her from the showbiz industry. - 113: イス攻撃(WiMAX) 2013/10/17(木) 01:57:29.76 ID:80USwKBN0
- どういう層に向けて商売するかって話だねIt depends on who you're marketing yourselves to
- 117: ファルコンアロー(千葉県) 2013/10/17(木) 01:59:13.84 ID:vhECjvEG0
- 流石察しーやなw秋pにメッチャ気に入られてかわいがられてるからな。言葉に重みがあるわwAs expected of Sasshy.
She's indeed being taken care of and loved by Aki-P.
Her words really pack weight in them.
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/145/2013/1/7/17edd7c79d5e883d7ad74835735fee60134c5dd01379297478.jpg - 143: タイガードライバー(茸) 2013/10/17(木) 02:27:28.01 ID:Vpu5gb4z0
- 歌とかダンスって基本じゃないの?Aren't singing and dancing the very basic requirements?
- 145: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/17(木) 02:29:19.97 ID:s9bU4ml50
- >>143基本の前に選ばれてるやつもいるということIt means that there are people chosen to become idols even before they possess the basics
- 153: 足4の字固め(SB-iPhone) 2013/10/17(木) 02:38:34.94 ID:TbMc2PJsi
- まぁ正論という言葉は適切じゃないけど、事実だからなぁ…I don't think it's appropriate to say that she said the correct thing, but it is the truth...
- 165: フルネルソンスープレックス(広島県) 2013/10/17(木) 02:50:23.19 ID:yXZaaQ6j0
- こういうこと言ったら嫌われる危険性が大きいだろうに…まぁいいけど。でも、他人の努力を笑うのは良くないな。But it's so risky on her part to say something like this, she might get more haters now.
I guess it's fine now.
But what's wrong is laughing at other people exerting effort. - 174: ストマッククロー(東京都) 2013/10/17(木) 03:11:48.20 ID:mOwCMKcA0
- 指原はホリエモンの「普通の人でも馬は買える」みたいに「ブスでもトップになれる」みたいなこと言ってればいいんだよそっちの方が何倍も夢を与えられるわSashihara should just imitate what Horiemon said that "Even a normal person can buy a horse" and say, "Even an ugly girl can climb to the top".
She'd give people much more hopes and dreams with that.
http://blog-imgs-53.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/20130504200958.jpg - 203: ジャンピングカラテキック(庭) 2013/10/17(木) 03:54:03.72 ID:3/rEzjQu0
- 正論かもしれないけど、言っちゃダメだろ努力してることにしないとShe might be right, but it's something that shouldn't be said.
She has to make it seem like they're persevering. - 206: バックドロップホールド(WiMAX) 2013/10/17(木) 04:02:30.45 ID:NA5HbZkj0
- こいつの炎上商法というかノイズの起こし方はすごいわ優秀なライターが付いてるんだろうなI'm amazed at how she makes noise and creates buzz.
She probably has excellent writers backing her up. - 225: 雪崩式ブレーンバスター(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/17(木) 05:46:44.58 ID:zs+IEry70
- 若くてかわいいアイドルなんて昔からこんなスタンスだろんで世渡り上手なやつは売れなくなってくるとお金持ってる男を取っ捕まえてさっさと結婚してんじゃんBut the young and cute idols have always been taking this kind of stance for a long time now.
And when the smart ones start losing popularity, they grab themselves a rich man and get married. - 245: 超竜ボム(関東地方) 2013/10/17(木) 06:22:52.18 ID:+12hIrh4O
- だよなあダンスでスパルタとか味わってる奴等診てると努力の方向間違ってると思うわShe's right.
When I see people receiving spartan training in dancing, it makes me feel that they're using their efforts and energy the wrong way. - 247: ブラディサンデー(茸) 2013/10/17(木) 06:26:45.98 ID:qZ6Payt90
- でも事実じゃん事実を行って怒られる国wwwWhat she said is the truth.
And we're living in a country where you get scolded for saying the truth www - 253: トペ スイシーダ(東京都) 2013/10/17(木) 06:42:33.22 ID:E4xyHps9P
- まあ、そういうアイドル感でも別に構わないんだが、そのままどこまでやってくつもりなのか30歳までその姿勢でやったら、その後の人生何にもないぞI don't really mind it if that's how these idols approach things, but I wonder how long they'll try to keep that sort of thing up. Nothing will be left in life if she keeps that up until she's 30.
- 259: スリーパーホールド(熊本県) 2013/10/17(木) 06:46:23.62 ID:vEUOvK3+0
- でも、指原だって何百倍もの倍率のAKBオーディション合格してきてるからなBut even Sashihara was able to pass the AKB audtions despite all the odds against her
- 274: ビッグブーツ(庭) 2013/10/17(木) 07:06:35.37 ID:ZUvTErm2I
- あやや以降1人で売れたアイドルっていたっけ?最近グループアイドルしか見なくなったなWas there an idol who was successful as a solo artist after Ayaya? (Related post HERE)
I've only been seeing idol groups recently.
http://image01.wiki.livedoor.jp/e/i/esthe_wiki/65574fe3b20dbd5d.jpg - 291: ヒップアタック(内モンゴル自治区) 2013/10/17(木) 07:23:05.39 ID:gRAfdSx2O
- 逆に言えば日本のドルヲタなんてダンスを見るセンスも歌唱力を聞き分けるセンスも無いってアイドル自身に言われてるんだよねその通りだなIf you look at it the other way around, it means that the idols themselves are saying that Japan's idol-wotas don't have the sense nor the ability to distinguish what good singing and dancing is from what is bad.
- 309: イス攻撃(関東・甲信越) 2013/10/17(木) 07:50:59.98 ID:W4yzYLSIO
- また炎上商法かwNegative press again? LOL
- 313: パロスペシャル(西日本) 2013/10/17(木) 07:55:49.04 ID:HUOBYCuF0
- まあ一つの核心ではあるWell, she does have a point
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