- 1: 三毛猫φ ★ 2013/09/24(火) 21:25:55.89 ID:???0
- The screening event for Downtown's Hitoshi Matsumoto's latest movie R100 was held in Tokyo on the 24th.
Matsumoto comments:
"We've been screening it in various places, and it's been a hit everywhere."
"You can't go wrong with this. That's why I'm certain that this will be a hit here today as well."
"I'm not aiming for comedy in my movies, but I think I have been able to establish the 'Matsumoto brand', a world never before seen."
"I want people to watch my movie without any sort of strange bias."
When his movie was screened at the 38th Toronto International Film Festival:
"It's an honor as a director that everyone enjoyed my movie, but it really made me realize that I have to be serious in everything that I do."
Matsumoto also said that he was moved by the reactions of the foreigners.
"The Japanese people should also sit more on the edge of their seats. The screen won't be jumping out at you, but I hope it becomes a bit "3D" where the audience are the ones jumping out of their seats."
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:26:57.53 ID:ZDssvpL4O
- じわじわくるThis slowly gets to you
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:28:02.86 ID:lpWOZ+qM0
- こんな松ちゃんみたくなかったI didn't want to see Macchan like this
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:28:02.54 ID:sr7kNhrf0
- 3Dに関していつも何か言ってるな全然面白くないけどHe always says something about 3D.
It's always off the mark though. - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:28:08.13 ID:BJCLLxZw0
- 恥ずかしいwWell now, that's embarrassing w
- 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:32:28.93 ID:nsxp8ruz0
- 世界中に松本ブランドは浸透し始めている(震え声The Matsumoto brand is starting to infiltrate the world (trembling voice)
http://prtimes.jp/i/1622/1/resize/5077b9e82a073cfce7fb2b9f6550ce00.JPG - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:34:15.29 ID:KG7BK9AJi
- 松本ブランドとか自分で言うの恥ずかしすぎる…Isn't saying something like "Matsumoto brand" yourself embarrassing...?
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:35:37.55 ID:Ybybcr6k0
- 初動でいかに稼ぐかがポイントだな。時間が立てば地雷映画ってバレるから。テレビCMでもほとんど映画のシーン使われないのは、配給会社よく分かってるよね、っていうI think the initial turnout will be crucial for him. People will discover that this movie is like a landmine as time passes by. I think the distributing company really knew that when they didn't use a lot of scenes for the TV commercial.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:37:34.12 ID:nSJGfdki0
- 小手先で奇をてらってるようなイメージしかない見てないから何も言えんけどでも多分DVDになっても見ないだろうなThe only impression I get here is that he keeps using these cheap tricks to make it seem eccentric.
Well, I'm not the one to say this since I haven't seen it yet.
But I don't think I'll watch it even if it comes out on DVD. - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:38:27.14 ID:l8JdDIoe0
- しんぼるはCUBE、R100はアイズワイドシャットを薄くぱくった感じだなSymbol felt like it lightly took inspiration from Cube, while R100 feels like a bland copy of Eyes Wide Shut.
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:54:39.60 ID:Dwc/bBsT0
- >>32アイズワイドシャットをパクるなんてあれをきちんと消化できるのは、余程の巨匠じゃないと無理だろ。パクってもいいが、間違いなく薄っぺらい作品になる。I feel that only true master directors have the ability to pull off an Eyes Wide Shut copy.
There's no problem with me in getting inspiration and copying stuff, but it will undoubtedly become bland and just pale in comparison to the original.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:39:24.86 ID:nLZCYgFt0
- ★まっつん「『大日本人』、海外ではすごいロングランしてますし、ぶっちゃけ海外ではすごい評価を受けている。
Big Man Japan (大日本人)最高劇場数5館全米興行収入 $40,794米興行収入 $40,794
"Dai Nipponjin is a long-running movie overseas, and honestly it's being recognized greatly there."
In reality
Big Man Japan (Dai Nipponjin)
Widest release: 5 theaters
Total Gross: $40,796 domestically in the US
That's just \4 million in the US www
- 81: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:56:45.87 ID:Zo5ETZXn0
- >>34うわぁ・・・Uwaa...
- 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:02:40.83 ID:mgCgMNyq0
- >>34別に外国で公開してコケても仕方ないと思うでも、松本監督のように盛大にコケてるものを大好評と自称してしまうと話は別だwI think it can't be helped even if it flops overseas.
But it's a different story if you're like director Matsumoto and brag that it was a hit even though it actually flopped so hard.
- 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:05:30.56 ID:gCrg3wYe0
- >>34おいおいwHey, hey w
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:41:50.95 ID:S3bkLJMc0
- 全米が泣いたThis moved the whole US to tears
- 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:45:29.01 ID:fqmqrSZi0
- 今の松ちゃんは日本映画界最高のピエロMacchan right now is the best clown in the Japanese Movie Industry
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:48:59.65 ID:hWg2GSWJ0
- 松本はいつになったら現実と向き合うんだ。I wonder when Matsumoto will be able to face reality
- 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:49:07.33 ID:bf5ZmYtJ0
- 松本ブランドって・・・DVD版「大日本人」amazonの中古価格1円からの特売価格ですやんMatsumoto brand...?
But the 2nd hand DVD version of Dai Nipponjin is on sale on Amazon for \1. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:50:48.66 ID:S3bkLJMc0
- レンタルで100円で見るのと訳が違うのだから1800円出しても見たいと思えるものを作らないとThis is a whole different story from renting something for \100.
You have to make a movie that will make people want to watch it, even if they have to shell out \1,800. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:51:17.93 ID:l0/LU7t30
- オワタこの人(´・ω・`)This man's done for (´・ω・`)
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:53:49.33 ID:KIsCFCsa0
- いつもこれはすごいことになるみたいな大袈裟なコメントしてはコケてるイメージMy impression of him is that he always exaggerates and says, "This'll be something spectacular", but always flops
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:53:51.76 ID:jvVLIG2eO
- 映画というより長編コントだからな大日本人は全部見るのはかなり苦痛の時間だったIt's more of a long comedy skit rather than a movie.
Sitting through the entire length of Dai Nipponjin was such a pain in the head.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200712/04/79/a0010479_20314960.jpg - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:54:26.97 ID:2Yo76t6I0
- まっちゃんに半沢直樹の感想を聞いてみたいI want to hear what Macchan has to say about Hanzawa Naoki
- 84: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 21:59:39.24 ID:cUjOkTFI0
- “松本ブランド”みたいなものができていると思うWell, I do think that he has established some sort of "Matsumoto brand"
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:00:02.13 ID:f6Bb8Tsr0
- バラエティ番組のDVDで儲けて映画で浪費するスタイルだからな要は道楽よ、監督ぅ~ってチヤホヤされたいだけだからいいんだよコケてもWell, he's just using his earnings from the variety show DVD sales to fund his movie.
The point here is it's like a hobby to him, he just wants to be called "Director~" so it's alright if his movies are flops. - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:00:46.73 ID:nLZCYgFt0
- 番組冒頭(カンヌ前)「もし世界に認められたらすごいことですよ。日本の笑いにとっていいことですよ。受けなかったら地獄ですよ」番組終盤(カンヌで上映後)「第一回監督作品にそこまで言うかね・・・」「俺が人の映画批判するのと、おまえらが俺の映画批判するのは全く違う。誰やねんおまえ。フランス人に何が分かるかボケ」「まあどこ行っても勝手な評論する奴がおるのはしょうがないですけどね。僕もやってきたことですし。 ただ、俺がお前を評論すんのとお前が俺を評論すんのは全然ちゃうけどな!!とは思うてますけどね。俺は言う権利はあるぞ!お前が俺を言う権利は全く無いけどな!!とは思うてますけどね(キレ気味)」
"It'll be an amazing feat if it gets recognized by the rest of the world. It'll just be positives for the Japanese comedy industry. But it'll be hell if it doesn't get a good response."
At the end of the program (after the screening at Cannes)
"Do they really have to say something like that to a first-time director..."
"Me dissing other people's movies is different from you guys dissing my movies. Who the hell do you think you are? What do French people know, you blockheads."
"Well, it can't be helped that there are always people who make critiques as they please. I've also done that. But it's different when I'm critiquing you and when you're critiquing me!! Well, that's what I think. I have the right to say things, but you don't have the right to say anything!! -- is what I think though." (seemingly angrily) - 93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:01:16.57 ID:1zTmx6U/0
- 自分で褒めてまわりはみんなそれに頷く状況完全に裸の王様だなHe praises it himself while the people around him just nod along with him.
Totally like The Emperor's New Clothes.
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:02:03.31 ID:DU/ili010
- さや侍も30分なら面白かったな 映画無理だろこの人Saya Zamurai would have been good if it was only 30 minutes long. This person hopelessly can't do movies.
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh92icy3vYDoTF4MjGcHxdbE-s3VSRs2XzCPW2aeIV_qs7AK9zIr6qMhgsZ8u4EIU1T3RoiSgXJ8xYMK78mobL1uzr_8Z6gLBSv4toCmGMsyO8MzCFmQCRKQuM2p3OCn0VzjparNCFRRxaN/s1600/%25E7%2584%25A1%25E9%25A1%258C.bmp -
- 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:04:59.20 ID:cUjOkTFI0
- >>96今までの3作品、武に30分ごとに編集してもらえばちょっとは見れるかも。そんな仕事はやるはずないが…If they edited his 3 previous movies down to 30 minutes apiece then I think it'll be watchable.
But I think there's no way he'll do something like that.
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:04:26.56 ID:wlju8Pc60
- これだけ恵まれた環境で映画作れる監督なんて滅多にいないわなwそれだけに、結果は完全に自分の能力への評価なんだけど・・・But it's rare for any director to be able to make a movie under these blessed circumstances w
But whatever the result is entirely the assessment of your own abilities. - 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:06:39.75 ID:SWCqrIDVO
- 松本 楽しませてくれた芸人だっただけに 悲しいわTo think that Matsumoto was a comedian who really gave me enjoyment. This is sad.
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:09:13.69 ID:J+abdQJj0
- 松本ほんと寒いことになっちゃったなごっつの頃松本の自画自賛に関してほとんど誰も反論なかったけど映画に関してはクソつまんねえって思ってるのが大半だわMatsumoto's really become such a sad person.
Almost no one critiqued Matsumoto when he praised himself during Gottsu, but the majority actually thought that his movies are damn boring. - 114: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:10:52.68 ID:cunZnih+0
- 「俺の周りに本当にYesマンっておらへんからな」"There really isn't a Yes-man around me".
- 123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:15:33.31 ID:hGXiW8H70
- >>114取巻き「Yes」Procession: "Yes"
- 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:15:00.57 ID:eKikNBED0
- そもそも、松本人志って映画を作るを好きじゃなさそうなんだが…、自分がほめられたい、評価されたいって道具に使ってるだけで。I don't think Hitoshi Matsumoto himself likes making movies...
I feel he's just using it so that people will praise him and recognize his abilities. - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:15:42.38 ID:SP6GMhi3O
- 大日本人のハリウッドリメイクってどうなったの?まっちゃんかなり調子こいて浮かれてたけどWhat happened to the Hollywood remake of Dai Nipponjin?
Macchan was so pumped and excited about it, right? -
- 128: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:19:01.31 ID:cUjOkTFI0
- >>125ないよ、そんなのwThere's no such thing w
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:17:11.52 ID:bZdI4yZq0
- 品川がそれなりに成功して松本が失敗続きってのも映画って分からんもんだな色々才能考えれば品川よりありそうなのにYou really can't predict the movie world, especially how Shinagawa has relatively had some success compared to Matsumoto who's kept on making failures.
But if you just consider their different talents, Matsumoto just seems to be superior to him in those aspects.
http://news-susume.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/wUPNWfsBl5PK9r8_9WEOs_6.jpeg -
- 130: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:19:09.73 ID:+V77ZYK80
- >>126品川は良くも悪くも時代に合わせて作ってる、突出したものにはならんけど訳分からんってものにもならんだろうBe it for the good or the bad, but Shinagawa makes his movies in accordance to what's going on with the times, but that doesn't make his works stand out. Then again, what he does isn't something that will make you confused.
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:17:59.16 ID:1zTmx6U/0
- 松本ブランドワロタまっつんの笑いのセンスは衰えてないなMatsumoto brand, LOL
Damn, Mattsun still hasn't lost his comedic sense yet. - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:19:44.26 ID:+CiM3RKi0
- 海外の上映で本当に客笑ってるの?失笑とかじゃなくて?大日本人見たとき誰も笑ってなかったんだけどDid the people really laugh when it was shown overseas? Didn't they snicker, or something like that kind of reaction?
No one laughed though when I went to see Dai Nipponjin. - 142: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:22:17.01 ID:YPtZx9rW0
- もういいよwwwJust stop already www
- 159: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:27:50.70 ID:Fxq0TNdW0
- 松ちゃん行く方向間違ってるよMacchan,
You seem to have taken the wrong path. - 162: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:28:44.53 ID:nKirvj8V0
- 松本普段忙しいのによく映画とる時間があるよな感心するわMatsumoto's normally busy, I'm amazed he has the time to film a movie.
I'm impressed. -
- 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:32:21.26 ID:vC6QDSBX0
- >>162ダウンタウンの番組なんて二本撮りとかだろむしろ暇多いと思うがBut Downtown's shows are filmed 2 at a time, right?
I actually think he has a lot of free time.
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:33:05.67 ID:WF5rZj490
- まあでも好きにすればいいんじゃないかなオレは全く関心すらねえし見ねえだろうけど見る人が楽しめればいいだろBut I guess we can just let him do as he pleases.
I'm not interested at all, and I probably won't be watching it. But if the ones who decide to watch enjoy it, then that's fine as it is. - 187: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:40:57.86 ID:nR6k9T1Y0
- これ早く見たい俺の中ではラストチャンスI can't wait to watch this.
This is the last chance I'm giving him. - 190: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:42:25.10 ID:19DQIlY70
- 大日本人もしんぼるも途中までは結構面白かったぞ叩かれるような出来ではないただ最後でいつもコケルDai Nipponjin and Symbol were actually pretty good until midway.
They weren't on a level where they should be bashed.
But his movies always trips towards the end. - 231: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/09/24(火) 22:55:46.90 ID:Xlhr5iHW0
- あーあこの人結局何やっても自画自賛する人に落ちぶれちゃったんだな・・・Oh man.
He seems to have fallen down to the point where just praises himself in whatever he does...
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