How about it?
- 7: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/18(木) 15:40:57.20 ID:kKo+++rG
- 20年やってるんだからそれなりに弾けるだろ
- They've been at it for 20 years so they can probably play their instruments well
- 13: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/19(金) 16:58:35.44 ID:qLzUEfN5
- 演奏はあまり上手そうに見えないが何気に高価な機材使ってるよなThey don't really look like good players but they're using pretty expensive equipmenthttp://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20120728/07/tomocyan07/f5/9a/j/t02200243_0500055312102497860.jpg
- 17: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 12:09:18.00 ID:yhdQC+Rc
- 城島楽器とかありそうな名前
I feel that there's a shop named Joshima Instruments out there somewhere, like in a shopping district, and it's the type that you think would go bankrupt anytime soon, but is still surviving against the odds. - 18: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 12:13:02.26 ID:yhdQC+Rc
- テレビでリーダーの弾くギターがコロコロ変わってるがメーカーからうちのギター使ってくれと提供があるのかなあ?女の子達からも私を試奏してとオファーが多かったりしてThe guitar leader uses seems to keep changing every now and then.Could it be that the makers are providing them with the instruments and asking them to play these on TV?Could there also be girls who approach him and say, "Will you try playing me too?"http://jmania.jp/jblog/files/2013/03/jjoushima03.jpg
- 21: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:10:28.80 ID:ti2t92YD
- >>185人とも普通のミュージシャン同様にメーカーと契約松岡と国分のローディーも、ジュニアをこき使うのではなくメーカー派遣ツアー時や歌番組も、メーカーが器材からセッティングまで全部用意無論、それぞれ個人でのコレクションもあるがちなみにバンマスは国分、全員作詞作曲編曲ができる(ジャニーズではTHE GOOD-BYE以来)ちなみにジャニーズは昭和の頃はバンドが多かった今はTOKIOとバックバンド専門ジュニアが1組All 5 of them have sponsorship deals with makers, like regular musicians.Matsuoka and Kokubun's roadies aren't composed of Juniors, but are staff from the makers.Even on tours and music programs, the maker provides all the equipment and does all the setup.But of course, each one of them has his personal collection.
And Kokubun is the band master. Then all of them can write lyrics, compose, and do arrangements (first group in Johnny's since THE GOOD-BYE)Leader used to be in a lot of bands during the Showa period.Now, there's a junior group who's there specifically as TOKIO's backing members.http://image.excite.co.jp/feed/news/Cyzowoman/Cyzowoman_201102_post_3166_1.jpg
- 20: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 12:21:16.94 ID:5+nJUbZI
- 長瀬は凄いビンテージコレクターなんだよな58年ゴールドトップやら黄金期グレッチのホワイトファルコン、50’ストラト等かなりの数持ってるNagase's a vintage collector.He has a '58 Gold Top, a Gretsch White Falcon from the golden era, a '50s Strat and many others.http://blog-imgs-18.fc2.com/t/o/m/tomomami/FreeEasy06.03-1.jpg
- 29: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 19:04:54.55 ID:G7mk0j3S
- >>20確かに演奏力はともかく長瀬のギターコレクションはすごいし、各機の説明聞いても本人が楽しんでるようだRegardless of his playing skills, Nagase's guitar collection really is something, and he really looks like he's enjoying it whenever he talks about his collection.
- 33: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 23:49:44.62 ID:P4Ebldjh
- >>20数年前のギターマガジンでTOKIOのライブ機材レポートが載っていたが結構良いビンテージ物を使用していて驚いたI saw TOKIO's live concert equipment in a guitar magazine a couple of years back, and I was surprised that they were using really good vintage stuff.
- 22: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:14:07.97 ID:Ph4Qu0t7
- 詳し杉だろw
You guys know too much LOL - 23: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:16:57.68 ID:dmLO0GP9
- そういえばだいぶ昔のBANDやろうぜにTOKIOの機材紹介があったなぁー
Which reminds me, the magazine BAND Yarouze featured TOKIO's equipment a long time ago - 24: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:24:28.77 ID:ON9cKc04
- TOKIOにしても堂本剛にしても福山雅治にしてもお前らよりは上手いよだってバックミュージシャンに教わり放題なんだから福山なんかは今剛に直接レッスン状態だろI think TOKIO, Tsuyoshi Domoto, and Masaharu Fukuyama are all better than you guys.They're being taught by their session musicians after all.Even Fukuyama's learning all he wants from Tsuyoshi Kon right now.http://img2.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/90/6f/mb_avant_garde/folder/1264391/img_1264391_26982233_1?1235392714
- 25: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:35:07.15 ID:YaSFbDgD
- レコーディングはスタジオミュージシャンだよ
Studio musicians play on their records though - 26: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/21(日) 13:36:59.14 ID:PdLJoiOD
- 大概がそうだろうよ
That's true most of the time.
That's not really surprising. - 38: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/22(月) 14:27:09.89 ID:4ZZC6Ke/
- 長瀬、堂本剛は楽器好きで有名
Nagase and Tsuyoshi Domoto are well known to like musical instruments
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v291/wemmy109/054.jpg - 39: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/22(月) 21:16:08.55 ID:BmkWBC5C
- 長瀬は今では野村直系のギターマニア
Nagase now is a guitar maniac similar to Nao Nomura
http://x28go.s12.xrea.com/mt/img/nomurayoshio20090219144125703.jpg - 42: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 15:17:05.04 ID:xUlfzYIu
- 男闘呼組は初期はあて振りが多かったらしいが後期はちゃんと弾いていたらしい
Otokogumi used to fake their playing during their early days, but they seemed to be playing towards the latter stages of their career
- 43: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 15:48:38.17 ID:T7NzvrLX
- アテぶりは、メーカーや番組の都合もあるから仕方ない
Faking the performances sometimes can't be helped due to the instrument maker and the program's circumstances.
That sort of art is actually older than lip-syncing - 45: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 16:44:10.48 ID:ant9vB28
- ミスチルのドラム、アルフィーの右側、スクェアのキーボード
I think TOKIO is better than
MisChil's drummer, Alfee's right side and Square's keyboard player. - 47: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 19:58:31.92 ID:8xOR84gp
- TOKIOは番組もあるから、練習大変だろうなあ
TOKIO have their TV shows too so their practices must be pretty tough.
It would have been nice if they solely focused on playing music. -
- 48: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 21:02:05.94 ID:5OO+2W3U
- >>47福岡でのライブの前日にメンバー全員で島の開拓を始めるバンドは世界中でTOKIOだけ。仙台でのライブ終わりに新幹線で東京に直帰して、翌日に朝の生放送のMCを終えてから盛岡でライブをするベーシストは世界中でTOKIOの山口だけ。TOKIO's the only band in the world who started cultivating an island one day before their concert in Fukuoka.TOKIO's Yamaguchi is the only bassist in the world who, after their concert in Sendai, took the bullet train back to Tokyo to do his live morning hosting duties then immediately go to Morioka for a concert.http://jmania.jp/jblog/files/2011/08/82260125.jpg
- 49: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 22:10:39.41 ID:ZYnzUMho
- TOKIOって作詞作曲も自分たちでするの??
Do TOKIO write and compose their own songs? -
- 55: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/24(水) 08:12:44.60 ID:+VzHxW0M
- >>49松岡はPV監督もしてる。Matsuoka even directed a music videohttp://pic.prepics-cdn.com/pib65586588/6680828_163x291.jpeg
- 50: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/23(火) 23:46:38.79 ID:1PjPfQ2D
- そこはしないだろ アレンジとかも全部まかせなんじゃね
They probably don't. I think they let other people do their arrangements and stuff. - 51: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/24(水) 03:46:37.86 ID:tYyIf5Z9
- こないだのドラマの曲は、作詞作曲編曲長瀬だってよ
Nagase wrote and composed the song for that previous drama of his
- 65: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/25(木) 03:13:44.19 ID:OonUaJPS
- 長瀬の声質がいまいち普通
The quality of Nagase's voice is too normal.
It would probably be better if he sang with a bit more emotion.
- 67: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/25(木) 09:14:17.23 ID:oUYbaHrG
- 長瀬の歌い方はやはりジャニなんだよな
Nagase's singing is still too "Johnny's".
This is true with Tegoshi and Sakamoto too, they're just good within Johnny's but normal within the industry.
When these guys collaborate with other artists on FNS and Music Fair, they lose to the other artists in volume.
Nagase's un-bandman-like singing may be pretty valuable though since it's pretty rare.
But be it singing or playing the instruments, he started from 0 when he was with Johnny's Jr., so his rate of improvement is really amazing.
And if some rumors are to be believed, they were almost grouped with Tackey to form a dance group.
- 69: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/26(金) 09:50:51.48 ID:aA1IW3o3
- リーダーが作詞した曲
The song leader composed
- 73: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/27(土) 23:13:37.45 ID:349/qcIm
- 長瀬が他のメンバーに敬語ってなんか良いな
I find it nice that Nagase uses formal speech when talking to the other members - 74: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/04/27(土) 23:31:21.15 ID:eT9oka7O
- この板の大半の奴より上手い
They're probably better than most of the guys on these forums - 83: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/15(水) 18:17:45.35 ID:ntzw6os1
- 城島はわりと上手い
Joshima's pretty good - 85: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/16(木) 17:25:02.98 ID:FBNR/nE9
- 城島は上手くも下手でもない
Joshima isn't good nor bad.
But the other 4 members can actually be categorized in the "good players" column.
But if you take the length of his career (instrument-playing) into consideration, I think it can't be helped that he's called a bad player. - 86: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/18(土) 18:36:13.55 ID:1ke10qGY
- バタヤン並にギターの位置が高い長瀬
Nagase positions his guitar up high, just like Batayan
http://blogimg.goo.ne.jp/user_image/4d/4a/26423776c0b233b1319c76dadc9229a4.jpg - 87: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/22(水) 23:38:52.34 ID:ou1b+L7A
- 演奏力の高さは別としてもう20年やってるんだからアイドルでもそれなりに弾けるだろ
Regardless of their playing ability, they've been at it for 20 years already so they can probably play well to some extent - 88: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/23(木) 19:23:19.62 ID:xbr1sO+m
- 長瀬はジャニーズ差し引いてもロックボーカリストとして華があると思う。甲斐バンドの曲ような、70年代のちょっとだけ演歌テイストの入った泣きのロックとか歌うと似合う。I think Nagase has this glamour of a rock vocalist going on for him, even if you ignore that he's from Johnny's.I think something similar to Kai Band would suit him, like a wail-like '70s rock music with some enka taste.http://www.suruga-ya.jp/database/pics/game/g8794028.jpg
- 92: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/25(土) 14:43:09.95 ID:2EmdBSmR
- >>88そうかなぁ?長瀬は好きなんだけど (特にコメディ俳優として)見た目は男くさいが声はモロジャニーズなんだよなぁ長瀬Really? I like Nagase (especially as a comedy actor).
He does look manly, but his voice is soooo Johnny's.
- 89: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/25(土) 00:22:21.44 ID:9W1Ds8v9
- ねーよ
No, they're not good.
They're probably good within Johnny's, but if they weren't in Johnny's, they won't even be able to make a career out of it. - 90: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/25(土) 08:57:17.31 ID:rwVol+wB
- まあ、FNS歌謡祭で吉川と共演した時とか明らかに声量に差があったけど、今のバンドでボーカルとして成立してる野が少ないことを思えばギリギリ合格ラインだろうよ
It was evident that he had this discrepancy in vocal volume with Yoshikawa when they performed on FNS Kayousai. But if you consider the fact that there are a few like him who does a lot of things and sings as a vocalist in a band then I think you can barely consider him above the passing mark.
People always tend to think that Johnny's = bad, but not all of them are as some still have the minimum required talent. But it is also a fact, even outside Johnny's, that those who aren't even suited to become pros have been getting their break.
- 91: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/25(土) 12:40:58.68 ID:G54l3uGn
- 聞くところによると楽器屋で長瀬がギター弾いてるところを偶然に見たヤツがいてそいつが言うには
According to what I heard, someone saw Nagase playing the guitar in an instrument shop and said that he wasn't bad, and was actually unexpectedly pretty good. What about it? -
- 94: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/26(日) 01:32:44.32 ID:9VlwqUPH
- >>91歴があるから当然弾けるでも意外にうまいとかジャニーズの割にはうまいとか但し書きつきHe does have experience so of course he can play. But saying "unexpectedly good" means that he's good despite being in Johnny's. There will always be that disclaimer.
- 93: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/25(土) 17:00:03.62 ID:9W1Ds8v9
- ロックのボーカルは、音程とかそんなに正確じゃなくても個性があればOkだけど、長瀬の場合そもそも個性をどうこういうレベルに達してないだろ
I think rock vocalists don't need to be always in tune, as long as they have this distinct individualism. But in Nagase's case, he's not even on that kind of level yet where you can call him distinct. You just can't do anything about that Johnny's style of singing from the throat and that narrow vocal range of his. Even when you compare him to other rock vocalists, I think his vocal range is low and narrow. -
- 97: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/26(日) 09:30:48.29 ID:iSwN5E30
- >>93低いか?音域が狭めだとは思うけどmid2C~hiA#あたりで安定している印象。mid2Aより低い音が続くと辛そうIs it low? I do think that he's got a narrow vocal range but he seems to be consistently within the mid2C~hiA range. It might be tough though if he goes any lower and continues with anything under mid2A.
- 95: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/26(日) 06:22:22.84 ID:rw9uelAq
- 城島はマーティがべた褒めしてた
Marty praised Joshima
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/20130130_mflo_14.jpg -
- 100: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/26(日) 21:23:31.91 ID:9VlwqUPH
- >>95マーティのコラムは基本J-POPをべた褒めMarty basically praises J-POP in his columns
- 96: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/26(日) 09:12:15.77 ID:mIL4bUtg
- ジャニの割にはという但し書き抜きでいけるのは松岡
I think the only guy whom you can talk about outside the disclaimer "despite being in Johnny's" is Matsuoka. There aren't a lot of pro drummers these days too (especially the young ones). Well, Matsuoka, career-wise, can be classified in the mid-tier or above average, bur he's probably one of the worst in that tier. - 104: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/27(月) 15:14:27.55 ID:DxQTsMsG
- ジャニの割にはマシ
They're good despite being in Johnny's
- 105: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/27(月) 19:39:08.70 ID:l1J0y9UH
- もはやTOKIOとは関係ないし
That's not related to TOKIO anymore - 106: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/27(月) 21:00:02.48 ID:Bp5gKK3Z
- 国分てエリーゼやトルコ行進曲すら弾けなさそう
I don't think Kokubun can even play "Für Elise" or "Turkey March" - 107: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/28(火) 15:39:19.90 ID:e6yYkJiZ
- 俺の中で、TOKIO山口≒指弾きのイメージ
For me, I always associate TOKIO's Yamaguchi playing using his fingers - 109: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/29(水) 09:33:11.33 ID:TUprBc08
- TOKIOは弾けるけど関ジャニは一人も弾けないだろTOKIO can play but I don't think anyone in Kanjani canhttp://blog-imgs-15-origin.fc2.com/r/y/o/ryopocket/201105090012163e8.jpg
- 112: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/30(木) 10:52:32.10 ID:frpHTRMT
- 患者にエイトは一応弾けるけど、学芸会レベルが多数
Kanjani8 can play, but most of them are just on the level of school presentations.
In Hey! Say! Jump, Kenichi Okamoto's son is the only one who can play.
http://userserve-ak.last.fm/serve/500/35894745/the+background+is+too+colourfu.jpg - 113: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/30(木) 21:02:46.16 ID:HgydClBF
- そもそもジャニーズという枠の中での音楽活動なんだから
Whatever the case, they're still this music group within Johnny's, so their real level as musicians is irrelevant. And they're even being praised by people who aren't Jani-wotas, so that makes them a huge success. - 114: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/31(金) 03:25:00.07 ID:XRp5l+3B
- タレントとしては人気があるし好感が持てるけど、
They're popular on TV as talents and are really likable, but no one's supporting them as musicians.
Even their CDs aren't selling at all. They didn't even get an album since their singles aren't selling well, right?
(Related post HERE) -
- 115: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/05/31(金) 08:43:03.48 ID:n6RqbjBA
- >>114発売中止じゃなくて発売延期なちな宅急便の曲Not cancelled, but delayed.
And here's the postal service song.
- 130: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/06/07(金) 08:37:20.02 ID:e1nN76D5
- ユニバーサル移籍後以降はアテブリないけどな
They've actually never faked playing after switching to Universal Music.
That's a recording company that doesn't allow that kind of stuff.
When they were with Sony, I think Nanba-san played for them.
But they all learned from these session players who played in their place, and they've become a band who can do it by themselves. - 150: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/17(水) 17:45:07.65 ID:dWAEgNSX
- テレビじゃ歌ってないでしょ、ライブはちゃんと歌ってるけど
I don't think they sing live on TV shows. They do at concerts though. -
- 151: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/17(水) 20:18:12.23 ID:aVlHqWss
- >>150むしろTOKIOがテレビで口パクなのを観たことない。生演奏なのはFNSくらいだけど、別にこれはTOKIOに限ったことじゃないし。Actually, I've never seen TOKIO lip-sync on TV ever. The live-playing must only be the one on FNS, but that's also true for the groups other than TOKIO.
- 154: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/18(木) 09:16:36.18 ID:rChHWvo0
- 口パクだのアテブリだのは、番組サイドの都合の方が大きいからね
Lip-syncing and faking the playing just depends on the program's circumstances. A good example is Ikimonogakari who have never sang or played live. - 162: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/19(金) 05:33:43.94 ID:KNlseIvw
- 山Pの抱いてセニョリータ事件なら歌詞はそのままだったぞ。But Yamapi's "Daite Senorita" accident's lyrics were sung as is(related post HERE)
- 163: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/19(金) 09:15:22.58 ID:Ar2OE/Rq
- 生演奏はトラブルも多くて面倒だが生歌めんどくさがるレベルだとテレビやれないと思う
There will be a lot of problems that occur with live playing and it's pretty troublesome, but those who don't even want to sing live on TV shouldn't even be appearing on TV. - 166: ドレミファ名無シド 2013/07/20(土) 19:16:47.36 ID:nzUrtJft
- TOKIOはジャニーズ最強のロックバンド
TOKIO is the best rock band in Johnny's
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