A sportswriter reports: "There's this woman who's always seen walking a few steps away from Kei Nishikori (23) when he's playing overseas. She goes with him and takes care of his personal life".
This "personal manager" is Honami Tsuboi (24), apparently a former member of Japan's national rhythmic gymnastics team "Fairy Japan". The two were together at the Beijing Olympics 5 years ago but hardly talked to each other back then. They started dating 3 years ago.
"Nishikori and Tsuboi had dinner together with a common friend, and immediately hit it off." - (sports writer)
Their relationship deepened further when Nishikori was diagnosed with kidney stones.
"Nishikori had to watch his diet so that the situation wouldn't worsen. Tsuboi-san studied nutritional science and wanted Nishikori, who spends most of each year abroad, to eat 'home-cooked food' all the time." - (tennis related staff)
Immediately after they began dating, Nishikori took her to his hometown in Matsue to meet his parents. She was apparently taught by his mom there the secret to the 'taste' of the Nishikori family.
"Nishikori, who rarely gets to visit his hometown, was able to take Tsuboi-san along with him in the latter part of September. He then announced to his relatives at the gathering that he would like to get married to her."
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:18:31.25 ID:Jlmma44C0
- 愛ちゃんじゃないの?So it isn't with Ai-chan?
http://www.kensuke.net/media/1/20081121-1jyou55498.jpg - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:20:40.44 ID:xUcrvRpg0
- 愛ちゃんのほうがいいだろwwwwwwwwwwwAi-chan's better wwwwwwwww
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:22:08.22 ID:7z0X/CTn0
- 以前に話題になってた人かOh, the person who has been rumored with him before
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:23:09.10 ID:ylu3JY9D0
- 美女…?A beauty...?
http://blackma-n.com/ga/tubo.jpghttp://www.sanspo.com/beijing2008/gymnastics/photo/tsuboi_honami.jpghttp://trend-now14.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_73a/trend-now14/E59DAAE4BA95E4BF9DE88F9CE7BE8E.jpg -
- 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:00:11.58 ID:/hbNfwEz0
- >>10なんか外人が好きそうなアジア人って感じの顔だな錦織も海外長いから美的感覚もあっちのひとなのかねえ、、、、She has that 'Asian look' which tends to appeal to foreigners.
Nishikori's been living abroad for a long time so maybe his sense of beauty has also been influenced by the people there...
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:15:15.33 ID:DaB+qnya0
- >>10ま、ありだな。アスリートは写真ではわからない動きの魅力みたいのも加わるから、実物らはもっといい感じなんじゃないかなNot bad, I guess.
You should also consider this certain appeal in the movement that these athletes have which you don't just see in pictures so she's probably much, much better in person.
- 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:28:33.54 ID:8IvnRACC0
- >>10愛ちゃんのほうがかわいいのに…But Ai-chan is cuter...
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:26:46.65 ID:PSVorhpC0
- 愛ちゃんは親兄弟がややこしいしめんどくさそうBut Ai-chan's parents and older brother are pretty troublesome
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:28:20.31 ID:qoDFSOS30
- 女性スポーツ選手との結婚ならおめでとうIf it's a marriage to a female athlete, then I congratulate him
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:28:21.17 ID:7z0X/CTn0
- 新体操選手は体が柔らかいのが良いって聞くよねI do hear that these female gymnasts are pretty good since their bodies are pretty flexible
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:31:39.25 ID:JBxRZWD+0
- 愛ちゃんはどうなったんや!?泣いてんのか!?What happened to Ai-chan!?
Is she crying!? - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:32:29.59 ID:ZJOY2urL0
- アジアンって感じの顔だなShe does look 'Asian'
http://www.fujitv.co.jp/sports/gym/rhythmic2009/photo/sensyu_2.jpg -
- 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:07:21.75 ID:UkRq9c5B0
- >>29この化粧法でブスかブスじゃないかを論じられるのはかわいそうだなI feel bad for her that people will judge whether she's ugly or not wearing this kind of makeup
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:32:40.73 ID:oPFtx6Hm0
- こういう顔のコウモリいそうI think there are bats that look like this
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:35:07.02 ID:kRyYnNRu0
- アスリート同士はうまくいく2 athletes together pretty much go well
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:35:11.31 ID:om4tcmUl0
- 同業種の彼女か芸能関係の知り合いは少ないのかなA girlfriend from the same line of work, huh.
Maybe he doesn't know too many people from the showbiz world. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:35:20.91 ID:K+e0u+eA0
- サーッ!!……じゃないのかよ(´・ω・`)So it isn't with "Saa---!!", huh...(´・ω・`)
http://beijing2008.nikkansports.com/photo/tt-080118-05.jpg - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:40:17.48 ID:76JX6C2EO
- 福原愛ちゃんとは別れてたのかぁ。ちょいと残念。ニシコリとのキス写真可愛かったのにな(つд`)He split up with Ai Fukuhara?
That's a bit disappointing. Her kissing picture with Nishikori was cute (つд`)
http://twipururutore.c.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_859/twipururutore/m_fukuhara.jpg - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:41:41.48 ID:ohTey++H0
- 圭くんなら海外の美女もものにできるだろうにKei-kun could have gotten himself a foreign beauty though
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:41:56.63 ID:o3Wc22Xn0
- 錦織は年収10億だからな。女も必死だろう。Nishikori earns 1 billion a year. Even the women would die for that.
http://adidas.jp/blog/nishikori_AO.jpg -
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:43:50.45 ID:8nvj6fAY0
- >>42むしろ世界ランク11位で10億しかもらえんのかよBut isn't 1 billion for the world's #11-ranked player too low?
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:44:51.90 ID:CvYKuvue0
- 新体操好きか。気が合いそうだSo he likes rhythmic gymnastics, huh. I think they're a good match.
http://trendcome.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/tuboi.png - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:46:48.32 ID:AV0PCu4S0
- 新体操って言うからもっとカワイイのを想像したのに残念I was expecting someone a bit cuter when I hear rhythmic gymnastics, I'm a bit disappointed.
- 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:47:35.92 ID:7yAgRmz00
- もうかなり前にこんな写真選手間で撮られてたからなにしこりも他のテニス選手みたいに彼女を関係者席に座らせればいいのにThese 2 have already been photographed together by the other players a long time ago.
Nishikori should also let her sit in the VIP seats like how the other players do it.
http://p.twimg.com/AztkIxiCMAAeuTc.jpg -
- 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:49:52.02 ID:zdP66lJCO
- >>54可愛いな…錦織がSo cute... Nishokori, that is.
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:53:53.28 ID:dV+DE0V90
- >>54うわ、最初の写真とイメージ違うけどこのゴリラ感も…ギャルゴリラ?Uwa, her image is totally different from the first picture... is she a gal-gorilla or something?
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:22:02.33 ID:ovBFi5RW0
- >>54これ見ると、かなり普通にきれいなお姉さんだなそしてお似合いBut when you look at this, she's actually a pretty lady. And they look cute together.
- 131: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:25:15.76 ID:I0HtVn+J0
- >>54新体操のメイクの目的がわからんなI really don't get the purpose of those gymnastics makeup
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:48:12.80 ID:FwP+gq300
- これまたチャラそうな女だなDear me, this girl looks pretty flashy
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:50:15.04 ID:iDtBlUtt0
- これじゃない感が凄いわ。これなら妹ゴリラと結婚しろよ錦織、超人が産まれるわThe feeling of "No this isn't the one" is too strong here.
I'd rather have him marry the younger gorilla. I bet they're going to give birth to a superhuman.
http://img.47news.jp/PN/201001/PN2010013001000598.-.-.CI0003.jpg - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:56:59.45 ID:/IOHsDPq0
- http://kjyn3282.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/45163.jpg
- 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:03:02.67 ID:TqLAKw4p0
- >>70号泣したThis made me weep
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 00:57:40.28 ID:xHuZ4eCf0
- 微笑ましい話題じゃんアスリート同士の子供なら将来期待出来るThis is a story that made me smile.
And you can pin your hopes on the child of 2 athletes as well. - 83: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:00:41.62 ID:PJgRgqe90
- この女は玉の輿だなThis woman will be marrying a wealthy man, huh
- 94: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:05:48.95 ID:XtcJG1Q70
- まあフェデラー尊敬してるなら嫁はブスじゃないとなWell, if you respect Federer then your wife should be ugly too
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e3/Roger_and_Mirka_Federer.jpg - 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:06:55.37 ID:XhbTQWOs0
- まぁ錦織ってしゃべってるとこ見たらただのキモメンだしシャイそうだもんないくら金持ってるからってあんまモテなそだからこのレベルの相手が丁度いいBut when Nishikori speaks normally, he's just a kimo-men (disgusting man), and he looks really shy.
I don't think he's that popular even if he has a lot of money.
That's why I think this level is just right for him. - 116: 忍法帖【Lv=13,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2013/10/01(火) 01:17:28.42 ID:JPgtNhGnO
http://koitarokkk.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_229/koitarokkk/fight32-2.jpghttp://www.47news.jp/sports/localsports/photo/59643_photo.jpghttp://stat001.ameba.jp/user_images/20101030/22/yurhythm/c9/62/j/o0480085410830549943.jpg狙った獲物は逃がさないタイプだねShe must be the type who won't let her prey get away from her
- 121: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:20:29.01 ID:qXIojj5Z0
- イケメンの遺伝子が淘汰される・・・・Ikemen genes will be reduced from the world...
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:22:16.02 ID:mDL9DZPX0
- なかなかのブサイクだなw愛ちゃんは家族養わなきゃならないから結婚は難しそうだなWhoa, she's ugly w
But in Ai-chan's case, she has to take care of her family too, so marriage would probably be difficult. - 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:23:49.27 ID:TC0GJOJc0
- 35秒当りにツーショットA couple shot of the 2 at around the 0:35
- 153: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:34:27.92 ID:wMTJ4pYQ0
- >>127すげえ よく見つけたなAmazing, how did you find that
- 155: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:35:31.55 ID:iD+Lqfcg0
- このスレでは評判悪いみたいだけどこういう雰囲気の女結構タイプだわShe doesn't seem too popular with the people on this thread, but women who emit this kind of aura are actually my type.
http://cirque-rg.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/MG_2800.jpg - 161: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:39:20.06 ID:JYFfSBIY0
- 親父さんが凄い車何台も持ってる写真見たことある新体操もお金持ちのスポーツ?I think I saw pictures of her father owning a couple of pretty mean rides.
Is rhythmic gymnastics the type of sport that rich people do? -
- 167: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:41:26.49 ID:8IvnRACC0
- >>161スポーツの中ではむしろ最も安上がりの部類でねIsn't it actually one of the cheapest sports to do?
- 169: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:42:25.33 ID:iD+Lqfcg0
- >>161これかOh, this one
セレブ娘の雰囲気出してるな。She does look like a celeb
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:43:04.46 ID:5kT5S3JP0
- おめでたいね。とりあえず運動能力の高い子供が生まれそうCongratulatory wishes are in order here.
I think they'll give birth to a pretty athletic child. - 178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:45:06.69 ID:YNtdEhkH0
- ググってみたら…金持ちなんですなぁ~And according to Google...
It seems that she's also pretty rich. - 186: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 01:51:38.37 ID:iD+Lqfcg0
- 親父3000万のベンツ乗りか。田舎なら土地付き新築買える。So her dad rides a Benz worth \30 million, huh.
In the province, you can buy a newly built house & lot with that amount. - 199: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/01(火) 02:03:47.70 ID:DvmaQf+G0
- この子、北京五輪のドキュメントで見たけど、性格良さそうな子だったなI saw this girl in a Beijing Olympics documentary, and she really did seem nice.
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