1: かばほ~るφ ★ 2013/08/07(水) 15:32:48.96 ID:???0
1: かばほ~るφ ★ 2013/08/07(水) 15:32:48.96 ID:???0
7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:23:24 ID:/zL2HiKn0
この子達は何だかやらされてる感を感じるわ普段メタルなんて聴いてないだろうにYou get the feeling that these girls are just being forced to do this.They probably don't even listen to metal in their everyday lives.
11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:28:40 ID:aQ6c/8xg0
スレイヤーとstormtrooper of deathに青春を捧げたおれもこの3人なら可愛いからすべて許してしまうメタルだとかメタルじゃないとかどうでも良いI offered my youth to bands like Slayer and Stormtrooper of death, but even I accept these girls. Why? Because they're cute.I don't care anymore whether they're metal or not.
13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:29:14 ID:4UBNzj8j0
ももクロファンが乗り換えてるらしいなI heard that MomoClo fans are switching over to them
14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:30:40 ID:zOWYEm9zP
歌下手アイドルのももクロとは真逆じゃないの歌で金取れる珍しいアイドルだよI think they're the total opposite of MomoClo who are terrible singers.These are idols who can actually earn money through their songs.
16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:32:32 ID:jewDCdJW0
なんでもいいから今のうちに見とけ Whatever, just watch them now while you still can
23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:34:59 ID:rWQWp1fO0
客がきめえThe crowd's disgusting
26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:37:15 ID:QmWr58vQO
途中のキモいラップがなければまぁAKBよりはマシかなくらいあと歌詞が寒いIf they just don't have that gross rap midway through their songs, well, they're at least more decent than AKB.Oh, and the lyrics give me chills down my spine.
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:38:08 ID:wxYIUiJQ0
- >>26
寒くないメタルの歌詞上げてみてよ - Then why don't you mention some metal songs that don't have corny lyrics
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:43:44 ID:UUHWcsRB0
- >>29
- 馬鹿にすんなよ
- メタラーがストラトもってドラゴンと戦いながら墮天使の歌を歌うの超かっけーだろw
- ベビメタはイジメの歌がいい
- Don't look down on metal lyrics.
- Metalheads will get their strats, fight against dragons, and sing songs of fallen angels. They're really cool LOL
- As for heavy metal, songs that are bully-themed fit the genre well.
27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:37:53 ID:7g6eNGRX0
ウォールオブデス発生wLook out for the wall of death LOL
31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:40:19 ID:+SmlegOk0
酒井なら0点つけるやろSakai will probably give them 0 points
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:43:15 ID:wxYIUiJQ0
- >>31
- http://blog-imgs-60-origin.fc2.com/s/a/f/safarina/8c62e718.jpg
- They got 100 in a metal magazine
35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:42:38 ID:kgD0bnNr0
ラジオで曲が流れてたけど悪くなかったその後にスマイレージのなんたるちゃんとかいう超絶糞曲が流れて番組が終わったがI heard one of their songs on radio, it wasn't bad.But after that, they played S/mileage's ultra shi++y song what's-the-name-chan that ended the program.
38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:43:22 ID:gedU3tRh0
日曜日行ったけど良かったよロッキンの客があれだけ食いつくとは思わなかった旬は短いだろうがI watched them last Sunday, and they were actually good.I never would have thought that the ROCK IN crowd would accept them like that.But I guess their peak will be very short.
43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:48:53 ID:CtpyLGba0
歌唱力も良いし、ルックスもある。They seem to be popular abroad.I gave them a go, and they're the best.I think they're #1 among all the idols now.They're good at singing, and also have good looks.
48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:56:00 ID:tk8YgzwHP
ロッキンジャパンにてAt ROCK IN JAPAN
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:04:13 ID:yGuk2DUL0
- >>48
- へえ、おチビちゃん達も結構美人さんなんだね
- 可愛いけど、結局育っちゃうから期間限定にしかなりえんな
- 楽器やりだして違う方向に行ったらそれはそれで面白いけど
- So these little girls are actually very pretty.
- They are cute, but they'll eventually grow, so this is just for a limited period.
- Well, I do think that it'll be interesting if they start playing instruments and head towards a different direction.
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:06:35 ID:CtpyLGba0
- >>60
- 今、猛練習してるらしいぞ。
- 噂だけど。
- I heard they're practising like crazy now.
- Well, it's just a rumor though.
55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 00:59:22 ID:upW+J9wA0
3日間参加したけど、ベイビーメタルとか恥ずかしすぎて観に行けんwまあ、興味ないからだけど。I attended the festival for 3 days, but I was so ashamed to go and watch BABYMETAL LOLWell, I'm not that interested anyway.
- 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:00:36 ID:CtpyLGba0
- >>55
- 入場規制かかってたぞ。
- ベビーメタルやで。
- They had to regulate the ones who wanted to go to the venue.
- They're BABYMETAL afterall.
63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:11:04 ID:vn96UuH40
寿命は短そうではあるI feel like they have a short lifespan
64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:11:28 ID:AUBVPfWAO
でんぱ組、BiS、9nine、LinQ、Negicco、ぱすぽ、アプガ(仮)なんかも出たのに単独スレ立たないんだなDenpagumi, BiS, 9nine, LinQ, Negicco, Paspo, Apga also performed, but they don't have their individual threads, huh.
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:12:53 ID:CtpyLGba0
- >>64
- レベルが違うわ。
- アイドルの域を超えとるで。
- ベビーメタルは事務所の力が強かったら、今頃天下取ってるくらいの実力はある。少なくとも、ももクロやAKBよりかはレベルは上だぜ!
- The level is too different.
- They've surpassed the level of idols.
- As long as the agency has authority, heavy metal can actually rule the world right now.
- They're at least on a higher level than MomoClo, AKB, and the like!
65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:12:46 ID:eMPiuSubP
こいつら面白いよなThese girls are interesting
67: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:13:47 ID:kgD0bnNr0
強かったらって天下のアミューズじゃんwAs long as the agency has authority, they're from the mighty Amuse LOL
- 69: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:14:49 ID:1SQ80f1r0
- >>67
しかも最強クラスw- That's one of the strongest LOL
- 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:16:23 ID:CtpyLGba0
- >>67
- そうだっけ?w
- じゃあ、完璧やんw
- 事務所も強いし、歌も良い。
- Is that so? LOL
- Then it's perfect.
- They're under a good agency, and they've got good songs.
72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:19:02 ID:5eWl2uMX0
こうしてちょっとキワモノたちが売れていってる間に、力のあるいいバンドがいろいろ出てきてて嬉しい。And while novelty units like this are selling, I'm happy that there are a lot of good, powerful bands emerging.
85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:30:18 ID:94CVZHbB0
本人たちが別にメタルなんて好きじゃないってとこがなまぁ、好きな奴でグループ組むなんて無理なんだろうけどwwI don't think that they actually like metal.Well, I think it'll be impossible to form a group like this where all members like metal LOL
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:32:34 ID:CtpyLGba0
- >>85
- さくら学院の部活動で、グループが決まるシステムらしい。
- だから、重音部に所属したのが、たまたま、この三人だったみたい。
- っていう設定にしてある。
- I heard that they have this system of forming groups within Sakura Gakuin's clubs.
- And it just so happened that these 3 were the ones who joined the Heavy-music club.
- Or so it says in their background.
90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 01:47:51 ID:ne1G8MkK0
こいつらはマジで凄いと思う楽器隊も楽曲もハイレベルだし文句なしI honestly think these guys are amazing.The instrument players and the songs are also on a high level, no complaints from me.
93: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:00:57 ID:Qh/wYi5M0
これ好きなメタラーって浅はかだよなかわいい女の子がメタルっぽいことをやってるだけなのに手放しで絶賛しててフロントが男だったらどうせ聞かないだろメタラーもオタクといっしょだと舐められてることに気づかんのかThe metalheads who like this are pretty shallow.Just because some cute girls are doing something like metal, they go on and praise them.But if the lead singer was a man, these people won't even be listening to them.Don't these metalheads realize that they'll be looked down on if they keep doing things similar to what otakus would do?
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:03:54 ID:uDE1NjVk0
- >>93
メタル聞いてる時点で既にオタクなんだよWhen you're listening to metal, you're already considered an otaku
- 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:10:48 ID:jcf7PdYD0
- >>93
- >かわいい女の子がメタルっぽいことをやってるだけなのに
- 十分だろ
- この子達はがんばって大して巧くないキャバ嬢みたいなギャルメタルバンドを廃業に追い込んでくれ
- >Just because some cute girls are doing something like metal
- That's enough of a reason.
- I hope these girls do their best and drive those cabaret-looking, cabaret-metal groups out of business.
100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:09:25 ID:nnKaNvOO0
こういうのは微笑ましく見守るのがいいんだよYou should just smile and watch over them
104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:12:49 ID:gedU3tRh0
I don't know about the details, but their live concerts are fun so I'm good with that
109: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:48:09 ID:dw8IfVKTO
Even metalheads who listened to SOB, GAUZE, DEATHSIDE, to EARACHE→ROADRUNNER→NUCLEARBLAST probably think that BABYMETAL are wonderful. It's all thanks to their staff, and to Toy's Factory who understand the metal world.
110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 02:58:27 ID:uMf5DXW10!
Things that you deem "This isn't metal" will eventually finish metal off.
You should think "They're metal too".
117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 03:20:42 ID:3MGg3QS0O
I'm a metalhead and a MomoClo fan, but I don't really like these girls that much...
Their voices are too young, I don't think they've fused being idols with metal music that well.
118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 03:26:54 ID:U3617qLq0
Just judging by their videos, I think they're a hundred times cuter than MomoClo.
Even their songs are really cool.
But I don't understand metal all that well.
123: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 04:00:55 ID:K3HZLZw50
True metalheads recognize them, I guess.
Bandwagoners are the ones who are trying to smoke them.
132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 06:35:59 ID:6tyql+dyO
They're easy to listen to and to follow.
I think that's also what made them appeal to the first time festival-goers.
136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 09:36:37 ID:Sscv76uZ0
確かにWall of Deathもあればサークルで回りもした
True, there was a wall of death, and the mosh circle.
But there were a lot of dangerous-looking people in the crowd.
136: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 09:36:37 ID:Sscv76uZ0
I feel sorry for these girls.
It really feels that they're just being forced to do this.
154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 10:56:09 ID:BknvLctl0
曲がダサすぎない?そこがメタル要素なのかAren't their songs corny?
Is that where metal's demand lies in?
- 157: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 11:13:03 ID:EZzVQauK0
- >>154
- 今時メタルなんて聞くのはハゲたオッサンだけだから
このダサさが需要にピッタリなんだろ - People who listen to metal nowadays are just the bald gramps, so that cornyness fits their needs perfectly.
160: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 12:14:43 ID:qLUlq9dz0
Even if they're just being forced to do this, you should still try watching their performance at least once.
They'll probably have a short lifespan, so go watch them while you still can.
172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 14:25:05 ID:Zo10avtxO
It would have been better if they had more refined songs.
All of their songs are pretty much just novelties.
178: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 15:51:26 ID:IPEUwGL3O
I bet these girls like Johnny's and EXILE more than metal
187: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/08/06 19:03:27 ID:69226xq80
( ´-`).。oO(ベビーメタルがあるんだから、ババーメタルが有っても良いのだろう…)
( ´-`).。oO(We have BABYMETAL so we should also have BABAMETAL (literally GRANNY metal)...)
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