I know it's good, but what's the reason why it's become such a massive hit like this?
半沢直樹 視聴率
Episode No. / Ratings
1話 19.4
2話 21.8
3話 22.9
4話 27.6
5話 29.0
6話 29.0

- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:26:07.58 0 ID:
- マスコミが煽りまくってるから
- Because of all the media fanfare
- 3: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:27:23.80 0 ID:
- 15パーくらいいったら後はマスコミが煽りまくればいい
Once a drama gets 15%, the media just needs to keep fanning the flame - 6: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:29:55.38 0 ID:
- つうか初回ですでに19%とかだったじゃん
But it already got 19% from the first episode.
The title itself already attracted the curiosity of the people. - 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:30:59.39 0 ID:
- 小難しそうに見えて中身は水戸黄門ってのがいいんだろうね
What's good about it is that it seems so complicated, but when you open the lid, it's actually just like Mito Kōmon.
(From Wikipedia: Mito Kōmon (水戸黄門) is a Japanese jidaigeki, or period drama, that has been on prime-time television since 1969......Episodes typically conclude with a brawl in which the unarmed, disguised protagonists better a crowd of samurai and gangsters, culminating with the presentation of the inrō that reveals the hero's identity.) - 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:34:39.81 0 ID:
- こういう時代劇みたいな勧善懲悪物が日本人は好き
Japanese people like these dramas that serve poetic justice, just like the period flicks -
- 14: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:35:34.22 0 ID:
- >>11現実で疲れ切ってるのにドラマでも疲れたくないからねBecause people are already tired of reality, they don't want to get tired while watching dramas
- 16: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:35:56.30 0 ID:
- 悪役側のざまあああああああああああって感じが分かりやすい
Because you can easily tell the good from the bad, and makes you say "serves you righttttttttttttt" to the bad guys - 18: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:37:03.90 0 ID:
- 写メ見せて土下座させてるの見て完全に水戸黄門だと思った
The scene where he showed the cellphone photo and made the enemy kneel down was exactly like how they do it in Mito Kōmon
http://drama-impression.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/8c9e886eb13d99c1ba0371d4aff29a24-640x360.jpg - 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:38:42.30 0 ID:
- テンポがよい
The drama has a nice tempo to it - 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:39:40.51 0 ID:
- 勧善懲悪がハッキリしててわかややすいのと展開がスピーディー
Because of the obvious feeling of rewarding the good and punishing evil, plus the speedy developments - 39: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:46:40.06 0 ID:
- 正直、同じ堺雅人の主演作ならリーガルハイのが面白くない?
But honestly, don't you think Legal High which was also played by Masato Sakai was more interesting? -
- 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:47:43.87 0 ID:
- >>39面白いがあれは見ていて疲れるThat one was interesting, but was pretty tiring to watch
- 41: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:47:07.07 0 ID:
- 今クールヒットしてる半沢とドクターズは奇しくもどっちも主人公が腹黒いドラマだな
Coincidentally, the 2 hit dramas this season, Hanzawa Naoki and Doctors, both have wicked and crafty lead characters.
http://www.tv-asahi.co.jp/doctors/img/main.png - 42: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:47:33.97 0 ID:
- 悪党が悪党悪党していて良い
It's good how an evil guy is really acting like an evil guy - 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:47:46.76 0 ID:
- 堺雅人の女受けは半端ないからな
You can't underestimate how well-received Masato Sakai is by women. I think that most viewers are women. - 52: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:50:32.93 0 ID:
- リーガルハイはなんかイマイチだわガッキー可愛いけど
Legal High is lacking in something, though Gakky is cute.
Hanzawa's definitely better.
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img/2013/01/LOY9aT4Z3moqUC1_hICOr_2.jpeg - 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:56:28.09 0 ID:
- 月曜の話題になるドラマって久しぶりじゃんか
It's been a while since a drama that people talk about on Mondays has appeared.
You won't be able to join all the conversations if you don't watch. - 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:57:04.36 0 ID:
- 勧善懲悪っていうの日本人好きだよね
Japanese people really love poetic justice -
- 79: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:58:08.96 0 ID:
- >>74っていうか嫌いな国の人の方が少ないでしょハリウッド映画だってそう言うの多いじゃんI don't think there are a lot of people who hate that kind of thing.
There are also a lot of Hollywood movies that carry the same theme.
- 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:59:04.51 0 ID:
- 白い巨塔とどっちが面白い?
Which is better, this or Shiroi Kyotou?
http://www.officiallyjd.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/20120805_drama_02.jpg -
- 90: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 22:59:54.36 0 ID:
- >>84系統は山崎ドラマに似てるなIt does feel similar to Yamasaki's dramas
- 93: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:00:12.55 0 ID:
- 先週初めてみたけど演出は面白いし水戸黄門チックだけど
It's the first time I saw it last week. The directing was good and it did have that Mito Kōmon feel to it. But don't you think everything was so convenient? Like cracking the safe in the bank and stealing the document, similar to Cat's Eye. -
- 99: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:01:13.49 0 ID:
- >>93そんな事を言い出したら海外ドラマも見れないぞYou won't be able to watch foreign dramas if you're complaining about stuff like that
- 102: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:01:38.77 0 ID:
- 関西のローカルニュースで半沢の特集してたが
They did a Hanzawa feature in Kansai's local news, but I LOL'd when they said that the gay-like running was called "Hanzawa running". - 106: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:02:31.22 0 ID:
- 堺と敵役の演技が面白いのとあとは宣伝がうまくいったんだろうね
Sakai + the enemy's acting have been good, and the promotions have gone well.
But as for the story, I find it dull since everything just goes conveniently well for Hanzawa.
If you compare it to a similar drama, Shiroi Kyotou was better.
If we're talking about a Sakai drama, then Legal High was much better.
Hanzawa getting 3x more the ratings of Legal High just goes to show how dumb the viewers are. - 123: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:05:36.62 0 ID:
- その展開は読めてるんだけどやっぱり面白い的な
The story is predictable, but it really is interesting.
I was thinking about what it was similar to, but it's actually like Kabuki and Joruri.
I also have a good idea of the plot, but this drama really draws viewers in with its consistent scriptwriting and the abilities of the actors.
http://www.city.annaka.gunma.jp/gakushuunomori/bunkazai/image/joururi.jpg - 136: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:08:02.03 0 ID:
- 歴代ドラマはもっといいのがあるけど今期の中ではダントツに面白い
There are still better dramas in history, but this is definitely above the rest this season.
Even the air force drama that they had in the previous season was good, I wonder what's up with TBS these days?
http://www.bunkatsushin.com/images/varieties/2064/1_b.jpg -
- 148: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:09:37.65 0 ID:
- >>136TBSはたまにとんでもない神ドラマを投下するから侮れないよTBS can't be taken lightly since they do have a tendency of making these godly dramas every now and then.
- 156: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:10:36.63 0 ID:
- >>136TBSの日曜の枠だけは昔から打率高いよTBS' Sunday dramas have always been pretty good since before
- 142: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:09:01.59 0 ID:
- 倍返しの番線見て面白そうと感じて1話から見てる
I got curious with the way they used that "double payback!" promotional gimmick and have been watching from Episode 1.
I only watch 1 Japanese drama every few years, so you can say that promotional stunt was a success as it even got me to watch it. - 155: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:10:33.55 0 ID:
- いい俳優揃えてるな
They have a lot of pretty good actors in there - 163: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:11:45.12 0 ID:
- 日テレも次クールで東京バンドワゴンという面白い題材をドラマにするが主演が亀梨で終わってる
NTV will be having a pretty interesting drama next season based on Tokyo Bandwagon, but I don't think it'll do well since Kamenashi is the lead.
It probably would be given better recognition if they just cast a proper actor. - 176: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:13:30.88 0 ID:
- 亀梨の妖怪人間は悪く無かったけどな
But Kamenashi's Yokai Ningen wasn't bad
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201110/15/58/d0231858_746476.jpg - 177: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:13:43.00 0 ID:
- 悪役がちゃんと悪役を演じれている勧善懲悪物は成功する
Dramas with this sense of poetic justice where the evil guys actually play evil roles succeed.
This can also be said about Mito Kōmon until the mid-'90s. - 181: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:13:59.84 0 ID:
- 堺の怪演が面白くしてる
Sakai's eccentric acting is making it more interesting - 185: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:14:15.32 0 ID:
- 敵が悪いことやってるのを暴いて勝ちっていうパターン面白くないわ
I'm not interested in the formula where they expose the bad guy's wrongdoing then win.
I liked Legal High where you didn't know who was good and who was bad. -
- 197: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:16:17.29 0 ID:
- >>185どっちも楽しめる俺の勝ちだなI win since I can enjoy both
- 201: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:17:14.02 0 ID:
- 半沢をキムタクが演じてたらと思うと末恐ろしい
It makes me terrified thinking what if KimuTaku played Hanzawa.
I hope they exterminate these Johnny's talents. - 206: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:18:34.10 0 ID:
- 面白いけど30%取るドラマではない
It's good but it's not a drama that's supposed to get 30%.
It should only be about 15%.
It's a bad example of a drama where all the promoting, stealth marketing, and word of mouth just went too well. - 212: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:19:23.90 0 ID:
- まず掴みが最高
The way they grab the attention of the viewers is the best.
I just LOL so hard at the Tsurube dogeza skit they do each time. - 230: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:21:05.85 0 ID:
- 話の展開はミナミの帝王と限りなく近いけど
Story-wise, it's pretty similar to Minami no Teiou,
but people aren't calling this one a rip-off.
The way they make paybacks to the bad guys is really similar.
http://www.alvesta.co.jp/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/%E3%83%9F%E3%83%8A%E3%83%9F%E3%81%AE%E5%B8%9D%E7%8E%8B-228x300.jpg -
- 239: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:24:05.74 0 ID:
- >>230昔からある王道だからじゃね?Because this kind of mainstream thing has already existed since long ago
- 245: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:25:32.13 0 ID:
- >>230半沢役を竹内力にしたら受ける印象が全然違うYou'd totally have a different impression if Riki Takeuchi played the role of Hanzawa
- 238: 名無し募集中。。。羊スト 2013/08/29(木) 23:23:43.85 0 ID:
- サブキャラのキャストがかなり合った人選してていい
The casting for the sub-characters is pretty spot-on too.
The petty banker that kept yelling at the weaklings last episode looked exactly like this business partner that I hate. - 259: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:27:45.62 0 ID:
- 踊る大捜査線の劣化版って感じなんだが
It feels like a deteriorated version of Odoru Daisousasen.
I don't know why something like this is a hit. -
- 266: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:29:08.18 0 ID:
- >>259踊る大捜査線は未だに面白さがわからないけど半沢直樹は毎回見てるI still don't get what Odoru Daisousasen's appeal is up to now, but I watch Hanzawa Naoki each time.
- 302: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:34:50.43 0 ID:
- 真面目な話キャスティングがキムタクと剛力だったらここまでじゃないだろうな
Seriously speaking, if they casted KimuTaku and Gouriki here, it wouldn't have reached these heights. -
- 310: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:35:39.68 0 ID:
- >>302ゴウリキと上戸ってそんなに違わんだろBut Gouriki and Ueto aren't that much different
- 309: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:35:34.66 0 ID:
- 確かに面白いけど視聴率が低かったら内容と出演者がマニアックすぎって言われてたんだろうなw
It is interesting, but if the ratings were low, people would have said that the story and the cast are too unorthodox. - 353: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:43:18.94 0 ID:
- 初回の視聴率が良い&評判が良かった
Good ratings for the first episode & good reviews.
Then word of mouth. - 361: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 23:45:32.51 0 ID:
- 間違いなく映画化するよな
They'll definitely make a live action version of this.
Even ATARU and SPEC that had lower ratings had movies.
I think it'll be a box-office hit if they make a movie.
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