- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:17:28.27 0 ID:
- さすが愛ちゃんThat's our Ai-chan
- 4: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:18:33.85 0 ID:
- やっと海外留学かSo she's finally going to study abroad?
- 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:19:05.06 0 ID:
- あれ?誰か在日だの何だの言ってなかったっけwHm? Didn't some people always say she was a Zainichi Korean?
- 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:19:54.85 0 ID:
- タイへ行くんだけどねShe's just going to Thailand
- 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:20:54.01 P ID:
- 小学校の頃在日の知り合い家族が普通に日本のパスポートだった気がするがいや、愛ちゃんがどうのじゃなくてねWhen I was in grade school, I recall that our Zainichi family acquaintance had regular Japanese passports.
Well, it's not that I'm doubting Ai-chan or anything. -
- 20: KD114020213171.ppp.prin.ne.jp 2013/08/29(木) 15:27:56.40 0 ID:
- >>9そりゃ帰化すりゃ日本のパスポートじゃん和田アキ子They can get Japanese passports if they become naturalized citizens.
Like Akiko Wada.
- 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:25:30.55 0 ID:
- 言っとくけど愛ちゃんは正真正銘天然美処女だぞあの顔が朝鮮人に見える奴は頭か目が腐ってるから取ってしまえLet me say this, but Ai-chan's a true-blue natural beauty.
People who see her as a Korean must have rotten eyes or brains so just have them removed. -
- 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:28:24.85 0 ID:
- >>17http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51KAEBT8F7L._SS500_.jpg国籍の真偽はともかくこれ見て見えるかどうかと問われたら・・・ねえRegardless of her true nationality, if you're asked if she looks like one when shown this picture... well.
- 19: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:27:03.89 0 ID:
- チョンタレ好きでチョン料理好きで新大久保に通いまくってるからチョン疑惑が出てきたんだろShe loves Korean talents, Korean cuisine, and always went to Shin Okubo so people started doubting if she was one of them.
http://matomesakura.com/images/touaseikei2012/m8/th8_18_2.jpghttp://matomesakura.com/images/touaseikei2012/m8/th8_18_1.jpghttp://matomesakura.com/images/touaseikei2012/m8/th8_18_4.jpg -
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:31:00.97 0 ID:
- >>19何が好きか嫌いかなんて個人の自由だしそんなところまで規制したんじゃファシズムだよPeople are free to like whatever they want.
If you regulate something like that, that's already fascism.
- 22: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:28:51.54 0 ID:
- 幼女の頃から振り袖姿 七五三 初詣 写真が昔から出てるし選挙にも行ったと言ってたやんShe's already had long-sleeve kimono, shichigosan, and hatsumoude shrine visit pictures taken when she was small.
She even said that she already exercised her right to vote. - 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:30:10.05 0 ID:
- たまたま泣きはらして浮腫んだ顔のその逆奇跡の一枚を大事に取ってるんだなアンチは愛ちゃんの幼女時代の写真見ろパッチリ大きなお目目の天然美処女だよThe haters are just basing it on that teary, swollen eye picture that she had where she looked different.
Take a look at Ai-chan's baby pictures.
She's a natural beauty with big, bright clear eyes. - 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:31:02.26 0 ID:
- 写真集の表紙を泣きはらした写真とかwwwAre you saying that her eyes on the cover of her picture book are swollen from crying?
http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/imgdata/large/4048942530.jpg - 36: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:32:39.89 0 ID:
http://blog-imgs-50-origin.fc2.com/f/a/c/face5/takahasiai1.jpghttp://blog-imgs-50-origin.fc2.com/f/a/c/face5/takahasiai2.jpgこの顔は日本人だねThis is the face of a Japanese person
- 50: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:37:35.89 0 ID:
- >>36きゃわCute!
- 68: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:44:12.84 0 ID:
- >>36キャワイすぎる美人さんすなぁShe's so cute! What a beauty.
- 139: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 16:13:23.35 0 ID:
- >>36きゃわあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああKyawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:34:06.95 0 ID:
- オーデの頃のオカッパ姿の愛ちゃんかわいかったな(遠い目Ai-chan was so cute with that bob hairstyle around the time of her audition (distant eyes)
http://takkun-smile.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/0cbb0cc8ad8ba14a6753c8304c8f3b0d-274x300.jpg - 43: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:34:43.95 0 ID:
- 在日は藤本みたいな人格だしわざわざ隠してるのに韓国韓国言うわけないだろボケカスPeople like Fujimoto are Zainichi.
People like her are hiding it so they won't give themselves away by talking about Korean topics.
http://blog-imgs-45-origin.fc2.com/g/e/i/geinounewstokudane/95_2.jpg - 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:37:59.85 0 ID:
- 裏切り者は許さないニダ絶対ニダWe won't forgive betrayal-nida.
Absolutely not-nida. - 56: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:38:39.86 0 ID:
- http://matomesakura.com/images/touaseikei2012/m8/th8_18_10.jpg
- 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:39:11.50 0 ID:
- 在日ってことを隠してる芸能人って自分から韓国の話題を出そうとしないよねw和田アキ子とか藤本美貴とか隠してるだけあってCelebrities hiding that they are Zainichi don't bring up Korean topics themselves. w
Like Akiko Wada and Miki Fujimoto.
Why should they when in fact they're hiding it. - 60: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:40:37.82 0 ID:
- 愛ちゃんは西洋人っぽいルックスやね世界の美女だしAi-chan looks like she's Caucasian.
She's one of the greatest beauties in the world.
http://geinounews.mobi/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/6b51c0645ac7a572eef392494be299e8.jpg - 75: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:46:48.54 0 ID:
- いくらでも他人のパスポートで記念撮影できるがなBut anyone can still have their pictures taken with the passports of other people
- 76: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:47:11.87 0 ID:
- 在日は藤本だけ証拠もあるFujimoto's the only Zainichi.
There's also proof. - 77: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:47:46.51 0 ID:
- 在日韓国人には敏感なのに在日フランス人には違和感を感じないお前らどっちも同じやろYou guys are so sensitive when it comes to these Zainichi Koreans but you don't feel a thing against the Zainichi French.
They're both foreigners. - 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:52:14.16 0 ID:
- 選挙にも行ってるしそもそも無理矢理なんだよ叩きが無理矢理チョンを押し付けてShe even exercised her right to vote already.
All this bashing is just too forced.
You're just trying to insist that she's Korean. - 89: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:54:24.21 0 ID:
- 高橋愛って半島人特有の顔してないじゃん半島人はミキティだろAi Takahashi doesn't have that distinct face that Koreans have.
Mikitty's the one who's Korean.
http://blog-imgs-45-origin.fc2.com/g/e/i/geinounewstokudane/95_1_20101228221828.jpg - 105: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 15:59:58.92 O ID:
- 韓国韓国言ってたのって高橋アンチだけでしょOnly the Takahashi haters were saying Korea this, Korea that about her
- 108: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 16:01:08.88 0 ID:
- >>105そうだよK-POP聴いてるだけでな韓国語を勉強してる熊井まで在日認定する始末That's right.
Just because she was listening to K-POP.
They're even calling Kumai a Zainichi just because she's studying Hangul.
- 132: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 16:10:00.62 0 ID:
- 藤本以外シロでしょこれほど異常なヲタが監視してるハロプロ界隈ならすぐにバレるわミキティみたいにEveryone's not guilty, other than Fujimoto.
It should be easy to pinpoint if she really was one like Mikitty since the wotas are watching the Hello! Pro world like mad. - 140: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 16:14:57.69 0 ID:
- おサルキュンOsaru-kyun
http://distilleryimage7.ak.instagram.com/3af207fc0ff811e3a53722000aeb43de_7.jpg - 147: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/08/29(木) 16:38:53.13 0 ID:
- アンチ息してないwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwThe haters aren't showing any signs of life wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
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