Kitagawa comments that right before they filmed the kissing scene, "My heart pounded when I learned that I'll be kissing Kyoko-chan. I felt so ashamed after we did it". Fukada on the other hand comments, "I was nervous. But the staff were also very nervous".
The movie is based on the 1997 novel of the same name written by mystery writer Aya Imamura (1955-2013). Harumi (Kitagawa) and Reiko (Kitagawa) hit it off, start sharing a room, and live a happy life, but Reiko suddenly starts acting inexplicably.
Despite being a suspense movie where you'd expect a tense air on location, Kitagawa looks back and said, "She's a senpai, but Kyoko-chan treated me like a friend who's my age, and it felt like I was in school". Fukada also comments, "Keiko-chan strengthened the cohesiveness of the girls. I really had a lot of fun".
Others in attendance were Kora Kengo, director Takeshi Furusawa, and rock band androp.
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:51:43.01 ID:eECeeMoj0
- すげーコンビだ(´・ω・`)What an amazing combination (´・ω・`)
- 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:51:45.20 ID:M6BZTAfl0
- (*´Д`)ハァハァ(*´Д`) haa... haa...
- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:52:00.38 ID:Sli6mTO5O
- ほほう…Ooohhh...
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:52:43.70 ID:JRRD1lKt0
- ふたりとも可愛いなBoth are cute - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:53:43.46 ID:s1VyePmSP
- 美人2人だからいいけど、一体どんな映画なんだよwI'm fine with it since they're both beauties, but what kind of movie is this? w
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:54:00.78 ID:2kZA4qr70
- フカキョン色気すげーなFukakyon's so hot
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:54:47.14 ID:TWnRTFbg0
- これは、ヤバイねDamn, this is gonna be epic
- 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:56:17.96 ID:kVzZZe6C0
- 北川景子と深田恭子お似合いのカップルですねKeiko Kitagawa and Kyoko Fukada.
This couple looks good together. - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:56:41.50 ID:s68yL3wLO
- このレズは見たいわ。I wanna watch this lesbian act
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:57:52.20 ID:TbnrOno90
- 143: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:06:41.27 ID:l9KEzbo80
- >>26これむっちゃ怖かったThis was so scary
- 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/31(木) 00:29:23.87 ID:W0H14/700
- >>26 のリメイクだと思ってたら違うのねI thought it was a remake of >>26, but it isn't huh
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:58:49.65 ID:B7pqgfFe0
- 北川景子のが大人っぽきKeiko Kitagawa seems like she's more mature
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:58:56.10 ID:G+NU7fU30
- 綺麗なレズだし見たいかもLooks like a beautiful kind of lesbianism, I think I want to watch this
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 20:59:22.71 ID:hzhHQqY+0
- この二人は「女優さん」のイメージがあるBoth of them really have this image of "actress" attached to them
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:00:05.42 ID:vwWDJull0
- この映画のポスターいいI like this movie poster -
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:01:27.92 ID:hzhHQqY+0
- >>36綺麗な人だな寒色ポスターなのに華やかに見えるThey're really beautiful.
The colors used are pretty dark but they look so gorgeous.
- 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:17:31.57 ID:AToE4kGx0
- >>36ふつくしいBeautiful
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:03:07.02 ID:6SkFWBMpi
- 間に挟まりたいI want to be sandwiched between them - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:09:40.06 ID:Qflq/qDE0
- 深キョンカワイイ太からず細からずの体型も好きFuka-kyon's so cute.
I like her body that's not fat nor thin. - 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:11:50.60 ID:kB0ja5GL0
- 2人とも可愛いつうか高良健吾出過ぎwBoth are cute.
Err, Kora Kengo's being seen in a lot of stuff these days w - 61: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 21:12:05.47 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ -
- 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:18:02.15 ID:cLwfU5rs0
- >>61ああwいいチョイス!Ahh w
Nice choice!
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:13:33.48 ID:4OZ+cu3H0
- これはたまらんなThis is irresistible
- 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:14:14.57 ID:WcwxpXkHO
- 二人とも可愛いな番宣いっぱい出てくれよThey're both so cute.
I hope to see them in a lot of programs when they promote the movie. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:15:17.31 ID:fo8jAY+R0
- どの程度のキスなのかが問題だなThe problem here now is the degree of their kiss
- 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:15:22.83 ID:9u8agfKA0
- 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:15:30.14 ID:kB0ja5GL0
- 深キョン劣化しないおそろしいFuka-kyon isn't deteriorating at all.
That's scary. -
- 370: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/31(木) 02:27:56.55 ID:oZDDqVDj0
- >>72定期的に少しずつメンテしてるしShe's been having regular maintenance gradually
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:15:38.31 ID:w0pU0ESP0
- 北川景子はさすがモデル出身ってくらいの細さだな深田恭子はさすが水泳経験者っていう肩幅だなKeiko Kitagawa's slenderness is like that of a former model.
Kyoko Fukada's shoulders are like those of a former swimmer. - 79: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:18:25.50 ID:E0a9zZJYO
- 二人とも美人間に挟まれたいなーThey're both beautiful.
I'd love to be sandwiched between them-- - 87: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 21:22:51.16 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ -
- 95: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:29:10.33 ID:ii8p8BR20
- >>87これって胸のアップは別人じゃなかった?Didn't they use a different person for the closeup of the breasts?
- 96: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:29:21.17 ID:cLwfU5rs0
- >>87このドラマなんだったんだろうねwI really wonder what they tried to do with this drama* w
* (Yama-onna, Kabe-onna)
- 108: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:39:07.79 ID:wI8ZCWhY0
- >>87それは深キョンの本当の胸じゃ無く差し替えでしょwwThose weren't Fuka-kyon's boobs, but a stand-in's right? ww
- 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:25:32.65 ID:cfifKbQR0
- この2人に掛かれば高良健吾が空気な件wAnd Kora Kengo's presence is almost nonexistent when he's together with these 2 w - 102: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:34:44.84 ID:1+S6KHxi0
- ホモはいやだけどレスは見れるI can't stand homo stuff, but I can watch lesbian flicks
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:36:48.59 ID:1VfgfAZ+0
- これは男にも女にも支持される絵面Now this is something that has the approval of both men and women
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:40:47.98 ID:Al2JXtDH0
- なんなんだよこの晴れ晴れとした表情wwWhat's with these pleasant looks on their faces ww
- 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:47:33.53 ID:6s8O6fzv0
- 痩せたけど二の腕健在だな深キョンの二の腕は最高だなShe may have gotten thinner, but Fuka-kyon's upper arm is still how it used to be.
Fuka-kyon's upper arm is the best. - 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:52:22.61 ID:w0pU0ESP0
- しかしこの北川景子は葬式の時の姿を思い出させるなKeiko Kitagawa here reminds me of the time when she was at the funeral - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:54:33.28 ID:TuEINWb80
- 深田はやっぱり良いねえFukada's really wonderful
- 130: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 21:55:06.75 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 21:59:25.71 ID:Tg4SqnLV0
- もし二人から同時に告白されたらとても困るIf ever both women confess their love to me at the same time,
that would be a huge headache for me -
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:09:54.84 ID:llvvW3ST0
- >>138世界で一番不要な心配That's the last thing you need to worry about in the world
- 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:02:34.76 ID:WgXyNNuKO
- 深キョンのスタイルの方が好きI prefer Fuka-kyon's style and figure
- 147: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:10:51.86 ID:T+uuYj4s0
- ストーリーとかどうでもいいから映画見たいI don't care about the story, I just want to watch the movie
- 151: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 22:14:44.97 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:15:37.72 ID:RsF+wyvi0
- やばい・・・俺得!!!Holy crap... I'm so in luck!!!
- 154: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:17:59.73 ID:JwJstEoX0
- くそ映画そうだが映画はいくかIt looks like a shi++y movie, but maybe I'll go watch it
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:24:00.41 ID:OKT2CIJ70
- これがきっかけで女に目覚めるのかCould it be that their love for fellow women will be awakened with this?
- 171: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:27:25.07 ID:eeVszNBt0
- 北川は相変わらず男前だな。友達になりたい。Kitagawa's handsome as usual.
I want to be friends with her. - 173: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:30:17.61 ID:KuQ5uOZlO
- 北川の姿勢が悪く見えるほどフカキョンの姿勢がいいなここの事務所は姿勢とか見た目上品に見えるような教育徹底してるから長年の賜物Fuka-kyon's posture is so nice, it makes Kitagawa's posture bad.
Her agency is known for their strict education regarding posture and elegance, so this is the fruit of her hard labor. - 180: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:34:34.76 ID:rJNeOZrj0
- 北川景子タンは可愛くて純粋で誰からも好 かれる魅力的な子だなKeiko Kitagawa-tan is so cute and pure, she really has this appeal that will make her liked by everyone
- 181: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 22:35:08.43 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:40:50.63 ID:Z8d0n7aQ0
- 俺の中で最強コンビだわ。美しすぎる。They're the strongest pair ever in my mind. So beautiful. - 203: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:44:51.21 ID:zQdTrDAW0
- 深キョンはあと5kgぐらい太るべきFuka-kyon should add at least 5kg more to her weight
- 211: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 22:47:30.34 ID:UT3+/1e60
- 北川はいいな北川に似てる奴ってそうそういないし、いたとしてもブスはいないフカキョン似のブスはいそうだけどKitagawa is nice.
I don't think there are a lot who look like her. And if there are, there won't be any ugly ones.
I do feel that there will be ugly ones who look like Fuka-kyon, though. - 228: 保冷所 ◆Z/DNfeC8aU 2013/10/30(水) 23:02:01.74 ID:Zd3WBUBh0
- (#゚Д゚)っ - 229: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 23:02:13.42 ID:r75YsKbp0
- この二人のレズはやばいな百合好きにはたまらんLesbian stuff with these 2 must be crazy good.
It'll be something to die for for all those who love yuri-stuff*
* (female homosexuality) - 258: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 23:25:58.43 ID:JgzQ+jrKO
- やべ、レズは嫌悪感あったけど深キョンと北川景子は萌えるてか北川景子のほうが背低いのは意外Damn, I've always felt appalled by lesbianism, but Fuka-kyon and Keiko Kitagawa together is such a turn on.
Actually, I'm quite surprised that Keiko Kitagawa is the smaller of the 2. - 263: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/10/30(水) 23:29:56.16 ID:rnvfZIir0
- なんという俺得Damn, this totally benefits me
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