"Perfume's best dance album" is the label attached to this latest release, and has been off to a flying start as it debuted at number 1, their 5th consecutive album to debut at the top spot, and the first time a female group has done so in 20 years and 8 months, with Princess Princess being the last. It has been made available for download in 119 countries and regions, and ranked 1st on Japan's weekly iTunes album charts, and also placed 1st on Hong Kong's, Taiwan's, Singapore's, and Thailand's iTunes electronic album charts. It also ranked in the top 10 in 19 different countries including the US and Canada.
Due to the demands, the actual CD will also be released in 14 different countries. The digital market is greater overseas, and demands for actual CD releases like this is a rare case. In response to these demands, they will be releasing an "international version" of the album with English text in the album booklet. The DVD will also have English, Chinese, and Korean subtitles so international fans can also enjoy everything the Japanese fans have been getting.
A label representative discusses the reason for their popularity overseas. "They were already popular in Asia where people have been used to the Japanese language and kanji characters, but their popularity has spread over to the West, thanks in part to their European tour last July." He continues to analyze: "Especially in the West, people have been paying attention to their concerts that make use of the latest technology to create stunning visual effects, as well as their fashion sense. I also believe that their naturally beautiful black hair is the reason why they have appealed to Western fans."
(Continued after the jump)
Source: http://www.oricon.co.jp/news/music/2030442/full/
Fans who started to get into Perfume thanks to their music and visuals are craving for deeper info. There were even entries from 17 different countries like the US, Portugal, and Spain for last month's "2nd Perfume Dance Contest", which led them to establishing an "International Division." There were participants from Hong Kong and Taiwan in the finals that was held in the metropolis, and impressed the Perfume girls themselves.
In order to fulfill the needs of their international fans, Perfume's global Facebook account gives information that's the same as the information reported in Japan in different languages such as English, French, and German. The staff above comments that: "Another reason for their popularity is that all the information related to the group is being reported to the rest of the world through Facebook." This international Facebook account has over 180,000 likes, and the comments are filled with passionate messages in many different languages.
They're also popular with the gorilla world
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:18:53.30 ID:tiGAoch90
- >>4やめろw
Cut that out w
Where are they popular?
Show the charts!
But their songs all sound similar to me...
Which means that Kashiyuka is popular worldwide, huh...
Well, I do think that they're far better than those idols
Yasutaka of the world
So lip-syncing will become popular internationally? No thanks.
- 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:13:26.34 ID:1HQKu0Ar0
- >>12世界の方が口パクですやん…ドンマイ☆
But lip-syncing is more rampant overseas... Nice try☆
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:20:33.27 ID:BW1uusMsO
- >>12世界はくちぱくが普通ダガ
Lip-syncing is actually normal around the world
Another stealth marketing scheme saying how popular they are overseas?
Japanese women hate black hair and dye them brown.
Foreign girls on the other hand dye their hair brunette (or black).
That's weird.
- 329: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:15:07.48 ID:Po6eF4Tj0
- >>15欧米はぱつきんに染めます
In Europe, they dye their hair blonde
To think that men love black hair more than women do
But they're not that popular in Japan.
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu just devoured them.
Black hair (beautiful hair) is the best!
There's only one cute girl there
You talkin' about Kashiyuka?
It's just in Asia, right?
But they look far better than those brown-haired cabaret club-looking girls in AKB
Kashiyuka's popularity probably stands out from the rest,
She's got the appeal as the most Japanese-looking and exotic-looking of the bunch.
- 49: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:20:56.12 ID:tiGAoch90
- >>30今の髪型が全てだろ
It's all in her current hairstyle.
Try to imagine her face without bangs and makeup on
Black hair = justice
A~chan's charm is invincible
Their concerts are always worth watching.
I honestly think it's amazing.
Please release your WORLD TOUR 1st on Blu-ray!
Gets a Hollywood remake
Gets ~award overseas
Dominates international charts
Their Sun Street Kameido live event is a dark past
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:23:35.74 ID:/tRYXoWo0
- >>50
- 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:23:42.12 ID:e3fSsdZX0
- >>50篠原ともえは元メンバーだったのか
So Tomoe Shinohara used to be a member?
- 103: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:30:41.06 ID:dkxuy0IYi
- >>50すげーのっちごぼう抜きしたな
Amazing, Nocchi has overtaken the other 2
- 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:43:05.23 ID:SimcHqaj0
- >>50真ん中の子顔変わりすぎ
The face of the girl in the middle has totally changed
Latest Perfume
- 134: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:38:49.32 ID:m+6G39nd0
- >>58モノトーン的色彩のシックな写真だが
It's a pretty thick picture with a monotone touch, but for some reason, Gori-chan's surroundings look brown. Gori-chan should go with the world tribal music genre where she can make better use of her innate wild nature.
I still watch that Kameido video every once in a while.
It looks like it was shot by a fan, but it's pretty valuable.
They peaked with "Polyrhythm"
So what's their ranking on the international charts?
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:24:40.37 ID:g6GWmNJJ0
- >>64
I really don't know how much I can believe these articles.
Then what about that? The one saying that Momochi is popular in France?
- 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:26:33.79 ID:Bt7dEbV60
- >>69向こうのチャート見りゃ大体分かるよ DLと複合のランキング
You'll get an idea when you take a look at their charts. The rankings combined with downloads.
They should also announce a North American tour around this time
They're irresistible to someone like me who has a fetish for legs
I still don't know what the standard for "popular" is.
They haven't even gathered a crowd of 1,000 for their concert, right?
Well, they're even saying that Kyary is popular internationally, so...
- 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:27:08.70 ID:tjXczYdB0
- >>79ロンドンで3000人だよ?
They performed in front if 3,000 in London, you know?
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:32:19.36 ID:xxU0tkuv0
- >>85そんな入ってないだろ
It wasn't even that many. And I heard that was attended mostly by the Japanese there.
- 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:33:54.78 ID:MBHJiDDo0
- >>111お前必死だなw
You're sooo desperate w
- 122: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:35:44.18 ID:4dKeFsGi0
- >>111
- 127: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:36:59.93 ID:xxU0tkuv0
- >>122普通に日本人多いじゃん
There's a lot of Japanese there.
And I don't think there are 3,000 people there.
- 150: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:43:49.03 ID:4dKeFsGi0
- >>1272000人だよ
It's 2,000
- 135: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:38:58.35 ID:tiGAoch90
- >>122半分に迫る勢いでアジア系だな
It looks like almost half of those are Asian
Then how are their concerts?
I mean, how does the West view their lip-syncing ways?
- 98: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:29:21.67 ID:4dKeFsGi0
- >>81
- 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:36:41.08 ID:dopnsM98P
- >>81歌番組に関しては、欧米でも口パクは珍しくないよ。
But lip-syncing isn't that much of a rarity even on Western singing shows
A "concert"? It's merely a "show" where they're only lip-syncing what other people have thought out for them.
It is pretty easy when you add techno effects to your voice and sing on karaoke
They peaked with "Chocolate Disco"!
- 99: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:29:48.79 ID:tiGAoch90
- >>10
Nocchi's face is getting scarier
They do seem "Japanese", and they're one of the very few J-pop groups whom I won't be embarrassed of if they perform at the Olympics
- 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:31:08.74 ID:xFH6Fwk40
- >>101歌ってないやんw
They don't sing w
It's embarrassing so cut it out.
- 107: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:31:47.20 ID:tjXczYdB0
- >>105My colerとか歌ってるのに
They sing My coler!
You don't know anything so stop butting in w
I love Perfume!!
I feel that these girls have established their own genre and they don't feel unpleasant at all.
I hope they keep going on like this and do their best as I want to see how far they can go.
I'm not really a fan, though.
People say that Perfume and Kyary Pamyu are popular out in the West, but is that true?
Aren't they just popular within a certain sector of the anime wotas?
I haven't been hearing any news of them ranking on this certain national chart, too.
- 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 20:36:01.97 ID:3ugyWKet0
- >>118チャート実績は0と言えるレベルだよ
You can say that they practically have 0 success on the charts.
They actually aren't even that popular in Asia.
It seems that they've almost completely sold out their 4-day dome live concert.
I never would have imagined that they'd sell this much when the sales were opened to the general public.
Comments I've seen by international fans somewhere:
"Hey! Look at those legs!"
"Look at those legs", etc.
They seem popular with people who have a thing for legs.
Perfume's concerts isn't something that you should be ashamed of, even from an international standpoint.
They should have some more exposure!
They're singers but their legs are their appeal? That's so sarcastic.
A~chan suddenly became cute.
What's going on?
I think they're good, but I'm always concerned about Nocchi who always looks like she's got dead eyes
They should be in the top half on the overall charts, else it won't feel like they're really popular overseas
I don't care how they're received internationally.
As long as they still keep on releasing CDs.
Kashiyuka! Kashiyuka!
First off, a concert by the end of the year.
Next year, on to America I guess.
So you're ignoring their music?
Yes, exactly as you say.
Maybe Perfume looks exotic in their eyes
Perfume's concert in London
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu's concert in London
So they like black hair?
Then that means Tamori will also be popular.
It's true that there was a problem because of the Japanese fans who followed them overseas and camped out in the front rows. I understand their feelings for securing the front because they did spend a lot of money, but they could have at least given them up to the others.
Please give me details on their download sales and stuff
- 215: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 21:00:18.12 ID:HhxtrAxr0
- >>102012年5月22日 世界23カ国配信
iTunesアルバム総合ランキング 米国=最高位377位、日本=1位、その他21ヵ国=圏外
Released May 22, 2012, 23 countries
Kyary Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Pamyu Revolution
iTunes album overall ranking
US = 377
Japan = 1
Other 21 countries = N/A
2012年3月6日 世界50カ国配信
iTunesアルバム総合ランキング 米国=圏外、日本=未配信、その他48ヵ国=圏外
Released March 6, 2012, 50 countries
Perfume JPN
iTunes album overall ranking
US = N/A
Japan = not released
Other 48 countries = N/A
You might not get their appeal unless you see them live
Perfume feels more like a group of artists who perform as a team rather than idols.
Japan seems to be trying to put them in the idol slot, but the idea of that slot may already be obsolete.
Their concerts are fun.
Even people overseas are enjoying them.
On the other hand, all Kyary releases are cheap commercial songs and her album is horrible.
I thought it was her time to shine and take over when she debuted, but it seems that Perfume will be the ones who'll last longer.
I think that saying they're popular because of their long hair is a lie.
There are also a lot of black-haired people in the West.
It's not really that rare and valuable.
- 315: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:00:08.44 ID:8b4Lssnz0
- >>216天パの黒髪は多いと思うが綺麗なサラサラストレートは珍しいと思う
I think there are a lot who have naturally black hair, but are permed, and I think that the long, straight black hair is pretty rare
Isn't lip-syncing an issue?
If people understand that this is what they are then I guess it's alright then...
Der Spiegel article
- 233: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 21:07:37.90 ID:4dKeFsGi0
- >>221読めないけどカッコイイぞ
I can't read it but it looks cool
Because they're not a group who makes people listen to their songs.
Even Nakata said that singing is just a part of the overall sound, and he's been using all those effects.
That's why I don't think lip-syncing is an issue.
About black hair,
I think that even if Westerners dye their hair black, they still can't achieve that gloss in the hair that Asians have so I can understand why they'd be attracted to it.
They have no sexiness nor nastiness to them, and I'm interested to see how far they'll go. I'm rooting for them.
London concert - 2000 people
This looks pretty bad
Don't Perfume and Kyary get along with each other?
I've never seen them together on MJ even once
- 279: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 21:31:35.38 ID:5nvyxCg20
- >>248こないだMステで一緒に出てたような
I think I saw them together on Music Station a while back
- 303: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/11/03(日) 21:48:28.53 ID:j1DminMw0
- >>248Mステで「音(?)の関係で共演できない」って言ってた
They said that they can't collaborate because of some sound(?)-related issues.
You guys are bashing them too much, and both seem pretty bothered by us.
There are a lot of black-haired people in Europe, but there's not that many who have straight hair and black eyes. There are people like that in Italy and Spain, but most have pretty rough hair texture so maybe these Perfume girls are looked at with some sort of ethnicity?
- 251: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 21:14:47.47 ID:SUhfTMbB0
- >>249だよね
I don't think Westerners can have the same moist hair texture that Asians have.
They're not as "amateur-ish" as the current idols right now. I think it's good that they give off this amicable vibe. And their songs aren't too "cool" in a weird way, and everything just falls into place.
Perfume's concerts are seen as a form of installation art so the fans themselves aren't concerned with lip-syncing and such problems.
In a nutshell,
they're really "Japan-like".
And when you look at the Western charts, you see artists that take reference from Japanese culture.
It's good that they're not extremely beautiful.
They've also got great style.
Short legs are a bit, you know.
I don't see too many foreigners imitating Perfume's dance steps on YouTube, though?
- 296: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 21:42:07.84 ID:TaFMBWks0
- >>292素人が振りコピできないくらいレベルが高いからだろうな
It's on a high level that can't be copied by amateurs
I laugh when I see A~chan, I wonder why
- 317: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:00:19.94 ID:e0bCvgUg0
- >>308楽しませようと努力してるからさ
Because she makes an effort to make people enjoy
So where can we see these "electronic charts" that they always bring up in these articles?
Men all around the world fall in love with Kashiyuka's hair and legs.
I think they'll also look well with brown hair
- 352: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:29:29.90 ID:EI8fee4y0
- >>322
- 356: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:34:34.13 ID:dkjaqe0i0
- >>352
- 368: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:58:42.42 ID:3ReXpLb80
- >>352明るい感じの髪のかしゆかも良いな
Kashiyuka looks good too even with bright-looking hair
What's up with the appeal of "concerts and black hair"? w
There are mountain-loads of people who have black hair and do concerts www
More than anything, Kashiyuka's thighs are wonderful
This is Perfume
Nocchi = cute face
Kashiyuka = beautiful legs
Then what about A-chan?

- 341: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 22:21:25.83 ID:U5U15xS/0
- >>334天使
She's an angel
- 377: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2013/11/03(日) 23:06:06.94 ID:H0h4dQ1T0
- >>334…キャラ!!!!
...her character!
They have nice songs, their dances are pretty, so Perfume's stage performances are always fun
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