When you talk about models, it's all about their height and amazing style and figure. Unfortunately, I don't possess those (laughs).
When I was in 4th grade (10 y/o), I was about 130cm tall. I was one of the smaller kids in my year so I kept failing auditions. Not even auditions, my application forms were already being rejected at the screening process (laughs). So I decided to do something about it, and I started off with my height.
I studied books and websites and did everything that I could.
I would drink a liter of milk without fail each day, and even jumped up hard every single morning.
And because of that, I grew about 10cm when I reached middle school and was finally able to become a model for SEVENTEEN by the time I was 16.
Next up for me was dieting. I started to gain weight once I got into high school and was blatantly removed from doing fashion projects (laughs).
This was really a mortifying experience, and I entirely stopped eating snacks after that.

When I was in 4th grade (10 y/o), I was about 130cm tall. I was one of the smaller kids in my year so I kept failing auditions. Not even auditions, my application forms were already being rejected at the screening process (laughs). So I decided to do something about it, and I started off with my height.
I studied books and websites and did everything that I could.
I would drink a liter of milk without fail each day, and even jumped up hard every single morning.
And because of that, I grew about 10cm when I reached middle school and was finally able to become a model for SEVENTEEN by the time I was 16.
Next up for me was dieting. I started to gain weight once I got into high school and was blatantly removed from doing fashion projects (laughs).
This was really a mortifying experience, and I entirely stopped eating snacks after that.
- 4: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:35:58.86 ID:SPkIjZUr
- 問題は身長じゃないんですがそれは…
Umm, sorry but your height isn't the problem here... - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:36:52.16 ID:LkTH3bfv
- なぜ整形しておかなかったのか
Why didn't she consider having plastic surgery - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:37:01.19 ID:n17TJeX3
- そもそもルックス微妙のチビで、なぜ芸能界目指そうと思ったのか
Why did a not-so-good-looking squirt like her try to aim for showbiz in the first place? - 8: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:37:13.95 ID:0Dl+I0yc
- 身長とスタイルがなかったから書類審査で落とされたという風潮ほんとぉ?She said that her application forms were already rejected just because she didn't have the height and the figure.
Reeeeeeeally. - 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:37:24.15 ID:cl41Co4L
- 牛乳ってよくないんじゃなかったか
Isn't milk actually bad? - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:37:32.00 ID:+/j6doC3
- 顔面顔面アンド顔面横顔なんとかとかいう賞貰ってたけど正面は見るに堪えないの間違いかと思ったぐらい顔面It's about her face, her face, and yeah, her face.
She won some kind of award for her profile, but it makes you wonder if they got the name of the award wrong; that maybe it was for the "front view of a face that you can't stand the most".
http://www.sanspo.com/geino/images/20130624/oth13062405040007-p7.jpg - 13: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:38:55.56 ID:Jj9gONvU
- 問題は身長でも体重でもないんだよなあ…
I don't think her height or her weight is the issue here... - 18: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:39:54.91 ID:M1wlW8dg
- 顔面より問題なのはごり押しやないんかこいつが見る頻度が月イチくらいの演技派女優やったら叩いてねえよBut the problem here more than her face is the way she's being overpushed.
If she was a mega talented actress whom people only get to see once a month then no one would be bashing her. - 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:40:39.89 ID:h5bHuNHt
- 評価が地に落ちたせいで逆に可愛く見える
And because her reputation is in the pits, she actually looks cuter - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:41:09.87 ID:E3tA9qEd
- ここまでネット民とリアル民の評価が違う人もそういない
It's pretty rare for someone to have such a split opinion on her between the real people and the Internet people -
- 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:43:03.95 ID:UzT+tJGP
- >>20リアルでもかわいいと聞いたことないのですが
But I've never heard any real people call her cute
- 23: アフィ転載禁止 2013/12/30(月) 15:41:31.64 ID:fcEwfKIe
- 身長じゃなくて首が伸びたのでは
It's not her height that grew. It's her neck.
http://oriran.com/ptrue/t11072021100770.jpg - 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:43:23.58 ID:FzBb1bjD
- サウスポーなんやからソフトボールか女子野球の投手やればよかったんや
She's a lefty so she should've just tried being a pitcher for softball or women's baseball - 28: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:43:53.39 ID:2JC1aG1B
- 小学生からオーディション受けまくるとかどんな野心家だよ
She's been in all those auditions since she was in grade school? Just how ambitious is she? - 29: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:44:06.59 ID:hDi68vyH
- あんまり叩かれすぎてると可哀想だなって思うけど本人見るとやっぱり言うほど可愛くないし何でゴリ推されてるんだろうって思うI do feel sorry for her because of all the bashing. But then again, it does make me wonder why she's being pushed so much since she really isn't that cute.
- 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:44:16.25 ID:+/j6doC3
- 出始めの頃はこんな不細工すぐに消えるやろ名前も一発屋くさいしとか思ってたわなおゴリ押しWhen she first came out, I thought that this ugly girl will just probably disappear immediately. Even her name sounded like that of a one-hit wonder.
And then came the overpushing. - 33: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:44:58.20 ID:jMAlfbmY
- ルックスもスタイルも良くないのに今の地位につけてるだけでも凄いことやと思う
But it's really amazing how she's achieved this status now despite not having the looks nor the style - 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:46:47.98 ID:625YeKQg
- 何も取り柄ないのによくここまで続けたな
It really is quite a feat that she's been able to continue on like this without any strong points - 37: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:47:35.97 ID:02hP5iKz
- 笑顔が致命的にブサイク
Her smile is fatally ugly - 38: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:48:57.25 ID:h4qORILI
- 顔に関してはやはり触れられないんですね
So she's not talking about her looks, huh? - 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:49:36.51 ID:xVNtpc+h
- 芸能界のレジェンドと枕してるとしか思えん
All I can think about is that she's doing sexual favors for a legend in the industry - 41: 左のおかわり2号 ◆WUqwkG1FM. 2013/12/30(月) 15:50:08.97 ID:1B/ECW94
- リプトンのCMん時はこの子誰や?
To think that people were wondering "Who's this girl!?" when she appeared in that Lipton commercial...
http://i.ytimg.com/vi/3GrrlZt-1JQ/0.jpghttp://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhi9h3hJrc1qb6oqko1_500.jpg - 45: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:52:57.18 ID:UGzekT3R
- 清州会議でようやく剛力にピッタリの役貰えたなGouriki finally received a role that fit her well in Kiyosu Kaigi.
She should just focus on period flicks from now on.
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20121221/11/07/02/j/o045006750_413802.jpghttp://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/d0/c0/f_2800jp/folder/194138/img_194138_17777087_1?1384730331.jpg -
- 57: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:58:20.78 ID:bh4ncEWl
- >>45髪型と眉毛と変な笑顔を直せば意外とかわいく見えるね
She'll actually look surprisingly cute if you fix her hair, her eyebrows and her weird smile
- 47: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:53:14.56 ID:swTwXT7Q
- 始球式はちょっとかわいく見えた
She did look slightly cute during her ceremonial first pitch
http://p.twpl.jp/show/large/u1Nge?.jpg - 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:54:18.54 ID:SqWLu/BS
- 昔こんな顔の女優いたよなオ偉い爺連中には懐かしくて受けるんだろうがThere was an actress who looked like this before.
Maybe the elderly bigwigs felt nostalgic and like her. -
- 58: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:58:37.84 ID:XiSuFed9
- >>49山口百恵系統の顔だとは思う
I do think that her face is similar to Momoe Yamaguchi's
- 51: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:54:45.29 ID:m9y7Rl8A
- そんなにモデルになりたかったらモデルだけやってりゃいいのになぜ女優をしてるのか
If she wanted to become a model so much, then she should've just sticked to modeling. Why is she even acting? - 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:55:29.41 ID:81pvtazl
- 身長は殆ど遺伝やから牛乳はあんま関係ないわ
But height is more about the genes so I don't think it's about the milk - 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:57:21.64 ID:1a4Fq4YR
- 子役でドラマに出たいとかじゃなくてただの雑誌モデルかよ目標のこころざしが低すぎやろShe didn't want to be a child actress and be in dramas but just wanted to be a magazine model?
Ain't her ambitions too low, then? - 56: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 15:57:33.28 ID:ogup/cxa
- でも人当たりはすげーいいと思うわ
But I do think that she's extremely well-mannered - 61: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:01:25.89 ID:7AY7Gc4E
- 言うほど悪くもないやろどうせお前ら高校生にこれくらいの子に告られたらあっさりOKするくせにShe's not as bad as people say she is.
You guys would easily give an OK if a girl like her confessed her feelings to you back in high school, right? -
- 62: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:02:39.22 ID:+/j6doC3
- >>61一般レベルと比べられる時点で終わりやね
The moment you compared her to the public means it's already over for her
- 65: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:04:04.87 ID:h4qORILI
- 美人役で出てる限りこいつの再評価なんかなんわ清須会議みたいな役で女優やるかモデルやるかしてればいいねん
No one will give a second opinion about her as long as she plays "pretty" character roles. It's either she does something like Kiyosu Kaigi or just be a model. - 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:04:29.39 ID:jFhZ2QCf
- ワイはコミュ力が不足しとるから今努力しよるんやけど、おかげで禿げたで禿げて見栄えが悪くなって前より目線が痛いこれは神様がもう休めいうとるんやろかIn my case, I lack interpersonal skills so I'm working hard to fix that, but it made me bald in the process.
And because I'm bald, I look worse and the way people look at me hurts so much more than before.
Is this God's way of telling me to take a rest? - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:05:27.41 ID:jKpxmLMy
- メイク変えたのか最近は可愛くなった気がする
Did she change her method of putting on makeup? I get the feeling that she's gotten cuter these days. -
- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:07:44.23 ID:Renov04t
- >>72まだ20歳とかやしこれからさらに可愛くなる可能性あるかもね
She's only 20 so there's a possibility that she'll become much cuter
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:10:52.23 ID:XRTyTmp+
- はやくバキの実写化を
Hurry up with live action Baki
http://comisoku.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/b7e260ac5737c55b724839964a869fa3.jpg - 66: 風吹けば名無し 2013/12/30(月) 16:04:12.04 ID:7yjZAXmW
- 審査員はちゃんと落としてたんだなあ・・・
So the panel of judges really did their job and rejected her back then, huh?
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