SEKAI NO OWARI means "the end of the world", and at first glance, may even seem like a song title. People may have felt uncomfortable with the name at first, but as they grew in popularity, their name has been abbreviated into SEKAOWA, and all the awkwardness has disappeared. And there seems to be an increase in the number of bands which have names that may seem like song names at first glance.
3-piece rock band "Wasureranneyo", girl band "Akai Kouen", up and coming "Gesu no kiwami otome.", artistic punk band "Soredemo sekai ga tsuzuku nara", 6-piece band "Shippai shinai ikikata". There are also "Sayonara ponytail", "Sayonara, mata kondo ne", "Tesla wa nakanai", and "Mori wa ikiteiru". It does seem that a lot of new artists aren't confining themselves now to traditional band names like "The _____" or "~~~s", "~~~ts".
- 2: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:15:36 ID:pMjUhEuI0
- スピッツ チェリーこのときもどっちが曲名かわかんねえよと言われていたSPITZ Cherry
People also said at this time that they didn't know which one was the song name - 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:19:34 ID:c8HTpQqq0
- >>2スピッツ / ロビンソンだった気がするI think it's
SPITZ / Robinson
- 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:22:39 ID:Fkyzxek40
- >>118ねごと/カロン
Negoto / Karon - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:17:15 ID:t6Snx6Nb0
- 赤痢 ってバンドもあったな
There used to be a band with the name "Sekiri" (dysentery) - 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:33:55 ID:S9GPoQbB0
- >>4書こうと思ったらお前のレスに驚愕だよ中古CD屋で見かけたI was thinking of writing that then I get shocked by your comment.
I saw that in a used CD shop. - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:17:30 ID:pvTvh/gzO
- 変わったバンド名なのに個性のない音楽性とか笑える
It's also funny when you've got a weird band name but not a distinct musical style - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:33:56 ID:v95W9vWlO
- >>5それ、いつも思うんだけどさ。本当につまらない音楽が増えたのか、自分が年を取って感受性が落ちただけなのか。
I always think about that, but I'm just not sure if it's just that the amount of boring music out there has increased or I have gotten older and my sensitivity has gone down. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:36:05 ID:ROBCUYiH0
- >>32自分より年下のやつが作ったいい音楽なんて、認めたくないもんだよ。マジで。たまにいい音楽に出会うけど、「こいつら俺より年下か・・・」と思うと途端に冷めるwPeople just can't accept the tunes that someone younger than them has composed.
I do stumble upon good music every once in a while, but I get turned off the moment I think that "Oh, these guys are younger than me, huh...". w - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:41:15 ID:VAWoEzfhO
- >>32>>36そうやって理解出来ないのは年寄りだけって思考停止してるからダメなんだよ
People who can't understand that are the elderly. Your thought process has just ceased to function. - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:18:18 ID:kbJMhWDA0
- 忘れらんねえよは忘れらんねえよを歌ってるしね
The band Wasureranneyo has a song titled "Wasureranneyo" after all - 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:21:30 ID:QjWZswm30
- 忘れらんねえだろうな
"Wasureranne darou na" (That must be really unforgettable).
As a dark past for them. - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:22:41 ID:RQkthood0
- そう言えば80年代に比べ英語表記のバンドって減ったなw歌詞は日本語で歌ってるのにかっこつけてバンド名は英語って外国人から見ればかなりダサいらしいから正しい判断だわwCome to think of it, the number of bands who use English words for their names have decreased compared to the 80's w
To think that these bands sing in Japanese, they try to look cool and make their band name English?
I heard that foreigners find that lame, so bands nowadays are making the right choice w - 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:26:35 ID:ROBCUYiH0
- >>13そのかわり、やたら名前をローマ字表記にする奴が増えた
But in return, there's an increase in bands who have been using the Roman alphabet for their names - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:01:48 ID:BLvbGRbL0
- >>13でも日本人の英語コンプレックスはひどくなる一方だなあイミフな英語を歌詞に入れたり、英語っぽい日本語で発音したりそれだったら完全に英語だけなら売れるのかというとそうでもないIt seems that the Japanese people's English complex is getting worse.
They're including a lot of wtf English words in the lyrics, and pronounce the words like English...
But does this mean that they will they sell a lot more if everything's completely in English? Not exactly. - 90: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:05:32 ID:BklIu6P10
- >>13数年前CDショップの、懐かしのバンドのCDばかりを集めた特設コーナーで2人組みの外国人がそれらのCDを見て馬鹿にしたようにケラケラ笑ってたのを憶えてるがもしかしてバンド名に笑ってたんだろうかwA few years ago,
there was this special corner at a CD shop where they had nostalgic classics.
Then I remember seeing a pair of foreigners looking at the CDs there and laughing, as if they were making fun of the CDs. Maybe they were laughing at the band name. w - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:24:08 ID:fPltMtyo0
- そろそろ革命音楽やる奴出ないのかなレコード会社がそういうの嫌ってんのか、00年からずっと90年代の量産型ばっかりそんなだからアケカスジャニでチャートが埋まるだよ
Won't there be someone who'll do some revolutionary kind of music? Or do the record companies hate that kind of stuff? Everything from the year 2000 onwards just sounds like rehashes of music from the '90s. And this is why these charts now are dominated with Akekasu and Janis. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:25:48 ID:KvzNezND0
- ゲスの極み乙女。つべで聴いたらナヨ声のヴォーカルと安っぽいフュージョンみたいな演奏でどこがプログレやねんネタか?Gesu no kiwami otome.
I tried listening to them on YouTube, but I couldn't see how they're called progressive with those weak vocals and cheap fusion-style of playing. Gimmicks? - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:26:10 ID:hoTxqqWhO
- ラノベのタイトルみたいなバンドも知らないだけでありそう
I think that there are also some bands with light novel-like names which we're just not aware of. - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:28:14 ID:YNoIydEHO
- Frankie Goes To Hollywood は衝撃だったな歌も
Frankie Goes To Hollywood was shocking. Their songs, too. - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:30:09 ID:KvzNezND0
- >>23トレバー・ホーンっていうキチガイプロデューサーの面目躍如だった
That one really lived up to the reputation of the crazy-a$$ producer Trevor Horn - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:28:33 ID:AWxMao2V0
- セカオワだけはまじでいいな歌詞がまるで詩を読んでるかのように思えるこいつらがこれからの時代を引っ張ってくだろうなSEKAOWA's seriously good.
The lyrics sound as if it's a poem that's being read out.
I believe that these guys will be spearheading the new generation. - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:39:24 ID:Vexygqb6O
- >>25もちろん、ソナポケの詩も感動的だよね?
And of course, you also find Sonar Pocket's lyrics moving, right? - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:41:26 ID:JyGkHysa0
- >>41おいおい、バックナンバーを忘れちゃダメだろ
Hey now, don't forget about Back Number - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:29:06 ID:I0xq+yslO
- そうそう最近名前勝負なのかキラキラネームみたいな変わった名前のバンド沢山あんのなThat's true.
There really are a lot of bands now with "sparkly" eccentric names, it feels like they're competing with one another just with their names. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:32:15 ID:V9p+hS1D0
- 今目立ってるのがそれなだけで昔からおかしなバンド名はたくさんあった
It's just that these weird-named bands are standing out now, but there have always been a lot of bands with weird names since forever - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:33:23 ID:ROBCUYiH0
- >>30原爆オナニーズとか?Like the Genbaku Onanis?
(atomic bomb masturbation) - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:34:20 ID:KvzNezND0
- >>30突然段ボールTotsuzen Danball
(Sudden cardboard box) - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:34:51 ID:DoUH1+Kd0
- BOOWYの真ん中はファイ"φ"でいいんかね?だとしたら読みはボファィウィーじゃないのかThe middle character in BOOWY is Phi "φ", right?
So do you read it as BOPHIWY? - 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:37:38 ID:KvzNezND0
- >>34米国歌手のP!nkは何て読めば?
Then how do you read the name of US singer P!nk? - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:38:27 ID:ZHT38bvx0
- 打首獄門同好会、キュウソネコカミ
Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai, Kyuusonekokami - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:46:07 ID:QsYj86blO
- すべてゆらゆら帝国以降この流れは70年代~80年代のアングラに見られた形Everything is post Yurayura Teikoku
This trend was also seen in the underground movement back in the '70s~'80s - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:46:23 ID:p+uI2pgv0
- キラキラネームみたいなもんでしょIt's just like the kirakira names*, right?
* (literally "sparkly names" --- weird and DQN-like names) - 58: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:50:41 ID:182w2tXK0
- 日本人が日本語を使うのは普通だろ
But it's normal for Japanese people to use Japanese words - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:51:14 ID:ZLMwMf3u0
- 最初っから「えっ!?」って思われる事を狙って名前をつけてるんだろうに。あと「自分達は普通とはちょっと違う」っていうのをアピールしたい自己顕示欲っていうか。一種の流行りみたいなもんじゃないの?別に最近の若者の意識の変化とかいう大げさなもんでもない気がするが。These bands are of course aiming for that surprise factor when naming themselves.
And they also want to show that they're slightly different from the norm.
It's just what you call "asserting yourself".
Isn't this just a form of fad? I don't think that there's a huge change with the thought process of kids nowadays, and that people should be making a fuss about it. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:51:24 ID:qbFcacpf0
- 赤い公園は普通だろ青い三角定規とかかぐや姫とか五つの赤い風船とかフォークからの伝統やんAkai Kouen (red park) is a pretty normal name.
It's been a tradition from Aoi sankaku jougi, Kaguya hime, Itsutsu no akai fuusen, fork, etc. - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:53:18 ID:RWaSoocv0
- とはいえ「赤い公園」は、70年代の曲ぽくてかっこいいなwww
"Akai kouen" sounds like a song from the '70s and it sounds cool www - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 14:54:05 ID:W24qxoWo0
- 赤い公園という名前に何か政治的なものを感じたのは、赤い旅団のイメージがあったからかI felt something political about the name "Akai kouen", probably because of the the Akai Ryodan (Le Brigate Rosse)
- 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:01:48 ID:Dko5XwTRO
- >>65相棒の「赤いカナリア」かもてか、これバンド名としていけそうだwOr Aibou's "Akai Kanariya" (Red Canary)
Hey, this one can be used as a band name w - 88: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:05:00 ID:830HLhb8O
- ゆらゆら帝国みたく人間も相当クセが強いと大して言われないんだよな
People won't mind it too much unless you're like Yurayura Teikoku where even the members have pretty distinct - 124: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:22:02 ID:ZmcEKaXS0
- ニコ厨の延長って感じだな。ボカロと同レベルの安っぽさwFeels like an extension of the Nico-chus.
Its cheapness is on the same level as vocaloids. - 132: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:24:45 ID:nzoNtMb60
- そもそもそんなに日本を愛してるならロックじゃ無くて雅楽でもやればいんじゃね雅楽も中国からの渡来品だけどIf you love Japan that much, then don't play rock, play gagaku instead.
But gagaku in itself came from China... - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:30:01 ID:rd6ok/d+O
- THE YELLOW MONKEYは バンド名初めて見た時、コレ大丈夫なのかと思ったわ。
The first time I saw the band name "THE YELLOW MONKEY", I thought, "Damn, will these boys be alright?". - 148: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/03/18 15:35:15 ID:Hap9Lq8s0
- >>140ミックジャガーに「絶対忘れねえw」と言わしめたバンド名
That's the band name that made Mick Jagger say "I'll never forget that name w"
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