Vanilla, the talent who dreams of becoming a French doll, was on the variety show Watashi no nani ga ikenai no? (TBS) on the 13th. She revealed that her chronic migraine has been getting worse these days, which led to her medical checkup. However, the doctor said that he could not proceed with the MRI as X-ray scans showed clearly that there were 2 bolt-like objects on her skull.
Vanilla explained that this was planted during her major forehead surgery. "I had my head opened once". When inserting artificial bones in her forehead, they cut her scalp and held it with bolts. Vanilla said, "Amazing, it's like there's something coming out of my head! Metal is coming out of my head!".
But it was revealed that those bolts are made of titanium. It's not metal, so they proceeded with the MRI. As a result, her cerebral blood vessel was fine and there was nothing to be worried about. She was told however that when she had surgery on her head, there was a possibility that the nerves under her skin were damaged, leading to the worsening of her migraine, and was prescribed with medications. Vanilla comments: "I felt relieved after hearing that it can be cured. Now I can have more customizations done to myself. I'm thinking of having white teeth that no one else has. Vanilla colored teeth, that is."
Other medical tests showed that a lot of waste is accumulated in her large intestines. Vanilla said: "Wrong. These are rose petals."

- 4: アイアンフィンガーフロムヘル(catv?) 2014/01/14(火) 16:45:34.43 ID:kUxYJk050
- だれ?ほんとに知らん
Who? I really don't know who she is. - 5: セントーン(埼玉県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:45:45.50 ID:iSZCg74h0
- 画像怖すぎ
The picture's so scary - 6: 中年'sリフト(愛知県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:45:51.06 ID:kZY8a9Ya0
- フランス人形っていうより在りし日の奥菜恵だよな
Rather than a French doll, she's more like how Megumi Okina looked at one point - 9: ストマッククロー(dion軍) 2014/01/14(火) 16:46:43.23 ID:eFMRmvPs0
- 叶姉妹のもう一人だろ
She's like the other half of the Kano sisters - 10: ファイヤーバードスプラッシュ(佐賀県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:46:56.11 ID:kZlO13L50
- 手術費用はどうやって稼いでんだよ
How did she earn the plastic surgery expenses? - 37: ジャーマンスープレックス(チベット自治区) 2014/01/14(火) 16:52:43.76 ID:X6QOEXpf0
- >>10キャバ嬢
As a cabaret club girl - 11: チキンウィングフェースロック(大阪府) 2014/01/14(火) 16:47:00.03 ID:J9gFthZC0
- こいつタレントなのかよw
She's a talent? w - 17: ときめきメモリアル(千葉県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:48:18.62 ID:aoLZELtr0
- >しかし、そのボルトがチタンだと判明。金属ではないのでMRIが実施できることとなりチタンって金属じゃないのか?> But it was revealed that those bolts are made of titanium. It's not metal, so they proceeded with the MRI.
Isn't titanium metal?
- 165: パロスペシャル(愛媛県) 2014/01/14(火) 18:06:46.49 ID:Fh0xmYkO0
- >>17誤解なく言えば、磁性体では無いとするべき所なんだろうなもっと厳密に言えば、金属は全部磁性体だけど、その効力が微弱で問題にならないとTo avoid confusion, they should've indicated "non-magnetic substance" instead.
If you want to get into more details, all metals are magnetic, but it's not as strong and it isn't considered a problem. - 18: デンジャラスバックドロップ(関東・甲信越) 2014/01/14(火) 16:48:47.24 ID:/EKFiStsO
- カスタム費0円でこれ以上の綺麗な子いっぱい居るから世の中って面白いよね
And the funny thing about this world is that there are tons of girls who are more beautiful than her without having to spend a single yen to customize their looks - 24: チキンウィングフェースロック(大阪府) 2014/01/14(火) 16:50:40.83 ID:J9gFthZC0
- >>18でも、化粧もほぼカスタムなんだよな…。
Well, make-up is also called customizing... - 27: 超竜ボム(香川県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:51:31.99 ID:m+b506lC0
- 2000万かけて小汚いて
She burned 20 million and still looks filthy... - 28: ダイビングヘッドバット(北海道) 2014/01/14(火) 16:51:39.21 ID:QpRbfKXJ0
- ここまでやっても全然だめだから浄瑠璃人形を本体と言い張って黒子になればいいのに
She's still no good even after doing this much so she should just say that some kind of puppet is her main body while she can act as the puppeteer dressed in black - 95: キングコングラリアット(兵庫県) 2014/01/14(火) 17:16:30.80 ID:HwcLxgx90
- >>28ワロwwそういう芸人がいてもいいよねLOL ww
I guess we could use a comedian like that. - 102: ダイビングフットスタンプ(神奈川県) 2014/01/14(火) 17:19:46.79 ID:kMYd7Iig0
- >>95ウシ君とカエル君っていうコンビの芸人がいるよ
There's the comedy duo of Ushi-kun and Kaeru-kun, though -
- 31: ジャーマンスープレックス(チベット自治区) 2014/01/14(火) 16:52:03.30 ID:X6QOEXpf0
- かのしまいと同じ匂いしかしない
She just reeks of the same smell as the Kano sisters - 34: ファイナルカット(東京都) 2014/01/14(火) 16:52:16.16 ID:EU6/srqi0
- 2枚目は杉本彩に見えなくも無い
The second picture may actually look a bit like Aya Sugimoto - 124: 32文ロケット砲(東京都) 2014/01/14(火) 17:40:00.15 ID:o4okaqkQ0
- >>34杉本はほぼ天然だがパーツは似てる
Sugimoto's mostly natural, but the parts look similar
- 128: アイアンクロー(dion軍) 2014/01/14(火) 17:40:52.30 ID:YjXJ+9k60
- >>124すげえ全く似てない
Amazing, looks nothing like her - 47: ジャーマンスープレックス(チベット自治区) 2014/01/14(火) 16:56:38.01 ID:X6QOEXpf0
This is also the show where I saw her on TV for the first time w - 54: フォーク攻撃(群馬県) 2014/01/14(火) 16:59:02.72 ID:6yHhY3Xj0
- ボルトで止めるとか…なんでそんなことちたんだ…Holding it in place with bolts...
Why'd you do something like that? - 56: ショルダーアームブリーカー(東京都) 2014/01/14(火) 16:59:29.54 ID:g7QDAvFI0
- これだけ改造してもそんなに綺麗じゃないんだななんか可哀想まあ綺麗というか理想の自分に向かっての改造なのかなAnd even after all these modifications, she still isn't that beautiful.
I feel sorry for her.
Well, I guess it's her way of heading towards her ideal sense of beauty. - 65: ストマッククロー(dion軍) 2014/01/14(火) 17:02:46.25 ID:eFMRmvPs0
- >>56一度整形すると他の部分が気になって整形するようになるんだよ年取って劣化してくとそこを直すって感じで止まらない整形すること自体が病気って感じOnce you have plastic surgery, you'll also start worrying about your other parts and have them fixed as well.
It's something that you can't stop, like having your deteriorated portions fixed as you grow old.
It's like the act of having plastic surgery itself is a disease. - 62: ファイナルカット(神奈川県) 2014/01/14(火) 17:01:27.97 ID:1WarX8EO0
- 最早生身である必要がないなリカちゃん人形にマイクとカメラ仕込んで遠隔操作したら?There's no more need for her to be true human being.
What about stuffing a Rika-chan doll with a microphone and camera, then operate it remotely? - 101: ボ ラギノール(西日本) 2014/01/14(火) 17:18:38.12 ID:fvXoCrno0
- >>62そこでミクさんですよ。
That's where Miku-san will come into the picture - 87: 膝十字固め(大阪府) 2014/01/14(火) 17:11:57.36 ID:WjJCQalR0
- ブサイクやんけむしろ整形する前はどんな顔してたの?She looks ugly.
How did she look before her plastic surgery? - 90: ネックハンギングツリー(富山県) 2014/01/14(火) 17:14:14.13 ID:57c2CGse0
- >これでどんどんカスタム(整形手術)がきでる。これのせいで既にゾンビになりかけのイメージがわく> Now I can have more customizations done to myself.
Because of this, I'm starting to imagine that she's about to turn into a zombie. - 98: アイアンクロー(dion軍) 2014/01/14(火) 17:17:31.06 ID:YjXJ+9k60
- 2000万使って佐々木希あたりにすら一㍉も勝ててないのが泣ける
It's really sad how she spent 20 million and couldn't even beat the likes of Nozomi Sasaki, not even by a single millimeter - 109: リバースパワースラム(東日本) 2014/01/14(火) 17:25:48.73 ID:xnXRF0+D0
- 数千万かけてこれなら不細工のままで金稼ぐ作家と結婚して夫婦で億単位の年収がある森三中の大島とかの方がコスパがいいな
Instead of looking like this after spending millions, it would've been better if she stayed ugly, married a writer who earns a lot, and the couple could be earning 100s of millions a year combined. Look at Oshima of Mori Sanchu, she's much more cost-efficient. - 166: ジャンピングパワーボム(dion軍) 2014/01/14(火) 18:08:05.25 ID:7WzD43gEP
- (;・∀・)
- 172: ドラゴンスープレックス(兵庫県) 2014/01/14(火) 18:13:12.16 ID:4wHToC2o0
- >>16617歳時を見るに、特にいじる必要もなかったキャバ嬢のすっぴんとかこんなもんだぞ今現在の整形しまくった後だって、化粧無しだったら、元の顔よりよっぽどクリーチャーに仕上がってると思うわBased on her picture when she was 17, she didn't look like she even needed to change anything at all.
This is pretty much how you expect cabaret club girls would look like without any makeup on.
And post-plastic surgery, I think she'd look much more like a creature now without any makeup on compared to her original face. - 176: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(福岡県) 2014/01/14(火) 18:17:00.42 ID:uKcgpl7C0
- >>16619歳当時でやめときゃ良かったのに
She should've stopped at 19 - 181: ジャンピングエルボーアタック(福岡県) 2014/01/14(火) 18:19:32.72 ID:uKcgpl7C0
- 整形の為に風俗で働き、ホストにフラれるたびに整形をし、また風俗にのめり込む嫌われ松子みたいな人生…(-人-)She worked as a prostitue in order to raise money for her surgical expenses, and whenever a host dumps her she'd have plastic surgery, and once again immerse herself in being a prostitute.
That's like the life of Kiraware Matsuko...(-人-) - 182: バックドロップ(禿) 2014/01/14(火) 18:21:07.81 ID:vr7iz42z0
- この人頑張ってメディアに出続けて欲しい整形のデメリットをリアルタイムで見せて欲しいI want this person to do her best and keep apeparing on media.
I want her to show the people the demerits of plastic surgery in real time. - 196: トラースキック(空) 2014/01/14(火) 18:38:36.37 ID:U6+eYGdh0
- ブスだけどメンタルが強くて良かった整形なんてするもんじゃないShe may be ugly, but at least she's got strong conviction.
Plastic surgery is something that shouldn't be done that easily. - 198: ドラゴンスリーパー(東京都) 2014/01/14(火) 18:40:52.48 ID:Sii0QyGX0
- 背中からガトリングガンが出るように改造してほしいなあと足はホバークラフトかキャタピラ手からロケットが発射出来るようにしてもらってそんなところだなI hope she modifies herself so that a gatling gun will come out from her back.
Then modify her feet as a hovercraft or a caterpillar.
Then maybe have rockets coming out of her hands.
That's it, I guess. - 202: 魔神風車固め(兵庫県) 2014/01/14(火) 18:47:25.95 ID:LBkCriBv0
- >>198何と戦う気だよ(´・ω・`)
What will she be going up against?
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