The Anime Mirai project, which kicked off in 2010, called for original animated features from anime production houses within the country. The 4 companies which were selected will then proceed to develop their animators with potential for the future and create an original short-featured anime. This year, Ultra Super Pictures, A-1 Pictures, Shinei Animation, and STUDIO4℃ were chosen, and are currently working diligently on the project.
Nishikawa, a huge anime fan, talked about Kuro no su -Chronos-, which is animator Naoyuki Onda's first shot at directing an anime: "Onda-san has worked on the animation for all these historical animes from Sunrise. Of the recent ones, I especially loved Psycho-Pass. It was a work of art.". As Nishikawa started to talk in detail about the anime, Nishikawa told the people in attendance who were not able to follow his talk: "I'm getting so happy and worked up just talking about anime. You guys are too quiet!".
(Continued after the jump)
3: 禿の月φ ★ 2014/01/23(木) 05:53:53.24 ID:???P- (Continued from >>1)Nishikawa continues: "I also feel the same towards the development of young blood. We even have a 'young blood' slot at the Inazuma Rock Festival, and we're continously looking for new artists as well. We have kept on doing this for new acts to emerge. We share the same aspirations with Anime Mirai.".
It was also announced on this day that Anime Mirai will be established as an incorporated body, to which Nishikawa comments: "This is wonderful! With this, they can cooperate better in various projects.". As its first project, the 12 anime works that were produced by Anime Mirai during the past 3 years will be available for rent at TSUTAYA.
Nishikawa continues: "It's also fun to see how some of the names that you will see in these Anime Mirai projects will eventually make their way into the movie credits as well as the staff credits on TV animes in the future. There's nothing but happiness when you come to like anime!".
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 05:58:32.36 ID:z5O7et/y0
- 今年43でTMレボリューションww
TM Revolution will be turning 43 this year, yo ww - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 06:12:21.31 ID:Zwia4tHw0
- アメトーークかと思った
I thought it was Ametalk or something - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 06:51:22.39 ID:WGP2iMy40
- そりゃそうだろアニソン歌手を確立すれば大儲けはないが末永く稼げるからなビジュアル系で若い頃ヒットしてもおっさんになれば落ちぶれるヤツがほとんどだからなイザムとかWell of course, once you establish yourself as an anisong singer, you might not be able to earn insane amounts but at least you'll keep on earning steadily for a long time. Most visual-kei guys who were able to generate hits when they were young will just decline once they become old. Like Izam.

- 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 07:10:18.40 ID:6jwiXqr1O
- 萌えアニメだけは無理鳥肌たつよ、あれはI just can't stand Moe~ anime shows.
Those things give me goosebumps.
- 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 07:36:43.79 ID:EPi+DXQy0
- >>10同意あれほど作り手側と萌オタどもの妄想が入り混じった独特な空気感は目を背けたくなるあれが今のアニメの中心だから嫌になる今のアニメって見る側の妄想を掻き立てる為かキャラ物ばかり、ロボアニメにしてもロボは添え物でキャラありきで、そのキャラも萌えオタにも受けるようなデザインだしAgreed.
You'd definitely want to turn your eyes away from that atmosphere where you can totally feel the unique blend of the producers and the Moe~ota's fantasies.
And I hate how the anime industry is revolving around those kinds of things, now. I'm not sure if that's how they want to stir up the viewer's fantasies these days. Everything is about these unique characters. Even when you have Robo-animes, the robots are just like decorations while the stories revolve around the characters. And to top it off, the character designs are all targeted towards the Moe~ otas.
- 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:43:51.67 ID:vnszzZg20
- >>14アニメ卒業するか昔の作品だけ観てろよオッサン
Then either graduate from anime or keep on watching your old stuff, gramps.
- 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 17:31:41.14 ID:EPi+DXQy0
- >>39お前みたいに雑食で何も考えない萌え豚じゃねえからな
Because I'm not a brainless, omnivorous Moe~ pig like you.
- 11: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 07:22:53.71 ID:SbP6cJA+0
- TMRごっこやってみたいけれど実際に台風来ると面倒くさくなるんだよなあ
I'd like to try imitating TMR, but it might be really troublesome when typhoons will actually come
- 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:20:24.41 ID:NzpYSDd70
- もうロックの要素ないよなハナからないと言われればそれまでだけどHe has no more rock elements whatsoever.
Well, that's that though if he says that he's never had it in the first place.
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:20:55.39 ID:TXAcMfJe0
- アニメ業界に擦り寄って必死やねTMさん。
TM-san must be so desperate since he's now clinging onto the anime industry
- 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:09:31.95 ID:0slUPg4S0
- >>19最近落ち目だからすり寄ってると煽りたいんだろうが、ガンダムSEEDってもう10年前の作品なんだぜ俺も歳をとるわけだYou're one of the guys who wants to mock him for clinging onto something, but it's already been 10 years since Gundam SEED. Even I have aged.
- 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:21:58.81 ID:iXoegwTx0
- 40超え?うちの親父殿は60超えで深夜アニメ片っ端から録画してみているぞHe's over 40?
My dad is over 60, records all these late night animes, and watches each and every one of them, you know.
- 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:38:27.42 ID:8sPT5xw2O
- >>20どんな職業の人?
What's his line of work?
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:34:27.22 ID:OGVtp1jN0
- 西川はアニオタの誇りだ
Nishikawa is the pride of the ani-otas
- 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:37:19.86 ID:4w0145WY0
- なんか、○○芸能人枠でテレビ出るためにみんな必死だよねwwwwwそのくせジャンプやマガジンみたいな有名少年誌のビックタイトルとかしか知らないんだよなAll these celebrities now are so desperate about going on TV as "the celebrity who likes ___ or who's a specialist in ____"
But in reality, all they know are the big titles from these popular shonen manga publications like Jump and Magazine.
- 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:15:33.89 ID:vmz3HFZA0
- >>23とりあえず、ワンピとハンター出しとけば問題ないみたいな
They're thinking that they're fine as long as they talk about One Piece and HunterxHunter
- 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 08:39:15.78 ID:rWc5Tf7x0
- 西川の歌だけはガチ声量もすごいNishikawa's singing is really amazing.
The volume of his voice is amazing too.
- 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:14:28.27 ID:n+u2/k6t0
- 本当はアニメより女性タレントの方が好きなビジネスアニオタのくせにBut he's just a "business ani-ota" who actually prefers female talents to anime
- 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:34:14.62 ID:8dduw9NNO
- 女好きとアニメ好きはベクトルが違うから両立する>>27みたいな二次元ハァハァ三次元キメエwwwとか言ってる萌え豚には分からんのかも知れんが普通の人間は生身の女が好きで、趣味としてアニメが好きってヤツがいるLiking women is on a different vector from liking anime so you can have that at the same time.
It's probably something that >>27 doesn't understand because he just goes "2D: ooooh, ahhhh 3D: grossssss wwww", but there are normal people who like real women and just like anime as a hobby.
- 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:39:35.03 ID:OxEG4uCe0
- 目指せ水木一郎!の人だからな。Because he's the guy who's aiming to become Ichiro Mizuki after all.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:40:38.35 ID:SSm+h1cC0
- 西川先生はアニメに擦り寄ってるのではなく元々オタク
Nishikawa-sensei isn't "clinging on" to anime, he's always been an otaku
- 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:27:13.32 ID:27BbK6Uy0
- 深夜アニメ含むアニメを全部録画して一話を見てこれは継続これは切るなんてやってる人がビジネスオタクなわけないだろう(´・ω・`)自他共にアニヲタな俺でもそこまでやってねーよwwwThere's no way that a person who records all animes including the late night ones and watches all first episodes then decides which he'll keep watching and which he'll abandon is just a "business otaku".
Other anime otakus, myself included, don't go that far www
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 13:24:01.75 ID:wTUuriX1O
- >>33それ栗山千明もやってるぞwEDのスタッフ名やスタジオ名も参考にして決めるんだとEven Chiaki Kuriyama does that w
She even refers to the ending staff names and the studio names when choosing which she will watch.
- 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:29:52.41 ID:8LZUXcPm0
- 人間性はともかく西川は歌は上手43歳であれだけ声量があり、ピッチもぶれないのは西川だけ。西川の歌唱力は認めてる。Personality aside, Nishikawa is a good singer.
Nishikawa's the only 43-year-old who can sing with that volume without going off pitch.
I approve of his singing ability.
- 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:32:30.26 ID:vpa44FaoO
- >>34女々しくては本人より上手かった
His version of "Memeshikute" was even better than the original
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:41:51.47 ID:wAJW0+MY0
- >>34なんか、逆に馬鹿にしてるように思えるなwErr, this actually looks sarcastic to me w
- 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 11:08:00.80 ID:P9krAHG40
- 戦国なんたらのCDジャケットワロタSCANDALは似てるけど西川美化されすぎI LOL'd at the Sengoku whatchamacallit CD jacket.
SCANDAL looks like the real things but Nishikawa was too beautified in that one.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 12:53:54.00 ID:Y86ars9r0
- 食い扶持がアニメというだけで西川自身はアニヲタではないやろ
Nishikawa's just earning through anime, but he himself isn't an ani-wota
- 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 13:14:57.60 ID:SOh3bGKlO
- ラルクや西川のCMアニソン何でもやります的なスタンスは好感持てるわ一方駆け出しのくせに女優にアニソンやりたくないって活動休止したユイとか勘違いバカがいたなI like L'Arc and Nishikawa's stance of "We'll do anything from commercial songs to anime songs".
On the other hand, there was this fool called YUI who took a "hiatus" because she didn't want to be an actress nor do anime songs, despite being a startoff.
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 13:27:29.76 ID:SSm+h1cC0
- 一方足立梨花は今季何見てますか、と聞かれてその季節に始まったアニメの過半数を答えたOn the other hand, when Rika Adachi was asked, "What anime are you watching this season?", she answered over half of the animes that started during that particular season
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 17:28:58.81 ID:wTUuriX1O
- >>52あいつ週30本見てるって言ってたなもっとしぼれよw
She said that she watches around 30 episodes a week. Tone it down a bit! w
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 14:09:22.03 ID:cZgmWMk60
- 有名どころから、はなかっぱみたいなNHK5分アニメまで抑えてる奴がビジネスオタクなわけないだろwデビュー時はインタビュー記事でアニオタで今はエスカフローネ好きってあった時はむしろ心配したわw当時アニオタはまだ嫌悪される時代だったからなそれが擦り寄ってると言われる日が来るとは…There's no way that a person like him who knows things from the major stuff to even NHK's 5-minute anime Hanakappa is a "business otaku". I was actually worried at his debut interview when he said that he's an anime otaku who likes Escaflowne w
Those were still the times when anime otakus were hated. To think that the day would come when people will say that he's just hanging onto anime.
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 17:31:48.54 ID:eguJVMXk0
- この人の性格だとさぞかし女にモテるだろうと思う上手いよI do think that this person is pretty popular with the ladies, especially with this kind of personality.
He's good.
Original Thread"
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