Starting off the year with the Monday-9 drama Shitsuren Chocolatier, Kasumi Arimura (20) will not be short of projects on commercial TV and promised that she will make strides this year as an actress.
Arimura got her break as the young Haruko Amano, mother of the main character in Amachan as she was associated with a pure and innocent image. But as she enters her 5th year in the industry, Arimura thinks otherwise.
"I have never thought of myself as someone with an innocent image. I want to play different roles, notice the good and bad characteristics that I have, and express those properly." "I am grateful for being a part of a program which was tuned into by the entire nation, and it made me really happy. But that's already done, and I can never be a 'newbie' forever."
Arimura will be playing Jun Matsumoto's younger sister in Shitsuren Chocaltier, and will be in a love triangle with the boyfriend of her friend. This is her first time appearing in a romantic drama and comments: "I really don't know how awkward a love triangle is, but I have experienced the excitement and nervousness you'd feel once you like someone...".

- 2: 禿の月φ ★ 2014/01/06(月) 05:28:02.40 ID:???P 170: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 17:58:08.36 ID:gwChzNfw0
- >>2>「自分で清純派とは思っていません。そらそーよ(笑)> I have never thought of myself as someone with an innocent image.
Well, duh (laughs) - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 05:29:05.60 ID:iiVyDoXp0
- 整えた前田敦子こと有村架純整えた菊地亜美こと夏菜Kasumi Arimura is the Atsuko Maeda with better facial features.
Natsuna is the Ami Kikuchi with better facial features. - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 05:31:48.14 ID:VTf2XhNy0
- おいおいw
Hey now w
- 38: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 07:17:46.52 ID:/SWSaqLx0
- >>5どうみてもコラだろ動画あるかなThat just looks photoshopped to me.
Is there a video of this? - 117: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:14:26.58 ID:FhsrlZ6G0
- >>38コラじゃないだろいつも垂らしてる横っちょの髪がないとこんなだぞIt's not photoshopped.
It's just that she doesn't have the usual side hair she has - 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:45:43.60 ID:n6Lu0W//0
- >>117ガタイの良さが気になってしまうw
I'm concerned about how good her body is w - 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 06:07:34.18 ID:6mIXCSmi0
- 紅白に呼ばれなくて拗ねちゃったか
Looks like she's sulking because she wasn't invited to the Kouhaku - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 06:09:48.09 ID:Bk3rSQDd0
- 能年は事務所の方針でCM契約控えてる露出を増やせば逆に飽きられるからNounen isn't appearing in too many commercials because of her agency's policy.
Because if she gets more exposure, people will grow tired of her. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 06:37:28.18 ID:GKSRmR2k0
- あまちゃんと並行してやってた、「スターマン」の宇宙少女の役はかなり良かったぞShe was actually pretty good as the alien girl in Starman which was shown at the same time as Amachan.
- 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 07:34:08.85 ID:HzBnManP0
- 今年ブレイクするのは『町田佳代』なんだけどな
But Kayo Machida will be the one who makes her huge break this year - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 07:48:35.13 ID:gzbnjABL0
- >>40今年は、「黒島結菜」で決定してます
No, it will be Yuina Kuroshima this year -
- 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 08:02:25.57 ID:s9BKJyrc0
- あまちゃん参加組が次々CMやドラマにでてるのに能年の姿をを殆ど見ない
All these Amachan participants have been striking CM deals and dramas, but I rarely see Nounen-chan - 48: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 08:03:12.53 ID:IZiCkOKbO
- >>47一発屋だからな
Because she's a 1-hit wonder - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 08:07:07.18 ID:G9xd31sjO
- >>47事務所が仕事選んでるから
Because her agency handpicks her projects - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 08:14:06.78 ID:fZtUnl7gP
- >>51能年はいっとき、バラエティに出てたが、トーク出来ず池沼丸出しで呼ばれなくなった単に使えない奴を見限られただけだなNounen was on a lot of varieties at one point, but she can't talk well and showed how she had a communication disorder which eventually led to her not getting invited anymore. I think it's just that the industry gave up on these useless ones.
- 60: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 08:54:47.92 ID:lRsi65cL0
- 誰も清純派とは思ってないw
No one thinks she's pure and innocent w - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 09:06:24.52 ID:/XsgXmIu0
- この子男からはかわいいって思われるだろけど女から見たら昔からよくいるぶりっ子風で男に媚び売るタイプに見えて嫌われるんじゃないのかI think this girl looks cute in the eyes of men, but women might find her to be the goody-goody type who tries to get the affection of men, which will make her hated
- 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 09:17:15.99 ID:i8co6Za+0
- 失恋の主演は石原さとみだろ、有村は脇だろ主演やるほどのインバクトないな、やったら川口と同じ目にあいそうBut Satomi Ishihara's the lead in Shitsuren Chocolatier while Arimura's just in a supporting role. She lacks the impact to play the lead. I get the feeling that she'll have the same fate as Kawaguchi if she does play the lead.
- 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 09:17:40.70 ID:+Wxq27G6O
- だからフジドラマなんか出ても格が落ちるだけだって…
That's what we've been saying, appearing in a Fuji TV drama will just lower your standing... - 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 09:32:40.24 ID:9+bL63+E0
- SPECでかわいいと思ったが名前を覚えられなかったなあまちゃんで髪型が似合いすぎてインパクトが強くて覚えたwまあ、別にSPECの役も印象は強かったけどI thought she was cute in SPEC but her name didn't stick.
But her hairdo suited her extremely well in Amachan, it left such a strong impact which made me remember her.
But well, she also left an impact with her role in SPEC. - 71: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 10:21:17.89 ID:O4jhAq/A0
- がんばってね~
Do your best~ - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 10:24:17.78 ID:OqvpGpQ50
- オスカーステマ三人衆と一緒で広末の事務所が押してるだけだろShe's the same as the Oscar trio.
She's just being pushed by Hirosue's agency. - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 10:34:13.10 ID:SJmWsDoW0
- 正統派のかわいさ
A "conventional" beauty - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 10:35:50.33 ID:ZxmyBirL0
- あまちゃん女優はみんな頑張って欲しい
I hope all these Amachan actresses do their best - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 11:02:56.20 ID:Bq0PhFE+0
- この子前歯差し歯だよね?こんなに若いのに差し歯だなんてかわいそう…This girl's front teeth are dentures, right? I feel sorry that she has to use dentures at such a young age... - 89: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 11:06:40.85 ID:pJRpj5QG0
- まあこの子はいずれ堤幸彦監督作品で常連になる子だから安泰ではあるんだ
But this girl is in a pretty safe spot since she'll become a regular in Yukihiko Tsutsumi's works - 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 11:36:57.87 ID:pBxVUxfAP
- 能年よりトークしっかりしてて好感持てるShe's better than Nounen when it comes to talking, she's more likable
- 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 11:44:21.67 ID:8OQTUq9/O
- あまちゃん見てない層からしたらホントどうでもいいな
People who didn't watch Amachan actually don't care that much about her - 105: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 12:19:52.97 ID:/w7K4UqhO
- タバコ吸うんだよね?
She smokes, right? - 118: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:29:34.98 ID:AZiP3zs80
- 伸びないなあ、可愛いのに。主役の器じゃないってことなのかねえ。Looks like her career isn't growing. To think that she's so cute.
Maybe she doesn't have what it takes to play leading roles. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:34:03.65 ID:JGQuDzxJ0
- 伸びるでしょ 戸田恵梨香ぐらいまではあとは事務所の力Of course she'll grow. At least up to someone like Erika Toda.
Beyond that will be up to the abilities of her agency. - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:44:04.77 ID:TND93YYI0
- 田舎のコンビニとか定食屋とか弁当屋で働いてそうな顔してる
She's got a face that you can find working in convenience stores, diners, or obento shops in rural areas - 129: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:48:49.90 ID:UckvLeHKO
- 堀北かと思った
I thought she was Horikita - 151: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 15:51:13.53 ID:Yr/OFd/D0
- 有村さん結構好き
I like Arimura-san a lot - 120: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/06(月) 13:35:55.89 ID:oJBGXNYpO
- その気があれば天下を取れる器
She's got what it takes to hold the entire industry in her palm, if she wants to
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