Who will be disappearing from the spotlight in 2014 among the talents who made their break in 2013? A survey was conducted and the names that emerged on top are Minako (30) and Kiyoshi Hayashishita (48) from TV Asahi's show Tsuukai! Big Daddy, cram school lecturer Osamu Hayashi (48) and mascot Funassyi.
According to a specialist, these talents are the ones who seem to have no direction, and are just basking in the spotlight because of the "novelty" and the buzz that they have created. If they do not have anything that will endear them to the viewers, then it will be the end of the road for them.
On the January 19 episode of Akko ni Omakase!, they revealed the results of a survey they ran in Tokyo's Shibuya. First is Minako-san, 2nd is Kintaro, 3rd is model/talent Louis Kurihara, 4th is Arie Mizusawa, and 5th is track and field athlete Sou Takei. Rounding up the list are Sugi-chan, Hayashita-san, comedy duo Hamaka-n and Funassyi. There was also a panel of respondents in the studio and theymentioned Mitsu Dan, Golden Bomber, Ayame Gouriki, Natsuna, Akemi Darenogare, AKB48, ROLA, Anna Tsuchiya, and Rena Triendl.

- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:30:48.17 ID:q8QIbZJT0
- ふなっしーはタレントだったのか。
So Funassyi's a talent? - 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:31:13.54 ID:i2o4O0HI0
- 壇蜜はバカっぽくしてるけど知的だから好きだわ
Mitsu Dan may be putting on an act that she's stupid but she's actually intellectual, and I like her - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:32:02.50 ID:q8QIbZJT0
- >予備校講師の林修さん(48)はっきり予備校講師って書いてるのに芸能人扱い> cram school lecturer Osamu Hayashi (48)
It's clearly indicated that he's a cram school lecturer, but he's still regarded as a celebrity? - 14: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:33:31.86 ID:fdMQ84lL0
- >>6 だね!芸能人じゃないよね 顔を知ってる講師だけだものね
Right! He's not a celebrity! He's just some lecturer whose face has become familiar to people. - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:32:41.86 ID:KIVD2b800
- 壇蜜は美奈子と比べたら滅茶苦茶使えるだろw
But Mitsu Dan is much, much more useful than Minako, right? w - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:33:38.13 ID:yBcQPMeC0
- 栗原類君は英語のインタビューが上手くてビックリしたな
I got surprised by Louis Kurihara, he was actually really good in an English interview - 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 20:25:00.26 ID:nMj6lu8bO
- >>15栗原類って父親がイギリス人で母親日本人でハーフニューヨーク育ちで英語だと早口なんだよな日本語で質問されても一旦英語に訳してから日本語で答えるからズレてる最近知って驚いたよwLouis Kurihara's dad is British while his mom is Japanese.
He was raised in New York so he actually talks fast when he speaks in English.
But when he's asked in Japanese, he translates it to English first in his head then answers back again in Japanese so his answers are a bit off.
I got surprised after knowing about that recently w - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:33:48.76 ID:JW+UqW440
- 林下清志って誰だ?
Who's Kiyoshi Hayashishita? - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:34:09.69 ID:q8QIbZJT0
- >>16ビッグダディだよ
Big Daddy - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:35:22.48 ID:JW+UqW440
- >>18そうなのかw名前知らなかったwIs that so? w
I didn't even know his name w - 20: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:34:20.18 ID:rtiL2mpJ0
- 壇蜜はそろそろブランド立ち上げそうだなあるいはエステ系ビジネス 素質はありそうMitsu Dan will probably establish her own brand soon.
Or a business in the line of aesthetics. I think she has it in her nature. - 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:35:13.51 ID:zZECMY910
- 壇蜜は活躍の場が変わるだろうけど消えはしないだろな頭いいものMitsu Dan will just move on to a different field, but she won't disappear.
She's smart.
http://www.plus-blog.sportsnavi.com/account/kiyono/images/kiyono-364497.jpg - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:36:09.26 ID:A4d/nrGj0
- 田舎の市なのにスーパーでふなっしーグッズ売ってて驚いた。結構売れてたし。I live in a city in the province, but I was surprised at how they had Funassyi goods being sold there.
And it was selling well.
http://images.keizai.biz/kobe_keizai/photonews/1368497380_b.jpg - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:36:10.40 ID:LH16aAIP0
- せりなを全然見ないな
I haven't been seeing Serina at all these days
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/masafumi48-hitasura_akb/imgs/1/d/1dca7ff2.png - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:36:22.01 ID:iqUEfiK00
- 元主婦を芸能人枠ってのはちょっとw今でしょ先生は本業に戻るだけだしなThere's something wrong with treating a "former housewife" as a talent. w
"Ima desho" sensei will just go back to his original profession. - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:38:22.40 ID:Anrki6zu0
- だん蜜は身の程をわきまえて謙虚な気がする。発言もまともで面白いし嫌な感じはしない。Mitsu Dan knows her place and is just being modest. Even her statements are decent and interesting, she doesn't seem unpleasant at all.
- 37: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:38:49.88 ID:GMgG4y140
- スギちゃんはもう消えてなくね?好きなんだけど、トークがなあ。But can't Sugi-chan be considered as gone already?
I like the man, but his talks...
http://saichan-harley.blog.so-net.ne.jp/_images/blog/_7cb/saichan-harley/001.jpeg - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:39:19.58 ID:Bl3XLHZ+0
- 壇蜜って男にも女にも嫌われそうにないキャラしてるよな
Mitsu Dan has a persona that can't be hated by both men and women - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:40:58.00 ID:1IUVkN1w0
- 般若て一時凄く持ち上げられてたけどあれはなんだったんだろ
There was one point where Hannya was extremely pushed. What the heck was that about? - 201: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 20:35:43.68 ID:68qs9RKN0
- >>42般若って誰?ヒップホップの?Hannya who?
The hip-hop dude? - 213: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 20:39:50.45 ID:zZECMY910
- >>201やっちゃった
Yachatta - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:41:01.61 ID:EERuMIYlO
- スギちゃんと金太郎は2人とも愛知出身だからか、名古屋の番組で良く見かけるけどね、加藤晴彦も栗原類ってもう消えてないか?全く見かけないんだがSugi-chan and Kintaro are both from Aichi prefecture so I see them a lot on Nagoya's TV shows. That's also true for Haruhiko Kato. What about Louis Kurihara? I think he's already gone.
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:41:54.69 ID:pxFWVRBgO
- ひこにゃんが正真正銘のゆるきゃらの元祖やからなふなっしー、くまもんはひこにゃん人気に便乗したいんちききゃらやからなHikonyan was the true, original yuru-kyara mascot.
Funassyi and Kumamon are just cheat mascots who just want to get on Hikonyan's popularity. - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:45:09.36 ID:b+EPkypH0
- >>45ゆるキャラなんてひこにゃん登場の何年も前から存在するんだが・・・
But yuru-kyara mascots already existed years before Hikonyan appeared... - 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:44:21.08 ID:3Z1wETvJ0
- 去年消えた芸能人教えてくれ思い出せないWhat about the talents who disappeared last year? Can you tell me who they are?
I can't seem to remember any. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:51:40.26 ID:BAhsVFMd0
- >>51桜塚やっくん
Sakurazuka Yakkun - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:59:03.95 ID:0X0yA+He0
- >>75今晩からおまえさんの枕元に現れるからヨロシク
He'll be showing up near your pillow tonight, regards - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:46:02.39 ID:5m2JMdPq0
- 同じようなレス多いと思うけど、壇蜜は消えないだろセクシー路線抑えていきそうなのは残念だがThere are a lot of responses like this, but Mitsu Dan won't disappear.
It is a shame though that it seems like she's limiting her sexy act from now on.
http://img.news.goo.ne.jp/picture/jiji_mega/mmjiji_mega_0016376206.jpg - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:46:29.28 ID:EERuMIYlO
- AKBはジャニーズみたいに芸能界の一大勢力なりそうな気がして怖いわそうなったらいよいよテレビも終わりだと思うI'm scared that AKB seems to be turning into a major force within the industry, just like Johnny's.
When that happens, I think even TV would be finished. - 73: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:50:18.01 ID:H/LEIB6t0
- >>59視聴率取れなくて冠番組もなくなったしそれはないでしょドラマとかひな壇にねじ込んで来るパターンはこれからも続くだろうけどThey can't get the ratings and they don't have a main program anymore so that won't happen.
I do think that they'll still be shoved into dramas and the tiered hina dan. - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:47:45.07 ID:Rz3eYbDR0
- 今でしょは別にテレビ業界で生きていくつもりは全くないだろうし名前売りに売って金しこたま稼いで本業に戻ってって感じでWin-WinのフェードアウトだろI don't think that Mr. Ima desho intends to make a living from the TV industry.
He'll just keep putting his name on the map, earn all the money that he can, return to his main industry, and fade out as is. It's a win-win situation. - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:54:06.86 ID:T6CNwt/2O
- >>65だろうね。そんなに長くは続かないのは本人が一番分かっていて、タイミングを計ってそう。後は、本業に戻って安定収入みたいな。Most likely so. Even he himself knows that he won't last long, and he's just waiting for the right time.
He'll just go back to his main line of work and have a stable income. - 85: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:56:56.41 ID:efjr/a0d0
- キンタローはすっかり見かけなくなった気がする。水沢アリーは必要ないかと。I feel like I haven't seen Kintaro anymore.
Arie Mizusawa is unnecessary, though. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/20(月) 19:37:28.30 ID:7wf9SYYn0
- 本当に消えるのは、こういうアンケートに名前が出ない人。
The ones who'll truly disappear are the ones who aren't even mentioned in surveys like this.
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