Fukuyama was nowhere to be seen in the completion party, but his "silhouette" was apparently seen at the raffle drawing.
"One of their prizes for the raffles was a REGZA, which Fukuyama-san endorses, and there was also a prize there coming from the supposedly missing 'Hiko Seijuro', which was a pair of roundtrip tickets to Hawaii. It was much more expensive than the prizes that the other actors have contributed." - (movie insider)
There's also news that Sato himself offered Fukuyama to play the role. "When Sato-kun was in Fukuyama-san's radio program last year, he directly asked Fukuyama-san to play the role of Seijuro Hiko. Fukuyama-san apparently agreed to that, and the agency gave their go signal." - (movie insider)
Then why can't they announce it yet? This has something to do with their production costs. "This 2-part sequel has already cost them over \3 billion. They will also need to spend for advertising and promotions, and the 2 movies will have to gross a combined total of 8 billion at the box office in order to avoid losses. For this, they'll take a look at the advanced ticket sales first and depending on the result, they will also make Fukuyama-san take part in the promotions to increase the hype surrounding the movie." - (same source)

- 2: マシンガンチョップ(関東・甲信越) 2014/01/17(金) 09:39:24.82 ID:Fm74hF550
- おれ福山だけど出演してないよ?
I'm Fukuyama but I'm not in the movie, you know? - 20: キチンシンク(京都府) 2014/01/17(金) 11:13:31.15 ID:5zXCfsBr0
- >>2おれ平井堅だけど、お前出演してるよ?目付けてる男のスケジュールは大体把握してるからI'm Ken Hirai, but yes you are.
I've basically grasped the schedules of the men whom I have my sights on. - 3: ストマッククロー(東日本) 2014/01/17(金) 09:42:00.94 ID:B/RY+YxvO
- 阿部ちゃんでお願いします
Abe-chan for the part, please - 4: チキンウィングフェースロック(関西・東海) 2014/01/17(金) 09:46:42.35 ID:vp07byOmO
- 6: ジャンピングパワーボム(dion軍) 2014/01/17(金) 09:48:12.57 ID:eYzgbhEa0
- >>4ほぼ無駄な動きばかりだからな九頭龍閃
Because Kuzuryuusen has all these unnecessary movements - 24: ダブルニードロップ(北海道) 2014/01/17(金) 11:31:00.08 ID:vAvwsQW80
- >>6まあ、ありゃ元々奥義を伝授するために作ったいわば踏み台的な技だったけど作ってみたら思っていたより使い勝手が良いからとかそういう理由で使われてるんじゃないかなThat move was originally created as a stepping stone in order to instruct the secret technique.
But when they tried using it, it was actually pretty useful even in battle. - 7: アイアンクロー(家) 2014/01/17(金) 09:48:50.01 ID:yFgiLhyr0
- 主役と事務所が同じだな。ゴリ押しだろ。Same agency as the lead actor.
That's gori-oshi.
http://img5.blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ybi/1/bf/f5/t_kamata_0620/folder/600910/img_600910_14312708_1?1297907903 - 8: 垂直落下式DDT(千葉県) 2014/01/17(金) 09:48:59.70 ID:e/sd3xaK0
- 逆に竹内力がいい。<比古
Riki Takeuchi would be a good Hiko - 10: 河津掛け(catv?) 2014/01/17(金) 09:55:19.39 ID:nj79DEvE0
- 藤岡弘さんの仮面ライダー役の方が見たい!
I prefer seeing Hiroshi Fujioka playing the role of Kamen Rider!
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/N0059718_l.jpg - 11: 河津掛け(catv?) 2014/01/17(金) 09:56:18.41 ID:nj79DEvE0
- 藤岡弘さんの方がビッグキャストだよね。気は優しくて力持ちって雰囲気が超ステキ!Hiroshi Fujioka's the bigger name.
The air that he emits of being gentle and strong, that's so wonderful! - 14: デンジャラスバックドロップ(四国地方) 2014/01/17(金) 10:15:50.26 ID:nsKMV9BU0
- 福山は新撰組の土方って感じ
Fukuyama fits the image of Shinsengumi's Hijikata - 17: レッドインク(埼玉県) 2014/01/17(金) 10:48:35.32 ID:Mf1nfUWu0
- もうお爺ちゃんだろたしか剣心が30超えてんだからミスキャストすぎるThis Hiko person is already a granddad, right?
While Kenshin's over 30.
This is a miscast. - 36: 頭突き(東京都) 2014/01/17(金) 12:28:10.22 ID:80OLWNMaP
- >>17剣心は28歳で比古は41歳だよちょうどいい年齢Kenshin's 28 while Hiko is 41.
The age is just about right. - 21: ダイビングフットスタンプ(禿) 2014/01/17(金) 11:18:48.69 ID:+1JUs3Nw0
- イケメンじゃだめだ。比古は男前じゃなきゃ。Don't go with an ikemen.
Hiko should be 'handsome'. - 22: フォーク攻撃(九州地方) 2014/01/17(金) 11:24:17.17 ID:QJtL6fSrO
- それこそ阿部ちゃんとか?福山さんは竜馬合ってたけど比古はどうだろうThen Abe-chan fits the bill perfectly.
Fukuyama-san was good as Ryoma, but I wonder about Hiko. - 29: ドラゴンスープレックス(西日本) 2014/01/17(金) 11:54:03.26 ID:lGTVzfKNO
- そもそも佐藤健が剣心のイメージじゃない!まだ俺の方がよかったBut Takeru Sato isn't Kenshin's image in the first place!
I would look better. - 30: カーフブランディング(富山県) 2014/01/17(金) 11:54:33.22 ID:cbRFYs1z0
- 福山じゃ細すぎじゃないか伊藤英明とかのほうがあってそう。
Isn't Fukuyama too thin? Hideaki Ito would've been a better choice. - 32: シャイニングウィザード(東京都) 2014/01/17(金) 11:59:03.62 ID:mMe2OcRb0
- 龍馬伝で上半身さらしてたけど意外と筋肉質だったよ。
He showed off his upper body on Ryomaden, and he was surprisingly muscular.
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/pib1307312494/6436152_218x291.jpeg - 33: バックドロップ(WiMAX) 2014/01/17(金) 12:21:34.04 ID:OH9XVgKW0
- 確かに長身のイケメンのおっさんという特徴は一致している
Well, the description "tall, ikemen old-dude" fits him well - 38: ムーンサルトプレス(チベット自治区) 2014/01/17(金) 12:52:33.22 ID:6OaHvrEn0
- アクション出来る奴にしろってガトツの二の舞じゃねぇかCast someone who can do action roles.
This'll just be the 2nd coming of the gatotsu.
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