Episode 2 of NTV's Ashita, Mama ga inai (Wed-10pm) got 13.5%, 0.5% lower than Episode 1's 14.0%.

- 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:55:39.54 ID:qWze+PNFP
- せっかく話題になったのに残念だね
To think that it became the talk of the town. Too bad.
(Related post HERE) - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:55:47.97 ID:V+TFCrft0
- これって視聴率いい方??
Can you say that these ratings are good?? - 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:01:49.98 ID:EF5VjY28i
- >>5最新ドラマ全体の2位。1位は向井理。It's 2nd among these new dramas.
Osamu Mukai's drama is 1st. - 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:02:35.36 ID:EInRzHld0
- >>5Latest23.6|Gochisousan
18.0|Gunshi Kanbee17.4|Aibou 1215.2|Saigo no Keikan
13.5|Ashita, Mama ga inai
13.4|Kinkyu Torishirabe shitsu13.1|Kasouken no onna13.1|Senryokugai Sousakan12.8|Iryu 412.7|Shitsuren Chocolatier12.6|Team Batista 411.6|Sanbiki no Ossan11.5|Fukuie Keibuho no aisatsu10.6|Yoru no sensei10.1|Ashio kara kita onna10.0|Watashi no kirai na tantei
*9.4|Boku no ita jikan*8.0|Kami no tsuki*7.2|Inpei sousa*7.2|Dr. DMAT*7.0|Nezumi, Edo wo hashiru*5.8|Lost days*4.3|Isharyou bengoshi*2.3|SHARK*2.2|Yamikinyuu Ushijima kun 2*2.2|Saibancho! Onaka sukimashita!*0.5|Dark system Koi no ouza ketteisen - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:04:22.74 ID:prSFRedX0
- >>36今季はつまらんドラマしか無いな。
There are only boring dramas this season, huh - 46: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:04:28.61 ID:A0GaIFWd0
- >>36全体的に低いなぁ半沢とあまちゃんでドラマブーム()とか言ってたのに惨敗モードかテレビ離れは続くわけだEverything's pretty low.
To think that we thought the drama boom came again because of Hanzawa and Amachan, now we're once again at a total loss.
And this is why consumers are shying away from TV. - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:09:39.78 ID:nk9Vhr0u0
- >>46ていうか近年はだいたいこんな感じだろ。むしろ半沢とあまちゃんが突然変異的に高かった、ってだけRather, I think this is how it's been over the past few years. It was just that Hanzawa and Amachan were just like spontaneous mutations.
- 12: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:57:21.92 ID:OWtpdFED0
- 何だ、結局誰も観てないのか
So no one really watched it, huh? - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 09:58:16.00 ID:jdganZlWO
- 月9に比べれば、十分
It's much better when compared to the Monday-9 drama, though
http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uE5Njve2bD8/UrO4YKgXYiI/AAAAAAAAEhs/GF2nDsSZp90/s320/image.jpg - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:00:46.58 ID:K18mFdqU0
- おかしい、炎上したのに!スポンサーまで離れて!?That's odd, after all the ruckus it created!
And even the sponsors have distanced themselves!? - 28: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:00:55.57 ID:UMEMmRUl0
- 問題視された割に視聴率はあまり下がってないな。
Despite the problem that it caused, the ratings haven't gone down that much - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:05:37.53 ID:WBi4A74t0
- >>28これだけ話題になれば普通は「一度見てみよう」という一見さんが視聴率押し上げるはずなんだけどねそれがなかったのは日テレがネットでドラマの無料再放送しているからだろう「一度見てみよう」という人は、既にネットの無料放送で1話を見ちゃった人たちだからなわざわざ2話目以降のリアルタイムの視聴率を押し上げる人たちをネット放送で日テレは潰してしまった2話目以降の話の展開が話題になっても、「じゃあネットで見てみるか」ってしかならなくて今後も視聴率が急上昇することはなさそうだBut after it became this huge of a news, there will always be the curious people who'd want to see at least an episode and that should've pushed the ratings up drastically, but this was probably because NTV was showing the reruns for free on the Internet. The curious people probably already saw episode 1 on the web, and NTV themselves lowered the ratings of episode 2 because of this. Even if there's a problem with episode 2 onwards, people will just settle for watching it on the Internet so I don't see the ratings shooting up from here.
- 146: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:23:03.62 ID:prSFRedX0
- >>50ドラマの主要視聴者層のジジババはネットの無料配信なんか見ないだろ。最近は悲惨な内容のドラマの視聴率が押しなべて低い傾向があるそうだし普通に視聴者から嫌われただけだよwBut most of the people who watch dramas are the grandmas and grandpas, and they won't be watching the free netcasts.
These dramas with tragic storylines have been getting pretty low ratings recently, this just means that viewers now hate these contents. - 30: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:00:57.64 ID:DiJpOhOR0
- 別スレでも書いたけど面白くないからこんなもんだろうな1話目からつまらなくて萎えた炎上とか批判とか表現云々は置いておいて脚本も演出も糞過ぎる芦田が気の毒I wrote this on a different thread, but this is the result because it really isn't that good.
The first episode was boring, and it turned me off.
Let's ignore the negative press, the issues, and the portrayal for a moment then we can actually see that the screenplay and the directing are both so shi++y.
I feel so sorry for Ashida. - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:02:15.99 ID:huMpMoRd0
- え?思ったより高い...良い宣伝になってしまったか?
Eh? It's actually higher than what I expected... Did all the hoopla turn into good promotion for the show? - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:02:29.37 ID:+b8YeT7S0
- 固定ファンは掴んだってことで合格点じゃない?
Maybe you can say that they've at least gotten passing marks for getting a core set of fans? - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:02:34.64 ID:Tr9y1enB0
- 第二話20%超えるって騒いでた奴出てこいやwwwwww
The guy who made all that noise saying episode 2 will be getting over 20%, come out wwwwww - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:02:55.23 ID:KdIrGs9t0
- みたけど赤ちゃんポスト抜きにすりゃ普通のドラマ三上博史の演技が下手I saw it, but if you removed the baby hatch institution, it's just a normal drama.
Hiroshi Mikami's acting was bad.
http://xn--78jxc2ao.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/2f3ec0724f51ab984e3d60029d17eb05.png - 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:03:31.39 ID:tUouH5mB0
- これってどうなんだろうこんなに叩かれてまだ13.5%もあるのか炎上商法だったのに13.5%しかないのかSo how should we view this?
After all the bashing, it still managed to get 13.5%?
Or after all that buzz, it only got 13.5%? - 323: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 11:03:47.35 ID:/OSbE9Cti
- >>42下がった時点で負けじゃね?
Doesn't this mean that it has lost because the ratings went down? - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:04:06.12 ID:LaPYes8M0
- 炎上商法失敗か過激さだけで内容は二束三文の脚本では数字が稼げるほど世の中そんなに甘くないFailed attempt at the negative press method, huh.
It's all about the extreme scenes for this one, but the screenplay is just dirt-cheap.
The world isn't that stupid to hand them the ratings on a silver platter for something like this. - 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:05:41.73 ID:s2wtrdvJ0
- まぁ横ばいか。今回クールのドラマでは相当上位であることには変わりないSo it retained its ratings.
But that still doesn't change the fact that this is still high up there among the dramas this season. - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:06:42.83 ID:m7OcKIBe0
- 慈恵病院「放送内容の再検討を」日テレ「しねーよ」バーニング「こら!芦田愛菜に経歴に傷がつくじゃないか!」日テレ「すみません。直ちに放送内容の再検討をしますです」Jikei Hospital: "Review the contents of what you're broadcasting"
NTV: "No effing way!"
Burning: "Gaddemit! You're putting scars on Mana Ashida's entertainment career!"
NTV: "We're sorry. We'll review the contents at once." - 61: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:07:53.38 ID:KdIrGs9t0
- アレだと逆にアダ名とか普通のほうが悲壮感伝わるのにな過剰演出しすぎてコントにしか見えんIt would have actually looked more tragic if they just used normal nicknames.
Things are just too extreme, it all just looks like a comedic skit. - 62: 名無し募集中。。。 2014/01/23(木) 10:07:57.60 ID:KaXkA1X10
- 20パーぐらいいくと思ったけどな炎上なかったら1ケタかもなI did think that it would reach 20%.
If it didn't get that negative press, the ratings must've gone down to single digits. - 63: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:08:00.16 ID:QvPmcqQ80
- 7話で打ち切りと予想
Predicting that it will get cancelled by the 7th episode - 65: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:08:29.51 ID:p8auJXVJ0
- 炎上商法どころか社会問題化して四面楚歌の日テレ
Negative press? This actually turned into a social problem, and now NTV has made enemies out of everyone. - 70: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:08:52.88 ID:/ecsDJe10
- これだけ話題になっても意外と数字に反映しないもんだな
The ratings surprisingly haven't reflected all the talk that this drama has caused, huh - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:09:26.81 ID:DiJpOhOR0
- 炎上で宣伝になった筈なのに1話より下げたんだから1話で脱落した人が多かったんだろ3話以降ヤバいんじゃない?All that noise should've actually promoted the show, but this must mean that there were already a lot of people who dropped out after the 1st episode. Episode 3 onwards could get even worse after this.
- 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23(木) 10:09:32.70 ID:TMmqgDaV0
- これだけ話題になってて視聴率が下がってるという事は、もうオワタな
Lower ratings after all the attention it's been getting probably spells doom for this drama - 125: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/01/23 10:18:14 ID:xhpp/0ud0
- 明日、スポンサーがいない
Ashita, suponsa- ga inai
(Tomorrow, there will be no more sponsors)
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