* Kanjani8 performs an Arashi song on TV
During the live broadcast of Utaude! Odorude! THE Kava★Kora TV, Kanjani8, who also host the show, performed Arashi's hit song "Wild at Heart". This drew the ire of some Arashi fans who watched the show as they vented their anger in real time on LINE and Twitter.* Arashi fans said...
"Wtf is with Kanjani, don't sing if you're this bad."
"I feel so sorry for Kanjani since they're so bad at playing ( ; ; ) Must be so hard for Daigo to sing (T_T) I wonder what I was looking forward to by recording a program like this",
* To which Kanjani fans replied:
#たぁくん_ ♔@ky************
"Kanjani's working their a$$es off, and isn't it wrong to put them down as Johnny's fans? Yes, Arashi-san are good singers, but it's wrong to tell others to stop just because they're bad... It's their first time performing this song today, so they're not yet that comfortable with it. Isn't looking after this warmly what Johnny's fans are supposed to do?"
"Stop saying bad things about Kanjani8! Things like 'Arashi are better singers', that 'Kanjani8 are bad at singing', to 'Stop singing Arashi songs', and 'The band is horrible'... Kanjani8 worked so hard for this day, and I don't think they deserve to be called bad..."
s a k u @sa******
"Bad? Tonedeaf? Kanjani8 is ruining Arashi, wtf? You guys are seriously irritating. Then can you guys do difficult songs like what they do? Stop complaining when you don't know 8's history at all. Ugh, this is really making me mad. It's been a while since I got pissed off like this."
More at the source:

- 2: エルボーバット(長屋) 2014/01/11(土) 12:47:40.41 ID:oLTPonJe0
- ジャニヲタやってる時点で皆基地外だろw
The moment they're Jani-wotas, they're all crazy w - 3: アキレス腱固め(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/11(土) 12:47:55.48 ID:N5ueIQ7Q0
- どうでもいい
I don't care - 4: フェイスクラッシャー(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 12:48:35.48 ID:wao/MRYq0
- 聞いたことないけどどっちも下手なんだろ
I've never heard of them, but both must be horrible - 5: レインメーカー(WiMAX) 2014/01/11(土) 12:48:44.58 ID:Q+TdCZz30
- キチガイどうし仲良くしてろよ豚
You crazy ones should get along well, you pigs - 6: ニーリフト(富山県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:48:59.66 ID:nHvob4zF0
- 信者はやばい
Devotees are scary - 7: ハイキック(大阪府) 2014/01/11(土) 12:49:11.54 ID:AX8Syaxg0
- AKBヲタVS声優ヲタみたいな感じかなブス同士仲良くすればいいのにIt must be similar to the AKB-wotas vs. Seiyuu-wotas.
Why can't you ugly ones be friends with one another? - 9: ジャンピングDDT(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 12:50:30.25 ID:Olf0U7eTP
- >>7AKBヲタ VS SKEヲタだろ同じ枠なんだしYou probably mean AKB-wota vs. SKE-wota.
They're from the same group after all. - 10: フライングニールキック(関西・北陸) 2014/01/11(土) 12:51:10.97 ID:Zj0mwhI/0
- お前らも声優で似たような言い争いしてるだろw
You guys also debate like this among seiyuus, right? w - 11: ダイビングフットスタンプ(神奈川県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:51:16.44 ID:rE6PtbWI0
- 嵐が下手くそだという現実は無視かよ
So they're ignoring the fact that Arashi are bad as well?
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/mashlife/imgs/1/f/1fd74dd1-s.jpg - 12: フロントネックロック(富山県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:52:02.39 ID:qcbwn4620
- 営業と人事の仲が悪いとかそういうレベルだろI think this is similar to companies that have bad relationships between the sales division and the human resources department
- 13: フルネルソンスープレックス(福岡県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:53:02.53 ID:0jiKXrtO0
- 争え...もっと争え....Fight... fight it out some more...
- 15: キングコングニードロップ(千葉県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:53:19.59 ID:lMKPhmJE0
- 若いほうがいいわ
I prefer the younger ones
http://pic.prepics-cdn.com/er45eight/18241769.jpeg - 18: 閃光妖術(内モンゴル自治区) 2014/01/11(土) 12:54:16.95 ID:CkSN2XInO
- 嵐の番組は割と面白いけど顔普通関ジャニは五月蝿くて見れないし顔も大倉くらいしか見れないカツーンが売れなくて可哀相なレベルArashi's programs are pretty good, but they only have ordinary looks.
Kanjani are annoying, I can't stand watching them. Okura's the only one worth looking at.
And I feel sorry for KAT-TUN who aren't popular. - 20: ダイビングヘッドバット(大阪府) 2014/01/11(土) 12:54:54.08 ID:gyDoE4dI0
- どっちだっけ、なんか土下座してるファンって?
Which has fans who are bowing down on their knees again? - 25: ジャンピングDDT(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 13:04:04.81 ID:lpaz9Is8P
- >>20たしか嵐
Arashi, IIRC
(Related post HERE)
http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/g/e/i/geitsuboo/c7f46b546b1fca5654781096479501451761078f1384274026.jpg - 27: ダイビングヘッドバット(大阪府) 2014/01/11(土) 13:09:43.57 ID:gyDoE4dI0
- >>25あぁ、嵐の方か…。ありが㌧Ahh, Arashi, huh...
Thanks. - 21: ジャストフェイスロック(沖縄県) 2014/01/11(土) 12:55:03.64 ID:SbMHuONU0
- 昔関ジャニがMステに出て演奏していたけどかなり酷かったのは覚えている
I think I remember Kanjani playing their instruments before on Music Station, and they were pretty horrible - 28: キドクラッチ(西日本) 2014/01/11(土) 13:13:10.81 ID:rLBKVyxq0
- 嵐のファンが今最強なのかなw
So does this make Arashi fans the strongest right now? w - 30: ミラノ作 どどんスズスロウン(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 13:13:48.40 ID:GsiyhfEE0
- 嵐も関ジャニも、お歌は一般カラオケレベルですもうみんな分かってるでしょBoth Arashi and Kanjani's singing are just on the level of karaoke.
Everyone knows that already, right? - 39: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(北海道) 2014/01/11(土) 13:27:46.87 ID:6mfIkAOq0
- どちらが過激派ですか?
Which fandom is more rabid? - 41: ストマッククロー(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 13:29:34.06 ID:z1Ux+seS0
- 野球ファンとサッカーファンみたいなもんか
Must be like the war between soccer fans and baseball fans - 44: フライングニールキック(関東・甲信越) 2014/01/11(土) 13:36:08.35 ID:XDHcVlLO0
- 生放送でキレ顔モロさらしてふなっしーに怒鳴り付けた関ジャニはマジでゴミクズ
Kanjani who showed their seriously angry faces and even yelled at Funassyi on live TV are really trash - 45: フェイスロック(東日本) 2014/01/11(土) 13:36:40.66 ID:FviBXLw40
- どっちも下手だけど関ジャニは輪をかけて聞き苦しいのは確か
Both are bad, but Kanjani takes the cake since they really are hard to listen to - 53: ダブルニードロップ(関東・甲信越) 2014/01/11(土) 13:57:08.34 ID:e+2ImOReO
- 嵐ファンってなんにでも噛みつくのな自分たちの行動が大好きな嵐の評価を下げる一因になってるとも知らずにThese Arashi fans really show their fangs at everything, without knowing that their actions are in effect lowering the value of Arashi themselves
- 54: ときめきメモリアル(新潟県) 2014/01/11(土) 14:00:16.92 ID:XTodMwrH0
- キチガイvsキチガイ
Crazy vs. Crazy - 58: ダイビングヘッドバット(東京都) 2014/01/11(土) 14:07:22.45 ID:u8rAsrME0
- SKEがAKBのヘビーローテーションをコピーしても、おまえら怒らなかっただろ。クチパク安定ってことだよ。I bet you guys won't be mad even if SKE covered AKB's "Heavy Rotation".
It just means that lip-syncing is pretty safe. - 59: ときめきメモリアル(dion軍) 2014/01/11(土) 14:10:10.88 ID:aORrdLPl0
- >>58完全に日本のオタク層がターゲット&海外進出の気概皆無だな情けなや…They're totally targeted towards the otakus in Japan and have no intentions of plying their trade internationally.
That's sad... - 60: 急所攻撃(佐賀県) 2014/01/11(土) 14:10:13.00 ID:wKu0+Yxb0
- なぜ嵐が歌うまい前提なの?
Why are we under the premise that Arashi are good singers? - 61: ムーンサルトプレス(dion軍) 2014/01/11(土) 14:15:39.04 ID:2BVynuLN0
- 嵐ファンってアンチ関ジャニなの?阪神ファンがアンチ巨人なのと一緒?Are Arashi fans anti-Kanjani?
Is it the same with Hanshin fans being anti-Giants? - 65: 断崖式ニードロップ(北海道) 2014/01/11(土) 14:22:49.90 ID:d4fy5W1R0
- 嵐も相当下手だったような気がしたけどそれより下手くそなのかI always thought that Arashi were really bad.
So this group is even worse than them? - 67: ジャンピングDDT(埼玉県) 2014/01/11(土) 14:36:04.79 ID:DXzz6HaD0
- 嵐のファンクラブ筆頭のババアは嵐オタの教祖的扱いらしいファンがプレゼントをする場合は必ずババア経由になる模様I heard that the head granny of Arashi's fanclub is regarded as something like a cult leader of the Arashi-otas.
It seems that all these fan presents need to pass through this granny. - 81: フェイスロック(庭) 2014/01/11(土) 15:46:25.71 ID:lxOw/W91P
- >>67キモすぎワロタ宗教じゃねーかLOL, that's disgusting.
It really is like a religion in itself. - 82: ときめきメモリアル(dion軍) 2014/01/11(土) 15:54:33.86 ID:aORrdLPl0
- >>81まさに宗教なんだろうなはっきり言ってまともじゃないまともじゃないからどんどん貢ぐIt really is a cult.
It's not sane anymore, to be honest.
And because they're not sane, they keep on offering to them. - 70: エクスプロイダー(大阪府) 2014/01/11(土) 14:54:50.98 ID:sVOXPLjA0
- 関ジャニは口パクじゃないし生演奏嵐は演奏しないし口パクというか関ジャニの方が普通に歌うまいKanjani don't lip-sync, and they play live.
Arashi don't even play when they perform, and they lip-sync.
Kanjani are actually the better singers.
http://twitpic.com/dre6m7 - 73: エクスプロイダー(大阪府) 2014/01/11(土) 15:06:50.54 ID:sVOXPLjA0
- というか嵐と関ジャニは本人たちの仲はいいんだからファンも仲良くすればいいのに
But Arashi and Kanjani themselves are good friends with one another so the fans should also get along - 79: マスク剥ぎ(九州地方) 2014/01/11(土) 15:23:50.24 ID:hAr/nki9O
- パーナさんみたいなキチガイじゃないからつまらんなwww
But they're still not as crazy as the Panas, this is boring www - 83: ショルダーアームブリーカー(福岡県) 2014/01/11(土) 16:30:15.32 ID:8kiklykE0
- 中居さんよりマシって考えればマシだろ
Well, just think that they're at least better than Nakai - 84: ジャンピングカラテキック(富山県) 2014/01/11(土) 17:10:43.77 ID:+I8DMvw60
- 中居さんの悪口はそこまでだ
Whoops, stop saying bad stuff about Nakai-san
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