Hugh arrived this day at Narita and flew to the venue via a chartered helicopter. He's going by an extremely tight schedule, as he was only scheduled for a 24-hour stay in Japan. Hugh raised his hand up high and greeted the crowd "Konnichiwa". He continued: "I'm happy to be here in Japan. Congratulations on winning the bid to host the Olympics in 2020. I'm Australian, and with the World Cup just around the corner, I'm hoping that Australia gets to face Samurai Japan at the finals of the World Cup.".
It also seemed like he took a liking to Gouriki and said: "You can sing and dance too, right? Why don't we make the next one as 'X-MEN: The Musical'?". Gouriki was really pleased with that and said: "I am doing a lot of different things. Hollywood is one of my goals", to which Hugh replied "I'm sure Hollywood will be the one to come after you".
"Voiced over the role played by Jennifer Lopez"...
- 29 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/27(火) 22:21:20.93
- >>24ちょっと衝撃を受けた(w
That shocked me a bit (w
Hold your horses, she's voicing Jennifer Lopez!?
Not Jennifer Lawrence?
JeniLope wwwwwwww
The fact that she's an actress who can sing and dance gives her a lot of things in common with Jennifer Lopez, so she's perfect for the role
Jennifer Lopez (44)...
It's Jennifer Lawrence you fool!
Goriwood w
So she's finally going to conquer Hollywood, huh
Well, as a creature
Honestly, I think her face will be a hit in the US.
If I get the 1000th response, then no one will ever criticize her dubbing gig in Prometheus and no one will badmouth her.
Don't come back to Japan!
I saw her in Star Trek!
I saw her in Star Trek!
- 62 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/27(火) 22:42:08.21
- >>9
She was also in Star Wars, right?
Go promote her as Japan's Lucy Liu
If it's just her face, she looks like Jun Miho
>I'm Australian, and with the World Cup just around the corner, I'm hoping that Australia gets to face Samurai Japan at the finals of the World Cup.
Even if it's just lip-service, this is horrible w
So are they going to finally start production of the Hollywood version of Grappler Baki? That makes my heart race.
I'm relieved... My heart almost stopped, thinking what if Gouriki was going to dub my Kitty-chan
The times have finally caught up to Megocchi
She's a girl who's actually doing pretty well if it weren't for all the gori-oshi
I'm certain that she'd be hugely popular overseas
Asian actresses in Hollywood are actually pretty ugly in the eyes of Japanese so she might surprisingly be successful there, no?
- 47 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/27(火) 22:33:07.40
- >>33最低限英語は喋れないと無理だよなあ 渡辺謙もかなり頑張ったみたいだし 真田ひろゆきはイギリスに渡ってシェイククスピアの舞台やるくらいまで鍛えてたし 同じX-menシリーズのウルヴァリンサムライに出た日本人女優二人も 若いうちから単身渡米して向こうでモデルやってたし英語喋れるから
It'll be impossible if she can't at least speak English. Even Ken Watanabe had to work hard. Hiroyuki Sanada even went to England and can even do Shakespearean theater now. Even the 2 Japanese actresses that were in the Wolverine movie went to the US while they were still young and worked as models, and can of course speak English.
Well, Megocchi isn't someone who should only be cooped up in Japan
You're a disgrace to Japan, so cut that out
She's not as extremely overpushed anymore these days unlike before
I guess there really are people who take these diplomatic flattery seriously
A fool who takes lip service seriously
I heard that she'll be dubbing for Ken Watanabe in the upcoming Godzilla movie
X-MEN is certainly going to be a huge flop
- 60 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/27(火) 22:41:20.10
- >>54日本ではわからんが 海外じゃどこも初週の週末興行では1位とってるし 既にアバターの興収ペースを超えてるそうだ 日本は演技の下手なタレントを話題作りのために起用してる時点であんまり力入れてねーなという感じはする
I'm not sure how it will be received in Japan, but it's getting 1st in all countries over the 1st weekend and I heard that it's already surpassed Avatar's opening weekend. In Japan, I just get the impression that the filmmakers here aren't being serious at all the moment they start using these bad talents just to stir up some interest.
That's Gou-chan for you
Gouriki's actually got a fanculb abroad, you know. See, there's even some people who's got a tattoo of her (name- 剛力) on their arms.
Go to the US immediately and never come back to Japan
Isn't Oscar actually holding a grudge against Gouriki?
As Godzilla?
Wolverine's too kind (´;ω;`)
Well, if we're just talking about the face, it does seem like she's got that Asian look which Westerners long for. Again, if we're just talking about her face.
So which mutant with what ability will Megocchi be?
So lip-service which was thought of on the spot is considered as "praise" through the media's gori-filter? That's gross w
America, say hello to Gouriki!
Hugh Jackman: "Mego-LOVE"
I always thought that Hugh Jackman was the best in the world at flattery, and this has proven that yet again
Hugh probably doesn't know how horrible Japanese dubbing is
Go, and no need to come back
Japan's too small for Gouriki-san. Don't just coop yourself up within the confines of Japan, go set foot on the rest of the world. Onto the universe even.
Can you still call Megocchi ugly after seeing these?
- 170 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/28(水) 07:20:39.34
- >>150ごめんうちの店の子の方が可愛いわ
Sorry, the girl working at our shop is cuter.
I wanna kiss you, Megocchi...
I'm sure Megocchi can shine in Hollywood
I've always believed that Megocchi will become a prime actress some day
Original Thread: 【芸能】剛力彩芽ハリウッド進出宣言!ヒュー・ジャックマンも絶賛!
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