Would it be something like Atsuko Maeda attempting suicide at Ninomiya's home?
- 2: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:11:28.99 0 ID:
- 全盛期ちょっと過ぎてた頃だろ確か
I think that was already a bit past her prime - 3: 2013/05/25(土) 16:12:22.09 0 ID:
- なら前田でちょうどいいな
Then Maeda's the perfect example - 5: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:12:55.88 O ID:
- 全盛期だいぶ過ぎてた記憶あやふやだけどニュース速報流れたよな?It was far beyond her prime.
My memory's kinda blurred, but they even ran newsflash reports about the incident, right? - 7: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:14:48.56 0 ID:
- 矢口の不倫くらい
Similar to Yaguchi's adultery scandal
http://img.news-us.jp/japan/entame/201305211122327eb.jpg - 8: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:15:02.67 0 ID:
- 生放送の歌番組で近藤がめまい起こして歌えなくなってた
Kondo got dizzy on a live singing program wasn't able to sing - 9: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:15:03.19 0 ID:
- 自殺未遂から半年後の大晦日に復帰会見
A comeback presscon half a year later on New Year's Eve about her suicide attempt -
- 33: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:22:41.70 0 ID:
- >>9こんな事あったのか酷いやつだなSomething like this happened?
Horrible person.
- 10: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:15:12.67 0 ID:
- 明菜自殺未遂ってのは大々的に報道されてたけど後追いで出た「実はマッチの家で」という情報はテレビではやらなかった記憶Akina's failed suicide attempt was reported on a massive scale, but I think the fact that it was actually done "at Matchy's home" wasn't reported on TV
- 20: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:18:37.85 O ID:
- >>10俺の記憶ではニュースでたときにマッチの自宅だと言ってたようなIf my memory serves me right, they already said on the news that it was at Matchy's home
- 11: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:15:34.68 0 ID:
- 前田敦子が佐藤健にすがって号泣してケツ出してたのと同じぐらい?
Is it the same as Atsuko Maeda crying as she was clinging onto Takeru Sato with her buttocks totally exposed?
http://blog-imgs-44.fc2.com/n/e/w/news020/a0288966_17354052.jpg - 15: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:16:53.96 0 ID:
- 前田なんかじゃ比べ物にならない
You shouldn't compare her to someone like Maeda - 17: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:17:46.99 P ID:
- 前田敦子が秋元康の家でというのが一番近い感じ
I think the closest one would be Atsuko Maeda at Yasushi Akimoto's home
http://stat.news.ameba.jp/news_images/20120119/12/b5/58/j/o05000333akb01.jpg - 19: p2-user: 9000005685 p2-client-ip: 2013/05/25(土) 16:18:37.36 0 ID:
- 綾瀬はるかが大沢たかおの家で自殺未遂
Haruka Ayase with a failed suicide attempt at Takao Osawa's home
http://ryopi.info/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/7da28920596f31ff0db2c03f54340a63.jpg - 21: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:18:43.97 0 ID:
- 明菜はあんまりアイドルって感じじゃ無かったからなあ強いて例えるなら浜崎とか安室かAkina didn't exactly feel like an idol.
If you had to compare her to someone, then she was kinda like Hamasaki and Amuro.
http://blog-imgs-33.fc2.com/0/9/0/090413/ayumi17.jpg - 23: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:19:32.57 0 ID:
- この記者会見明菜ちゃん騙してこの場に連れてきたんだよね?後ろの金屏風が悲しい…They tricked Akina-chan into doing this presscon, right?
That gold folding screen at the back makes me sad...
http://up.gc-img.net/post_img_web/2013/06/18fe446b78aed1ce6d4fbd5e56538a1e_356.jpeg - 25: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:20:45.83 0 ID:
- 婚約会見がいつの間にか謝罪会見w
"That moment when your engagement announcement turns into a public apology" w - 26: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:20:59.35 0 ID:
- 金屏風なのは婚約会見するからって明菜を騙して連れてくるためってまじ?Is it true that the gold-leaf folding screen was there because they tricked Akina by telling her she was doing an engagement announcement?
- 27: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:21:22.00 0 ID:
- あーなんかそんな話もあったなぁOh right, there was news like that
- 28: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:21:23.28 0 ID:
- 意外と大して話題になってなかった全盛期じゃないだろIt surprisingly didn't generate too much buzz.
She wasn't at her peak anymore. - 29: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:22:00.59 O ID:
- マッチにはもう明菜は過去の女だったようなのにワイドショーの巷のインタビューでは明菜と一緒になって欲しいばっかりだったAkina was already a woman of the past for Matchy, but the opinions from the interviews made by gossip shows on the streets all said that they wanted him to be with Akina
- 30: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:22:10.31 0 ID:
- 明菜自殺未遂の直前シングルは難破船?
Was "Nanpasen" her last single before she attempted suicide?
- 40: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:26:20.07 0 ID:
- >>30いやLIAR週間1位(オリコン)1989年度年間28位(オリコン)2位(ザ・ベストテン)2位(歌のトップテン)No, "LIAR"
Weekly#1 (Oricon)
28th in 1989 (Oricon)
2nd (Best Ten)
2nd (Uta no top ten)
- 31: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:22:26.02 0 ID:
- 峯岸丸刈りセ●クス事件と同じぐらい
It's the same as Minegishi's head-shaving sex incident
http://blog-imgs-44-origin.fc2.com/s/e/n/sencha77/201302060100407c1.jpg - 32: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:22:38.08 0 ID:
- 近藤さんとジャニーズは鬼だな
Kondo-san and Johnny's are demons - 34: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:23:20.00 0 ID:
- 全盛期じゃないって普通に一位とるくらいに人気があったよ
Wasn't her peak? Well, she was still popular enough to get 1st. - 35: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:23:25.19 0 ID:
- 六本木ヒルズの前のマンションだっけWas it the apartment in front of Roppongi Hills?
- 37: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:24:33.50 O ID:
- なんかいまはアイドルのスキャンダルに慣れっこだから驚きは昔と比べようがない感じ
We're all used to idol scandals these days so I think we can't compare the surprise factor to how it was in the past - 38: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:25:17.80 0 ID:
- 前年のレコード大賞受賞者の自殺未遂がニュースとしてたいしたこと無いなら大抵のことは価値が無いな
If the news of the previous year's Record of the Year grand prize winner isn't major news, then most news have no value - 44: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:27:56.20 0 ID:
- 加護の自殺未遂くらいの衝撃だった
It was about as shocking as Kago's failed suicide attempt
http://stat.ameba.jp/user_images/20110911/19/urbanrobot/eb/88/j/o0593039611476775594.jpg -
- 45: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:28:51.62 0 ID:
- >>44たいしたことないなw
Then it's nothing w
- 46: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:29:28.48 0 ID:
- リアルタイムで知ってる人は岡田有希子とどっちが衝撃的だったの?People who knew about this in real time,
which was more shocking, this or Yukiko Okada's?
http://keiosabu.img.jugem.jp/20120407_398640.jpg -
- 53: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:31:39.28 0 ID:
- >>46岡田有希子の方が衝撃的だよ死んじゃったしYukiko Okada's was more shocking.
She died after all.
- 56: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:31:52.26 O ID:
- >>46そりゃ完遂しちゃった方が衝撃はデカいネームバリューも明菜ほどじゃなくとも相当あったOf course, a successful attempt is more shocking.
Her name value may not have been on par with Akina's, but it was still huge.
- 47: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:29:54.37 O ID:
- 熱愛報道は噂で流れてはいたけど確定されたのがこういう形だったというのがね自殺なんて明菜の未練しか感じられないわけでThere were rumors that they were dating, but who would've thought that it would be confirmed this way.
And a suicide attempt just makes it seem like Akina had nothing but regrets about it. - 48: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:30:03.14 0 ID:
- 中森明菜が近藤真彦のマンションで左の肘を切って自殺未遂を起こしたのは1989年の7月。深さ2cm長さ8cmもの傷で本当に死ぬ気だったんだよね・・・Akina Nakamori cut her left elbow in Masahiko Kondo's apartment in July 1989. It was a cut that was 2cm deep, 8cm long so she really intended to die.
自殺未遂の原因は色々といわれてるけどマッチと明菜の間ではかなり問題多かったみたいで。A lot of theories have been made about the reason of her suicide attempt, but it seemed like there were a lot of problems that went on between Matchy and Akina.
まず、この頃はすでにピークを越えてたマッチに対して明菜はまだまだ「歌姫」として活躍してて相当稼いでたんだよね。First, Matchy was already past his peak at that time, while Akina was still a "diva" then who was earning quite a lot.
そのほとんどをマッチに貢いでたらしいw一部ではその額3億とも言われてるしね・・・明菜はマッチと結婚できるものと信じてたから貢いでても幸せだったんだろうけど・・・And it seemed like she spent a lot of it on Matchy w. Some people went on to say that it amounted to 300 million. Akina probably believed that she would get married to Matchy so she would still be happy even if she used a lot of money on him...
それなのに近藤真彦はそんな明菜の気持ちを利用してさらにマンションの投資話を持ちかけて8000万むしり取ったんだよね。これは当時のマネージャーが知り合いの不動産屋と仕組んだ話って言われてるけどBut Matchy took advantage of Akina's feelings, talked about investing in an apartment and milked 80 million from her. It was said that this was brought about by the real estate agent who was acquainted with his manager at that time, though.
この不動産屋っていうのはマッチの弟の知り合いだったしこの8000万は結局マッチのレースの資金になってたって話もあるくらいだから・・・This real estate agent was also acquainted with Matchy's younger brother, and this 80 million eventually funded Matchy's racing gig...
そこまで金をむしり取っておいて、事務所使って別れようとしたから中森明菜が自殺未遂wwwAnd after taking all that money, he used the agency to try and break it off with her, which was why Akina Nakamori decided to try and kill herself www
これって当時はかなりショッキングな事件だったみたいだよね。まあトップアイドル同士が付き合ってる上に相手の部屋で自殺未遂事件起こしちゃうんだから。This was a very shocking incident at that time. Why not? It was about 2 top idols dating each other, then one of them attempting suicide in the other's room. - 49: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:30:53.16 0 ID:
- で、それで終わらないのが近藤真彦というかジャニーズ事務所w自殺未遂事件が起きた半年後の大晦日にマッチと明菜が揃って謝罪会見をしたんだけど・・・But Masahiko Kondo, rather Johnny's, didn't let it end there w
Half a year later on New Year's Eve, Matchy and Akina were together to make a public apology...
なぜか「金屏風」の前での謝罪会見だったんだよねwそれには理由があったわけで。But for some reason, they apologized in front of a "golden leaf folding screen".
There was a reason for that.
マッチ側は明菜に「婚約会見を開くから」って言って明菜を呼び出したんだよね。で、結局自殺未遂の謝罪させて明菜との結婚については「ない」って言い切っちゃうしwwwMatchy's camp told Akina "We'll be having an engagement presscon" and made her attend.
Then they eventually made her apologize for the suicide attempt and declared that they won't be getting married. www
その上、マッチとのことが自殺の原因ではなくて当時の所属事務所「研音」とのトラブルが原因てことにされちゃって研音にも見捨てられちゃったんだよね。On top of that, they made it appear that Matchy wasn't the cause of the suicide, but it was because of some trouble with her agency Ken-On, which led to her being abandoned by Ken-On as well.
ジャニーズ側は研音と別れて個人事務所を立ち上げる支援をするって持ちかけて、当時マッチのレコーディングディレクターをしていた人物をスタッフとしてつけてあげたんだけどJohnny's then told her that they will support her in establishing a private agency and even let Matchy's then recording director work for her as a part of her staff.
活動再開する前にそのスタッフが外れたんだよねw結局、マッチというかジャニーズからも研音からも見捨てられて明菜は・・・And just before she resumed her career, that staff person went away w
So in the end, Akina was essentially dumped by Johnny's and Ken-On...
しかもそのスタッフって今ジャニーズの関連会社であるジャニーズ・エンタテイメントの代表だしwwwホントにマッチもジャニーズも相当なもんだよねwAnd that staff is currently the representative of Johnny's subsidiary; Johnny's Entertainment www
Matchy and Johnny's sure are something w
近藤真彦の奥さんもメリーさんが連れてきたって話だしあの事件もメリーさんが全てを握ってたしwwwIt's said that Masahiko Kondo and Mary-san's wife brought that person in.
And Mary had that whole incident in the palm of her hand www - 54: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:31:42.98 0 ID:
- 岡田由紀子は凄い衝撃だったけど明菜は別にたいしたことなかったよなゴシップ記事風な伝え方というかなんというかYukiko Okada's death was very shocking, but Akina's wasn't that big of a deal.
It felt like it was reported in a tabloid-esque manner. - 57: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:33:18.58 0 ID:
- 岡田有希子の写真が凄かったよな変な肉片が飛び散って足の向きもおかしかったYukiko Okada's picture was truly shocking.
There were some pieces of flesh scattered around the body, and her foot was bent in a weird way.
* Warning - may be too graphic
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/201010/14/99/b0033699_158594.jpg - 58: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:33:35.14 0 ID:
- ZARDの坂井泉水がなんかどこかで転落死したぐらいのニュース
It was similar to Izumi Sakai of ZARD falling to her death somewhere (Related post HERE)
http://img.pics.livedoor.com/007/6/3/63b451542f81d6e0cbb7-LL.jpg -
- 59: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:34:13.57 0 ID:
- >>58あーわかるわ
Ahh, I get that
- 61: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:35:17.88 0 ID:
- 泣きながら歌ってたりして精神不安定だとは前から噂されてたもんなで自殺未遂と華原の朋ちゃんかよThere were already rumors that she was mentally unstable because she was crying as she was singing. But a failed suicide attempt?
Who is she, Tomomi Kahara? - 64: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:37:03.68 0 ID:
- 性奴隷にされた上にポイ捨てされたわけかまあ明菜がバカだったわけだがなShe was literally dumped after being treated like a sex slave.
Well, it just goes to show how much of a fool Akina was. - 65: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:38:03.77 0 ID:
- そんな事があったのか知らなかったよSomething like that happened?
I didn't know that. - 67: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:38:46.17 0 ID:
- 研音ってのも糞事務所なんだな今誰がいるか知らなけどKen-On's a shi++y agency, huh.
I dunno who's in there nowadays, though. -
- 74: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:42:15.17 0 ID:
- >>67最近の研音といえば絢香と水嶋ヒロの元事務所で結婚反対して独立されちゃったことでおなじみ夫婦二人の新事務所に仕事が行かないように邪魔してるとかなんとかIf you're talking about the recent Ken-On,
it's Ayaka and Hiro Mizushima's former agency which opposed to their wedding as they went indie, and they've been getting in the way of the couple's new agency from getting any projects.
- 70: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:41:03.66 P ID:
- 明菜っていい人だって言うけどかなり癖のある人みたいだしね
They say that Akina's a good person, but she seems like a peculiar person -
- 78: O103224.ppp.dion.ne.jp 2013/05/25(土) 16:44:18.76 0 ID:
- >>70いい人?どこがwレコ社社長にこの業界にいてひけないなんて会見されたのはこのおばさんだけwミキサーにコーヒーぶっかけたり、スタッフ怒鳴りつけたりウエイトレスにメンチ切ったのをブログで暴露されてますwA good person? How so? w
The only time a recording company president held a presscon and said that someone shouldn't be in the industry was for this person alone. w
She poured coffee on a mixer, she would yell at the staff,and it was also revealed on a blog that she glared at a waitress.
- 84: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 16:52:54.34 0 ID:
- 明菜は可哀想だよなーでもあそこは家族がアレだから今なら死ぬほど叩かれただろうなPoor Akina.
But because of her family, she probably would have been bashed to death if this happened in this age. - 87: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 17:00:48.24 0 ID:
- 松田聖子なら金屏風会見で「婚約会見と聞いてきたんですけど?(ドヤ」ってやり返しそうだけど明菜はできなかったんだろうなぁマッチひどすIf this happened to Seiko Matsuda, I get the feeling that she would have said in front of the golden panel that "Hm? I heard that this was supposed to be an engagement presscon?".
Akina wasn't able to do that, huh.
Matchy's so horrible.
http://ex-img.com/EA-02/Apr04584.JPG - 92: 名無し募集中。。。 2013/05/25(土) 17:41:14.07 0 ID:
- 明菜はすごい才能の持ち主だよ、今見ても全然古くさくない繊細だったんだよねAkina used to possess such amazing talent.
Even when you watch her now, she doesn't seem outdated at all.
She was really delicate.
Original Thread: 全盛期の中森明菜が近藤真彦の自宅で自殺未遂した事件って、どのくらいの衝撃だったの?今で例えると誰?
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