There has been a new turn of events in the arrest of ASKA (of CHAGE & ASKA) and his female friend as ASKA has testified that he thought the substance was "Annaca".
According to the police, ASKA and Kasumi Tochinai have been answering all questions and have been cooperating with their investigation, but have continuously denied all allegations.
According to an investigator, ASKA has insisted that "he obtained it from a member of an organized gang and thought that it was Annaca, not drugs". Annaca, or "caffeine and sodium benzoate", is a medicine used as a stimulant to counter drowsiness and fatigue.
It has also been discovered that ASKA and Tochinai got to know each other at a party that was organized by Tochinai's group company. ASKA frequently met with Tochinai during weekends, as the police are currently investigating the history of their drug use.
* (ASKA was arrested on May 17 on charges of violating the Stimulants Control Law. ASKA has been denying the use of drugs, but lab results were positive. Stimulants and MDMA powdered substances, along with drug kits, were found in his home. All music, videos, and goods related to ASKA, as well as CHAGE and ASKA, have been pulled from the shelves, including all their digital content.)
Old related posts:
Are ASKA-san's parents still alive? Maybe he's saying such things (even if it's a blatant lie) since he won't be able to look them in the face if they're still around.
> obtained it from a member of an organized gang
No good
If this sort of excuse is permitted, then everyone else will be saying the same thing dumba$$ w
To think that Chage even took off his hat to apologize
He doesn't know when to quit, eh
Looks like he's so desperate for drugs, and he doesn't even have the strength to respond to their interrogations properly. Maybe excuses like this are all he can muster up.
Even Yusuke Katayama admitted to his crime, Ryo Asuka just doesn't know when to stop.
Is he confident that he can get away with this? Is this what his lawyers are telling him to say?
Shabu & ASKA
- 49 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/20(火) 15:10:37.28
- >>34cHage & シャブなのに
Should actually be cHage & shabu but it doesn't sound right, poor Hage-san
Shabu & Annaca
Uwaa, the more he says stuff like this, the more he'll have a bad impression on the judges at his trial
It's his first offense so why not just admit it? Doesn't he have a lawyer?
So where’s the Annaca?
Must be short for Anna Karenina
Is there a rule that says you're the loser if you admit to your crime?
He'd be granted probation if he just admitted to the charges and repent. Won't he be sentenced if he keeps on denying it like this?
Really, he just doesn't know when to give up…(・∀・;)
Does this guy think that the excuses he made to the tabloids will work here as well? Looks like he's got a severe case of brain atrophy.
He knew that he'd be arrested anytime soon, so he's calibrated his story with the woman. Well, he's got money so I'm sure that he's hired a bunch of attorneys, but he's in possession of a large amount of drugs so he'll definitely get sentenced.
自宅でブツだけでなく、検査キットまで押収されてるのに往生際が悪過ぎ。 常習性、隠匿性、心証の悪さも加わり執行猶予にはならんだろな。
Just the fact that he's acquainted with gang members already makes this a lost case. And they were able to confiscate a testing kit from his house, not just the substances. He just doesn't want to give in. He won't be granted probation now due to his addiction, concealment, and the bad impression that he's made.
He thought it was Annaca? Then why did he have a drug kit? w Just admit defeat.
本当の事を言ってるのはここだけだなw つか、ヤクザ怖さにダンマリしてんだろが、もうそういう段階じゃねえんだって
> obtained it from a member of an organized gang
Seems like this is the only true part of his statement. Or maybe he's keeping silent because of how scary the yakuza are, but he's not in that stage anymore.
Receiving Annaka from the yakuza... He's pushing it too far, they already found the kit at his home.
He's totally a junkie, huh ww
They should hurry up and tell him about the shabu kit they found w These police officers are such bullies w
He's already mentioned the gang and Annaca to the tabloids, meaning he admits to those things. He just probably intends to keep denying everything else, but other pieces of evidence have already been found, so.
Just hurry up and SAY YES to the investigators
"His arrest was bound to happen, it was just a matter of time. It was all so obvious when you looked at his face and his eyes. He's already a 'patient' who's far exceeded the level of a drug addict. And I thought that it wouldn't do me good if it got traced back to me so I withdrew from dealing with him."
This is according to Mr. A (30s), executive of an organized crime group who allegedly sold drugs to ASKA for 3 years.
Mr. A continues:
"I withdrew around April last year. He was all skin and bones at that point, and things didn't look too good. But shabu isn't something that you can just stop let go of that easily. It's not called the 'devil's water' for nothing. I think ASKA had about 4 or 5 buyers. He just made his money talk, and just blew out on things."
ASKA would call Mr. A to a hotel room to sell him the goods. Shabu can usually be obtained for \9,000-12,000 per gram by these dealers and retail for \30,000-40,000 per gram, but ASKA bought them for \70,000/gram, and would purchase 10 grams, amounting to \700,000 a week. Mr. A explains:
"They were right when they said that we can sell this stuff to celebrities for double, or even triple, the normal amount. ASKA would split 1 gram into 4 and use it all up in a day. People only normally take in 0.3 grams a day,
as they say that 1 gram/day can be lethal. When I go to the hotel, oftentimes ASKA couldn't hold in his desire and inject it right then and there."
Even Mr. A got worried of ASKA's body. ASKA was diagnosed with transient cerebral ischemia last year and announced the cancellation of his concert. This was a symptom for cerebral infarction, which is common among drug addicts.
"I think this will have a domino effect, and we'll see some more arrests within the showbiz world."
Arrest that guy www
There's just no more hope...
It felt like he went on to earn all that money so he can do drugs
So this talkative dude is still on the loose?
Arrest that guy too wwwwww He's also an aid in crime wwwww
Mr. policeman, over here
He had a lot of money so he probably kept on buying without any restraint. Thanks to that, he's turned into this huge drug junkie which no regular person can become.
He probably had money, but this duo peaked in the '90s and has been on a decline since. I'm sure that he's got no problem due to all the royalties, but he probably kept worrying about his future. That must've been how he was.
He changed so much, but his wife didn't even notice it?
- 50 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/21(水) 08:36:23.74
- >>40チャゲが気づいてるんだから 当然気づいてるだろ
Chage noticed it, so I'm sure that she did as well
There's no more hope for this guy.
ASKA couldn't hold in his desire and inject it right then and there? wwwwwwwwwwwwwwww It would be a problem if someone like this isn't arrested.
A journalist gets to contact this guy but the police just lets him run loose.
What a horrible country we live in.
- 27 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/21(水) 08:27:54.60
- >>12芸能人の覚せい剤ネタなんてたくさんつかんでるんだろ で、逮捕までいくのは現行犯か再犯ぐらいで 捕まえやすのしか捕まえないんだよ ASKAはさすがに騒がれすぎて放置するわけにはいかなかったのかね
He probably knows a lot about drug users and such. Then the police only apprehend the ones who are caught in the act, or the recurring offenders. They only go for the ones who are easy to catch. ASKA just caused too much noise, so they probably couldn't just ignore him anymore.
The moment the dealer leaked the story, the tabloid should've already tipped the police about this guy along with ASKA
I always wonder about this, but don't the police ever investigate these journalists who write these articles?
- 53 :名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/:2014/05/21(水) 08:37:25.21
- >>42記者が会えるくらいだから、警察はとっくに把握してる
If the journalist can meet the guy, then the I'm sure the police already know about that guy too
So who's next?
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