10. Tatsunori Hara
*9. Shinichi Tsutsumi
*7. George Tokoro
*7. Hiroiki Ariyoshi
*6. Shuzo Matsuoka
10. Kayoko Okubo
*9. Sawako Agawa
*8. Miho Kanno
*7. Nanako Matsushima
*5. Miki Maya
*5. Yukie Nakama
(continuation after the jump)
5. Yutaka Mizutani
1. Masato Sakai
4. Homare Sawa
1. Yuki Amami
So it's not Frieza-sama?
Stupid survey
Masato Sakai ww
Legal High wwwwwwww No way anyone would want to have a boss like that www
I began to hate Masato Sakai because of the Softbank commercial
- 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 16:46:01.70 ID:IQ2f+kn20
- >>6ランドセル
The ransel.
Comedians who resort to that just so they can curry favor with the baldies are pathetic.
- 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 17:24:49.38 ID:c2LLcjggI
- >>8あのCMは半沢のイメージよりリーガルハイのイメージだな
That CM has more of a Legal High image than a Hanzawa image
Sakai-san might be the ideal boss based on his drama and movie character roles, but if you're talking about him in real life...
He seems too fussy, or proceeds at his own pace too much and he seems like one who's hard to follow.
I don't want to shoulder a ransel even if it's for work! w
This means that we have a bad crop of new employees this year.
They're all fools who can't even distinguish real life from fantasy.
- 17: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 16:51:01.75 ID:NUnZfYJT0
- >>12今の上司世代が新人の頃から芸能人の名前があがってたけどねw
You do know that the real life bosses in society right now also answered celebrities in surveys like this when they were still new hires, right? w
異論は認めん byステマ
Male: Arashi
Female: Gouriki
No objections allowed by Stealth Marketing
The ideal manga character boss thread was much more interesting.
(Related post HERE)
- 19: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 16:53:01.68 ID:bWQ/5cCI0
- >>16マンガやアニメやドラマや映画の人物も含めて 架空キャラの方で理想の上司アンケートを採った方が良いなマヂ
It would seriously be better to have surveys of imaginary characters, including all of those from manga, anime, drama, and movies
- 22: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 16:56:06.50 ID:ykoXfbx10
- >>16でも、結論が「島耕作1位」とかもうね、って感じだけどなw 気持ち悪いわ。
But the outcome will be "Kosaku Shima is 1st" w Gross.
I definitely don't want a boss who'd just grin at you the whole time
If this means that Kanno will serve and treat me well when I get home, then that really is the ideal setup w
They don't mean Masato Sakai, but Naoki Hanzawa
- 32: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 17:26:50.12 ID:c2LLcjggI
- >>23古美門研介が上司でもOKという変人もいるかも…しれない
There might be a weirdo who's also fine with Kensuke Komikado as the boss...
In the end, their ideal women are the likes of Amami and Esumi, women who could play the male roles at Takarazuka wwwww
I don't like either one w
I really don't know if he's laughing or if he's angry
Even if Susumu Terajima or Hitoshi Ozawa were ranked first, you guys would still complain right? w
- 42: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 18:07:33.09 ID:9z6OuOCC0
- >>30組に入る気はないです…
I've no intention of joining a gang...
This is much better than having Ichiro at number 1, though
Kayoko Okubo ww
If they're going to choose actors for their ideal boss, then they should just indicate which role they're playing instead.
本物の堺雅人ってちょっとトリッキーな感じで 上司になんか絶対したくないタイプだが
Did they answer this under the idea that Masato Sakai = Hanzawa?
The real Masato Sakai feels a bit too tricky, and is someone whom you definitely wouldn't want to work for.
- 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 20:33:47.44 ID:XMhnRkyl0
- >>36低学歴は馬鹿にしていそうだしな
I get the feeling that he'd look down on people who have low academic backgrounds
Sakai's actually a very difficult type to deal with. w
What are they looking for?
They're just basing this on the dramas so how can they be one's ideal?
The stupid university that conducts such a survey, and stupid students who answer it.
Looks like there really are a lot of young guys watching TV these days
- 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 18:30:56.68 ID:50HAIZ3xO
- >>41見てないからこんなランキングじゃねーの?
They don't, and this is why we get this kind of ranking, right? w
- 51: 名無しさん@恐縮です@\(^o^)/ 投稿日:2014/04/22(火) 20:40:10.82 ID:94CNloCB0
- >>45テレビ見てなきゃ原なんかあり得ないだろ。どこで知り得るんだよw 読売新聞やスポーツ紙か
They'd never answer Hara if they don't watch TV. How would they lnow about him?w Yomiuri newspaper or other sports papers?
If Tatsunori Hara is your boss, I get the feeling that he can solve troubles with your clients
4th place of both lists make you go "I see. Good choices."
But 10th of both are definitely unimaginable. Who would want someone who'd have an affair and someone who'd pay JPY 100 million to the yakuza as your boss!?
A meaningless image survey that's just answered with the trending personalities at the time
Fools who can't differentiate roles from the actors playing them
Are they just basing this on Hanzawa's image?
If Hanzawa was your boss in real life, it'd be hell.
Original Thread
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