(Part 1 HERE)
I felt like throwing up when I saw this
Minami-ke ep. 3 was also kinda fishy
P4 was horrible
Why isn't anyone posting pictures
- 104: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:53:58.76 ID:APeSP7yd0
- >>8うわあ
- 12: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:35:16.52 ID:+JYdikHB0
- >>10ワロタwwこれはじめてみたわwww
LOL ww It's my first time seeing this www
The usual
- 59: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:04:34.55 ID:Zyi19HXx0
- >>11ひどすぎワロタ
LOL, that's horrible
- 58: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:04:32.16 ID:g+aAvewC0
- >>13修正すげえな
Wow, so many edits
- 14: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:37:44.28 ID:+JYdikHB0
- >>13キャベツ待ってた
I was waiting for the cabbage
Looks like there are quite a lot of people who don't get what "in-between" (IB) and "off-model" means
They're doing it on purpose in those IB drawings so don't treat it similarly
- 19: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:41:11.73 ID:+JYdikHB0
- >>18
- 23: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:43:07.27 ID:K8WpOfGC0
- >>19ガンダム001stシーズン
Gundam 00 1st season
*(4th frame - What's the matter, Raiden? You look pale.)
- 94: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:39:02.22 ID:veYuhzLC0
- >>20最後でワロタ
LOL at the last one
Hurry, someone post something from Gurren Lagann episode 4
- 27: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:45:06.73 ID:ZcaTspg5O
- 書こうとおもったら>>21で言われてた
I was thinking of writing it but >>21 beat me to it
- 30: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:46:22.52 ID:+JYdikHB0
Was P4 really that bad? Isn't this the only well-known one?
- 25: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:44:27.54 ID:HbgMKjPj0
- >>24崩壊はしてないがかなり雑だったろ
It's not off-model, but it's done too roughly
Excuse the long shots, guys
I don't get what's wrong with >>1's picture...
- 37: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:49:18.03 ID:+JYdikHB0
- >>28
- 108: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:56:13.89 ID:APeSP7yd0
- >>29脚が長い
Such long legs
I was thinking that Gurren Lagann's ep. 4 probably isn't that bad when you watch it now, but when I saw the rerun, it really was horrible
Gurren Lagann's episode 4 was done on purpose so it's not really in the category of "off-model"
- 41: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:50:50.83 ID:ZcaTspg5O
- >>36わざとなの?手が回らなくて外注だしたんだと思ってた
Was it really on purpose? I thought that they had a different studio do it because they were too busy.
- 45: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:53:14.46 ID:ZJFgmpksP
- >>41コンテ演出作監小林治は元々ああいうことやる人
Story board, director, and chief animator Osamu Kobayashi is a person who habitually does that.
Even the director Imaishi would also do the same when he works on other people's series.
- 47: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:55:00.25 ID:dqGG29Vo0
- >>41作監が小林治だとあんな絵になる
You get that kind of drawing when the chief animator is Osamu Kobayashi.
The mech drawings were pretty good, though.
- 46: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/30(水) 23:53:48.99 ID:+JYdikHB0
- >>39
Stop debating and go post some more pictures
It's not really that off, but...
You guys will get mad if this is called off-model, right?
- 60: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:05:12.75 ID:4aclq5J60
- >>57清水ひろしwwwwwうぇwwww
Hiroshi Shimizu wwwww Uwee www
(2nd row from the bottom)
- 66: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:08:41.92 ID:NXy+x4eI0
- >>60確か予備の体だったと思う
I think that was just a spare body, or something
- 69: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:09:39.68 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>60ちなみに清水ひろしの担当した回はこういう話なんだよ
This is how the story was in the episode handled by Hiroshi Shimizu.
You don't even know if that was really the Major. Maybe that was a remote control puppet.
- 72: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:13:16.93 ID:4aclq5J60
- >>66
Oh, so that's how it was wwww
That comparison picture is just horrible wwww
- 62: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:06:02.74 ID:/a6Xekfz0
- >>5
- 92: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:36:50.58 ID:FJDzF6420
- >>57これのグルグル版みたいなのない?
Don't you have a similar thing like this for Guru Guru?
- 98: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:44:01.00 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>92
Times sure have changed if the don of them all, Lost Universe, isn't included
- 64: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:08:14.27 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>63
You guys will also get mad if this is called off-model, right?
- 71: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:12:34.19 ID:muUgwvY10
- >>5これは鉄腕バーディー?たまげたなあ…………
Is this Tetsuwan Birdy? Wow...
- 75: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:15:32.04 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>71
As for food, there are some cases where you'd think "You could've at least done something better than that" www
(* left: on-air version, right: DVD version)
- 84: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:27:15.69 ID:T4iawwBD0
- >>79オンエア版は謎だな
The on-air version's a mystery. Especially the green thing under the bread.
- 86: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:30:03.19 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>84
- 91: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:36:32.64 ID:eoOnXI380
- >>86設定資料に正面向いた顔がなかったのかな
Didn't they have a front view of that character in the model sheets?
That's pretty bad.
Morning animes in the past were pretty strong
- 101: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 00:50:20.35 ID:SGdNjUz30
- >>82それ朝じゃないぞ
That wasn't shown in the morning
I'm out of ammunition
Have I posted this yet?
I haven't posted this one yet, right?
- 99: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:15) 2013/01/31(木) 00:47:12.36 ID:XIEGPCvxO
- >>96動画?背景?どっちかわからんが描いたやつ住宅街見たことないのかよwwwwwww
The animation? The background? I'm not too sure, but maybe the person who drew this hasn't seen a residential area before wwwwwww
It's fun looking at comparative pictures, right?
(Difference per chief animator per episode)
The usual
If it's from the recent animes, then there's this
This isn't exactly on the level of the other pictures posted above, but take note, this is the series finale
- 112: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:02:00.24 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>111なんかスケールがわからんな
I don't get the proportions anymore
- 113: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:05:24.79 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>112
- 114: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:07:57.58 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>113背景でまともなスケールテーブルだけじゃね?
Seems like the table is the only one with the correct size ratio. Even still, it looks pretty awkward.
- 115: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:10:44.69 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>114なんかおかしいんだよね。人物浮いて見えるし
There is something wrong with it.
The person looks like he's floating too.
And it's more surprising if this is the finale. This just went on air during the previous anime season, right?
And when you created a thread after the finale titled "Don't you think the drawings were weird?", people would've said that there was something wrong with your eyes.
I can't really say until I see the layout, but I think this is more of a case of off-model background and not characters. Well, it does look like the layout was already at fault here.
Something that tends to happen a lot
- 118: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:21:00.92 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>117これも多分美術のせいだろうな
This was also probably the fault of the background.
If only they didn't make the tracks this wide...
- 119: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:21:29.30 ID:NXy+x4eI0
- >>117こんなハードルくぐる他ない
There's nothing else you can do but go underneath these hurdles
This hasn't been posted yet, huh
- 121: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:26:53.40 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>120ここまできたら元々そういう絵柄だと思っちゃうんだけど違うの?
If it's this much, I'd start to think that this is how the original character models look like. Is it?
- 123: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:28:41.34 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>121そーいう絵柄だけどそれでもこれは飛び抜けてすごい
That's basically the art style, but this one is too much
- 133: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:40:14.78 ID:p6buJSKsO
- >>120ホリックはたまにあるよなー
That happens once in a while in xxxHOLIC.
But the art isn't generally bad.
- 138: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:43:09.67 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>133これホリックなの?
Eh, this is xxxHOLIC?
I only know the manga, and I thought "Were they really this long?" after seeing that. And when I looked at the manga, they really are long.
- 139: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:45:18.91 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>138
- 140: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:48:28.85 ID:3NrRC1sW0
- >>139ボタン9個しかねぇよ
There are only 9 buttons
- 141: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:49:02.78 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>139ツバサなんかは別に普通だろと思ったけどこっちも長かったww
Tsubasa seemed normal to me in my memory, but it's pretty long too ww
Looks like my memory's skewed.
Ok, let's just say that Negima's anime version never existed
Forgot to post this
Hurry, someone post Total Eclipse
- 129: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:37:59.31 ID:V/LDJOzw0
- >>127
- 132: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:39:16.66 ID:muUgwvY10
- >>129なんだこの幼稚園児が書いたような駆逐艦は…………たまげたなあ……………
What's with these ships that look like they were drawn by nursery kids...... That's shocking......
- 134: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/01/31(木) 01:40:18.13 ID:7R6miN+60
- >>129歪んでるという意味ではそれほどでもだけどハリボテすぎだな
You really can't say that it's deformed, but the drawings look too tacky
I forgot this too
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