I prefer GLAY.
I can't really stand hyde's gay voice.
B'z for me
The Beatles
I used to like GLAY better when I was a student, but it was so embarrassing so I said that I liked L'Arc more
- 14: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:20:32.03 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>9どっちも恥ずかしいだろ
Both are embarrassing
Acid Black Cherry
Janne Da Arc
L'Arc wwwwww
GLAY and B'z
Does GLAY have any good songs?
L'Arc's better at composing songs.
Even L'Arc's vocals sound more distinct and interesting.
I really can't see any advantage that GLAY has.
- 22: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:27:29.48 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>18ラルクはみんな作曲できるからね
Because everyone in L'Arc can compose.
But if you just compare each individual, then I think TAKURO is the best of all.
Their songs aren't that different, though.
Aren't you supposed to be comparing GLAY and B'z?
L'Arc is V-kei after all.
They're not V-kei
L'Arc is V-kei
- 38: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:47:57.87 ID:7d/IcDY40
- >>23ぽっぷじゃむ・・・
Does GLAY have any other good songs other than "Yuuwaku"?
If it's L'Arc, they've got tons like flowerdrivershighneouniverslinkhoney.
- 27: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:33:07.32 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>25pure soulとかサバイバルとか色々あんだろ
"pure soul", "Survival", they've got lots
Didn't GLAY's nationwide tour have poor attendance?
GLAY is better at playing their instruments
- 29: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:37:30.16 ID:eiP3Tu1w0
- >>28逆だろ
You have it the other way around
GLAY's good songs are ruined by the lyrics
L'Arc's still pretty active but GLAY just seems so washed up already.
I don't even know if they have new songs out, it feels like they were just part of the bubble era.
- 32: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:42:10.74 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>31どっちもオワコン
Both are washed up
They're lame, but I think they have a lot more classics
L'Arc by a mile.
Actually, I can't stand TERU's singing.
L'Arc were still selected to sing the 2010 Olympics theme song so they're not washed up.
I was born on the 1st year of the Heisei era, but I almost don't know any GLAY songs.
Honestly, they're artists of the Showa generation, right?
- 41: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:50:14.62 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>37それはおまえが知らないだけです
It's just that you don't know
- 50: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:56:38.26 ID:cpYipXRA0
- >>41お前自分が好きなGLAYけなされて反論してるだけだろw
You're just answering back because your beloved GLAY is being dissed.
At the very least, they aren't popular with the people around me.
The Heisei generation just know the name of the artist and are just familiar with "BELOVED" and "HOWEVER".
- 54: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:58:18.43 ID:eiP3Tu1w0
- >>50それはおまえらが知らないだけだな
It's just that you don't know them
- 56: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:59:01.17 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>50おまえがラルオタって事は分かった
I now know that you're a L'Arc ota
- 76: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:13:29.09 ID:cpYipXRA0
- >>56おまえが古臭いGLAYが好きなだけでおれをオタって勝手に決めつけても
Even if you just like the ancient GLAY and call me an ota, it doesn't change the fact that the younger generation doesn't know about GLAY w I'm not a L'Arc ota, I'm just educated.
- 79: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:17:48.45 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>76はいはい
Sure, whatever.
So that means you're for L'Arc, ok?
The video for "Survival" has left an impression on me
I guess L'Arc is still popular with the Heisei generation thanks to the anime songs
La'cryma Christi
- 49: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:55:35.04 ID:CL50nr5K0
- >>44山崎タカ
Taka Yamasaki
There really are a lot of VIP-ers who like L'Arc, huh
- 53: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 11:58:13.80 ID:cMni/HFb0
- とまどい、スペサンが一枚のシングルという破壊力>>45
The massive pwnage that is Tomadoi and Special Thanks in one single.
There aren't a lot of GLAY fans, eh
There are a lot more ballads done by GLAY that I like
Is this a '90s thread?
But looking at it objectively, there really are a lot of people who only know "Yuuwaku" and "However" from GLAY
- 59: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:02:26.74 ID:2w7JkxDY0
- >>57残念ながらラルクもレディステとHONEYくらいしか知らない奴多いよ
Unfortunately, there are also a lot of people who only know "Ready, Steady" and "Honey" from L'Arc
GOOD LUCK MY WAYは最近のでも好きだった
But L'Arc's voice recently is...
But even if "GOOD LUCK MY WAY" is recent, I like it.
If they're both V-kei, it would be L'Arc for me
- 70: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:06:36.19 ID:eiP3Tu1w0
- >>63だな
Both have the same strong points.
For L'Arc, the only songs I know are the ones with the lyrics
* I lose control~
* Doko made mo hatenaku~
I didn't bother googling them.
I seriously don't know the titles.
I actually like the recent GLAY better than their older songs.
"Say your dream", "Layla", "Mirror", those songs are the best
GLAY are making mistakes with the songs that they're releasing as singles...
I like L'Arc better who still sell a lot when they come out with new ones
L'Arc may still be selling well, but their songs don't feel as well done as before.
GLAY are with an independent label so they're not that strong when it comes to promoting, and it's probably not that powerful.
I guess it can't be helped that they're not as popular now as they used to be.
I was born in the Heisei era but I like GLAY
Anything's ok with me, but I'm leaning more towards GLAY.
It's >>1's fault for dissing the other band
- 85: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:30:36.73 ID:oRe2koIN0
- >>78だな ごめん
Right. Sorry, I just couldn't stand the voice.
ラルク→I'm so happy
Anyway, let's name the songs that we like
GLAY: "Haru wo ai suru hito"
L'Arc: "I'm so happy"
- 89: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:36:29.41 ID:cMni/HFb0
- >>82GLAY、a boy
ラルク、All Dead
GLAY: "a boy"
L'Arc: "All Dead"
Only L'Arc's vocalist stays on the mind
GLAY: "Tenshi no wakemae"
L'Arc: "flower"
GLAY: "Say your dream"
L'Arc: "Something ~Drive"
- 90: 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします 2013/03/31(日) 12:40:48.85 ID:yvz5wQcOO
- >>88ヘブンズドライブね
HEAVEN'S DRIVEとDriver's Highを間違えるのはよくあること
That's "Heaven's Drive"
People confuse "Heaven's Drive" and "Driver's High" a lot
He's just asking which side are you on.
It just shows your intelligence when you start dissing the artists.
I like both.
They've got different lyrics and melodies, they're totally different so you can't compare them, but both really have their good points.
Original Thread
Download GLAY music on iTunes
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