ワイの採点 100点満点
My score (out of 100)
My score (out of 100)
大日本人 35点
Dai Nipponjin - 35/100テンポが悪く間延び。
Bad pacing, flat, slow and stupid.
It feels like they just stretched a bad quality skit
しんぼる 40点
The contents haven't lived up to the scale. Childish.
さや侍 45点
Saya Zamurai - 45/100普通の映画風で冗長。退屈。
Normal movie style, redundant. Boring.
R100 40点
R100 - 40/100だから何?と言いたくなる駄作。
A dud which would make you want to say "So what?"
- 2: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:21:12.78 ID:J8Pvq+GV
- しんぼるが40点とか甘すぎだろ
40 points for Symbol? Wow, someone's very kind with his scores. - 6: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:23:06.57 ID:uN30Gi5c
- 本人がグダグダ喋ってるのを見たほうがまだマシなんよねもうドキュメンタリー映画作ればええんちゃうかなIt's actually much better to watch Matsumoto himself on screen go on blabbering.
Why doesn't he just make a documentary-style movie instead? - 7: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:23:26.92 ID:96edFPLo
- 激甘採点じゃねーか
Wow, your scoring is sooooooooo kind. - 9: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:23:59.72 ID:kDZam6Fr
- やさC
You're so nice - 10: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:24:08.13 ID:3ftytcuW
- 大日本人が一番ましじゃね?それかさや侍Isn't Dai Nipponjin the most decent one?
That or Saya Zamurai. - 11: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:24:54.89 ID:QmFipkdk
- しんぼるは笑えるぶんまだマシ
The fact that you can still laugh at Symbol means that it's pretty decent - 14: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:25:50.30 ID:4YvhL3rq
- 大日本人は映画館で見たけどつまらなくてショックだったお金はいいから見た時間だけ返してほしいI watched Dai Nipponjin at the movie house and was shocked at how boring it was.
I don't mind spending money on it, I just want them to give back the time I spent. - 15: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:26:29.80 ID:1OO2kioe
- 高杉やろ
Your scores are too high - 16: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:26:46.68 ID:fVXKq+Md
- 自分の良さを活かした普通の映画を撮ればいいのになんでこんな変化球ばっか投げるんだHe should be making movies in which he can put his good traits to better use.
Why does he keep on throwing these off-beat breaking balls? -
- 27: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:28:51.95 ID:dC1OLhSg
- >>16ストレートで140kmでないからやBecause his fastball can't even hit 140kph
- 17: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:26:52.16 ID:M3EEPBbi
- どんだけ酷いのか一回見てみたい
I actually want to watch them once to see how bad these movies are -
- 32: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:30:48.05 ID:Yz7N/9oJ
- >>17テレビでやんないね
Well, they won't be showing these on TV
- 19: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:27:01.34 ID:vCRo7cYq
- 全部見るということはそれなりに松本が好きだろうから高評価もうなずけるBy watching all of them, that means that you actually like Matsumoto to some degree.
Then I can understand these high scores. - 20: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:27:22.84 ID:vl7C58nu
- これは大甘採点Amazingly lax scoring
- 22: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:27:48.28 ID:BsHPU8OL
- ワイさや侍しか見たことないけどあれが一番マシなのか(驚愕)
Saya Zamurai's the only one I have seen. So that's the most decent one? (shocked) - 23: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:28:09.31 ID:JWJWODTh
- 中身なんてからっぽでいいからひたすらコントな映画つくればいいのに
He should just make a movie full of comedy skits, even if it's essentially empty - 25: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:28:38.89 ID:KxzuXOT7
- しんぼるは普通に面白かった(小声)
Symbol was actually good (whispers) - 26: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:28:47.05 ID:+vVM6rSi
- 全部見るとか苦行やんけ
Watching everything is like penance - 31: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:30:18.75 ID:a/2Kv1FL
- 時間の無駄だと何故気がつかない
Why didn't you realize that it was just a waste of time? - 35: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:31:14.08 ID:3QjLSGqs
- さや侍見たけど「ある程度ウケる」という趣旨で進まにゃならん話なのに肝心の芸が全く笑えなくて苦行だったI watched Saya Zamurai, and the story should be proceeding with the premise that it should 'at least be funny to some extent', but the actual jokes weren't funny at all, and it was such a pain to watch
- 36: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:31:25.11 ID:XJSxUAqc
- 子供時代の話映画化しろ
He should make a movie of his childhood instead - 39: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:33:35.60 ID:7ivNMDua
- しんぼるのテンポの遅さwwwwwwwwwwww同じ内容で時間半分にできたでSymbol's slow pacing wwwwwwwwwwww
He could've squeezed in all of that in about half the time - 40: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:34:01.21 ID:wozMVi7U
- 映画が好きじゃないのに映画撮っちゃう人
He's the person who doesn't like movies, but makes them - 42: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:34:34.74 ID:hjEzyZcU
- オタキングがメチャ褒めてたな
Ota King praised him so much
http://px1img.getnews.jp/img/archives/imp/ncn_2011_42_13412.jpg - 43: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:35:20.17 ID:yH1IjkBj
- 松本はアドリブが上手いんだから一からきちんと作り上げる映画は会わないんだよ
Matsumoto's good at spontaneous adlibs, so he's not supposed to be planning out and making movies from scratch -
- 46: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:36:45.49 ID:ZqzULKHo
- >>43なおちゃんと作るコントもすべった模様フリートークだけやねThe skits which he also took time to create were flops too.
All he can do is spontaneous free-talking.
- 44: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:36:15.11 ID:ab/0qp/K
- 激甘採点すぎるわ
Damn, those scores are so kind - 48: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:37:13.02 ID:EywpuYUJ
- 大日本人は今まで見た映画で最悪だったあれは0点やろDai Nipponjin was the worst movie that I have ever seen.
That should be 0 points.
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200712/04/79/a0010479_20314960.jpg - 49: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:37:29.32 ID:ZqzULKHo
- 一人ごっつも今思えばすべってた
Looking back at Hitori Gottsu, it was also a flop
http://pds.exblog.jp/pds/1/200811/18/63/a0035263_0331398.jpg -
- 54: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:38:50.29 ID:tzKpSSTa
- >>49カリスマ的雰囲気だけで持ってた
He just managed to get by with his charisma
- 52: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:38:13.05 ID:+xiHe9g3
- たけしが大島組スタッフ使ってるように有能なスタッフあてがってやれよ吉本は
Just like how Takeshi uses the Oshima-gumi staff, Yoshimoto should provide Matsumoto with capable staff members as well - 53: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:38:38.44 ID:LsMcA8bR
- 大日本人はヒーロー物として好きだけどなぁ。
I actually like Dai Nipponjin as a hero flick. -
- 61: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:40:39.85 ID:5i8z4Y0N
- >>53発想だけは結構おもろかったんやけどなぁ獣をもっと生々しくすれば面白かったかもと思うThe idea itself was pretty interesting.
It might have been better if they made the monsters more vivid and life-like, though.
- 83: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:47:08.18 ID:fqxXmAKy
- >>53地味に特撮で嬉しかった
I was actually happy that it was tokusatsu
- 55: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:39:04.77 ID:ieAto5ON
- シンボルは一点もやれない
I can't give even a single point to Symbol - 59: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:40:07.22 ID:inWd7fEP
- 近所のTSUTAYAでも誰も借りてなかったわNo one's been renting his movies from the TSUTAYA near our home
- 64: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:41:03.16 ID:JFkIaL/H
- しんぼるはところどころ面白かったけど映画でやる意味がわからん
Symbol was good in some portions, but I don't get why they had to make that into a movie - 69: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:41:59.99 ID:ZqzULKHo
- 全国ロードショーを取り敢えずやめよう単館上映かネット配信にすれば傷も浅くて済むのにHe should stop having his movies shown at nationwide roadshows.
The damage on him would be much less if he just had them released at one movie house or on the Internet. - 72: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:43:39.66 ID:aVs8VxaS
- まず普通の映画をつくれそれから普通じゃない映画をつくれHe should make a regular movie first.
Then he should do something that isn't normal. -
- 76: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:45:22.26 ID:n6yZ5bCC
- >>72さや侍でこの上ないほど普通な映画を作ったもよう
But apparently, Saya Zamurai was as normal as it gets
- 78: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:46:02.90 ID:vl7C58nu
- >>72さや侍は渾身の正統派映画やんけ
Saya Zamurai was an orthodox movie to which he gave his all
- 74: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:44:52.67 ID:mfjFM3J1
- 普段からたけしは恥ずかしい位のど真ん中ストレート投げるけど、松本はやらないからなぁTakeshi normally throws straight fastballs right down the middle that are even embarrassing to a point, but Matsumoto won't
- 77: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:46:01.41 ID:FoJK83sE
- ニコニコの企画で三作見たけど酷評されてたしんぼるが一番マシだったなさや侍は本当にひどかったI watched 3 of his movies on a Niconico special feature once, but Symbol which got such bad reviews was the most decent one. Saya Zamurai was just horrible.
- 79: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:46:30.91 ID:lFibIRty
- 一人ごっつは今見たら全然笑えないやろうなぁ板尾にやらせた方が面白いと思うわIt probably won't even be funny when you watch Hitori Gottsu right now.
I think it would be funnier if you let Itao do it. - 82: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:47:07.15 ID:Q37T7AN8
- 松本はテレビサイズのコント慣れし過ぎてるだから映画で100分も見せられるとくどいMatsumoto has just gotten too much used to comedy skits on TV.
That's why it gets too tedious when it's shown to you for 100 minutes in a movie. - 88: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:48:14.51 ID:wQCjkcJy
- テレビでやっちくり~なおやらん模様Show these movies on TV~
But it seems that they won't. -
- 95: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:49:39.37 ID:JmdyeZhc
- >>88ネガキャンになってしまうからしゃーない
Can't be helped since it will just be like a negative campaign against him
- 91: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:48:52.28 ID:tMoWVNL3
- 浜田の深夜番組でも映画宣伝してて苦笑したI just gave a chuckle when he also went on to promote his movie on Hamada's late night program
- 92: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:48:54.10 ID:n6yZ5bCC
- 大日本人の最後はアメリカと日本の関係を皮肉ったメタなんやろ?作中でも「アメリカ好きじゃないんだよね~」って口に出してるし間違いないはずHe was sarcastic about the relationship between Japan and the US towards the end of Dai Nipponjin, right?
Even during the movie itself, there were lines like "But I don't like America~" so there's no doubting it. -
- 108: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:54:17.20 ID:xCErU+Qf
- >>92そういう裏メッセージとかが寒いわだからさや侍は馬鹿馬鹿しい方向にしててそういう点では好きおもんないけどHidden messages like that are pathetic.
That's why I liked Saya Zamurai for the fact that he set it off to a more stupid path.
It was boring, though.
- 96: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:49:43.84 ID:/o5o8s8f
- さや侍は本当に酷い坊主がJ-POPを歌いだすシーンなんて寒気を通り越して凍死するかと思うレベルSaya Zamurai was truly horrible.
Especially the scene where the bouzu suddenly started singing J-POP, I thought I'd die from freezing. - 101: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:51:51.85 ID:O49YrxPn
- みうらじゅん水道橋博士今田褒めてんのはよく分からん3人のみJun Miura
Suidobashi Hakase
Only these 3 people have went on to praise his works. -
- 104: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:53:27.46 ID:Az/z6iwU
- >>101みうらじゅんはネタ
Jun Miura's is just a joke
- 97: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:50:06.52 ID:q1lXVNus
- 理解されない天才みたいな風潮にするのは無理がある
Treating him like this misunderstood genius is pushing it too far -
- 98: 風吹けば名無し 2013/10/29(火) 17:51:05.47 ID:F3uzLCLJ
- >>97十分にお笑い芸人として天才の評価はされたからね
Because he was definitely recognized as a genius in the comedy world
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