It's much harder to see the real side of actors, unlike variety talents and idols. There are a lot of actors who will immediately make the headlines if they say something that isn't in their image when they guest on talk shows for their movie and drama promotions. These people, especially those who have the capacity to play lead roles can get very fussy about their own customs and pet peeves which more often than not makes their staff troubled.
"There was a time right after the great Eastern Japan disaster when Kuranosuke Sasaki took a leave from an on-location shoot of Hancho's 4th season, citing the reason that he's 'afraid of the radiation'. They had to temporarily postpone the filming despite their tight schedule, which really caused trouble to the staff. He's also pretty fussy, and says a lot of things about the scripts. There was even a time when they had to finish the script one month ahead of schedule so that Sasaki can perform his own check." - (TV station staff)
Shota Matsuda is another actor who is very particular about the screenplay.
"He might have inherited it from his father, but he's always got a very strong acting plan laid out. That isn't a bad thing at all, but when there are areas in the script that he cannot agree to, they stop the filming and he holds discussions with the director. Some of their lengthy discussions would take 3 hours, leading to the staff complaining that they get no more time to sleep." - (production staff)
There is also Yusuke Iseya who's got a bad reputation among the production staff of his co-stars. "Starting with Ryoko Hirosue whom he had a relationship with when he was still a model, it was also discovered that he had relationships with Ayumi Hamasaki, Hinano Yoshikawa, Kumiko Aso, and Takako Tokiwa. He's currently dating Masami Nagasawa. He got together with Ayu in her PV, Aso in the movie CASSHERN, Tokiwa in the movie Akai Tsuki, and Nagasawa in the drama Onna Nobunaga -- leading to him getting the monicker 'the co-star killer'. There have also been a lot of actresses that have gotten close and intimate with Iseya that were not published in articles, leading to the managers of his co-stars to stay alert and try to protect their talents from Iseya's poisonous fangs."
Actors are particular about a lot of different things that are not seen on screen. There are staff who may get confused by this side of these actors who are "craftsmen" in their own right, but all of them share the same goal of making the project a better one.
"There was a time right after the great Eastern Japan disaster when Kuranosuke Sasaki took a leave from an on-location shoot of Hancho's 4th season, citing the reason that he's 'afraid of the radiation'. They had to temporarily postpone the filming despite their tight schedule, which really caused trouble to the staff. He's also pretty fussy, and says a lot of things about the scripts. There was even a time when they had to finish the script one month ahead of schedule so that Sasaki can perform his own check." - (TV station staff)
Shota Matsuda is another actor who is very particular about the screenplay.
"He might have inherited it from his father, but he's always got a very strong acting plan laid out. That isn't a bad thing at all, but when there are areas in the script that he cannot agree to, they stop the filming and he holds discussions with the director. Some of their lengthy discussions would take 3 hours, leading to the staff complaining that they get no more time to sleep." - (production staff)
There is also Yusuke Iseya who's got a bad reputation among the production staff of his co-stars. "Starting with Ryoko Hirosue whom he had a relationship with when he was still a model, it was also discovered that he had relationships with Ayumi Hamasaki, Hinano Yoshikawa, Kumiko Aso, and Takako Tokiwa. He's currently dating Masami Nagasawa. He got together with Ayu in her PV, Aso in the movie CASSHERN, Tokiwa in the movie Akai Tsuki, and Nagasawa in the drama Onna Nobunaga -- leading to him getting the monicker 'the co-star killer'. There have also been a lot of actresses that have gotten close and intimate with Iseya that were not published in articles, leading to the managers of his co-stars to stay alert and try to protect their talents from Iseya's poisonous fangs."
Actors are particular about a lot of different things that are not seen on screen. There are staff who may get confused by this side of these actors who are "craftsmen" in their own right, but all of them share the same goal of making the project a better one.
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:44:19.71 ID:hRBPeKFW0
- >>1松田翔太のはいいだろ3時間くらい待てやその辺テキトーに流してドラマ作るからドラマつまんなくなってんだろShota Matsuda's thing is fine.
The staff should wait those 3 hours.
Other dramas will just let trivial matters slide through, which eventually leads to the dramas becoming more boring. - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:39:43.31 ID:rm9csiJHO
- >>1伊勢谷は普通に人間性でダメ出しされてるw役者関係ねーwIn Iseya's case, it's his personality which is being attacked w
It doesn't matter if he's an actor or not w - 3: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:32:44.13 ID:ZijT0/x+0
- 伊勢やはこだわりじゃなくね!
Iseya's thing isn't a pet peeve! - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:33:12.94 ID:wAa3h+Vu0
- 誰も問題ないがなスタッフの意識が低いだけI don't think there's a problem here with anyone.
It's just that the staff's level of consciousness is too low. - 6: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:33:53.15 ID:bZJSNtnm0
- 織田「面倒臭い奴等だなwww」
Oda: "These guys are so troublesome www" - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 21:43:13.56 ID:HLMyEPOBP
- >>6ODAさんが言うなwww
ODA-san's not the one to speak www - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:34:06.06 ID:7FudkrFcO
- いい人であることが求められる時代
These are the times when nicer people are wanted - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:34:14.06 ID:KnUavSD3O
- 少なくとも松田のは単なる難癖だろ正当な仕事上のディスカッション嫌なら監督なんかやめろAt the very least, I think they're just trying to find fault in Matsuda.
If they don't want to have proper discussions about work then the director should quit his job. - 119: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:59:05.40 ID:tSLvYfKY0
- >>8勘違いディスカッションだから迷惑がられてんだろw
They find him troublesome because he's off the point with his discussions w - 138: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 21:39:49.31 ID:4ICdSt7z0
- >>8だよな。素直に読んだら松田なんとかはむしろ真剣に作品を作ろうとしているだけ。
You're right. When you read the article, it just looks like Matsuda's serious about making a good show - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:36:23.17 ID:88pU930Y0
- 松田翔太、研音やめて兄の事務所に移籍したとたんにこういう記事出るんだね芸能界って恐いねSo Shota Matsuda immediately has an article like this written for him the moment he switched agencies from Ken-ON to his brother's agency.
The showbiz world sure is scary. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:44:07.70 ID:z2scodaB0
- >>15移籍したんだ?だからいっきにCMとかも無くなったのか?速水もこみちや松下奈緒みたいに大物が仲介してると思うので一気に干されることはないと思う。He transferred? Is that why he suddenly lost all those endorsements?
I think some big figure is mediating like in the case of Mokomichi Hayami and Nao Matsushita, so I don't think he'll be hung out to dry at once. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:37:33.47 ID:yXab/fHe0
- 佐々木は意外だわそんな奴だったのかよI'm surprised about Sasaki.
So he's that kind of guy? - 100: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:36:34.77 ID:F0BN6OPb0
- >>18震災の頃、イニシャルトークされてた
A blind item that came out during the disaster hinted at him - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:40:28.63 ID:UlITt4b90
- まぁ、あんなイケ面だったらガンガン攻めるわな
Well, if I were an ikemen like him, I would definitely go all out on attack - 25: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:41:07.78 ID:KJc1TTbp0
- 伊勢谷の父親は山本寛斎じゃん
Iseya's dad is Kansai Yamamoto, right? - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:41:50.79 ID:vHuoKGH50
- >>25山本とは異母兄弟なんだって山本の父親と伊勢谷の父親が同じYamamoto is Iseya's brother from a different mom.
Yamamoto's father and Iseya's father are one and the same. - 31: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:42:45.99 ID:4JvAdGfFO
- 事務所が大手じゃないってとこを差っ引いて読まないといけない気はする。あと、俳優に素晴らしい人格を求めても…って気もする。I think you have to read this without the thought that they're not from huge agencies.
And I don't think there's a point in asking these actors to have wonderful personalities... - 40: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:47:53.82 ID:lGZNBlZG0
- 佐々木と松田は台本へのこだわりが強すぎてめんどくさい伊勢谷は女癖が悪くてめんどくさい同列に扱うのはなんか違う伊勢谷は「人間のクズ」Sasaki and Matsuda are both too particular about the script, and are troublesome.
Iseya's troublesome because of his bad habits with women.
I think they shouldn't be talked about along the same line.
Iseya is just "scum". - 41: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:48:20.77 ID:4JvAdGfFO
- この三人が干されても構わないが、他にもいくらでもいるんだろ?変な人。そーゆー世界だよね芸能界って。I don't mind these 3 being frozen out, but there are still a lot of queer characters out there, right?
That's just how showbiz is. - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:50:39.31 ID:z2scodaB0
- 佐々木はBS歴史館のナレーションもやったりで段々仕事がなくなって来てると思う。なんかこの人は京都の有名な酒蔵の息子だし帰る場所があるからね。Sasaki's starting to do narrating gigs on BS' history shows, I think he's slowly losing work.
I heard that he's the son of a famous brewery magnate in Kyoto so at least he's got somewhere to go back to. - 45: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:51:49.64 ID:GiO200PNO
- これ読む分には松田翔太は別に悪くないんじゃ
Reading the article, I didn't see anything particularly wrong with Shota Matsuda - 55: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:57:10.07 ID:4JvAdGfFO
- >>45スタッフの都合考えるのも役者の身の振り方のひとつだと思う。大手から外れて自我むき出しにしたらオファー減るだろう。今はどこもスケジュールタイトだろうし、時間押されるのって現場全体が困ると思う。I do think that it's also the actor's duty to give consideration towards the circumstances of the staff.
He won't be doing himself favors by expressing himself too much, especially if he's fallen from a major agency.
Everything's got tight schedules these days, and the entire location staff will be troubled by the time pressure. - 91: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:26:33.91 ID:+IGXwd2LP
- >>45「こだわりのラーメン屋」が「スープの出来が悪い」って店開けないのはまあ自由だけど、役者は一人でやってるわけじゃないから、周りは迷惑だろI don't mind ramen shops keeping their business closed because "the soup broth is bad" and that's their freedom, but actors aren't doing these things alone. It's just a bother for everyone else.
- 52: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:56:29.46 ID:odNg0Irf0
- 元々銀幕スターなんて酒飲んで酔っ払った状態で撮影現場来て台本もあまり読まないまま本番してたんだからのが多いんだからこだわり強い役者はうざがられんじゃねBecause most of these stars of the silver screens would normally come to the filming wasted and start shooting their scenes without even reading the script thoughtfully in the past, so that's why the staff find these fussy actors a pain to deal with
- 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:56:32.85 ID:iLuLor240
- 震災後「ハンチョウ」の屋外ロケ拒否した関西出身の俳優ってやっぱり佐々木蔵之介だったんだw確かここにスレまで立ってたよななんであの時は誰なのかぼかしてたんだろうなSo Kuranosuke Sasaki really was the guy in the blind item "Kansai-born actor who declined the outdoor filming of Hancho" after the disaster w
There was even a thread here about that.
I wonder why they hid the identity of that actor back then. - 59: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 19:59:00.71 ID:nbaBAxRoO
- 現場が面倒くさがって良いものを作る情熱がないんじゃないの。
Maybe the staff don't want to do troublesome things and don't have the passion to create something nice. - 62: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:03:53.49 ID:4JvAdGfFO
- ほとんどの現場が役者に有無を言わさない巨匠みたいな人が仕切ってないんだもんね。役者が全員協力的ならそれでいいんだろうけどさ。It's not like all places have these bigwig directors who control the place and do not allow actors to give opinions.
Not having that kind of setup is fine, though, as long as everyone is willing to cooperate. - 66: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:06:52.25 ID:nlqvsDVJO
- 木村佳乃の名前がないのはヒガシへの気遣いですかSo Yoshino Kimura's name isn't included here because they were being considerate about Higashi's reputation? - 101: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:37:21.21 ID:vIH3UclY0
- >>66同じこと思った木村佳乃が書かれてないのはジャニの圧力?My thoughts exactly.
Did Johnny's apply pressure so they won't include Yoshino Kimura's name? - 106: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:40:42.88 ID:I9eUyDt50
- >>101めんどくさい人なの?
Is she a troublesome person? - 116: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:51:30.87 ID:03+Dm82W0
- >>101俳優とは書いてあるけれど3人とも男性だから今回は見送ったとか?
Maybe they didn't include her name here because all the other 3 are men - 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:10:05.45 ID:LentE1PC0
- 蔵はもっと舞台出て欲しいな~
I hope Kura appears in more stage plays - 77: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:15:45.72 ID:yjch6KpV0
- 面倒くさいと思ったらオファー出さなきゃいいじゃんオファーだしといて文句言うのはおかしいIf you think they're troublesome then don't give them job offers.
It's wrong to complain about them when you yourselves made the offer. - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:26:56.04 ID:4JvAdGfFO
- 松田家の人々は全員めんどくさそう。
I get the feeling that everyone from the Matsuda family is troublesome
Matsuda ww
If Matsuda's that particular with the script then he should act more properly www
I don't recall any acting roles that Iseya has done recently
- 111: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:49:45.87 ID:102QSSZr0
- 松田ってそれだけこだわってあの出来なのか
So despite being fussy with the script, that's all Matsuda can do?
He's bad, and he's the same every time.
- 115: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/13(木) 20:51:28.46 ID:yjch6KpV0
- >>111だから嫌われるんじゃない
Maybe that's why he's hated.
If he's bad, then he should just get on with the filming so the staff could also go home early.
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