4. Osamu Mukai
3. Jun Matsumoto (Arashi)
2. Masaharu Fukuyama
1. Sho Sakurai (Arashi)
- 87: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:53:17 ID:StRJOhOC0
- >>1若い女の子達からアンケート取ってるにも関わらず何故かK-POPスターが一組もランクインしていない&何故か嵐が全員ランクインしてる事から信憑性自体(察し)だなwThis survey was supposed to be conducted among young girls, but seeing how there's not a single K-POP star and that every single Arashi member is included just takes away all the credibility from this list w
- 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 10:53:36 ID:F8fcH5io0
- オリコンは信用できない
Oricon cannot be trusted - 8: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 10:54:46 ID:V7o75dJ7O
- 嵐がこんなに入ってる時点でお察し
You should already get an idea the moment you see all these Arashi members here - 9: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 10:54:51 ID:ooHDhLLY0
- 日本の女ぐらいだよモヤシみたいな男崇拝してるのは。海外では鍛えてないともてない。
It's only the Japanese girls who worship beansprout-like men. Guys without toned bodies won't be popular overseas. - 15: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 10:59:07 ID:tIIy8n0Y0
- 桜井は役者下手なのに、家族ゲームのきちがい役が妙にハマってたので、本質がそっち系なのかなと思う。あと、能力高いけど要領悪いタイプだよねSakurai's bad at character roles but he fit the crazy character in Kazoku Game nicely, so that must actually be how he really is. And I think he's talented, but a bit clumsy and impractical. - 18: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:00:35 ID:HA+rqzaN0
- 桐谷健太は私が貰おう
Then I'll have Kenta Kiritani - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:01:50 ID:HCrsuCMTO
- 往年1位だったキムタクもとうとうランク外か
So KimuTaku who used to be #1 is finally out of the rankings, huh - 23: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:02:22 ID:hUc7irQfO
- 福山雅治だけジジイで浮いてる40過ぎて独身のジジイにまともな人間いないMasaharu Fukuyama's the only old guy there, and he sticks out like a sore thumb.
There are no single grandpas above 40 who are decent. - 27: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:05:16 ID:73LcLaN2O
- >>23新橋駅行ってみ妻帯者のクズばっかだからTry going to Shinbashi station.
It's filled with scumbag married men. - 24: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:02:27 ID:TOdB1c7aP
- 三浦翔平と佐藤健は入らないんだな大麻よりよっぽどいいと思うがShohei Miura and Takeru Sato aren't in the rankings, huh?
I think they're much better than someone like Taima, though. - 34: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:09:40 ID:F+WdJhTqO
- 櫻井翔は今は真面目キャラだけどちょっと悪巧みしそうなタイプの顔に見えるんだよな。腹黒い役はすごく似合いそうだ詐欺師とかもっとそういう役やればいいのにSho Sakurai may have this serious persona now, but his face is also like the type that has evil plots in his mind.
I think he'd really do good in wicked roles.
He should play more roles like a con artist or something. - 47: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:15:14 ID:GEOztn4R0
- >>34実際、家族ゲームは面白かった最初は二宮の方が家庭教師役に向いてるような気がしたが、見てる内に櫻井がはまり役だと思えたねKazoku Game was actually good.
I initially thought that Ninomiya would've been a better choice as a home tutor, but the more you watched it, the more you got to feel that Sakurai was perfect for the part. - 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:13:31 ID:QwxspL7Y0
- >10位 斎藤工独特な教育法w受けて育ったので簡単な漢字もロクに書けないのってこいつだったかな?10. Takumi Saito
The guy who received a unique (w) kind of education, he's the guy who can't even write the easier kanji characters, right? - 53: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:17:26 ID:y4ut2pKa0
- 格好良すぎて国外退去になってしまった男性これが世界標準のイケメンThe man who got deported because he was too handsome.
This is the ikemen by world standards.
Japan's original style of ikemen
- 68: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:30:16 ID:GEOztn4R0
- >>53世界標準の1枚目だが、日本人でたまにこんな顔の奴がいるぞ服装の違いだけだろうな2枚目の画像は真のイケメンThe 1st picture of the world standards guy, I see some Japanese people with this kind of face occasionally.
It's just the difference in clothes.
The 2nd picture is what you call the true ikemen. - 75: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:34:20 ID:yr4p7a8hi
- >>68一枚目もいねーよ
You can't even find someone who looks like the first picture here - 92: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:56:46 ID:jMXggZye0
- >>68一枚目の方がイケメン
The first one looks more ikemen - 64: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:24:39 ID:F+WdJhTqO
- 櫻井翔と向井理は女受けするガチ鉄板。あとは年齢との戦いだな福山もかっこよかったけどさすがに最近老けてきた気がしたSho Sakurai and Osamu Mukai are definitely the guys who appeal to women. They just have to cope properly with aging.
- 74: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:32:54 ID:T4MqT3130
- 10代、20代のタレントは同年代でも魅力ないのか?
Aren't the talents in their teens or 20-somethings popular with girls of the same generation? - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:36:50 ID:leD037C4O
- 嵐の中では二宮が最下位なんだななんか意外
So Ninomiya's the lowest in Arashi? That's surprising. - 97: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 12:00:35 ID:qca2fTOT0
- ジャニさん今年は関ジャニ推しするんじゃなかったのか?
Wasn't Johnny-san supposed to push Kanjani this year? - 104: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 12:09:50 ID:UWV9sx630
- 櫻井は顔・学歴・収入・家柄全ての面において完璧だしねただなんか人を寄せ付けないというか、壁を作ってるように見える表面的には、爽やかで好青年なんだろうけど実際にはもうちょっと暗いというか、冷たいイメージSakurai's perfect in all aspects -- his face, income and family background.
But he doesn't seem approachable, and seems to have created a wall in front of him.
He may look like a pleasant and nice young man on the outside, but he must actually be a dark and cold person - 110: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 12:15:06 ID:ZCXEYfza0
- >>104家柄いいの?親父がキャリア官僚なだけなら家柄良いとはいわんぞ
A good family? You can't really say that he comes from a good family just because his dad is a career-oriented bureaucrat. - 126: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 12:30:52 ID:AVvjDVwz0
- ゴリ押しのシンケンレッド松坂桃李さんがいないじゃないか
Where's gori-oshi shinken red, Tori Matsuzaka-san? - 152: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 12:58:45 ID:B367f0W00
- 俺の要潤はいないのか?
Why isn't my Jun Kaname in here? - 76: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15 11:34:59 ID:RH+AH3WQ0
- 俺は圏外かよ(´・ω・`)
So I didn't make it into the list, huh (´・ω・`)
- 158: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 13:11:36.41 ID:StRJOhOC0
- 1位 チャンミン(東方神起)
3位 eyeron(ソナポケ)
4位 ユンホ(東方神起)
7位 ユナク(超新星)
8位 Fukase(セカオワ)
9位 テギョン(2PM)
10位 KEY(SHINee)
1. Changmin (Tohoshinki)
2. G-Dragon (Bigbang)
3. eyeron (sonar pocket)
4. Yunho (Tohoshinki)
7. Yunhak (Supernova)
8. Fukase (Sekai no owari)
9. Taecyon (2PM)
10. KEY (SHINee)
↑ I'm a self-proclaimed club-lovin' playboy and this is how the ranking of the guys that I hear from the girls in clubs would look like
- 164: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 13:26:41.48 ID:0qCmiMAE0
- >>158これは犬の品種か何かか?w
Are these dog breeds or something? w
- 172: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 14:04:40.12 ID:v9H7eDkSP
- 松潤って人気ないんじゃなかったっけ?
I thought MatsuJun wasn't popular?
(Related post HERE)
- 192: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 14:46:02.55 ID:LSMwnFF4i
- >>172松本は男からも人気あるよ
Matsumoto's also popular with men
The same old Oricon
I thought it reeked of stealth marketing, so it's ORICON STYLE, huh w
Right now, it's Hanyu >> everyone
What about Schalke's Ucchi?
- 220: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 15:21:06.47 ID:K5bYs0z80
- >>1
Looks like the guys who are ranking in this sort of list are getting older and older
- 223: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/15(土) 15:26:41.29 ID:qljV2Pxa0
- >>2201. 32歳 (y/o)
2. 45歳
3. 30歳
4. 32歳
5. 33歳
6. 42歳
7. 31歳
8. 23歳
9. 30歳
10. 32歳
Sota Fukushi-kun for me!
So old guys are popular, huh..
Fukuyama's been in this kind of ranking for over 20 years now.
He's the star with genuine popularity.
But when SMAP was still popular, all 5 of them would be in this too, right?
I did think that Kusanagi-kun wasn't supposed to be in there, though w
LOLing that the male version of Gouriki, Gou Ayano isn't included
Dafuq, Taima's 5th? This must be rigged.
He's supposed to be around 3rd.
Looks like I didn't get in.
There would be nothing strange if I ranked somewhere around 4th.
If it's a ranking of someone you'd like as your grandfather, then TOKIO's leader would've gotten 1st
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