Tachikawa lived in a child care institution in Tokyo's Suginami when she was 3 all the way to when she became 18 years old. She said, "There were no girls in the institution who wore cute clothes like Mana Ashida-chan's, and everyone's hair was uniformly cut short. I actually just laughed the drama off since it's just fiction". She proceeded to discuss about the things done to her which were worse than the drama and said that she was "made to stand for a long time with a piece of paper attached to her clothing with the words 'I am stupid' written on it", she was "forced to kneel (seiza) inside a cardboard box for 1 whole night", and was slapped so hard it made her ears ring.
She gave her opinions regarding the council who are asking for a public apology from NTV and are requesting them to modify their script: "Are you people really that great? There really are institutions where cruelty and abuse are occurring. If you've got time to complain about the drama, you should be striving to improve these facilities instead.".
- 4: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 06:55:49.72 ID:bonSXaXq0
- そんな正論は人権左翼クレーマーに通用しないRational arguments like this
will not work against left-wing human rights complainers - 5: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 06:56:14.27 ID:MWR/WK9r0
- なんだよ正論かよwとんでもないとこから玉がとんできたなwWow, a sound remark w
Looks like we have here a bullet coming from an unlikely source w - 7: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 06:57:34.04 ID:fBmY5Qxg0
- と、言ってくださいと日テレに頼まれました
"...is what NTV asked me to say" - 10: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 06:59:12.94 ID:hXu36VJt0
- そういやこの人いたなひん曲がった性格みると説得力あるわwOh right, someone like this existed.
Well, her words have some convincing power to them seeing how twisted her personality is w - 13: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 06:59:35.72 ID:EjDXjWrwO
- 市議の時はそういう取り組みしてたの
Did she tackle this kind of stuff when she was a councilor?
http://n-seikei.jp/2012/04/photo/0420_06.jpg - 212: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:57:03.32 ID:aRi/GiJ70
- >>13市内在住の証拠がなかったので、当選無効で市議になれなかった。無効を取り消せと「家では用をたしても水を流さなかった」とまで主張していたが、結局市議になるのは諦めた。She didn't have proof that she was a resident of the city, so she wasn't able to become a councilor due to her election being deemed invalid. She even claimed that "she didn't flush the toilet at home even after finishing her deed" when she appealed that the invalidity be overturned, but she eventually gave up on becoming a councilor.
- 246: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 08:05:39.54 ID:aRi/GiJ70
- >>212あ、無効確定まではわずかなあいだ市議だったか。訂正する。
Ah, so she technically did become a councilor until the time it was deemed invalid. I'll correct my statement. - 16: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:00:50.70 ID:MeLtEkqQ0
- そうそうドラマに過剰に反応しすぎなんだよっていやいやいやいやドラマがどうこうはまず置いといて、この林って娘がいた施設を強制捜査しろって話が別の方に発展していくぞこれはRight! People are overreacting to the drama!
Ooooops, let's ignore the drama first, but I think they need to force an investigation on the institution where this woman lived. Things will be heading to a different direction with this story. - 21: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:02:35.96 ID:X4HukO9+P
- >>16たしかにwwwまあ、しつけの度合いにもよるけど、自分を育ててくれた施設をここまで悪しざまに言えるっていう神経がわからないYou're right www
Well, it also depends on the degree of how she was disciplined, but I don't really get how she's got the nerve to talk so badly about the facility which raised her. - 18: 忍法帖【Lv=40,xxxPT】(1+0:5) 2014/02/07(金) 07:02:01.53 ID:dPmtqRzh0
- 虚偽申告かなんかでクビになった人か?
Is this the person who got fired because of falsifying her declaration? - 26: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:03:05.02 ID:QCd9gzRe0
- そっしってその体験談もまたウソくさいというねw真実はどこが出すかAnd this experience that she's talking about seems fake to me w
I wonder where the truth will come out from. - 29: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:04:13.91 ID:lGpL3oMU0
- って事は、こいつが居た施設では暴力が日常的にあったって事を言いたいんだな
So she wants to say that violence was a daily occurrence at the institution where she lived, huh - 33: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:06:28.32 ID:7+/XygvT0
- 全聾の作曲家詐欺よりよっぽどまし
This is at least better than than fraud composer
(Related posts HERE and HERE) - 39: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:08:34.38 ID:l1GqEgOn0
- >>33絶対その話題出してくる奴おると思ったw
I knew that there was bound to be someone who'd bring that up w - 35: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:07:02.93 ID:tomY8fEL0
- この立川って人がどういう理由で親と離別したのかしらないけど、もしそれが親に捨てられたとかそういう理由なら、施設より親を恨めよ事故死ならお気の毒としか言えないけどI don't know why this Tachikawa person got separated from her parents, but if she was abandoned then she should be angry at her biological parents, not the institution. If they died because of an accident, then all I can say is that she was really unfortunate.
- 36: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:07:33.91 ID:zB9dyQw00
- 立川明日香さん・・・・何者かしらないがグッジョブ!な発言やっぱ騒いでるクレームしてるキチガイは異常者だな施設の子供の気持ちを勝手に代弁して、子供の不安を増幅させるだけで子供の気持ちを盾に表現を萎縮させるだけのキチガイ団体Asuka Tachikawa-san... I don't know who you are but good job!
The people complaining about this are just abnormal retards.
They're talking like they're the voice of the children in the institutions, and in effect are just increasing the anxiety of these children. They're just a group of retards cowering behind the feelings of the children. - 43: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:09:40.20 ID:Oa/iQTXi0
- 施設で育てば少しは捻くれるよ。この人はどちらかと言えばまともだと思うよ。叩く方がおかしい。People will get twisted a bit if they're raised in an institution. I think this person grew up pretty well, though. People who bash her are the ones who are in the wrong.
- 44: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:10:02.93 ID:PB+usMtL0
- 高須といいこいつといい胡散臭い奴しか応援してくれないな
Takasu and this woman, it seems that only these fishy people are supporting the drama, huh - 50: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:12:38.57 ID:rVvAHDkI0
- >バレーボールを8歳から12年間しており、高校在学時に部長を務めた。>その他光画部・軽音部に所属していた。>高校在学中は、茶髪でスカートは学年で一番短く、ルーズソックスを履き、>授業中は居眠りか鏡を見ながら化粧するなど遊んでばかりの毎日で>雑誌『SEVENTEEN』を愛読する。>本人曰く「自信が無く、少しでも良く見せるためにそういうファッションをした」。結構、自由を謳歌してたみたいだが・・・> She played volleyball since she was 8 for 12 years, and was the club captain in high school.
> She was also in the photography club and light music club.
> In high school, she had short brown hair, and her skirt was the shortest in her school year. She also wore loose socks.
> She used to sleep, look at the mirror, or put on makeup during class.
> She was a fan of the magazine SEVENTEEN.
> According to her, "I didn't have any confidence so I dressed up like that to make me look at least a bit better".
I think she had her fair share of freedom...
http://gendai.ismedia.jp/mwimgs/c/f/250/img_cf3f83ae9e66a08785b8a7c193512bf479744.jpg - 140: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:36:37.75 ID:1HMf3PM30
- >>50こんなのでも市議か…さすが貫禄の埼玉Even someone like this gets to become a councilor?
That's the dignified place of Saitama for you. - 424: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 09:04:32.38 ID:DDH0rXDu0
- >>50>高校在学中は、茶髪でスカートは学年で一番短く、ルーズソックスを履き、>授業中は居眠りか鏡を見ながら化粧するなど遊んでばかりの毎日で立ち川が施設に居た時に怒られた原因って態度悪かったからじゃねーの?と思える記事ですね> In high school, she had short brown hair, and her skirt was the shortest in her school year. She also wore loose socks.
> She used to sleep, look at the mirror, or put on makeup during class.
That's an article that would make you think that the institution got angry at Tachikawa because of her bad attitude. - 54: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:12:50.25 ID:RdFNAAEH0
- ドラマを必死に叩いてた人間と佐村河内に感動してた人間といま佐村河内を必死で叩いてる人間は同類People who desperately bashed the drama,
People who were touched by Samuragochi,
and people who are now desperately trying to bash Samuragochi
are of the same kind - 56: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:14:29.18 ID:dAj8x3bx0
- 明日香が真実本を書いて一儲けする未来が見える
I can see a future where Asuka will come out with a tell-all book and earn from it - 581: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 09:55:17.61 ID:wS5HtbTU0
- >>56もうこの件について書かれた本出してるタイトルは「ノーモア立川明日香」wインタビューしてる人が結構辛辣に立川をいじめてるのが笑った。She's already got a book about this topic.
The title is "No more Tachikawa Asuka" w
I LOL'd at how the interviewer seemed like he was incisively bullying Tachikawa. - 57: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:14:32.30 ID:jBS1Q6ht0
- 明日、おまえらしかいない
- Ashita, omaera shika inai
* (Tomorrow, only you guys will be left) - 495: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 09:29:17.71 ID:GKE3MN7j0
- >>57じわじわくるーーーーーwwwwww
That slowly gets to you------wwwwww - 72: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:17:58.92 ID:gvHg+db8O
- 施設の実態を明るみにするのならドラマじゃなくて報道でやるべき。
If you want to make known the good things about these facilities, then you shouldn't do it in dramas, but in news reports. - 80: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:20:35.61 ID:xQLeTSQx0
- これで施設がごくまっとうなものだったりして職員の人達が激怒して「あの子は昔から虚偽癖があるんです!」みたいな流れだったらワロスwI'd laugh so much if the institution she was pointing out was a really decent one, and if the staff there would come out and say, "That girl has always had a habit of lying since before!" w
http://gendai.ismedia.jp/mwimgs/8/a/250/img_8ab69bea0f18ef13fab72fd911da896656237.jpg - 78: 名無しさん@恐縮です 2014/02/07(金) 07:20:31.30 ID:KmNhkCIk0
- これ、ドラマ擁護と気軽に話ししてるけど、別の大きな問題だよね。火に油どころじゃないのに、気づいてるのかな?She's lightly defending the drama here, but she actually brought forth a bigger problem.
It's not on the level of fanning the flames, I wonder if she's realized that?
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