When the games were still in the 16-bit - 32-bit era, Japanese games such as Final Fantasy, Legend of Zelda and Pocket Monster dominated the gaming industry, winning the hearts of almost every international gaming fan. Japanese culture and technology was widely received well and was far from being considered a "solitary island".
One reason why Japan's video game industry has been called a "solitary island" now is the different paths Japan's market and the international market have taken, making both seemingly incompatible now. International bestsellers have not become hits in Japan, while international users are having a hard time understanding Japanese games, such as DMM's Kantai Collection ~KanColle~.
Japanese games may be prioritizing the quality of the visuals along with usability, but this in the process might have helped the country get immersed in its otaku culture further.
- 2: 膝靭帯固め(茨城県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:20:53.68 ID:fhs9bKmy0
- 分かる奴だけ分かればいい
Then only those who understand it should play it - 3: ファルコンアロー(dion軍) 2014/01/26(日) 15:20:54.79 ID:FgApW39h0
- 飽和させる事が、もっともその文化を衰退させるに良い手段だからな
Because the best way to make an industry decline is to over-saturate it with the same thing - 5: クロイツラス(千葉県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:22:43.36 ID:tBxJnDhC0
- 萌え豚が全部悪い
It's all the Moe~ pigs' fault - 6: マシンガンチョップ(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:22:44.56 ID:49+Sph/V0
- 艦これなんて所詮萌えクソゲーと何等変わりない日本人の中でも萌えゲー全く興味なくて洋ゲーばかりやる人いるし人それぞれっしょKanColle is no different from crappy Moe~ games.
There are still some Japanese who have no interest in Moe~ games, and keep on playing Western games.
To each his own. - 84: フライングニールキック(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:56:16.13 ID:VjD34SIC0
- >>6変わりないというか萌え糞ゲーそのものですから
No different? That's precisely a crappy moe~ game. - 7: ストマッククロー(兵庫県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:22:50.60 ID:IO01d26z0
- 海外のほうが遅れてるんだよ
It's the international scene that hasn't coped up with the times - 11: TEKKAMAKI(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:23:44.22 ID:b5atQSSC0
- 艦これにも海外ユーザーいるんですけどね
But KanColle has international users as well - 12: サッカーボールキック(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:24:09.33 ID:hIirs9oc0
- そもそも「艦これ」は海外のユーザなんぞ視野に入れてないだろw国内市場に向けたものを「海外のニーズをくみ取ってない」とか言っても意味がないだろうに。But KanColle never even had international users in its sights in the first place.
There's no point in nitpicking on a game by saying "It doesn't have what the international gamers are looking for", when it's only aimed at the local market in the first place.
http://blog-imgs-59.fc2.com/k/a/n/kancollee/ebafd74b.jpg- 14: 急所攻撃(福井県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:24:40.51 ID:3+ReDykt0
- 仮にポケモンやドラクエモンスターズが携帯に出回ったら一瞬だろうなそれが出来ないから艦コレなんだよI think that it would be a different story if games like Pokemon and Dragon Quest Monsters were to make their way into the mobile phone market. But that's not possible, so that's why there's KanColle.
- 16: エクスプロイダー(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/26(日) 15:25:20.37 ID:OfuMJ/+30
- つか外人ってソシャゲやるの?
Do foreigners even play social games? - 19: ダイビングヘッドバット(愛知県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:26:46.55 ID:Hom/gVE40
- >>16ガチャが無いだけでソシャゲは海外発のゲームですよThey just don't have the gacha (slot) aspect, but social games originated from abroad, you know
- 41: レッドインク(禿) 2014/01/26(日) 15:34:06.05 ID:YsqgAB4Ki
- >>16うわぁ恥ずかしいなこいつ
Uwaa, this guy is pretty embarrassing - 18: ミッドナイトエクスプレス(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:26:39.76 ID:Q+iv199m0
- まあこのまま業界自体がソシャゲに傾いたままだと、気付いた頃には手遅れなんだろうけどBut everything will already be too late at this rate if the entire industry is this inclined towards social games just like it is now
- 22: ドラゴンスクリュー(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/26(日) 15:27:23.68 ID:RXRyBO1r0
- リアルな人(ゾンビ)殺しのゲームよりいいと思う
I think it's better than games where you kill real people (or zombies) - 23: 毒霧(大阪府) 2014/01/26(日) 15:27:39.84 ID:LDce+oyK0
- 艦これは日本アニメ好きにはウケるだろ誰もが誰も戦場の殺し合いがやりたいわけではないI think KanColle will be a hit to people who like Japanese anime.
Not everyone would want to participate in killfests on battlefields, you know.
http://livedoor.blogimg.jp/seijig/imgs/d/d/dd32aa6b.jpg - 24: 河津掛け(新潟県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:27:40.40 ID:46uPY0V80
- ある意味、前衛的なんだよwいずれ、また、リアル路線に戻ることがあるかも知れないが、その時は、また、日本が変態視されていることだろうよwIt's quite avante-garde in a sense w
There might come a time when the industry comes back to making more realistic games, but when that time comes, people might once again see Japan in a 'hentai' sort of light. - 27: ラ ケブラーダ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:29:15.38 ID:9AHeu0RTP
- 艦船美少女化は台湾がオリジナルだからな戦後台湾海軍旗艦丹陽にまでなった殊勝艦雪風がモデルのThe bishojo-battleship concept actually originated from Taiwan.
http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/160/2013/2/f/2fe7b82776df1e35e0f54383a6fe86586e01f9a21387504360.jpg - 29: チェーン攻撃(愛知県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:29:21.60 ID:zdoTz2V70
- 萌え豚が悪いって言いたいんだけどね萌えのゲームばっかり売り上げいいからね困ったもんだああ、ニンテンドーは論外ねThey just want to say that it's all the fault of the moe~ pigs.
It's because the moe~ type games are the ones that are selling a lot.
It's so troublesome, really.
Ah, Nintendo's out of the question. - 43: サッカーボールキック(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:34:38.82 ID:hIirs9oc0
- >>29商売だからなあ。しょうがないと言えばしょうがない気もするよ。Because business is business.
It really can't be helped. - 32: リキラリアット(埼玉県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:29:52.28 ID:oYZoCiXe0
- 俺みたいなおっさんにはかんこれも合わないKanColle doesn't suit an old guy like me
- 37: ラ ケブラーダ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:31:56.56 ID:9AHeu0RTP
- あれだけ細密でリアル背景の3dゲームを造りながらやることは銃撃つだけっていい加減飽きないのかよ・・・And despite making 3D games with such realistic backgrounds in fine detail--
All you do is shoot guns.
Aren't people getting sick of that already... - 38: ジャンピングカラテキック(やわらか銀行) 2014/01/26(日) 15:32:33.72 ID:6OXd6Dgw0
- 日本じゃゲームってオタクしか買わなくなったってこと?
Does it mean that only otakus buy games in Japan nowadays? - 69: 中年'sリフト(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:49:06.18 ID:R6u8AUDm0
- >>38ゲームなんて元来暇つぶしにやるもんなんだ。その暇が無いんだよ・・・
Games are originally done to kill time. It's just that there's no more time... - 77: ダイビングエルボードロップ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:50:58.13 ID:ESptk+40P
- >>69日本社会に於ける「一般人」の無力さの反映だよな子供向けのコンテンツと暇つぶしとしてしか、ビデオゲームには居場所はなかったIt's the reflection of how helpless the "average joe" is within Japan's society.
Video games only existed as "contents for children" and to "kill time". - 39: リキラリアット(東京都) 2014/01/26(日) 15:33:26.89 ID:kgrCc+9F0
- 日本は未来に生きてんだよ他の国の連中は銃撃ちまくりの戦争ごっこでもやってろJapan is living in the future.
Other countries should just keep on firing their guns and act like we're still in the war era. - 40: トペ スイシーダ(東日本) 2014/01/26(日) 15:33:46.57 ID:WmQDTs580
- 洋ゲーもみんな同じように見えるけどな
But to me, all Western games look the same - 48: スパイダージャーマン(東日本) 2014/01/26(日) 15:37:52.28 ID:GZZQ6EF80
- 萌え豚マンガ萌え豚アニメ萌え豚ゲーム一般化されるとシンドイなMoe~ pig manga
Moe~ pig anime
Moe~ pig games
It'll be tough once this becomes the norm for the public. - 49: 逆落とし(dion軍) 2014/01/26(日) 15:39:43.72 ID:Z5XhPwcc0
- 艦これって萌え絵が無けりゃゴミゲーだよな
But KanColle's just a trashy game if you remove the moe~ visuals - 51: ショルダーアームブリーカー(千葉県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:40:39.52 ID:yfRKx+tL0
- >>49あってもゲームとしてはゴミ
It's still trash even with those visuals - 60: ラ ケブラーダ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:42:45.39 ID:9AHeu0RTP
- >>51つか中国人が転売目的でアカウント買い占めてるから問題になってるよな
It's the game that has an issue where a Chinese person keeps buying accounts in order to resell them, right? - 52: 河津落とし(北海道) 2014/01/26(日) 15:40:51.84 ID:pPnemUBc0
- 撃ち殺すゲームよりマシかもねw
It might actually be more decent than games where all you do is shoot and kill other people w - 53: 河津落とし(大阪府) 2014/01/26(日) 15:41:13.47 ID:imqRJJDm0
- AKBが成功する国だしなただ世界で人気のゲームは日本でも売れてるけどなThis is a country where AKB is popular.
But the games that become popular overseas are also selling well in Japan. - 55: ダイビングエルボードロップ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:41:20.54 ID:ESptk+40P
- 日本では大人の趣味ってのは「マスコミ業界によって定義」されるものであって、庶民が自ら決められるものじゃないんだよね、だからマスコミ業界の「押し」がないゲームは廃れたこの呪縛から逃れているのが、秋葉原系の連中しかいないんですよIn Japan, the adult's hobbies are generally "defined by the media industry" and can't be decided by the public. And that's why games that aren't "pushed" by the mass media have become obsolete.
And the only people who have seemingly broken free from this spell are the Akihabara-kei people. - 57: チェーン攻撃(愛知県) 2014/01/26(日) 15:41:56.77 ID:zdoTz2V70
- なんでこうなったんだろうなあPS2のときは萌えは1ジャンルにすぎなくてまともなキャラデザのものも多かったのに萌え絵だから面白くないとは言わないけど、ひいてしまったり躊躇する人間も多いのにI really wonder why things turned out like this.
During the time of the PS2, Moe~ was just 1 genre and there were a lot of other games that had decent character designs.
I won't go to the extent of saying that the game won't be good just because it has the moe~ type of artwork, but I'm sure that there are a lot of people who hesitate and get turned off just because of that. - 62: ダイビングエルボードロップ(チベット自治区) 2014/01/26(日) 15:44:15.19 ID:ESptk+40P
- >>57大人の趣味・趣向ってのが、他人任せでしか決められない大衆しかいないからですよオタク層ってのは、良くも悪くも自分が好きなものを支持しているに過ぎない日本社会の「一般人」というのがあまりにもひ弱すぎるいつも周りを見て、マスコミ業界の指示待ちしかしてないから廃れてしまうThat's because the public can't think for themselves and are allowing others to dictate what the adult's hobbies and preferences should be. The otakus on the other hand, whether it's a good thing or a bad thing, are just supporting things that they like.
The "average joe" in Japanese society is too weak. He'll always look around and wait for whatever the media dictates, and that's why it has declined. - 59: キン肉バスター(家) 2014/01/26(日) 15:42:37.55 ID:+p8W5ydT0
- 技術よりも絵が第一なだけだろ日本は
Because drawings come first in Japan over technology
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