It was revealed on the 18th that SMAP's Shingo Katori (37) will be playing the lead in Fuji TV's spring drama SMOKING GUN ~Ketteiteki Shouko~ which goes on air in April (Wednesdays-10).
He will be teamed up with up-and-comer Mariya Nishiuchi (20). She will be appearing as the client in the first episode and will be playing a major role in the development of the story. Katori has expressed his excitement about the pairing: "She's succcccch a wonderful person! She's really nice!".
Katori's boss will be played by Honami Suzuki (47) who had her long hair cut short to even show her ears. Her last appearance in a drama together with Katori was Boku ga Boku de Aru Tame ni, which was also shown on Fuji 17 years ago in 1997. "It's really been a while. I can once again feel reassured as I focus on acting out my part."
Shosuke Tanihara (41) will be playing the opposing detective, while Yuma Nakayama (20) will be playing the part-timer in Katori's workplace.
He will be teamed up with up-and-comer Mariya Nishiuchi (20). She will be appearing as the client in the first episode and will be playing a major role in the development of the story. Katori has expressed his excitement about the pairing: "She's succcccch a wonderful person! She's really nice!".
Katori's boss will be played by Honami Suzuki (47) who had her long hair cut short to even show her ears. Her last appearance in a drama together with Katori was Boku ga Boku de Aru Tame ni, which was also shown on Fuji 17 years ago in 1997. "It's really been a while. I can once again feel reassured as I focus on acting out my part."
Shosuke Tanihara (41) will be playing the opposing detective, while Yuma Nakayama (20) will be playing the part-timer in Katori's workplace.
- 5: かかと落とし(石川県) 2014/02/19 10:56:40 ID:4JeHucqw0
- キムタクと大島優子の時もそうだったけど、親子ぐらい年の離れてるのは不自然だって。30代後半のおっさんを使うならヒロインも同年代にしないとThis was also the case with KimuTaku and Yuko Oshima, but it's just unnatural when their ages are too far apart, like a dad and his child. If you're gonna use some late 30s uncle then cast a heroine of the same age. - 49: バズソーキック(庭) 2014/02/19 11:21:55 ID:ULJEgrqfP
- >>5親子ぐらい離れてるとか言い過ぎだろwと思ったらあながち間違いじゃなかった…17歳差かよSaying they're like a parent and child is too much w
Or so I thought, but you're not exactly wrong there... a 17 year age difference? - 7: アイアンクロー(WiMAX) 2014/02/19 10:58:03 ID:M152kmEzP
- ジャニーズとか同じ俳優の使い回しばっかり日本のドラマがアメリカのドラマと違って幼稚に見えるのはそのせいかもねThey're just reusing all of these Johnny's talents and actors over and over again.
Maybe that's why Japanese dramas look more juvenile than US dramas. - 10: 目潰し(dion軍) 2014/02/19 10:59:34 ID:O/immjr00
- いかにテレビ業界の学習能力が無いかを如実に表しているな
This clearly proves that the TV industry has no ability to learn whatsoever - 18: 稲妻レッグラリアット(dion軍) 2014/02/19 11:02:26 ID:zgmJ4+WP0
- 香取は何をやってもパワー型の池沼臭がするからなタウンワークのCMとか見てると泣けるもう良い年なのに「バイトリーダー」ってコントかよ店長役にしろよKatori looks like a powerful retard in whatever role he does.
I feel like crying whenever I see the Townwork commercial
He's not that young anymore, and he's the "leader of the part- timers"?
Make him the store manager. - 20: 足4の字固め(東京都) 2014/02/19 11:03:43 ID:gnJhOXd80
- 三谷幸喜みたいな、元々がコント的な作品だと香取慎吾はハマるんだけどちゃんとした役を演じさせるのには、致命的に向いてないと思う
Shingo Katori would fit in wonderfully if it's a comedy skit-like show. - He just doesn't suit decent roles at all.
- 25: バズソーキック(庭) 2014/02/19 11:04:59 ID:QPHE1SHnP
- 30: メンマ(チベット自治区) 2014/02/19 11:06:56 ID:+e06tdAF0
- 典型的なとっちゃん坊や
He's the stereotype man-child - 33: 急所攻撃(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/19 11:08:30 ID:/e8t99x50
- とりあえず主役にジャニーズを置いておけって感じはそろそろ終わりにしてほしい
I just hope they put an end to this habit of "Oh, let's put a Johnny's talent here" - 44: ストレッチプラム(東京都) 2014/02/19 11:17:48 ID:9fBsNGaQ0
- 映画「男はつらいよ」をリメイクして欲しい主演は香取慎吾で同じ、葛飾区の「こち亀」もヒットしたんだしI hope they remake the movie Otoko wa Tsurai yo.
Shingo Katori as the main character.
Kochikame, which was also set in Katsushika-ku, was a hit as well. - 79: サッカーボールキック(茨城県) 2014/02/19 11:45:10 ID:/p0EZAIk0
- >>44ふざけんな絶対やめろGoddamit,
don't do that ever - 45: チキンウィングフェースロック(WiMAX) 2014/02/19 11:17:59 ID:ySreOS5U0
- また刑事物かよ
Another detective drama, huh - 51: ウエスタンラリアット(大阪府) 2014/02/19 11:24:07 ID:NP+wLLCd0
- げえ、これ原作好きなのにまじかよ…
Geh, to think that I like the original.. are they serious - 60: リバースパワースラム(東京都) 2014/02/19 11:30:56 ID:vhf+rBHj0
- フジTVと香取にピッタリなドラマって感じだな似合っているよThis drama feels like it's perfect for Fuji TV and Katori.
It's a good match. - 61: ファイヤーボールスプラッシュ(関東・甲信越) 2014/02/19 11:31:21 ID:4g4sKw+DO
- 香取は実写版キン肉マンを躊躇するな。お前の到達点だ。Katori, don't hesitate with the live action version of Kinnikuman.
That will be your destination. - 65: ドラゴンスクリュー(やわらか銀行) 2014/02/19 11:35:31 ID:slwENtBy0
- >>61wwwそれなら見たいwwww
I'd like to watch that one w - 69: ニールキック(チベット自治区) 2014/02/19 11:38:19 ID:J1dU4e1T0
- 前の水10ってリーガルハイの枠だったけどリーガルハイ1の再放送やってくれないかな(´・ω・`)
Wed-10 pm was previously Legal High's timeslot, so I was wondering if they'd show re-runs of Season 1 instead
(´・ω・`) - 82: バズソーキック(東京都) 2014/02/19 11:46:56 ID:AiZBNXjyP
- 西内まりや目当てで見たい
I think I want to watch this for Mariya Nishiuchi - 84: ファイナルカット(大阪府) 2014/02/19 11:48:32 ID:bMMeBN0X0
- 人にやさしくは面白かった
Hito ni Yasashiku was good - 91: ジャーマンスープレックス(dion軍) 2014/02/19 11:53:05 ID:D0+I/n1Z0
- 水曜のドラマって毎回パッとしないよね(´・ω・`)テレビ局もとりあえず枠埋めておけぐらいな作品ばかりWednesday dramas don't feel like they become hits every time (´・ω・`)
It also feels like the TV stations are just randomly slapping on something just to fill in that time slot. - 94: アンクルホールド(新疆ウイグル自治区) 2014/02/19 11:54:51 ID:j85+h01E0
- ジャニタレ出さなきゃいけない理由でもあるの?
Do they have some reason that they absolutely need to cast Johnny's talents in these dramas? - 100: セントーン(dion軍) 2014/02/19 11:58:40 ID:jc9csxYn0
- >>94この枠ショムニ2013以外の作品は必ずジャニ出てるもん家族ゲーム(櫻井主演)リーガルハイ(脇にKAT-TUN田口)僕のいた時間(4番手に風間俊介)それで今回の香取のやつ(バーター=中山優馬もいる)Johnny's has always been in this time slot, except for Shomuni 2013
Kazoku Game (main - Sakurai)
Legal High (supporting - KAT-TUN Taguchi)
Boku no Ita Jikan (4th from the top - Shunsuke Kazama)
And Katori's drama (Barter - Yuma Nakayama) - 102: パロスペシャル(東海地方) 2014/02/19 11:59:08 ID:drOKv02K0
- 香取と草なぎは池沼役は上手い中居は味いちもんめ的な役なら可稲垣は変わり者キャラキムタコはキムタコKatori and Kusanagi are good at playing retarded roles
Nakai can play characters like the Aji Ichimonme one
Inagaki as a weirdo
Kimutako as Kimutako - 104: ドラゴンスリーパー(東日本) 2014/02/19 12:01:26 ID:pVsQo71l0
- こち亀級のメジャーな作品を実写化してくれよ…ハクション大魔王だって香取がやればもっと話題になったはずI hope they make a live action version of something as major as KochiKame.
Even Hakushon Daimao would've probably been more relevant if Katori played that role.
(Related post HERE) - 68: ファイナルカット(東京都) 2014/02/19 11:37:01 ID:xW+2VTFj0
- 本当に面白いドラマを作ろう、ということでなく業界の都合で作られるのが日本のドラマJapanese dramas are not made because the producers want to make a good show; they're made due to the circumstances within the industry
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