Good evening♪ Mangaka Konomi here, I think!
As promised, here are the Valentine chocolates that we received for the Prince of Tennis characters... This is really just a small portion of it
Everyone, thank you so much!!!
Cardboard boxes wwwww
Look at these 2D characters, they're getting chocolates.
Look at you guys...
I'm sure that there are quite horrific ones included there...
Oh right, he made a ranking of chocolates received per character and put the results on the comic book, right?
I wonder how many chocolates here have menstrual blood as an ingredient?
- 17:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 17:48:16.24 ID:D603YBQw0
- >>15まじでこれ気になるわ
I'm seriously concerned about this
I know for a fact that Atobe's overwhelmingly more popular than the rest
Even if they distribute all of these among Jump SQ's mangakas, editors and anime staff, I think that there will still be a lot left
Don't Kuroko characters get chocolates?
If they do, then think of how much trouble it will cause for Shueisha...
- 33:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 17:53:09.58 ID:Nh8qLny/0
- >>26去年ジャンプ巻末コメでチョコありがとうみたいな事書いてあった気がする
I think I remember seeing the author commenting "Thanks for the chocolates" at the end of one issue last year
Majority must be for Atobe-sama.
He's perpetually Mr. Popular
If this were regular food rations, not chocolates, and if it were sent throughout the year, not just in February, then you can live just with that
I get the feeling that some girls sent in chocolates like GODIVA
I don't get why Oishi is 2nd
- 40:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 17:55:09.94 ID:EWkCWbxp0
- >>37夫にしたときに一番安定してそうだから、腐も長年ファンやってきて堅実な考え方をするようになった
It's like he's the most stable and secure out of all the characters if he were to become your husband. Looks like the fujoshis and the long-time fans are now able to think more soundly
- 42:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 17:55:37.52 ID:4ccp7RWW0
- >>40もはや意味がわからんな
Gawd, I don't get it anymore
I know, let's give it to the actual people who are voicing them
If the tradition says that men are the ones to give the girls chocolates then I bet that you guys would do the same thing
I looked for this
2012 Valentine's choco ranking
1. Keigo Atobe - 9,515
2. Shuichiro Oishi - 2,055
3. Genichiro Sanada - 1,773
4. Senri Chitose - 1,533
5. Gakuto Mukahi - 1,178
6. Shinya Yanagisawa - 966
7. Yuji Hitouji - 916
8. Jiro Akutagawa - 687
9. Shusuke Fuji - 667
10. Yuushi Oshitari - 657
- 57:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 18:00:16.69 ID:miMytWLI0
- >>52
- 66:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 18:06:47.11 ID:EWkCWbxp0
- >>57チョコが少なくなる→出番が減る→チョコが(ry
Less chocolates→less appearances in the manga→Because the chocos are (etc, etc)
It's the endless, negative loop
- 72:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 18:09:51.34 ID:Emk8faXW0
- >>66多分
It's probably:
Less appearances in the manga→ Fans do their best with chocolates
I think.
That's probably what led to Fuji's 8,000 pieces.
You can't help but think that there's no more putting an end to this since they keep announcing the choco count in the comics
I think I remember Gintama's author or something put out a comment saying "The staff and I ate it all, thanks"
- 60:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 18:02:26.96 ID:/SGzBrUIP
- >>55腐女子「は???!!!?何勝手に食ってんだよふざけんななんfjbしdjしじゅ」
Fujoshi: "HUH???!!!? Who said you can eat that, don't f*ck around jka9Q';"
- 63:以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします:2014/02/19(水) 18:05:08.76 ID:TJGaYP9q0
- >>55ワロタwww
LOL www
This is one type of a popularity voting contest.
Fans may say that they like other characters, but Atobe needs to be number 1.
Fwee... Fujoshis are so scary...
I'm amazed by this, but the real problem here is what are they going to do about this insane amount of chocolates?
Really, what are they going to do about this?
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